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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

They fixed the stars
2 hours later…
@codeMagic I wanted it to be consistent with all of my other social media, but I kinda regretted changing this one lol
Having mnesia as part of Erlang's kind of handy for just fiddling with stuff
♩ ♪ Everything is falling ♫ ♬
when you put money into crypto
Created my first D&D character today, looking forward to getting to play that for the first time
How can I trim top 20% of imageView. Its like setting that 20% of it to View.GONE and rest to View.VISIBLE?
Will a layerlist or inset do this? negative margin?
imageView is stuck to top of the screen.
@Paulw11 Welcome! Before participating, please read our room rules.
“I have read and understood the rules
😃 Thanks! Welcome.
I am not an Android developer, so I apologise if my question is really obvious, but hopefully someone can give me a quick pointer of where to start looking rather than having to spend hours looking through Android documentation.
yo adam
I have created an app for internal use at our company that pulls Azure AD information and uses that to populate callerID information on iOS. Is there a similar API for Android that can be used to provide names/numbers to let the device recognise callers that aren't in the contacts list?
So your issue is trying to find an API that does this? Or do you have an API that does this but you want to understand how to interface with it?
Hey CF how are you
@Paulw11 use that api for android web api arent different for ios and android
adam i am good wbu isnt it night there?
I would like to know if there is a framework/library/whatever it is called on Android that does this. On iOS it is part of the CallKit framework; your app provides a list of names/numbers via that framework and then when an incoming call come in, if the number isn't in the contact list but is in the app's list it will show "app name: John Smith" or whatever
i am not even sure why i am awake this early today :(
Hmm. One may exist, but I personally haven't used it.
paul i am not even sure are you asking about web api or android api?
elaborate pls
Ok. I presume that there probably is something, since call blocking apps exist for Android and they would need to use something like that. I can search through the Android developer documentation. I was just being lazy and hoping someone would say "Oh yes, that is the xyzzy framework".
I am talking about Android. The Azure AD web service stuff is straight-forward.
android allows you to do whatever you want
truecaller already exist
Exactly, so it must be possible. Perhaps it is even more straightforward on Android; Presumably my app can get notified that there is an incoming call, perform a name/number lookup and then modify the caller id information that is shown
you can do all that
On iOS you can't do that for privacy reasons; that is why the app provides a list of names/numbers for iOS to use.
Ok. Cool. I can go read up on that.
yeah tho i wont tell you how to do that its homework for you
good day
Good Morning
No, that is fine. I just wanted to avoid an "is it possible?" question on SO.
cf is your image picker library public or private?
almost all of my libs are private except the networking one
many photo picker libraries are giving an issue with glide 4.2.0 , cant find a decent one
true that is why i made one in the first place
just get their source code open it modify it and there you go
i need to create 1 ,this week end
should be easy enough
why do chinese people write how to use a library in chinese , cant understand a shit
well because they dont know english i guess?
even if they know english they prefer chinese
probably they only want chinese people to use it
@AdamMc331 LMAO
1 hour later…
@rupinderjeet elaborate pls
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
Vgm WOMP3R :3
good morning womp
W0MP3R good morning
I can't get an LED to turn off :(
go fuse it
But I want it to keep turning on
Hiya Cat, CF, Jaiprakach, Raghav!!!! :D
Raghav hv you tried
android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), "notification_light_pulse", 1);
1 - indicate on state 0 - indicate off state
I'm not doing Android
@TristanWiley yeah i did it
it matches the Rlemon's chrome extension pattern
Hiya Eric, Ronak!!! :D
Hiya Warren!!!! :D
take a look at BroadcastReceivers and the system package "com.android.internal.telephony"
when using the latter, be ready to use some Java reflection, since some parts of the API is not public
@Redman matisse:0.4.3 works with glide 4.2.0
Hiya Mehdi, Tim, Murat!!!! :D
allright time to read about multithreading from clean code
and realize how shitty my code is
can't wait \o/
Hiya Netpork, Ocus!!!! :D
this is blog.sqisland.com/2015/01/partial-slidingpanelayout.html nice to get something similar to gmail on tablets
@MuratK. once you code something clean share it with us \o/
man my code is always clean
pinky promise
allright nothing ordinary just some explanation about threading vocabulary
which means my code is clean code \o/
So I am allowed to order books. Looking for android books
any recommendation?
@MuratK. haha!
most of the books seem like a code dump :/
don't buy raghav's book
it has bad reviews
@TimCastelijns i am getting this issue github.com/zhihu/Matisse/issues/179 with matisse
There are even books on how to use a smartphone.. thefuck?
@Redman yea you have to change the thing
jianshu.com/p/220a7e5ce321 provide custom glide engine
Hiya Mark, Redman!!!! :D
If you need help I can send mine
@Redman the answer is really obvious: "晓得了。。原来是GlideEngine中使用了不存在的asBitmap()方法,应该是已经过时了"
ok , i understand a little , is place holder and error mandatory in glide engine?
@Ocus i dont understand chinese
@OcuS I don't understand how some people don't even read the exceptions...
guten tag.
Dir auch einen guten Tag!
Hiya Maurize!!!! :D
@MehdiB. Thanks. Yes, I have done a little more research and it seems that Android doesn't have a nice simple interface for this like the Callkit framework in iOS. The most common solution seems to be putting another window on top of the native call screen with the caller details
That's right, that API is a nightmare
@TimCastelijns Thanks
why is the room silent?. Busy?
out of respect for the dutch king
dutch king?
king of the netherlands
Why is everything being starred?
out of respect for the dutch king
Hiya Cygery, Raghunandan!!!! :D
Hiya Womp.
germans like to star something
not sure if ww2 joke
stackoverflow.com/questions/46931551/… should i vote to close this question?.
@Redman maybe you don't need to understand, just copy paste into your code ^^
tim, so innocent :/
@Raghunandan not sure what kind of shit that is
yup. is there a question!. no i guess
Lunch time!! :D
Hiya Mauker!!!! :D
My bus tracker is complete
I no longer need to wait at the bus stop for excessive time periods
And I don't need to think about it
I'm a simple man
If the LED says I walk, I walk
If the LED says not to walk, I don't walk
user image
18 hours ago, by Raghav Sood
user image
18 hours ago, by Raghav Sood
Raghav vs. Debugging the ESP over a serial port
i wasn't here 18 hours ago :(
wow that addon bar
@TimCastelijns lol
I disagree - this is a solution to my problem. and yes, I did answer myself. — elcuco 6 mins ago
Hiya Womper!!!! :D
@RaghavSood I need something like this, I find myself constantly running for the bus because it's arriving sooner than I expect
I'm doing up a blog post now, feel free to swap in your own Bus API
give github link
I'll post it when I'm finished writing :P
Here's the progress so far
Hiya Graeme!!!! :D
Not a whole lot, running low on sleep
Me too
I got to sleep last night at like 3am lol
Accident Jordy is back alive
@Graeme welcome aboard
Something scary happened to me the other night and it's keeping my brain in "pre-panic" mode. Not fun
That's not good, have you went to the doctors about it?
What happened?
What i intend to do is check whether a certain library exists and change the logic accordingly. For example, if retrofit exists do something otherwise fallback to regular httpurlconnection — Fouad 4 mins ago
Just something scary
Ok, sorry for bringing that up
Have registered to be put onto a list, to find me a doctor, so I can register with a doctor, so I can eventually see a doctor
@MuratK. That might be useful if you are writing a lib that might want to connect with other libs
I brought it up - all good
Like Glide, if you have OkHttp on your project, it can use it. Otherwise it falls back to something else
@Graeme Just hope everything is fine
That makes no sense
@Mauker Me too! Thanks
@MuratK. Why?
@Graeme it is
Hiya Jordy, Zoe!!!! :D
@Jordy wut?
@Mauker my lib does that :)
It's useful info
my lib also allows you to use different client for different type of request
damn i should properly complete that lib
I have a very curios scenario: In the layout editor I created a LinearLayout in circle shape. It's 200dp x 200dp. If I build the app and test it on my phone, the layout stretches in the width? It's like I don't care if you insert fix dimension, I will stretch it anyway. This is my layout: pastebin.com/K4KS5K42
Had accident with scooter in the dark. Very slippery road because of mud (shitty farmers left it) with this as the result: https://imgur.com/a/Ahjs6
Picture was right after the accident, looks way worse now. My hand is also fucked (+ sliced off part of my thumb). Can't move my right arm and have bruises all over my body.
hia womper
@Jordy Damn, get better soon. Sucks to get wiped out
Thanks :) took 2 days off, today I started working again.
@Graeme (couldn't see the map until now) that's just along the E6, there's civilization around there too (though none of those roads are mapped for streetview)
Typing just a little shitty with my thumb
I would just sit on the side of the road and watch the View if I lived there. It's amazing.
There are areas higher up with a better view
So I can imagine!
One of the main residential areas around here has a good view, there are nearby mountains where you can get an even better one
@Graeme could imagine a lot of places in Canada / Scandinavia really nice to live. Up north in Scotland looks pretty awesome too (haven't ventured that far myself though)
Yeah, that's why we moved over here. We live in Toronto right now which is very flat :P But still very beautiful
At least Norway has a lot of mountains (some places like Nordland that's a problem, they end up having to blow their way through that entire part of the country to make roads)
Flatter than Netherlands?
Ah Norway <3
@Jordy sorry to hear that, hope you feel better very soon :/
Thanks mate, already feeling way better than past 2 days so I'll be fine
Didnt break anything, lucky me
and no expected scars on the face, right?
I hope not haha, my face the day after looked like this: imgur.com/a/59484
So I wouldn't be surprised if it resulted in scars
Oh, wow
That's gotta hurt. get well soon Jordy :)
Damn... make sure to use the anti-cicatrix gels
"Jordy Scarface, first of his name, defender of dry roads, Lord of The Scooterlands, Loyal Servant to Skynet, and eventual ruler of the Netherworlds"
Did you die, Jordy?
Okay, I'm not that good at Kotlin. Did I get this right?
A: TextView Null after inflating parent layout

MaukerYou're not using findViewById() anywhere in your code. Instead of doing: var thetitle = infv.tck_event_title Try this: var thetitle = infv.findViewById(R.id.tck_event_title) as TextView Or the equivalent ID of that TextView you're trying to use. Also, you're creating a new LayoutInflater...

lol murat
Hmmm, he might be using the view extension properties
looks like you got it right
The way he was doing it could be possible with the right imports I guess. But I can't know that with the code he provided
@MuratK. Nah, weed does not perish (and no, I don't mean the green weed in this case).
You mean the blonde one?
@MehdiB. Actually a good idea, will get it when im off from work
@Jordy oh that looks bad
@Jordy nice
@ColdFire Why are we pinging so much?
When you have latency, you ping
@Mauker just because....
Hoped SO could heal my hurts
SO is my church - this is where I heal my hurts.
Question: I had an accident and injured my face, what do? - Answer: What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?
I got a fatal error right after the crash
Well, atleast I'm not braindamaged since I've got none
@Mauker Face not found? :D
That's why it's a good idea to keep your brain on a bottle
o_0 like gini
so many flags pfffft
@ColdFire what flags?
no Mauker
chat flags mehdi
I don't see anything
only 10k+ see those
oh, interesting
What messages have been flagged?
> You earn 22.5838 million larvae per second. (×389K bonus)
I completely forgot about my swarm
not in this room
ah XD
lol, Tim is that you?
Check out realm.io It has pretty good Android SDK to store data. I wouldn't use Shared Prefs. It's not good for storing list of your custom card objects. — Ugurcan Yildirim 7 mins ago
tim's clone^
I don't think Tim has a fake Turkish profile
well its turkish version of tim
yo @codeMagic
@Mauker Wait. There's a larvae clicker? stops playing the clip game
pfft clips is old
Welp, now I got more to do :D
You're welcome
how is the progress on laptop Mauker?
If I go all in (use my other savings) 13%
If I use only from the help I got, 8%
Working's being a pain without my laptop :(
Is it possible to pick up a second hand laptop?
They're usually cheaper
Or a mac mini or something
@Mauker what is the cost of laptop you wanna buy?
also you could get a mac mini i suppose
holy shit 3k that is costly
It is
If I want to have something like what I had
@RaghavSood Looking into it already
i dont prefer second hand tho
we dont know the laptop condition
@ColdFire That's because I'm not looking at the price on the Brazilian stores
It could be a lot worse
I'll try to import from the US...
Cause a new MBP on Brazil is... terribly costly
let me check how much
How much is a round trip ticket to the US? :P
You might end up saving money if you fly to the US, buy a laptop, and fly back
Source: I buy all my Macs from the US
more than double
You guys gotta work on those flight prices
Ticket to the US is nearly 1K already for me :p
Sorry, that's the MBP price
on brazil
the 15 inch one
@RaghavSood maybe a 2 ways flight ticket to Colombia would be more interesting?
(that's at least what they said on Narcos)
Powder for days
Instructions unclear, started drug empire
Would buy from Raghav
@RaghavSood It's cheaper to do that
Usually is
@MuratK. Rude :d
Noooo man
@MuratK. I didn't get the joke
Watching this clip brings back my youth sentiment
Damn am I that old already
Yeah Mon, But we Have To Finish Tha Race
(That's from memory)
Whenever someone hurts himself I jokingly ask if they died - but only few people know the scene from that movie :/
How can I notifyDataSetChanged for all fragments in viewpager?
actually adapters in these fragments.
@rupinderjeet A callback?
Make Fragments extend an Interface, Cycle through all fragments and cast them to Interface, Call notifyDataSetChanged on Interface, which in turn calls through to Adapters. Include Null checking. Rep Please.
> +1
Time to leave the office
bye and good luck on the road
Careful of mud Jordy
^ will do, I'm little scared driving now
Roll cages and seatbelts
and if you go down
thanks, I am trying. I thought about local broadcasts at first
take em with you
Yo @ColdFire
I'm not really here though
@rupinderjeet Could work. An EventBus too
@codeMagic well i saw you close a question which i did so ...
Ah. Yeah I don't mind being there during the day but in here is a little scary
lol scary
I still try to stay off the main site but it's hard to stay away completely :p
Hiya Rupin, cM!!!!! :D
oh lol true
well a android room full of people not doing android apparently
Hi, womp womp
Hi womp womp womp!
Hiya Carl!!!!!! :D
what's going on, purple girl
yo carl
wow womps last few messages are all hiya ones
that's the wompbot way
oh and I missed Trangle Man
yeah he is offline now
> You own 83,056 hive empresses.
Not much, a bit stressed with work (deadline is almost here, and lots of things are still changing), but otherwise I'm pretty fine :D
ohhh wompah
I nearly forgot
The ChatSE thing, ever managed to look at it?
> a bit stressed with work
> The ChatSE thing, ever managed to look at it?
Well, at least now we know why
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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