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lol nice border
yeah it's a plasure leaving spain ( 120km/h on highway ) to france ( 130/140) , germany ( 130 / ~), or uk (130something)
it's quite a rush to drive with 200 km/h
my comfort speed limit is 180 top
but only in northern germany where the autobahn is more straight and not curvy as in the south
I like to see what is in front of me when I go that speed and not like being blind around the corners
i'd be fine at 130-140
I feel the same warren
over that, the curves are too wide and hidden to see stuff clearly on spain atleast
In italy there are roads like these and you can go 100 on them
and the italians actually do xD I was scared to go over 50 there
what the fuck is that road
looks like spain
There are not even reflectable signs
how do you drive at night
turn on the lights and pray
and if there is a dense fog
good luck
dense fog at what level??
'cause i've seen "dense fog" at it was nothing
but slightly harder
what some might call dense fog for me & w0mp is clear visibility
and my dense fog that is a wall of white
with some grey marks
like... a dome around our city
that was so cool
I had the pleasure to drive through one of them and you can basically look at the right hand side of the road and follow the signs
@TimCastelijns awesome
Sa Calobra road, Mallorca. 90km/h ----^
yea 90 km/h to take the shortcut from top to bottom straight :D
@ColdFire scary actually. The italians drift through those corners like they are auditioning for fast and the furious
nice road
who's going to HackUPC?
well you can always drive slowly
i'm not but i can drop in there and say hi
so does w0mp
udon sounds nice
yay udon with cygery
and maybe @Ahmad
sounds good
hope to see you there :)
this is right below that dangerous road
and the only way to get there without a ship
looks great eric^
@TimCastelijns hehe you can let them overtake and do whatever they hell they want
yeah but you are thinking "pls pls don't hit me, if you hit me I fall down and die"
and they are like "vroooommm vrooom out of the way noob"
well driving is pretty scary here anyway
@TimCastelijns that's me lol
nah not really
that's w0mp
decide for ones
womps o_0
> "vroooommm vrooom out of the way noob"
i'm in the cooplit seat killing my imaginary break
on our way to barcelona "GODDAMIT WHY ARE YOU AT 90 IN THE MIDDLE LANE!"
> proceeds to overtake.
I actually would do that aswell, but my car says "nop, not gonna happen"
it was a 120 lane
i don't have a car xD
and on our way to salou "TURN YOUR LONG LIGHTS OFF!"
proceeds to shoot long lights at the front car
it was blinding me!!
there is a minimum speed limit of 120 ?
i know
i didn't do that!
i don't do that
@ColdFire maximum = minimum
what if i blind him and it hits me
max = min wait what?
you can't go at max speed? stay on the right lane and think about why your car is shit.
don't stay in other lanes where people try to drive
i usually stay on the right side
isn't Europe and british driving side opposite?
same as trucks. trucks are forced to drive on right lane only, but sometimes they clog up highway when they try to overtake eachother at 80-70 km/h
highway CF. two or three lanes per "side"
yeah i know 6-8 lanes highway
i don't think i've seen a 7 >lane one ever
6 yes, in barcelona (to divide itself into three 2-lane
You have to drive on the right side no matter what speed. You can actually get tickets if you drive on the left side while the right side is empty
at least here in germany
same here.
yup its different
but there's nobody to enforce it
just like it's banned to go below Max Speed / 2
i broke something
@CptEric no 8 lanes anywhere?
and the fine is > 400€
i don't think so
oh... phew found it
from my experience there are generally good drivers on the autobahn since everyone knows that someone can appear in the blink of an eye and disappear the the very same moment on the left side
phew or chew
cf plz dont say lol
@MuratK. I love that
we need that rule here
we have that rule here
almost eveyr country hast it
but sigh no implementation at all
almost no country enforces it
nobody cares
but beware if you drink or eat in thecar
germans do it, but mostly on the autobahn
there's 4K cameras on helicopters that pursue people that do it
just like it's banned for trucks to overtake anything
after the 2nd lane
and sometimes there's a "wall of slow fuck trucks"
the other day a saw a truck passing two other trucks
it was terrifing
lovely experience
lol lovely
do you guys have a dash cam?
thank god i wasn't driving
i would have pooped myself
dash cam?
dashboard camera
my car doesn't have one
I thought only russians have them
Sometimes I watch them and am pretty sure that you would lose the case if you hadn't that footage
i could plug my gopro but i'd run out of memory and battery in no time
for example with insurance scammers
in JavaScript, 33 secs ago, by Ben Fortune
> Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to {closure}() must be an instance of string, string given
in JavaScript, 38 secs ago, by Ben Fortune
Fucking love you PHP
Layer 8 issue
what is layer 8?
I do not answer that because it just shows you are layer 8 too
it's related to PEBCAK, I think
@ColdFire here: layer 8 issue
i still don't see where PEBCAK gets to play in " must be an instance of string, string given"
but then again i'm php illiterate
so many slangs sigh
i would understand if it was " must be an instance of string, -1193328 given"
" must be an instance of string, int given" I would understand
there is a php for android -> phpforandroid.net/doku.php
cringe I want to flag that as offensive CF
lol tim
tim just look at their logo
that's what it reminds me
looks like a pokemon
thanks for the protagonist of today nightmare, ocus
you're very welcome
that gif ...
did you see that question and comments?
just 21 away from hammer nice
it's so damn slow
been on SO all morning and only could answer 1 question and even that one sucked and I want to delete my answer
meanwhile I saw like 10 questions I could have hammered
same here.
I am very far away from hammer
question quality has gone down the gutter
yeah and it's fine, but I need means to close them
stackoverflow.com/questions/46176395/… If someone can answer this
bounty worth 100
never tried that
100 fake internet points. that's way too low.
Hiya Mehdi!!! :D
kill me plz
Hello Womper! :D
how would you like to go womp, and do you have any last words?
last meal being, Paella?
painless please
last words
"Not Paella!"
A: How to stop my husband from answering your questions?

Michał ŠrajerPropose to do something "more fun" with him.

lol those last words
@W0MP3R killed by pandas?
being mauled by pandas doesn't look painless
even with my lovely pandas
I just blew a small poison dart in your neck womp, you should be dead..
kills womp by nukes
nukes are painless right?
Hello from the other side~~
so cute
hello from the first side
hello from the otter side
option A, left food at home
option B, left food at car
option C, left food at unknown place
option D, no food
else if (car != null) { checkCar(); }
no nulls here
only food
how a eating/cooking stack exchange channel should be named? FoodOverflow
that's the spanish subchannel
every single day, Google suggests me "food recipes" no idea why.. I never looked up a recipe online
you must have searched Jordy on google mehdi
or itm
jordy is so slim inspite being a big foody
php sucks your blood and life
guys do you know how to check if 2 drawables have same color tint?
@MehdiB. it consumes soul :P
mehdi I agree
so i'll have to go to the restaurant
if (!broughtWallet()) return;
if (!broughtWallet())stealBTC(); gotoRestuarant();
I love it when my AS is stuck on updating the index
Hey I want to steal BTC too
Why are you leaving me out of this?
you are already doing that aren't you?
I'm not stealing!
who is stealing BTC???
the chinese
CF is Chinese, confirmed
lol dammit those stars :/
Lunch time!!! :D
enjoy paella
Not paella x3
i'm so full
@MuhammadRayyanSiddiqui You need at least 80 rep to get access here
@Obsthändler Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
why the bot is not doing these jobs, nowadays?
He's dead, Jim been upgraded
it is
Raghav is a bot.
I am not!
:D is it ?
its a kind of a bot war ;)
clock speed increases angrily
then how do you manage these templates?
5 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
@Obsthändler Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: http://room-15.github.io/
I mean ^^^^ these like templates
the war is already lost. Raghav has won it He just pretends he hasn't because he's waiting for the most favorable moment
@jafarbtech he copies it from his notes
nothing is templated. everything single phrase is constructed and crafted by Raghav's superior intellect
where do you plug it, tho?
it's really time to upgrade that OS
notes.... that's a nice thing... But I would suggest to make them bookmarks though.
What is this, 2001?
typing all like the same template is really hard
they don't
^When you're Tim but still need to push to source control
so mean!!
bot are mean
you have to add emotion module to them
user image
this will look great right below raghav's next moderator application
I <3 all humans
Let it be known
@TimCastelijns XD
To prove that you're not a robot, please type "I am not a robot".
That's some House of Cards level move there :D
sir, we have heaps of evidence that directly conflicts with the statement you made just now, how do you reply
I am being framed
Or same as all the politicians or celebrities caught in the middle of something compromising: "I'm working on my self, I'm trying to be a better man, please bear with me while I work on my behaviors, I owe that much to you"
lol. that was quick
Tim - congrats! you've just been promoted from street rapper, to Kevin Spacey to president :D
I liked the street rapper better
!(Thank you)
hell I liked the wizard better
which one?
that's actually very well done :D
Of course it is, China Team did it
his face is the most used here in the room
Tim is the most used word in the room too
only below realm I guess
Maybe it's his room?
I have another
@MuratK. no, it's his realm (ref to the room orm, I'll show myself out)
hang on, it's not easy to find images in the history
Too bad I don't have access to PS rn
Hello, Android!
Hello, Code!
Hiya Code, Mauker!!!! :D
Hello CA
ha ha
dave did it right?
most likely
52 secs ago, by Tim Castelijns
Jan 3 at 16:31, by cygery
user image
oh it was cygery
Maybe he just copy pasta
right :D
@ColdFire beat by CF!
I remember that!!
cygery did that while he was doing some svg manipulation for me :D
oh well
Jan 3 at 16:22, by Tim Castelijns
@cygery how about this one, but cut out the middle part of the cargo space, instead of the top left part of the entire truck?
kinda tim advice^
9 hours ago, by Code-Apprentice
user image
that's very beautiful
Is there a hidden Tim face we are supposed to find?
was it taken using a potato?
iphone maybe
the iphone was taken using a potato?
potatoes are very dangerous weapons
you could rule the world with a bunch of them
son of a bitch! I sold SQ last week just before it dipped and then didn't buy back at the low point where I meant to. Now it is back up at an all time high ;-(
@MuratK. I'm sure someone can make that.
@TimCastelijns blasphemer!
in what kind of strange religion is mocking iphones considered blasphemy?
oh, I guess you dropped the mocking packet
my finguers are frizzing
I try, this is how I deal with raghav's bullying. I have to pass it on..

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