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Hm, got logged out somehow
anyone care to bump a close vote on this stackoverflow.com/questions/45919705/…?
@Ahmad what election?
@cygery 75€ < 40% of a ticket from spain
i can't spend 2xx buckaroonies right now
@x'tian You need a 4:3 q:a ratio to get access here
Eric, How's situation over there?
Hope you are doing well.
it's mildly tense right now
nothing happened since last week's chaos
the central gov. tried to buy off the reigonal gov
right wing fascists attacked aragon representatives that were holding a meeting on Zaragoza to discuss how to allow catalonia a legal referendum
nothing serious aside of a bottle hit to the president of the chamber
and right wing fascists tried to attack a barcelona office from the catalan national assembly but were constrained by the police so they insted dissolved the demonstration after some time and went onto destoy stuff where the police couldn't see.
both times small groups of idiots
today the last group of police lands on catalonia, in total, an extra 10.000 policemen
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
good morning!
so, in resume @RonakMehta , for now calm, but we don't know if either because they know they crossed a uncrossable line, or because this the eye of the storm.
they crossed a line???
Insane WOMP3R vgm :3
Hiya Cat!!!! :D
@W0MP3R economy + mossos + detention + no judge order registers
I should watch the news....
Hiya Cygery!!!! :D
good morning W0MP3R :)
interested in attending the Junction hackathon in Helsinki?
Hope you are doing well.
noo~~ sorry Cygery!! D:
i'm pants at hackathons :(
Hey Womper :)
i would love to go @cygery but i live alone and i'm poor D:
i have 30€ left aprox each month
should I worry about attending HackUPC (regarding protests etc.)?
not really
unless you want to be in them lol
@CptEric that sounds bad
ok, I'll try to avoid it :D
protests going on are only meant to be directed against the city centre government offices / parliament etc., and the referendum is on 1rst-OCT, 10 days before hackUPC
so there won't be protests anymore
^Will be going to visit anyone??
we can hop to barcelona to drink some beers with Cyg and Ahmad
I'm not so sure that there won't be protests anymore :/
anyhow, our protests are peaceful and familiar.
I guess it really depends on what happens the 1st of oct
we're not start gonna burn stuff up.
until we do
They will probably just sweep the result from the referendum off the table regardless the outcomes. Just like in The Netherlands. Go democracy!
^option 1
Hiya Jordy, CF, Ronak!!!! :D
Morning all ^^
option 2 - > europe fucking wakes up and tells spain to allow a good legal indy ref in N+1 months or else
Europe stated they didn't want to get involved because they're scared of the 'real' Spanish goverment.
option 3 -> spanish government overthrown by opposition parties in exchange of an indyref in less than N+1 months
I go with 1 and 3
option 3 is on the table of all the opposition main parties
scared of what?
sincerely, this country and this government are a fucking disgrace for europe, what can they be afraid of?
Nicely written.
every minister is into a waist-high pool of shitty corruption issue
we just gave 60.000.0000.0000.0000 € of EU funds to banks for free!
'fraid of what?
@CptEric They're afraid of economic sanctions
to whom?
To Europe if they get involved and choose the side of the Catalonians
OHH insane donation.
spain doesn't have the power to push economic sanctions to anyone, the debt per GDP is over 149%, 109% if you substract the hidden debt
Tell that to Greek :P
put a 1% tax to spain's exports or imports and the whole country falls
we-are-so-pooped ~(-.-~)
so-pooped-we-are-drowning-in-poop (~-.-)~
spain just had to take a 10 billion debt to pay for retirement pensions
of july alone
Hiya Ocus!!!! :D
so in august there is gonna be another 10 bil debt... and on and on...
Yeah your country is pretty fucked allright :d good thing our goverment doesn't close the borders for anyone so you're free to move to the greatest country in the world! Tim will confirm.
your government could also invade us.
we surrender
we become New South Flanders
Too bad I'm just a programmer and not the Minister-President :(
But neither was some guy in 1939.
get your priorities straight jordy.
we need a frikadellen-worthy leader
I'd announce Tim as new Minister of Frikandellen
Seems like @TimCastelijns is still asleep.
oh on the latest unkown news
they tried to cover the looney tunes characters with cloths
aka : #FreeTweety
Hiya Tim!!!! :D
so that's the big deal with Tweety all over the place
all 3 spanish-police hired cruisers are warner bross italian cruisers
i feel ofended on a personal level
@CptEric not a good.
(my uncle used to call me tweety when i was little)
Are they trying to become Greece?
@RonakMehta we've never stopped being greece. just the eurozone was too occupied with their own belly to notice
2011 - the socialist party looses the government, leaves a surplus of 98 Billion euros on the social securty account for pensions as privision for further recessions
2017 - the conservative party has spent a 30-years worth of savings in 6 years.
Oh...Spending decade of saving few years.
lol womp
yeah. our conservative party is special even for that. they're the oppsite of others.
where others go for austerity, these only enforce austerity on the "vassals", and spend a fuckton of cash on stupid stuff or on corruption.
oh well spain must have high fiscal deficit I guess?
109 % of GDP if you do not add the bank credits lost
149-152% of GDP if you add them
oh my
close to doom
OHHH 150% ... IndexOutOfBoundsException
they announced last wednesday that banks would not have to pay the € lent to them back in 2012 with eurobank cash
Censoring Tweety, I feel like the Spanish goverment really has nothing better to do at this point.
Spanish government : hold my beer
Greece recorded a government debt equivalent to 179 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2016. Government Debt to GDP in Greece averaged 97.36 percent from 1980 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 179.70 percent in 2014 and a record low of 22.60 percent in 1980.
yay. we're 30% of debt to be greece II
and people ask themselves by some regions want to secede before shit hits the fan at ludicruous speed
@W0MP3R I will remember this -> "tweety"
No need for govt employees to visit bank to start pension: Government
Thank God
Aah wrong article.... here new one,.,.
my uncle works at the regional police and told the fam to keep calm and don't worry.
@Jordy is that a challenge??? 'cause you know... if they can poop it up more, they will....
last week we thought "wow, they sent 1000 policemen to catalonia to find the ballots. they can't fuck it up more".
now we have 10.000 and they detained random people for the sake of it :/
and have tweety ships as base.
@W0MP3R I think we all have that thoughts about our goverments. It's never ok. Democracy is a joke in my opinion. Too bad we don't have a better alternative.
My mind went on a trip and imagined all gov officials in a huge room with a wheel of doom, laughing, drinking and smoking while making it spin
^ South Park
Look how is spinning
i imagined it more like a "truth or date" game with alcohol and weed.
never whatched it so...
"DARE" -> "okay, you have to appear on TV, INSIDE A TV, making a press conference to the people looking at the first tv".
Oh, the url works, preview doesn't
"No hay huevos a enviar X personas en un barco con piolín pintado"
@YvetteColomb the German election!
(I'm from Germany)
did merkel get elected again?
"TRUTH" -> "Did you ever thought that you were going to be elected no matter what?"
"sometimes taking sides means not taking sides. i think it's the real side taking, not taking any side". ~Mariano rajoy, 2014.
yup. totally a truth or date game
@Jordy I am always asleep
Noice, so how do you eat frikandellen while sleeping?
Doesn't that makes you choke on it?
@ColdFire yeah but 12% of the people voted for an extremist party
I saw the exit polls predicted her victory
Germany is lost.
Morning murat o/
lol Germany is not lost
With mutti Merkel - damn right they are.
Can't believe Germans still voted for the one who created the biggest distance between left and right.
Makes me shed tears :( either way, time for a break. I'm having huge hangover and myalgia.
wow AFD made serious inroads
afd got 13%. that's franky a high number right?
third biggest party
with 13%?
that means a highly dividided parliament
we got those too.
our ruling party in cat has a 47.9% of the votes and the other parties none of wich gets near to a 20% are always complaining that "it's too small, not 51%, you're not majority blah blah".
we have so many parties that I lost count long ago
lol @W0MP3R the constitutional court has spoken
meh you need 25-30% votes to get a majority in parliament in india
is it good?
or we have to move??
> We won't give a response to the referendum law until 2 April, 2018. we won't make any pre-statement of it's constitutionality or not. we declare ourselves "on dictation" according to article 1.161 of the 1./1992 law, and won't say anything more about it. the law remains suspended, not cancelled or approved, until then. we request all governing bodies to comply with the suspension but to take no further action justyfing it as per a non yet decided inconstitutionality.
so basically : Catalan Gov, stop the fucking referendum. Spanish gov: stop saying it's fucking illegal and sending gazillion cops.
so... everyone will keep doing whatever they want
or in other words we know, The bitch and the Ramonette.
2nd April, 2018
that's far
people will not wait that much
to many things have happened
"remember when it took 2 years for them to suspend laws and 6 years to make a statement? pepperidge farm remembers".
womps how old are you now?
i'm a quarter century old
nice way to put it
But in the restaurants I still get the children menu
cries in the corner
i still have to give you a gift D:
cool, then you are wiser than CF
can you wait for payday tho?
sad face
Tim :/
you don't have to give me anything :O
just an awesome tabletop session
wisdom comes with age CF and she is older. I don't make the rules
okay. you get all the tabletop campaigns you want.
huh 2months older I see
i don't feel that wise, mind you
Android studio lint says that Arrays.asList should not be used for one single item but instead Collections.singletonList for performance reasons
not sure if true or not
womp we are only kidding
i know i know hahah
but really, lot's of people younger than me are far more wiser
Hiya Warren!!!!! :D
sup warren
how's the election hangover going?
^we always say that here after an election
there will always be someone wiser than you
sup warren
and dumber.
i just saw in my wall a no-independence supporter being harassed by a nationalist spanish supporter. incoming new pro-independence support lol.
The election was a bummer... but funny what you hear afterwards: one of the former famous AfD leaders said she will be independent. That means the group in the parliament did not survive 24h intact
"More than 45.000 (US) Million € yearly of corruption on the spanish ruling conservatibe Popular Party"
us million = thousand millions, not million millions.
oh look, spanish corruption
what a surprise
my one plus 5 just arrived \o/
booted it up yay
eric corruption is everywhere
our left congress(2004-2014) did a corruption of such a huge scale we are still not able to forget it
@Ahmad ah k
visiting app dashboard in play store for the first time in a couple months, can't find anything anymore
yeah that is a mess
dammit only 110.64GB available on 128 gb phone
what do you need all that space for
porn is always the answer.
I am saying if they say its 128 gb it should be damn well 128gb
I'm back!
18gb for OS
even MacBook has 121gb on 128fb
Hiya Mark!!!! :D
yo mark
they can give you 128gb but you will have no OS or anything
I had paella @W0MP3R
Rajoy gets a new car. Audi L8 Security Premium, 598.0000€
7.1.1 is a 4gb OS not a 18gb :(
and how it was??
nice righ?!
hey @MarkO'Sullivan !!!!
@MarkO'Sullivan awesome
still on vacation?
Also only had like a couple of hours in Barcelona :( ran out of time
oh well ericmark reunion until later then
Nope, back in work now @CptEric, I was hoping to meet you and my friend in Barcelona but we only had time to quickly stop at La Sagrada Familia and then the shops for the gf (Zara and Sephora)
My phone died as well in there
So she was shopping while I waited outside the shops wanting to go for a drink :D

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