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Hi, I have started a project under GPL.
DESCRIPTION: Convert any WordPress Site into Native Mobile App.
Please let me your feedback. Please check screenshots here: https://github.com/mwshubham/WordpressApp/tree/master/screenshot
3 hours later…
In 9patch image editor, I am getting one green line horizontally and one vertically. How do I get one more for each?
Anyone still running a OnePlus One?
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@RaghavSood there?
Disappointed in android messages app :(
is the OnCreateView inside a fragment like this OnCreate, or the OnResume?
Fragment has both OnCreateView and OnCreate
OnCreateView is when the view is created
not sure what the difference is
is it OnCreate -> OnCreateView -> OnResume?
and then you also have OnAttach (?)
Attach is when the fragment is connected to the activity
ah I see
The onActivityCreated seems to be buggy in the latest beta.
which beta
really? I ofter use it to set the fragment views and other things
oh, not beta anymore. Anyway, 26.0.0 with AS 3.0 Beta 1 and Gradle 3.0.0-beta1
Just happened several times that onActivityCreated which should be used to do late initialzation of UI stuff and so on is called before onCreateView which is really bad. Maybe this is a issue of architecture components.. who knows.
Jake Wharton joined google .. wtf. Im pretty sure he wont have fun there since he offended many google employee before.
I have no idea who he is
You'r kidding, right? There are some names every android developers should know. Jake Wharton, George Mount, Yigit Boyar and Sundar Pichai are some of them
I wish I could tell you that I was joking.
and I'm not that proficient in android :p
looks like he makes a lot of libraries, but I haven't used one yet
He's one of the "Android-Gods" who created almost all big libraries and has no life at all. He loves to fuck up java and try to publish his dirty ugly kotlin whenever possible. NOw he joined google to promote the kotlin for one reason. That Google can give a shit about Oracle.
aha, then I suppose that I will see his name more often later on
ActionBarSherlok, RxJava, RXKotlin, Butterknife, Kotlinknife, Retrolambda, ...
I've heard of RxJava and butterknife :)
mmm I found out a lot of questions and I don't still understand why onBind method isn't called in my service...
I'm launching it with startService method, however before onBind was called...
@Radhey Why am I being pinged without explanation?
Why is it that I always get temporarily banned from sites for "misusing the APIs".
On the plus side, my app randomly started working!
That's not a plus :P
Means it can also randomly break
@RaghavSood end the suspense, what do you need
Hello, Android!
Just booted one up after a few years. What's the latest reasonably functional ROM?
@TristanWiley Because you aren't being a good citizen and rate limiting yourself?
> And the boy's name? Vladimir Einstein
What does o/ mean?
@RaghavSood lineageos
@Curio Grab your sword, we're hunting for bugs in Tim's code
Also, thanks Tim!
Do you ever just want to scream "WHAT THE FUCK?"
@Curio "Hail Hydra"
(just kidding, it means hello)
So since I'm not going to college any time soon, anyone got any good certs I can complete in around 4 months?
Preferably in networking/security
Sorry to hear about that man...
Not sure about networking and security
But Udacity offers some good Nanodegrees programs
My student visa got denied for this semester, so college is out of play until a minimum of January
Potentially later
usually around 6 months
you get mentors to correct you etc...
I never got the feeling of much accomplishment out of Udacity, Coursera, MITx etc.
Yes, but honestly they're very good
But I will look into it
AI, Robotics cost around 2500$/6 months
opens page
sees IBM on corporate list
you have the option to pay a bit more and they commit to find you a job on the field :P
closes page
I'm not too worried about the job aspect
I'm already going to be at Coinhako the whole time
I'm looking more to level up in areas where I'm not that good yet
they use open source solutions, for AI mostly Tensorflow and Python
Done, and done
I wanted to focus on networking/security as those are two areas where I have little experience already
I've already got enough experience with basic ML stuff, mobile, web, backend etc. to be able to reasonably tell someone "if you hire me shit won't blow up, might go a bit slow, but I can figure it out"
On the other hand, if someone hires me to set up a network from scratch, I hope they have good insurance
hmmm, you have the AWS networking (sysops etc...) trainings + certifications
But I'm sure it would be directly tied to their infra and services
Not the worst idea considering the size of AWS
Now if you told me Softlayer offers infra specific certs...
haha! Never used it but I don't hear a lot of good stuff about them
except that Whatsapp used to be hosted there
"used to" should give you all the information you need about them
Also, in case you missed it, Softlayer is part of IBM for a while now :P
@mr5 The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
They work about as well as Tristan's interfacing with the Stack Overflow API
next time find a rickroll that werks
even better, if it tricks disabled autoplay and sound in my FF
otherwise it's not funny anymore
also why waste time waiting for US procedures, why not target Canada, UK, Japan, Germany for studies?
Also Japan is a really good option for networking and security
or anywhere really.. at the end it's just a piece of paper :D
24 hours later
3 emulators and a device
100s of lines changed

Bug. Finally. Fixed.
@RaghavSood thanks so much for the testing acc btw
did you guys know that in the US, to enroll on a PhD cycle, having a master degree is not a requirement, a lot of people apparently join PhD programs with a bachelor degree and sometimes even before
@MehdiB. I am. I'm applying for next year to non-US places as well
Looking at Europe, Canada, and ANZAC
Japan and Germany have a language issue
from what I know, Japan has the option to learn in English
not sure about Germany
Yeah, but the majority of the country doesn't :P
Yes, they do
I might be able to attend class, but if I can't order food without egg and seafood (no easy feat there) I'm still dead
Literally, I'm allergic to both
Aslong as you dont go to Hamburg (in germany) you'r fine to avoid egg and seafood
I'm talking about Japan
For Germany I could only find Jacobs in English tutoring for CS
But I haven't explored Europe fully yet, going to do that today
Raghav-san, what is egg"o"? no sea-food"o"? :D
haha! creepy :D
Is there a performance improvement by having android projects and/or the SDK on a SSD beside having AS on a SSD of course? And do you feel a performance improvement by NOT using the embedded SDK but using the latest JDK?
"Based on SharedPreferences". Why would you want to store or manage your Cookies in SharedPreferences? This is highly not recommended due security
Nevermind, fixed everything knock on wood
How often do you all use Sqlite?
Hah jk, not everything
Daily. Hourly. Room <3
for how many elements?
Define "many elements". You mean per database or per table?
Depends on the app. Zero to Many [0-10000+]
10'000? what stuff is it?
It also depends how the data are serialized. In some cases i just gson serialize the data to json and store them in a very large text field instead of several items
No blobs ;-) If i want to store data i usually just put a reference to the file instead of storing the file as blob
I mean, 10000 are really a lot
For a database? Haha
Yes, if you want to rw this amount per second. Then it may be alot
For this case there are Flowable which suports backpressure buffering. Shouldnt be a problem aswell
Okay, NOW everything is fixed
Wood survived?
Till now I never use it because I had to store few data
Otherwise I should
Curio, dont worry. SQLite is really efficient and can store a million of entries. It supports about 1TB of size (should be). So ...
Damnit, jk
But if you just want to store binary stuff, you can easily serialize it to disk instead of using a database
how do you handle dates Emmanuel?
do you store them as strings?
disk? Aren't we talking about Android?
Disk == internal/external storage
Curio, so what? :)
Okay. NOW everything works
No, there's a double message posting bug
2 mins ago, by Tristan Wiley
Okay, NOW everything is fixed
30 secs ago, by Tristan Wiley
Okay. NOW everything works
This wouldnt happen if you would use kotlin
It's not even the same message
no nothing
My tolerance for == matching has risen too much trying to seem more human
Welcome back Raghav
20 mins ago, by SkynetTester
"double message posting bug" and ==? You cant compare Strings by ==
Looks like you guys can't be in the same room at the same time
Depends on the language
Even Java can now
Alright shit, now I have a different issue
== != ===
the latter compares the type as well :D
My log file has more leaks than the United States government.
I had to suffer with JS for a while as well :D
How do you compare in Kotlin? string??!!!?!!=stringToCompare!=:String? / j/k
YoU mEAn coMpAre sTrinGS in kOtlIn? :D
Maybe its neccessary to define a string as string to let kotlin compare strings as string
I mean.. Kotlin let you nullable variables to avoid nullpointers which is like .. coffee withoout caffeine
there are some stuff that I wanna learn that are very low priority, Kotlin is below them
Hahaha, good decision(!)
Better learn paragliding. Makes more sense
I get dizzy on altitudes and on merry-go-rounds
Doesnt matter. It only matters that it makes more sense to do something which doesnt matter but matters more then learning kotlin :]

Second 6 to 25 hahahaha
the guy looks like "maaaan.... I'm tired of hearing kotlin here and there and so should you!"
"but I don't care what you guys wanna hear, what's important is that I don't wanna hear Kotlin in this hour!"
Its more like "Kotlin is a sh** but we need to promote it to fuc* up oracle(s license lawcr**)" and the best marketing is to hire the "face of android(s developers)" jake wharton for the kotlin stuff
> - What the h*ck is that?
- What did you censor the word h*ck?
- Because it's a FUCKING bad word!
Yesterday ive tried to convert my project to Kotlin. After 2 hours and tons of damaged rxjava queries and a non-working dagger instance i gave up
from what I've read there's RxKotlin so I assume you'll that as well
Yes, used RXKotlin and the dagger Annotation processor for Kotlin. Same result, same sh..
no worries, since Jake Wharton will release an DaggerKotlin anytime soon :D
He released a converter which converts a better kotlin and should work with dagger. Cant remember the name, but it was something spooky
Honestly though, I hope he continues contributing to the open source
He said that the most projects released under square will be kept as open source but it looks like that he will recude contributing
should be CommonsWare's time to shine :D
Just finished reading his book a few days ago. Didnt like it
too theoretical?
Which doesnt mean that he's not a very good developer, but the book should be readable for beginners and professional but im very sure that no beginner can read this book and no professional need to read this book
does he quotes pieces of the official doc, like most of his answers? :D
But thats not the problem. He covers too many content and the covered content is not really easy to read and understand
he might wanted to be become the official Android reference for developers before anyone else and wanted to cover everything
Yes, but that also means that there is lots of deprecated content, even when he says "up to Android 8.0"
that's the issue of technological books, you either stay committed with lots of efforts to its updates as long as the tech lives or you just get deprecated quickly
that's why I think a lot of writers stay generic and theoretical
Im looking for a very good book for design stuff
design as in architecture or UI?
CommonsWare's book started out really good, but I think it's just grown to a massive guide to everything Android over the past few years
Not really beginner friendly anymore
he may consider, breaking it on volumes: beginner, experienced, advanced
but that'll be a lot of work
@TristanWiley it's b0rken
2 hours later…
How do you clear another notification from another app? Pushbullet can do it.
found it thanks guys
A: Remove notification from notification bar from other applications

Oasis FengFrom Android 4.3 onward, you can now cancel notifications from any apps. You need to register your app as NotificationListenerService, then call NotificationListenerService.cancelNotification(String pkg, String tag, int id) to cancel one notification.

How's it going?
It's going CURIOusly
I fucking love you
I think you can't say "It's going TristanWileily" :P
Wow, Curio is my new best friend.
Here, have a cat
If I tell you that I prefer dogs? :)
Still my new best friend.
Still good, I love doggos
Have a dog <3
So, what are you up to Curio?
What about you?
Whatcha working on?
my language app
Going back and forth from rewriting my xkcd viewer and working on a chat app for here
the app which you have published!
Yeah, I kinda got off of Android development for a while
I love when fixing bugs works
Also, tfw I send that and it breaks
The fuck when
I can't wait until all the bugs are gone :P
Okay, there
Food time
tfw is actually 'that feeling when'
don't listen to tristan lmao
@Curio have you heard of our Lord and Savior, Kotlin?
No, who is he?
ah yes kotlin
It's like Java but not terrible
I know it
But only the name
I use Java for Android development
Why our Lord and Savior?
Watch the last story he tells :D
@Curio It's honestly just a nice language. It got me back into Android development.

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