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i need
ice cream
a cuddle
Ben and Jerry's?
and a blanket
...are you working with BLE by any chance?
yeah murat first time in 100 years since I changed it
did the padawan break something??
i went to sleep with 9º, woke up at 14º, and now we're at 27ºC
i'm melting
@TimCastelijns we should start a trend! I'll update mine soon
i'm a puddle too
my productivity fell to hivernation levels
you updated it recently mark :D it is already perfect
yeah nice pic tim
@CptEric Same for me, eyes are becoming heavy, big yawns and Facebooking for 2 hours now.
Tim is there no option to see battery percentage in status bar in OP?
@MarkO'Sullivan TELL ME
i need to know
Settings > Status bar > Battery percentage
@TimCastelijns thanks bro
oh nice
they changed its place
I got a new selfie on holiday though, you can see the increased amount of wrinkles on my face since I'm a couple months older since my last one
@CptEric I was talking about the profile pics :D
and i just remembered you had access to THAT WHO CAN NOT BE NAMED 18
so i'm socially pushing you to the edge of totally not a NDA breakup.
yup mark your pic is already good
you guys are too kind
yeah mark you look like a true irish in that pic
lol i am being honest
You mean I look drunk?
pale and frowny.
btw no news to report on 18
i'll explain why on fb
sigh we never get the juicy gossip
you got a juice this morning tim
don't abuse on liquidified fruit.
It's just FM talk, nobody here plays FM apart from me and Eric :D
how is mine new avatar?
new gossip
tim likes gossips.
what is this 18 and FM talk?
did i miss some context here?
throw a context not found exception.
The new FM will be FM18, Eric's wondering if any news has been announced about it
that's what i call a RestoredInstanceState
in other news if you missed mark my one plus 5 just came few hours back and the phone is fast
Not wanting to wait for the Pixel 2?
naaah it will be very costly
dont wanna spend too much on phones which dont last long anyway
seeing FM all the time and thinking about Fullmetall Alchemist but nooo... the FM thing is Football Manager
If they hold their value it wont be too bad
i'll go to my feels cave
Sorry womp :D
lol womp that anime was awesome
i know!
Seen on reddit that if you ask for a replacement nexus 6p, they send you a pixel XL now as a replacement
also i expect you to have watched the BrotherHood too
I need a replacement for my 6P, stupid phone keeps turning off at 14% or so
Bought myself some Old Spice bodywash. They finally sell it in supermarkets here in Holland. I smell good now. Even Tim doesn't smell me from Amsterdam anymore.
oh bad phone :(
lol jordy
@Jordy do you know why they call it Old Spice?
yeah!! Brotherhood was a huge improvement over the old one
^ oh god, tell me why
yup it followed the manga story that is why
I don't know, just thought I'd ask
Oh :D
Was going to come up with some bullshit story but cba lol
Maybe they made it from old spices?
just to see if I could convince you it was true
Or from old men
now i want to watch it again
@W0MP3R Brotherhood -> Comics -> Wonder Woman is a comic series -> Wonder Woman is Amazonian -> Amazon -> Shopping -> It's a sign -> Buy stuff on Amazon!
Oh man that is so me
My reactions are so extreme
i love how he broke the small computer lol
lol CF
@JECon You need at least 80 rep to get access here
indyref -7
no big news today.
meanwhile, spain is spending 1,7 Millions daily in mantaining the extra 10.000 policemen here
indyref -7??
7 days left
what looked like ages far away
is a week away.
ooh, yeah
oh man just had a terrible terrible idea.
a molotov cocktail slingshot
Indy would be cool
the cocktail thing is unrelated
i was thinking in "conventional stuff" you can transform into dangerous things.
or two bottles, one of bleach and one of ammonia
crystal bottles
cool indy
that reminds when is scotland going for indy referendum
our correspondent in glasgow will answer it
connecting with mark
you got lied atleast 10 times during the NO to Indy campaign mark, what does sctoland think about it now?
> You'll also notice the Support Library 26.0.0 is not source-compatible with SDKs lower than 26 due to changes in classes that override findViewById.
It'll be after Brexit from what I've heard in the latest chatter out and about the toon
no more findbyviewid casting
yup nice
so many new countries in the creation
Scotland and Catalonia, new countries of EFTA.
Hopefully United Ireland in the future too
EFTA > Europe so far.
europe requires unanimous voting, so we'll never get in as per spain's.
efta requires you to work your numbers up, don't be a fool, and get switzerland and iceland a beer.
wow sounds problematic for catalonia
our government did a populist to boost gdp causing market to go down along with INR
spanish ibex is falling slowly
since may 2017
cons of democracy------------------------------------------------^
our stock market is all time high tho
ours i'ts impossible to go all time low but it's averagely low
until this stupid populist move to boost gdp growth by breaking fiscal deficit target
booking.com currently offers some nice bounty (40£ for a min. booking of 120£)
what is a booking bounty?
kinda but paid out after your stay
so pay full (in advance/at hotel), stay at hotel, receive the bounty
i see
Tim where is the option to turn off internet in OP?
i cant seem to find it
oh found it
New profile pic CF? :o
hehe yup
I think you've had that other one for as long as I've been in this room
i guess i dont remember
this one looks good tho :D
I liked the orange/blue one
ok let me find something better than that
Oh well
Now I need some typescript stuff in android
everyone is changing profile pics and names, and now i don't know who is who anymore
need a generic type to hold three possible classes
but not possible in java ):
what about this Tim?
now this one seems awesome :)
@W0MP3R I am me. You are you!
i wonder what will happen if everybody uses different wompotions as their avatar
oh my gosh
cf, should have went with tobirama
I tried to flex today murat. Must have checked 100 questions
@CptEric I just heard about the unrest in Catalan on the news this morning. Is it just protests or has it turned violent?
@W0MP3R who changed?
oh...lots of new avatars...don't see any new names, though
insane cat changed name and avatar
@ColdFire just saw on your profile on SO this query:
WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%pune%' OR UPPER(Location) LIKE '%PUNE%' or Location like '%pune%'
and then, lot's of new pics
why all these ORs?
i have to look twice to see the people
+1 for effort tim
but all wasted time lol
I am trying too hard
so it makes me extra depressed
@Code-Apprentice just protests. there is no unrest. w0mp can confirm lol
the only ones causing unrest are right-wing fascist groups that are against the indyref
@CptEric in my book, protests count as unrest. They are just at the lower end of the scale.
all the demonstrations have been peaceful sofar, with the exception of sticker-tuning police cars and one of the police cars main window, that broke after a failed police charge ( someone fell on it)
meh. dunno
What I noticed is to not bother with commenting except if it's a one liner
uh oh N Korea / US war declared apparently
i consider it unrest when there's a chance of violence
there wasn't
that certainly makes it more serious and was the main thrust of my question if it had turned that direction
@MuratK. I don't either. But it is almost impossible to find decent android questions to answer
it was a instantaneous civil demonstration that wanted to show support to detained politicians and that ended up as a "continuous protest" until they were given freedom
32h of non violence (with the exception of the failed police charge, that didn't had any other victims than a guy's back and a police car's window)
there was music & concerts & all
tim search based on tag should help.
@Code-Apprentice check the pics
I always do
I only look at questions with android tag
@CptEric That is pretty impressive. 32h of protests in the US will assuredly turn into riots.
we're a peaceful people, dunno.
we just said " we won't move until you free our officials".
and we didn't.
Were you there?
same in NL, you can protest all you want unless you go batshit crazy
we could have overrun them easily tho.
catalonia <3 . i live in lleida, the main protests were in barcelona but there was a 10k demonstration in support of them in my city
how most police cars ended
except the one where the main window broke due to the charge
stickers and flags. nothing a fresh paint can fix.
oh and flowers.
the police here would interpret that as assault on an officer
dangerous flowers.
they did interpret it as assault. but they were 80 and the people outside 150.0000
and damage to government property. The first sticker would result in shots fired.
the regional police had to show up to make a "fence" to stop the spanish military police from doing stupid shit
and to stop people frm hurting them "if someone did stupid stuff"
glad to hear that somewhere people can demonstrate without it erupting into violence.
tbh this currently is turning into very serious B-series stuff
the spanish government sent 6.000 police officers in looney tunes ships on friday
today they tried to cover them up
poor guys living in the window.
there's been jokes all weekend long.
Who do we have at DroidCon? Just @AdamMc331?
where is it?
meanwhile, @Code-Apprentice it took the right wing fascist groups 10 minutes to destroy 19.000€ worth of public cash and to almost kill 3 persons on their anti independence rally
@laSextaTV .@laSextaTV Ciudadanos? Ahora llamáis así a la extrema derecha y a la simbología fascista que estuvo ame… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/911503530351104000
^ a small showcase
Anyone using grafana?
droidcon is in many different places, I guess NY is being referred here
@RaghavSood yes
What's your data store?
Elastic Search
yes, m4.xLarge
I'm torn between Elastic Search and influx
On one hand, I have my Influxdb set up already
On the other, I'm going to need Elastic Search for Kibana and Logstash anyways
why do you need Kibana if you have Grafana?
Grafana -> Metrics, ELK -> Logs
We need searchable, indexed, logging
On the third, do you want to do AWS certs with me?
W0MP3R refused, Adam disappeared
You actually seem to be using it already, so that's a plus
haha! I haven't yet reached that level yet XD
I only do what any Linux user can do in his machine :D
This really is a true story, and she doesn't know I put it in my comic because her wifi hasn't worked for weeks.
So.... about those certs :D
Linux is great
hahaha! XD
when you joke with @Jordy.
what are you following? SysOps cert or devops or architect?
"Where can I look that up?" - Words no End User has ever spoken
Sysops for now
I aim to have them all by December
Okay. best argument ever
@CptEric damn those 2 bags of weed
Although I might do architect or dev first, they seem to be easier and overlap with sysops on the AWS basics
Proud dutchie
Might give me a better base for sysops
"We can't let the catalans get independence because we would loose money." "If catalonia gets independence, they'll stop stealing money from the rest of us!"
same person 15 minutes apart on tv right now ^
Raghav - planning to follow their trainings or just play with the services of each certif?
Using acloud.guru as per Dave's recommendation
@CptEric so.... they'll loose money 'cause we'd have stopped stealing it??
You have never been a real linux user if you haven't at least tried Gentoo once
@W0MP3R yeah. i think it's one of those "PICK ONE ONLY" answers where people pick both.
citiziens party mayor in extremadura, obviusly.
The truth is, Catalonia steals $100, Spain says they stole $1000 and expenses another $500 on their report that says they stole $1000 and siphons $1500 into black books
Raghav - Nice! the prices look reasonable
+Why catalans should not be independent? -Yes
@Murat I just answered the shittiest question of all time and got some points :D
more asterisks w0mp
womps formatting does not work in multiline
let me be!!
@RaghavSood man. that's how spain works.
when do you come to get your citizien ID card?
@W0MP3R So you can shop on Amazon in secret?! WE KNOW THE TRUTH
@CptEric After you find me a wife
@W0MP3R no! You must obey our commands
point's at one of w0mp's pandas wearing a skirt
I said wife, not dinner
Hi Womp!!!! ~:D
pulls out bow and arrow
Hiya Carl!!!! :D
sup carl
hey carl ˜(-_-˜)
what's the word on the streets in seattle
Tim have they written java version of Realm without Android yet?
Mar 14 at 16:39, by Carl Anderson
when are they going to make a version of Realm that isn't dependent on Android?
I believe they have not even started working on it
I've been asking that for a while
@Ahmad o/
Mar 14 at 16:46, by Carl Anderson
Realm: There are plans, but we haven't gotten around to it yet™
TRAPERO strikes again

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