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Old java.util.Date: I am able to parse 43-34-2017 as dd-MM-yyyy, how do I stop doing so? It shifts months and dates I think, can it throw an error or warning?
not without pre-validating yourself
I need validation right now because I'm an idiot. About a month ago I couldn't figure out why my old SQLite database wasn't migrating to my realm one and I gave up thinking it was useless but today realized that my new module has a different package name so it just couldn't pick up the old database. :(
step 1. uninstall realm
step 2. nothing, you don't need to migrate now
I meant to say room
I don't use that other shit
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Morning to all :3
Morning :3
2 hours later…
@W0MP3R our govern paid the whole referendum things with bitcoins to make it untraceable
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!
nice (?)
Very Good Morning WOMP3R :3
yup, t's just a rumour. the accounts tribunal hasn't found a single penny transference from the gencat to anyone related to the referendum
not even to the hosting companies of the websites
so it's good.
there's no crime if there's no proof.
morning womp and eric
@TimCastelijns what was kirflix address again?
you need to get a better domain name :P
carla.org made in barcelona CAR AI trainer
ok, firebase performance did work... they just took way longer than expected to show data
jordy / puta911
didnt update it for a while
What is kirflix
.... i feel offended
@MarkO'Sullivan I meant the marriage of your prince harry - heard last time you guys got a day off
can you run a release build on a phone like you do a debug build, with the Run option in AS?
Q: Android studio - deploy the release apk instead of debug

joe_deniableThe run configurations in Android Studio only let you deploy the default (debugging) APK, but I have built a release APK by running gradle assembleDebug from within Android Studio (as an external tool) and would like to deploy that instead. But it doesn't seem like you can change the APK which An...

@MuratK. what? A bit of a random post lol
he is complaining because prince harry stole away one of the actresses of Suits
^ who?
she quit
@TimCastelijns you can, but you have to do some "magic" in gradle
Hiya Cat, CF, Jordy, Warren, Mark, Tim!!!!! :D
hey Womp!
yeah I am currently looking at a screen of options I have never seen before, by selecting app|release build variant instead of app|debug
got so excited I pressed enter before i finished writting things x'D
you just need to find a way to provide the keystore data hardcoded
so a typical Womp3r :D
I have it in signingConfigs
be careful to not commit them into git :D
why not?
because you shouldn't share that kind of information permanently in a system
especially when you also have the keystore committed
key and password shouldn't be in the same place at the same time
oh, the info is already there in some md file. Just not in the gradle file
okay than lets home your git is secured as best as possible
hi w0mp
@TimCastelijns yeah I don't really care much about the monarchy, don't agree with it at all
You don't need to agree
but if you get a day off
I am the only one with this info, so if I die for some reason and it's not there, RIP app
I wont
I don't think, it'll probably be an optional day in here
I don't know what Britain's obsession is with the royal family, there's homeless people dieing on the streets while the tax payers pay for a family to live like kings and queens
Mark, apart from seriousness I would welcome anything that gives free holidays / day offs
same mark. I think it's a bit medieval
Tim, do you also get day offs if something happens with the royal family?
we never get days off
We Dutchies work very hard
I didn't say that
I did
Why is shitty Android emulator not rooted by default?
why would it be
Because now you can't pull all the files
Very nice, a non rooted emulator where you can't reach the /data/data folder
@MuratK. yeah more holidays / free days is nice but I'd rather it be for a bank holiday, not for some royal family member who I don't give a toss about
^ exactly my thoughts
I don't care about other reasons for public holidays either
"some wacko said some guy came back to life 2000 years ago. Let's all not work today"
yeah having religious holidays is one sure way to make some people in society feel excluded
I think most don't really care about the reason and they are just happy to have a day off
yeah I guess that is true
I wouldn't mind if they introduce royalty here which results in free holidays
@Jordy "run-as" is your friend
adb shell and then check what run-as does
what does it means to have a context that is not a valid LifeCycle Owner?
also, what kind of data do you need to get?
not all contexts have lifecycles I guess
netflix only adds shitty movies lately
I saw that this is what throws this on their code
> ((LifecycleOwner) getContext()).getLifecycle().addObserver(navigationViewModel);
in a fragment?
LicecyclerOwner being one part of the new Arch components of Android
adb exec-out run-as debuggable.app.package.name cat databases/file > file

Thx sir!
It's a View, extending CoordinatorLayout
I don't think a view should be lifecycle aware
ever heard of stetho? That works wonder for seeing and even modifying databases
Yeah but Stetho sucks
But wasn't that the whole point of the new Lifecycle component?
With Realm +4.0.0 @ Windows
why is that jordy
It crashes when opening the Realm file, tried upgrading Stetho with a temp. fixed version by some random dude. Works for 4.1.x, crashes for 4.2.0
I literally have the same code on my activity as their working one, with the exception of ButterKnife.bind
ehm I just see that the device file explorer actually does the same... I can browse the /data/data on my unrooted 3T
i also give zero flying fucks about royal family
and no we don't get free days either
@WarrenFaith I can't open the /data/data on my emulator/S6, S7, S8
Yes warren, this is how I explore my DB and SharedPrefs
They're all unrooted
At least Samsung is clear... samsung fucked up the run-as command
I think they really made a mistake with this architecture component stuff, design wise
do you have stetho-realm jordy?
Aaaah, so Samsung is the only one who actually managed to protect it?
why protect it?
Yes Tim, see txt above
adb pull works in every device we have
@CptEric Imagine installing malware with full root functionality :d
I don't see it anywhere
I think the same, Tim, should have been something people take care of n their own
@Jordy if someone gets to grab my phone, unlock fingerprint, usb-it to a computer, ADB access it and then put malware
he fucking deserves to install it.
But what if you install it by accident
AAC only works if you throw Separation of Concerns out of the window, which also happens to be one of the most important principles in programming
by just downloading some shady APK called CateloniaIndependent.apk
After installing it, your phone will also work independent.
but jordy
we're speaking about ADB access to the file system
also, apps now even ask your penis size as permission and peoples gives a flying fuck.
Yeah, if I can get adb access from my PC to the file systems - apps could too
let's face it, user lambs do not want any kind of privacy.
true that
so why care then?
just with the cookies webs left away you could make a data scraper the size of a big data inputter.
I don't, I want it to be rooted.
But it's good not every phone is rooted out of the box
you don't need to be rooted
data/data wr access should be normal
for any user
Can't access it
2 pc's, multiple devices
all non rooted
And the emulator?
samsung fucking up the filesystem
i can make a adb pull on the emulator
what emulator are you on?
Yeah I can do a pull aswell but not inside /data/data
The default
i can :/
i mean, i download sqlite db's all the time from data/data/thepathtomyapp/databases
Yeah I can only do that from rooted devices for some reason.. no clue why
Thought it would work
use sudo.
sudo adb pull
see if it works.
on a windows machine
right click on cmd -> run as admin
that's window's sudo.
could you place that comment under my img?
now it looks weird
i dont know how.
i'm not sure that works
oh boys, I can do my work again
sorry to hear that
@Maruf You need at least 80 rep to get access here
may it soon be weekend
Done for the day, bye
@MichelSchmitz You need at least 80 rep to get access here
Im getting better every day
since when is jordy RO?
he is practicing
Praccing for next elections
little does he know that those people don't even see his messages because he is not a RO
thought you can be RO by competing in one of these hunger games
Any reasons why I should get elected? Well, I never work at the office - I just chat here so I have plenty of time.
the RO games are created to give a sense of pride and accomplisment.
the blood is just a core part of the progression system, but we can tune the brutality boxes and the help vampire loot rate based on RO's feedback.
sadly the downvote did not reach 1 million: -674k
the downvote will strike back
OH GOD YES it arrived!
ladies and gentleman my gf and i are the proud owners of a star wars themed advent calendar made by lego.
just in time for december beginning
geek confetti falls
Just realized: even when you remove the last 3 digits from the down votes they are still higher than your reputation, Eric
i feel accomplished.
btc is on mad rush right now
over 10k$
75 years ago a son of a bitch designed and created how all modern trains work
asshole assasins might be intelligent too.
Alejandro Goicoechea, engineer and brutal murderer by indirect act.
Short poll: if you want to add a DI framework, would you go Dagger2 or Toothpick? Toothpick seems better with less code noise but Dagger2 is official... and thus maybe slower to get fixes...
Toothpick? Never heard of it
(None of above)
*other : [ I do not use DI ]
never used toothpick. Dagger2 - used it
so far I like Toothpick more because it is easier to understand imho and it looks familiar for my AA eyes
I would assume dagger2 has larger community thus easier to get help with, so I would likely use that (without having compared both)
toothpick looks far simpler than dagger2. gotta try it some time
Yeah that's what I would assume but if Toothpick is easier to use, you might find yourself not seeking help from the community
and toothpick has quite some activity: github.com/stephanenicolas/toothpick/releases
I still need to properly investigate dependency injection and where I could use it in our project
I like simpler stuff, but I don't like libs that are created/maintained by 1 random dude
they are two and supported by Groupon (as they are using their own library)
Is it possible to have a reference to an another string in the strings.xml file?
afaik yes
@string/ works
you can also do that for colors and drawable etc
reference the same exact row
create a string loop
enter narnia.
any xml resource can refer to others
any one used exo player?
our intern is making a music player.
quite decent result so far.
Excellent :) thanks peeps
Wait even in the middle of a string?
<string name="button_instruction>Press "@string/button_add" to add a course</string>
i think it required a special syntax
Yeah I think it needs some java code
you can't use java to make xml resources
Q: Reference one string from another string in strings.xml?

dbmI would like to reference a string from another string in my strings.xml file, like below (specifically note the end of the "message_text" string content): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <string name="button_text">Add item</string> <string name="message_text">You don'...

Q: Are parameters in strings.xml possible?

dhesseIn my Android app I'am going to implement my strings with internationalization. So currently I got a problem with the grammar and the way sentences build in different languages. For example: "5 minutes ago" - English "vor 5 Minuten" - German Can I do something like the following in s...

^you can
pass as parameter the other string.
that's not what he wants, I think
it would kind of work.
String notyet = getString(R.string.notyet, site, getString(R.string.days));
> <string name="notyet">Website %1$s isn\'t yet available, I\'m working on it, please wait %2$s more days</string>
It should
if runtime dependent yes, otherwise no
> <string name="days">A HELL LOT</string>
What do you mean runtime dependant ?
if it depends on a variable you don't know yet
seems like mark just wants to reference some button text
makes no sense to insert that in java
it's all in the xml
ah, yes, you're right
kinda. but raw xml operations are lame
Butterknife is for DI, right?
butterknife is the little bro of DI
it just generates some boilerplate
it just injects views.
DI also generates a lot of boilerplate usually
probably. But that is not it's real goal - for butterknife it is
I have mixed feelings.. some library only works with Butterknife that i don't use in my app, si i'm tempted to include it just for this but i can't stand the Idea of including it just for this lib
yes, it is... I usually don't find it hard including Java libs and modules, but this one...
With my luck I keep getting crazy exceptions, like this github.com/mapbox/mapbox-navigation-android/issues/222
my code had 30k methods with all its dependencies, by adding this I hit the 64K dex limit
who decided that you should use mapbox?
so ended up including their project and fixing duplicates by myself and removing useless stuff, but looks like it's not enough..
The client... :)
at 1 week from going to prod we dumped Skobbler for this
> When your users want to get from one location to another, don’t push them out of your application into a generic map application.
first line in the readme already made me cringe
marketing on github repos XD
they literally include all the dependencies I've been avoiding so far
I read it as "when your users want to get from one location to another, don't show them something they already know and use and is provided by a company that has been doing this for 20 years, instead show them our map that is maintained by 3 people and has 102 open issues"
hey it looks like a nice library.
i'd offer both options
but it looks pretty cool.
better than google map's features for SDK "routes".
Honestly, their demo app is good and the sdk is clean. But the core is... not sure Boilerplates is enough to describe it
welp i doubt its better than google
Using google you have a lot of Legal terms to take care of
and you're legally allowed to use google maps for drawing routes for navigations
as worse as N can be, it will be always be better than 0
and 0 is google's support for location routing in-App
best you can do is a shitty version of the old google maps step by step movements
using a cluterred-of-data api
honestly I don't understand the need for this kind of 'in app' functionality. I know clients dig it, I just don't get it
take technician A(lbert) to Box #40402201 to check it's content
Eric - it's illegal (taken from the terms of google) their Map cannot be used in navigation :D
that's what i say : 0 support.
so anything than that 0 is fine in comparision
except skobbler XD
Box #40402201 is in warehouse 43, floor 6.
Tim - so if you offer features that you want to keep alive when navigating, you can just open google navigation intent, hence the embedding
on this concrete lat long
sending the user to the google maps "walking" api is shitty in this case
and i see mapbox allow for interior mapper layouts
yes, and also if you want to create your own map (own gis layers) mapbox allows you to do that on their studio
(Of course, given that the basic code works)
@CptEric yeah I think that is the only way it can be done, not directly through the strings file
wow, 6.8% code coverage in my project
at least we finally know that number :D
6.8% more than for me :D
@MarkO'Sullivan check top answer in my link
@TimCastelijns thanks Tim!
How do you check code coverage? Mine will be impressively shite
I use build in jacoco plugin with some copied gradle task plus sonarqube
sonarqube does more, but also shows code coverage
jacoco alone creates an html file with details about code coverage, too
Apparently you can do it by clicking run Tests in Shot Scope with coverage, says 1% classes, 0% lines covered in package
you can do that all within Android Studio too but that is not really a permanent information
sonarqube gives you also changes over time
this project does not even have test or androidTest packages
think I removed them in 2015
what are general things to really take a closer look at when given plenty time to refactor an app?
one of the things is long methods i guess
package structure, naming, if you have a consistent architecture... even a bad architecture is better than none
I plan to apply some mvp
naming surely. I had a junior dev whose din't following naming conventions and i had a big problem debugging
he named phone number with id input_email. You go crazy when debugging
I think I named everything pretty OK. App mostly has issues in structure and other high level stuff. I started working on this in 2015 when I was still a student, and kept building more and more on top of a demo version. Never was given an opportunity to improve what was already there, until now. At least they asked me to compile a list of what I want to refactor
wow nice
atleast you get the time to refactor code
Hiya Ahmad, Mauker, Raghunandan!!!!! :D

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