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Shit. Got lost in Javaland and forgot to eat. Too late now.
Working on an android app
Everything's been going really well, so I've been afraid to stop.
What does your app do?
It's a Sudoku app with a good UI. I could never find a decent looking Sudoku app on the market, so I thought it'd make a good project.
Is it almost done?
Hope you won't put any ads in it.
Not quite. I basically have the game engine and UI ready, and I have one puzzle programmed in that is playable, but I still have to build out a main menu, action bar items, settings, etc.
Nah, I don't plan to, they just ruin the look of any app. I'll just sell a paid version
I hate when I find an app on the market that I like, but that doesn't even HAVE a paid option. I'd rather pay them (and god knows I'm not going to click the ads, so it's not like they'll be making money off of me)
Interesting, once it is in beta you should like announce it here or something
Thanks, I'll probably do that. I'll definitely need some beta testers. The emulator is horrible and the only device I have to test on is my Galaxy Nexus.
Which reminds me I still have a LOT of UI work to do in designing graphics for other densities still...
Ha! You work alone in that?
Haha, yep, it's just me. Just a side project for fun, and hopefully $$ :P
yeah, cuz maybe I can help, I got 3 different tablets here.
Oh nice, which ones?
All Samsungs, 7inch, 8.9 and a 10.1.
Is there any minesweeper app in Play? =/
Nifty. Yeah, my primary concern for other resolutions are those whose widths aren't divisible evenly by 9. Spare pixel leftovers. :'( I've gotta still mess with my custom layout to compensate for that (for example, 480x800 screens will have 3 px extra to be distributed somewhere)
Hmm, haven't looked, but that'd be somewhat difficult for phones -- probably pretty doable for a tablet though
Just release it first on specific devices, models maybe.
Yeah, I'm considering whether or not to release it on anything prior to 4.0, but I know if I don't, it's a significant market exclusion.
Also haven't decided whether it's worth the effort to support landscape orientation. It's not that difficult, but realistically it fits much better as a portrait app.
If it's in a tablet, I tend to look for landscape.
Hi all, I have a problem about orientation on fragment..
Q: How to config specific fragment's orientation when orientation change?

AprilI have multiple fragments inside MainActivity I want to config on orientation change only in DetailFragment public class DetailFragment extends Fragment{ @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { ...

Do you have any idea?
Hmm, yeah I can definitely see it being easier to use landscape on a tablet.
Yeah I think so .. just customer need it supporting both =(
@April Sorry, no experience with Fragments here
@kcoppock never mind , thank anyway
@userIsAMonkey Thanks for the input; think I'm gonna head to bed. Night all!
No problem. @kcoppock
2 hours later…
hi there
@WarrenFaith Have you experienced in Fragment?
shot your question anyway :D
anyone know how to get the photo to display in an imageview when from a contact id, number or name?
I had that tutorial once on my blog (but it should be pretty outdated as 2.0 or 2.1 compatible only)
What's new?
I've left my phone at home ...
not much.
@Graeme How do you do? I haven't came here for a while
Well thank you - you ?
so so
Can someone give me a bit of help with colors?
I want to start off with a color like #002266 and then get a secondary and tertiary color's which are lighter but are in the same ... dunno. pallete?
So they all look good together.
I quite like this colorschemedesigner.com
It all look's awful but, you know, whatever, I'm not a UI guy :P
last week I try create somebg.9.png
spent whole day - -
o.O how come?
@Graeme I saw some of your question about fragment so, you might know the way to solve this
Q: How to config specific fragment's orientation when orientation change?

AprilI have multiple fragments inside MainActivity I want to config on orientation change only in DetailFragment public class DetailFragment extends Fragment{ @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { ...

uh oh
Hi, does anyone know how to meassure the dimensions of the drawable inside an ImageView after automatic scaling occured? (Not the dimension of the ImageView itself)
where is the difference?
if you know the ImageView dimension and the scaleType you can easily calculate it by yourself.
also you could try getMatrix() if that doesn't return null you can get the SCALE_X and SCALE_Y and multiply it with the bitmap and voila you are done
i thought there might be a option to get the Rect of the Drawable in a easy way
@April You have no idea what you're doing do you o.o
its not to easy to calculate because the drawable keeps it proportions and is thereby not aligned at the top/left of the imageview but centered inside
Every time I think I have the answer to you're problem I hit another bit of random illogic in your code o.o
but i'll try getMatrix() and see where this goes
ha ha
the matrix contains values that are used to draw something rotated, translated, scaled...
@April Now that I've just coded everything for you, go back an read developer.android.com because you obviously didn't pick it up first time around.
i get a noSuchMethodError: getMatrix()
@Graeme Thanks you so much
Since: API Level 11
@Mannaz If you have an image view with scaleType equal to fitXY then you're image dimensions are equal to your ImageView dimensions.
@Graeme thanks - this I know
but unfortunately it is not fitXY
WarrenFaith - any other idea how i can get the scaling of the drawable withouth using getMatrix?
If you scaleType is fitInside then find the "limiting" dimension of you're image (the one which is flush to the edge of the ImageView). You can then use this dimension of the ImageView to find the scaleFactor
i have to be API 8+ compatible
if(imageWidth > viewWidth) scaling = viewWidth/imageWidth; ?
i guess this can work
Not nessisarily
(I wish I could spell that word)
Because you're image's "limiting" dimension could be it's height rather than it's width.
To figure that out you need to get an aspect value for both the Image and the ImageView and see which is higher to find the limiting dimension.
yeah - i have to look at width AND height
... can't quite remember how to get the aspect value anymore, but you should be able to figure it out - it's not difficult.
necessarily (I use spell correction for that word EVERY time)
are you native english speakers?
what scaletype do you use?
well I guess then it's ok not to know it
@Mannaz my bad, it was getImageMatrix() instead of getMatrix() (though I linked the correct one)
and this method is API 1
getMatrix() would have returned the wrong matrix anyway
you than need to get the values of the matrix with matrix.getValues(myFloatArray)
"Return the view's optional matrix." - does that mean that there might be a null response even if there is a transformation being done?
does work
right, but no code copy/paste in here please :D
sure sure
"Return the view's optional matrix." - does that mean that there might be a null response even if there is a transformation being done?
read further
there must be matrix if there is some scaling done, so you should ensure the matrix is not null but with fitInside it should never happen
but never say never
1 message moved to recycle bin
@Mannaz I think the time has come to add a question to SO
and then post the link here
jeah, its already working - thanks to you all for helping me out
I hoped I had answered it :)
Should i still post a question and you write your answers, so i can give you some points?
I have roughly 12k, so I don't need it :)
3 hours later…
damn newbies misusing the flag...
flags for the usage of "hell" (which just means bright in German)
Yeah, I'm sick of seeing flags from the C++ Lounge. I want to just lay down a banhammer on the whole damn room.
true true
The PHP room got sad because we weren't complaining about it too.
hehe that was exactly my thought :)
Hey all, Anyone have any experience making a lock screen replacement?
waiting for the iOS chat to throw flags...
nope @Peter
@WarrenFaith thanks though
Nope, me either. In my experience it's a bad idea and always ends in tears. I've never seen one that works correctly.
You'll unlock it and then the stock lock screen shows up underneath it (effectively locking it twice). Doesn't always happen, but just now and then. Annoying as hell. I don't know if that's just a platform bug or shitty development, but it's happened with every lock screen replacement I've ever seen.
Oh really? I haven't seen that happen yet. I'm just not sure where to get started
Yeah, as far as developing, I'm afraid I don't have any advice other than to search SO and Google, but yeah, that's been my experience with using them.
Yeah thats what ive been doing, im looking into just making it an app that launches after the user unlocks their phone, like a second unlock but i dont really want to go that route
You have no way of blocking the "home" key afaik...
Not sure how you could create a lock screen without using @Glitch's method for creating an "always on top" layer that only you can interact with.
But keeping the other unlock screen down and yours up should be a case of faking a touch event or changing the system settings to turn off the lock screen explicitly?
Oh hai
guess what
You hear back on your epic gov code sale?
Not quite sale, I gave it to them for free
Ah okay
They're going to use it control the brightness of their arm mounted Android devices
Did you at least request attribution in their app?
that's cool
I think I saw a post about those on the verge a while back
I added a copyright line to the code I sent, otherwise nope
They're non-profit, I wasn't going to get anything out of them
Besides, this will look really good on my resume :P
Haha, yeah
"Contributed code to US Military"
sounds good to me!
you betrayed your country :)
US and Australia are allies :P
sure about that? :D
For now dramatic drumroll
two minutes later US declares war on Australia!
Wait! What if Australia's declaring war on the US? And your code is what sets it off?
You bastard! :P
Hehe, and you don't even know about the issues I was having with it earlier in development.
But the code I sent them was a basic cut down version. If they fuck it up its their fault
If they fuck it up its their fault always blame the other!
Well if they pass in the value -100 for a completely black display, that's their fault, surely :P
Well hey, I mean they have the general idea now -- if a team of them can't figure it out from there that's their own problem.
Also the code I sent them has to be specifically told to start and stop
it doesn't start at boot, so they can just turn the phone off
You gave the source for Lux to the American Military? Whut?
Parts of it
... why?
They asked for it
14 secs ago, by Graeme
... why?
can someone understand the english voice of that? translate.google.de/…
this looks like a device from the Predators!
Laughing run into a circular saw. WTF?
huh, random, but ok.
that is a phrase I use from time to time
Cool, I can now use @Glitch's code as a backdoor into the US military!
Unlikely :P
Who would have thunk it that Glitch is really an Australia plant who makes code to gain access to foreign states networks via trojan light sensing software.
hey, they asked me for the code :P
uh huh - they never suspected a thing!
haven't they just ordered linux for their drones?
mainly because the last issue they had was a facebook worm?
What was the name of the non-profit that contacted you?
I almost worked for a non-profit US research lab...
1 hour later…
The dude had my code crash, and asked me why, without even telling me what crashed and how.
Sure, I'll just get out my crystal ball! Hold one moment!
lmao. Now SUPPORT you should charge for.
yeah next problem he has I charge 90/h
then I'll think for 59m
And answer for 2h 1m?
I type really slowly.
Just set up a 1-900 number for him to call
I'm amazed at how many junk ROMs are out for this S3
How so?
just so many ROMs out there, none of which look any good
Most seem to be a collection of hacks from other users pre-bundeled
Ugh, yeah. Personally I don't like modified ROMs at all. I'm sticking with stock on my GN, but that's because it IS stock Android. There are a few ROMs out there that I'm sure are good, but I'm just not in the mood to worry about stability and bugginess.
Yours I understand -- I'm not a fan of any of the custom android skins, but I haven't really looked into the S3's interface much.
I don't mind stock S3
lol, found his bug
he forgot to add permissions
he is a pro... no doubt... never ever
I just told him that if he wants support, I'll have to charge him per hour
Not giving him free code and then wasting my time writing his own part
Definitely not. Nothing unreasonable about hta.
Hah, he said he can work with that
Nice! I imagine it probably won't take that long to work out, but still, not bad.
Wow, so I'm actually considering leaving Verizon for T-Mobile...they have a 100min/unlim text/unlim* data (*throttled after 5GB) for $30/month. O_o
I almost never talk on the phone, so it's a win-win for me.
I'd have to figure out whether the ETF would be worth it. I think it'd almost pay for itself pretty quickly.
that seems like a good deal
Yeah, I'm kinda surprised at how good their coverage is now. Much better than last time I looked into them (which granted was several years ago). But I figure if after taxes and all, I'm probably looking at $40-$45/mo savings. If I sell my GN for $300-350 to cover the ETF, then I'd have to pick up a GSM nexus for about $400. So in 10 months I'd break even, basically.
so I am off to see some soccer (european championship) with my colleagues.
have a nice day/night
you too, have fun
Wow, MSDN is horrible...
The documentation?
Yeah, that part is pretty lackluster
Trying to create a simple Bluetooth server in C++ has not been fun.
i dont get relative layouts at all, lol
silly billy
check it out
i use that, but the two elements still overlap
might be best to post the xml file on pastebin
i switched it to reference the 2nd view as being below the top view and it worked...
but now my bottom margin wont work
let me pastebin it
that works, except the 2nd element doesnt have a bottom margin when it ought to
1 hour later…
So that went well
Somehow I managed to score contract work for the US Millitary
and people said Lux was a stupid app :P
@Glitch WTF? $$$'s
They're paying me to add the code to their existing software
because they have nfi
$80/h to port Lux features to their special app thingo
So you now have the code for a military app ... sell it as an app on Play to other military super-powers
I don't want to die :P
I'm sure you could sell it to the israeli army without retribution ... possibly the saudi's also
Oh sure, and then get raped by the US legal system
No thanks!
It's ok ... that's just for movies and mp3's ;)
heh, I know right!
what is lux?
Brightness adjusting software
just dont have bugs or else it will end up giving soldiers position away lol
To be honest, I don't know why they're not just modifying the OS itself
Because despite having some of the most money, the US military has absolutely zero fucking savvy when it comes to IT ... securing your national military infrastructure with default router password 1234 for example
No shit, they only just asked me if I was a US citizen
They assumed I was
Should have charged for the code GLitchums
I wanted the resume opportunity more than the money :P
.... even better though ... see if you can get a job with them :)
They said if this work goes well, they'll have more work
I don't know why they don't use polarized film sticky plaster solution instead
subzero mode on OLED is a good solution
but yeah, changing display colour is going to be nasty
They should probably be hacking this at the driver level
I agree, at least for the night mode stuff
They want my red overlay solution, and I'm thinking "err... do you really?"
(deleted for security reasons)
sorry @nicedream ... access denied for no answers, incomplete profile, dodgy avatar on Stack Overflow
is rocking git version control
I've just started using Git myself, and it's pretty great so far. I'm cheating and using the Windows client (which by the way, is damn fantastic).
the command line is a bit hairy
I heard bad things about the Windows client
One of the guys in the election actually has negative votes. I'm impressed.
Apparently he was in one of the voting rings too, so he's doomed.
is there a zoom to fit scale option
i think not
Scale option for?
i have a box i want the image to fill, where the image is larger than the box
so the hope is that it will zoom in to fit
So you don't want either CENTER_CROP or CENTER_INSIDE for some reason?`
oh center_crop should work
forget i asked... im in design mode right now
I'm in "I just woke up and my bank account is still crying" mode
that was me last week -_-
that's me perpetually.
Yay, I can overload the subscript operator in Obj-C soonish
Which doesn't really offer me a lot of uses because honestly how often do you need to overload a subscript operator..
whats the maximum width in pixels for an hdpi screen?
i see 480 here but i kind of dont think thats right
There's not really an upper limit per se. If you had a 10" wide screen at 2400 px wide, it's still going to be hdpi. Not that anything like that exists right now, but theoretically I wouldn't count on a particular pixel width.
Use dips, remain forever safe.
yea i always use dp
but im just trying to find what a standard image size should be for an image that should fill the screen
Just all depends on the device. I'd always err on the side of a larger image, and scale down.
Go enormous and scale down if it's a noisy image (e.g., photograph)
If it's not, you're going to have trouble doing anything that looks good
it looks pretty good right now
you can also support specific widths by creating density specific resources i.e /res/drawable-sw720dp/background.png
well its tricky because im grabbing the image resources from online
and i want them to fit into a view
im just gonna err large i think for now, maybe build some kind of resolution parameter when you request the image if it becomes a problem
If you can request a specific size, just get the view's size in pixels and request that.
or resize dynamically in code before setting, that way the view doesn't need to do it.
I'd assume the view will cache the resized image, probably better to let it handle it
In other news, clang is iffy on the Raspberry Pi
My contact number/name problem is fixed! YAY! ^_^
It doesn't quite get file paths and blocks support is completely broken right now, which is unfortunate since it's one of the more useful extensions I've seen to a language
new problem though. How do I get the ImageView to display the contact photo next to contact?
@ChocoMan Do you have the contact's image?
:O So much win! stomach growls
@nil they are stored in my phone. Im testing using my device
So, when your adapter serves a view for a list item (I'm assuming you're using a list), set the view's imageview (assuming you gave your recyclable list view an image view) to the contact image.
@nil yes, Im using a list populated by my adapter. I dont understand how to set the imageview to the contact photo though. Would you like to see it?
@nil do you have an example?
I can look at it if it's in a pastebin, but I'm rather busy, so really don't have a lot of time.
@nil If you can get to it please take a look, but take your time when you have time :) pastebin.com/pxFPQtrR
So where are you storing the resulting photos?
Resulting is probably the wrong word, but whatever. Where do you store the contacts' photos?
@nil dont know how to get them. Saw plenty of code, but they were either deprecated or missing a lot of key pieces
Well, you'll have to work on that first then.
I'd assume there's some way to query the user's address book and get an image from that.
Assuming they're using a phone that uses Google's address book and not some OEM thing
thats what Im looking for
@kcoppock Already had tried that and it is deprecated for 2.3
Where do you see that?
long PHOTO_URI: A URI that can be used to retrieve the contact's full-size photo. This column is the preferred method of retrieving the contact photo.
@kcoppock Contacts is crossed out in my regular class, but if not in my custom adapter class. The strange thing is that when I put the method in my custom adapter class, i get an error for "getContentResolver()"
and "PHOTO" within Contacts.Photo.PHOTO shows an error
Well I have no real experience with ContactsContract, but that seems to be the way that I would do it, and it isn't marked as deprecated as per the official documentation, so I'd start with the second link I posted and do some research and experimentation from there.
cool cool. Thanks

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