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Coffee :P
I should have said "lack of caffeine" maybe, sounds more correct
I've been on vacation and have been off the coffee. I had some today and then I found myself browsing stackoverflow. Pavlov conditioning?
ok, time to go sleep, good night folk
Night Emanuel
that would make sense :D
night dude
Mehdi, lack of nicotine and seemingly increase in idiots
haha! that's the worst possible combination :D
did the guy learn Git yet?
I know! Haha
Fuck no
And now he's emailing the rest of us to inform us of git clean
I haven't had a cigarette in 5 days so pretty happy about that. But boy is it rough with some of the people I work with. Haha
And trying to do this fucking iOS app isn't helping things at all
he thought that "the student has become the master." was a real thing XD
You should inform him of man git
But let's give it another week before we get too excited. lol
you may wanna take some vacations
and stay away from stress
flakes, I have explained and drawn a simple diagram, chart, steps of the basic commands...
He asked me twice in a few days why his commits didn't show up on github...
I explained each time that they NEVER will if you don't push
Mehdi, week of the 31st to move. I'm off all week. Not that it won't be stressful moving in but it won't be work stress :D
hahah I start my first fulltime job on monday.
I am about to be the dumb guy
I will be bothering someone just like he is haha
cM, you may wanna teach him "git revert" and tell him to do it as soon as he messes up, should reduce your stress when you're back :D
flakes, trust me...it won't be as bad. ha
I should tell him to do that after every commit, huh
It's kind of like talking to Dave oh, hey there, Dave!
Technically you're typing to me
Brutal hahaha
Yes, I am talking to you through written communication
flakes, you're on this chat, you'll be doing just fine :D
Also, technically I hate you
adjective: talking
1. engaging in speech.
noun: talking
1. the action of talking; speech or discussion.
Synonym: shitpost
You'll notice it doesn't say oral speech
so we're ˈtôkiNG to each others mates
I'm just trying to annoy cM with irrelevant technicalities, I want to be like him as much as possible
we're back online!
You're making progress
Now that I've successfully derailed the conversation lets talk about me
we just moved into a new office
Cubes or open space?
open space
Are you still in a basement?
That's nice
how many monitors did they give you now?
1 mac, 1 pc with 2 monitors so 3 screens
You're quickly catching up with me
Last internship I managed to "acquire" 3 monitors + my laptop screen. Life was good
I'm thinking about changing my so name to daveS
Not yet
Also, don't get any ideas just yet of changing your image to an irregular shape
that's the main area, we also have an executive office, conference room and break room/kitchen area
What's that orange thing in the corner in the first pic?
Looks like a stool?
little sitting stools for clients/meeting guests to take a seat while they wait
before they had to stand
or wait in the conference room
so moving up in the world
clients get stools now
That thing is tiny!
No back support tho. Thats only for the regulars :p
it's actually about the same level as an office chair
the perspective makes it look smaller
But I am glad to see things moving up
Ah, ok
I like the astronaut painting
I still don't like it but I feel a little better about it now. You may keep it
Yes, the painting is cool
which means the boss is cool
yeah, the CEO and COO are friends of mine I've known for 12 years
my software skills brought their wordpress website business out of the house and into the big boy world
unique opportunity to be at the top of a growing company, get a ton of quality work experience and work with friends
What is this? Some sort of dream life?
lol, well with 5 years experience I get paid about entry level if you don't count equity
but i consider it a fair trade
Sounds good imo
But now that it grows, you should be rewarded by a fair vesting plan imo
Well this August I'll be an official 3% equity holder with additional 1% every year after up to 5%
and as we grow larger and more profitable wages are getting more competitive as well
yeah, that's fair
Adam fell in after getting off the boat
does he smell like wet dog?
how does a wet dog smell? :D
like wet white people (I'm white so it's not racist)
Lmao this is Adam. The current fate of my pixel is uncertain. :(
Also, tired of your shit, Dave.
I love this comic XD
@codeMagic thanks for the info...now I just have to remember that.
@DaveS where do you work?
nvm...had to read more chat history
Just got back to my place, his phone and everything works. Confirmed.
wow, I got 311 rep from just one answer in the last 24 hours.
which is now in my top 5 answers
Helloooo room15
Hola from Tristan's house
I finally got him in my bed
Hello, Adam!
Never coming to visit Tristan again. I just end up wet and sore falling into the lake and hurting myself..
We need a pun related to graduation to put on Tristan Wiley's cake. Any ideas?
1 hour later…
@AdamMc331 Congraduations!
That's really the best I can do :(
My pixel is stuck in a boot loop
Did you try a ziplock bag and rice?
At least it's not stuck in a belt loop. amiright
I'm not gonna put it in rice lol
also it's been like 10-15 minutes now
the rice absorbs any excess moisture
Just be sure to cover up any ports where the rice might get stuck
The rice sometimes does the trick adam
it really does
Well everyone's asleep so I'm not gonna go ask for rice lol
Life pro tip: Don't visit Tristan.
Don't ask for rice
Steal it
Or plant it.
Go fight for it
okay...developer.android.com keeps loading in random languages...what's up with that?
getting closer to a dupe hammer. is the next closest.
morning room
@Code-Apprentice I have had it for as long as I can remember
2 days ago, by Tim Castelijns
> You requested a page in Russian (Русский), but your language preference for this site is Vietnamese (tiếng Việt).
as long as you can remember == 2 days?
@TimCastelijns I have only seen language issues quite recently. Mostly since I switch my phone to Spanish and then switched back to English.
nah this was just a recent occurance
I used to always have it in korean
For most of the last year, the language selector showed English selected, but often the page was in Spanish.
It has only been the last day or two that I've received similar messages about Simplified Chinese and Portuguese.
and my "language preference" is English
very odd
talking about Spanish...I answered two questions today on Stack Overflow en español. I think I'll continue using it to practice my language skills.
I still have to cheat with Google Translate.
time for bed...g'nite Android
3 hours later…
I'll get to your email later today, Ronak! Went to sleep by the time I got it last night, sorry!
I understand. No problem.
you need to answer the love letter raghav
Thank you.
Ahmad is back
that's my game
I'm a professional shitposter
I want to make a Tim joke but he's not here so it'd be a waste
Okay, back to trying to get a US Visa
afk, ping if needed
US Visa again?
I hate the US visa system so much.
Raghav holding Indian passport?
I am not sure if you are still the Indian citizen.
I am under impression that you holding Singaporean passport.
If we talking about Tim then all I can remember is "Realm".
Nope, Indian passport
I've been out of the US for >5 months
Need a new student visa
@Ahmad lol
@RaghavSood what did you have in mind
@RonakMehta here is a ping for you as well. Don't want to leave anyone out
thanks a lot
damn that doesn't look shopped at all
\o tristan
Unexpected answer XD
well nicki of course your life is good
unrelatable af
Says the guy traveling all over Europe while Tim struggles to get things to run on Google App Engine
hey man i got issues too
like exams and shit
Poor us, eh?
for me each exam is like an existential crisis m8
what am I struggling with
only from 9 to 6 during week days and sometimes in the weekends, at variable times
really it depends on when you are online
@RaghavSood are you mod yet?
@codeMagic are you mod yet?
@PeeHaa Dropped out for this time, I'll run again next time
@adam shit did you destroy your phone
@AwaisShaikh You need at least 80 rep to get access here
@Ahmad We might have lmao
Adam, destroyer of all things Android
"Andy Rubin fears no company. The founder of Android, veteran Googler, and most recently starting Essential, is arguably one of the most well-recognised faces in mobile computing. He has enemies though, enemies with power. It is reported that Apple has hired the only person Android has ever feared, Adam <redacted>, to solve their competition permanently"
Shit, that could be a movie
"A simple American developer finds himself with an impossible task - To turn into an international assassin, and use skills he's only scratched the surface of"
"Follow Adam as he enters the world of international corporate espionage"
Someone please validate my ideas
Also, wtf. My iPad just stopped accepting its password
@TristanWiley Forget your musical, you should make this movie
> Follow Adam as he enters the world of international corporate espionage
this is good
Why are people flagging food photos as spam?
@RaghavSood traitor!
In my defense, I got it for free and still hate it so much I gave it to my mother
I'm pretty sure our systems' response to me being on call is to kill themselves.
@PeeHaa No, you didn't get enough of your minions to vote for me
2 hours later…
Does anyone know how i can debounce multiple submissions to a subject and let the submitter know if the submitted value transmitted successfull? like having a singe which notify the subscriber for success and error transmission?
Okay, this was stupid. Of course i can subscribe to a publish subject and handle the debounce there ... :P

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