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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I’ve now been blocked from Facebook 3 times. Sheesh.
Figured I'd share the latest nil-tries-to-join-Facebook status.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
*pokes the bot with a stick*
Gross its dead
Hello, Android!
wow, I don't get it...the debugging output says everything is working just fine, but when I turn it off, it isn't working fine.
that just means I need to go to sleep, me thinks.
Hiya CA, Ronak, Tim!!!! :D
how is life in germany warren?
pretty German :D
Hiya Murat, Warren, Netpork!!!! :D
that feeling when you have to completely re-structure whole components
2 hours later…
How's your week ending? :D
that's because the room is quiet today :D
yes all those strange people who don't work on fridays
weird uh?
user image
Word up
word homes
hi rlemon
I completed a feature I estimated at 4h after working on it for 16h
Hiya Graeme!!!!! :D
Tim - Always double your estimates
Hey W0mps, sup?
pretty good
I always overestimate, but I also always forget a bunch of stuff in the estimate
Time to go~~
Have a nice weekend everyone!!!! :D
cya womp
im so bored
How come
Come write documentation with me if you like RED?
You want him to die of boredom?
Who want's to die alone?
Good point
Yay everything is falling
Good thing I sold everything in the morning
Price's dropping?
Buying back now
how much?
Not too much, I only had $200 of btc left to trade
Converted everything else to cash
I'll buy back Ethereum and BTC directly
I wanted to buy a Btc last week, so I went to localbitcoins website and the sellers were literally selling it 300$ over its price
So that's the downside of a non democratized currency I guess (MAD)
oops forgot to check the chat
i have nothing to do, all tasks done, qa is testing the app so yeah
sitting around waiting
One of the people that works here is a bitcoin mogul
learn something new
He's being doing contracting in exchange for bitcoin for years so he's got 10's if not 100ks of it.
RED - In all seriousness, write more automation.
Lots of times I've just trundled along trusting PM's and such to be keeping track of testing time which has led my projects to be cancelled.
Much better to focus on making your app both bullet proof now and in future by creating a suite of tests to harden your code
Adam! How's it going?
RED I think you should change your avatar to this
Graeme! It is going.
I agree with Tim.
true about automation, always a good thing
And plus, you can never end up with nothing to do, as you can always find new test cases :D
You can get bored of automation real fast though
bitcoin :3
damn graeme do you also beat the drum
@Graeme false
Today I learned that there is in fact a setting for the airpods so that double tap is play/pause instead of activating Siri. Even better. :)
who else is doing bitcoin stuff besides raghav?
@AdamMc331 How is that possibly false! If you don't get burned out writing automated tests, I could probably legitimately get you a job.
writing tests will definitely destroy a person
i've done it for all of 5 minutes and i've given up
nobody blames you
I think automating things is fun. Who doesn't like writing code that does magic and you get to watch it? Not to mention that magic can catch bugs and increase app stability.
@MehdiB. Wire me money, I'll hook you up :P
Localbitcoins is always inflated
It's p2p
@MuratK. Other Raghav
yay or nay?
I'd buy a tiny bit now, then hold off
Once Tezos and Omnise start dumping the half billion of Ethereum they have, I'd expect it to tank
I'm holding around 5 ETH right now
that's the issue, being an individual not a business I can't,
to get money out of Morocco, or perform an international transaction as an individual, you have to be on 1 of 3 formulas per year:
- 1000€ for an electronical purchase (amazon etc..)
- 4000€ for touristic dotation (if you wanna travel to somewhere abroad)
- X€ exactly estimated on the cost of living + studies (if you're studying or any of your close relatives studies outside the country)
you're in morocco?
wait, you cant buy something for less then 1k?
yeah, annually
"How much is this Amazon Echo?"
"$50, sir"
I can give you a receipt saying you bought 10000 LEDs from me if it helps xD
0.1€/LED is a great rate I think
haha! yeah! I'll create a company, and no, you make the LED price 1$, so I can make 10000€ out of morocco :D
We sell the best LEDs
Top notch
Force IBM to send you to the Raleigh office next month
with other features than actually, you know, "light" :D
We'll meet for a 1000€ lunch
Although I imagine getting IBM to authorize travel is harder than getting money out of Morocco
yeah XD
well have a nice weekend all
Hello, Android!
@RaghavSood or Nigeria
@NoahCristino Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
what if he doesn't want to?
you can't make someone read the rules, you know.
We can make them disappear if they don't
Your mom can disappear
Looks like Carl's morning coffee wasn't right
Not a great sign, considering his work
It's funny because robots don't have mothers, only creators
Carl dropping yo mama jokes like it's '01
user image
Me when I see Carl still functioning^
are you trying to deprecate Carl?
In soviet russia Carl deprecates you
@NoahCristino I'm revoking your access because I'm mean you failed to acknowledge reading the rules.
@NoahCristino it's not really that difficult. You come in here, you request access, you read the rules, and acknowledge doing that. You had a half hour to do those last two step and failed. I'm going to give you another chance this time, but it's pretty much your last chance.
I was afk
I read them
but did you understand them?
we'll find out soon
I have them printed out over my bed ceiling
anyone ever work with a freelance designer?
We have crib mobiles with the rules on them for babies too
doesnt know any of the rules
I did freelance with my brother
who is a designer
I feel like Noah is missing a very important thing here
im putting together a spec for a side project and id like a real designer to work on it, i think
im trying to figure out how much it would cost
What's the project?
And where's your guy?\
In India, it'll cost you peanuts, and work about as well
Elsewhere, 100x more
have you considered child labor?
my child is only 7 weeks old
Works great
i had him try and he sucked
Source: Was child
so i fired him
im working on a fitness-related app
the total # of screens to design is probably <10
im just having trouble visualizing some pieces of it. im not the best designer though i try sometimes
A half decent designer would likely run you at least $100/screen I'd say
Then again, I've not really hired any, so can't say for sure
I'm a horrible artist
but I'm good with photoshop
oh, not same
im horrible everywhere
he's fine
making logos and stuff, you don't really need to draw anything
@NoahCristino Read the rules very very carefully
Last chance
ive never uttered that phrase anyway
@RaghavSood What did I do wrong?
Someone should make a 10 hour version of that
Then we can have Mr. Beast watch it.
our designers finally started using this Sketch plugin that generates an HTML page with dynamic measurements on it, so awesome
@String You need at least a 4:3 q:a ratio to get access here
do i even have that
You predate that rule
I answer way more then ask
I have asked like 8 questions
and answered like 50
Noah, I'm going to go and make coffee. When I get back, you've either properly read the rules, or I use my newfound energy to swing a banhammer
protip read line 6
you're still missing the point
I have read and understood the rules
There we go
good now theyll shut up about it
i have like a
1:3 a/q ratio
but in my defense i ask good questions, which is why i have like 6k+ karma
I'm question banned lol
From when I had like 3 rep
now I have 500, and I'm still banned...
@NoahCristino thanks.
;) @CarlAnderson
Noah you just got waaaaaaay more leeway than most people get in here
You should be happy
was your first question like "how do i make a snapchat" or something
Let me check
30 answers 9 questions
I'm in a terrible mood - I would have swung the ban hammer immediately and then swung over and over until you JUST DIDN'T MOVE ANY MORE!!!
so the design issue im wrestling with right now is for a screen where you have like 2 different sets of unrelated data that needs to be provided
like to abstract it you are making a picnic and you need a list of sandwiches and drinks
I just made a gender detector
lol graeme what happened?
using convolutional neural networks
the # of sandwiches and drinks are completely independent of each other
but you need to have both, and the user will likely want to consider the sandwiches when making the choices of drinks and vice versa
Can you share apks in here?
yea, i guess?
ConvNets are awesome
It uses the phone cam
youve read the rules more recently than me
to identify if it's a girl or boy
JMR are you still with Bands In Town or whatever?
@JMRboosties it doesn't mention it
It only mentions code.
@CarlAnderson yes, but im working on something which i hope could perhaps replace bandsintown as my fulltime
You can, just make sure it's your own app and not malware
I don't see a problem with an apk, if it's yours
like any startup/side project its a total longshot
Or at the very least, no obvious malware
I'm surprised, I figured you'd have left them over a year ago
The only malware we allow here is @RaghavSood
ive been wanting to, but finding the right new position is hard
i still code but like over half my job is more management of both product planning, other developers, etc
Aug 31 '16 at 18:31, by JMRboosties
now im back to this stupid fucking job
lmao carl
thats the direction i want to take my career, but finding positions that wont be a step backwards is hard
yea, i had interviewed for like an amazing opportunity at a cool company
but they ended up canning the entire project so the position fell through
ive gotten lunch with the ceo a few times since it happened, they said they liked me just fine and hope to make somehting happen in the future, but hasnt happened yet
Well then
I know but after that much frustration I'm surprised you didn't find anything else in the past year
Looks like our entire exchange just crashed
And the guy with access is on a plane somewhere
And I have no access
This is fun
i have like a super strict set of needs for me to switch
like location of job, type of work, hours, level of position, etc etc
since that post you quoted me on i got a 20k raise too so i was content for a bit haha
anyways since finding the right job isnt going to just happen, depsite my trying to sites like hired.com and other higher-end job boards
im focusing on ways i can make a change happen for myself rather than waiting for someone else
are you locked in to SD?
yea, totally
you bought a house there, right?
SD isn't a hotbed of Android work
i know im limiting myself a lot by doing so, but im ok with that
yea, it isnt
i have a house, i mean i could sell it and make a profit for sure at this point
what about working remotely?
im not opposed to that, but in my experience companies that hire remote arent always like the best for job security
if i dont believe in the product im working on i dont know if id have the confidence to walk away from my current job
i complain about it a lot because the guys who run it are like dumb as fuck
one guy is like the tommy wisseau of tech
but the product itself is still pretty solid despite some daily frustrations
I like working in an office
Is there any way to know how many users have automatic updates turned on for your application? Does anyone know if Google has published this number ever for all apps?
ive interviewed for several jobs in the past year or so, and theyre always dumb fucking ideas like one was a map of where you can buy weed lol
like because its quasi legal in CA now
and im just like naw man im not gonna work on the weed map app
@Mauker Moved to work in a new team, have another Director looking over my shoulder. Am not enjoying.
do you guys ever get mad that shit like this gets millions in funding
@NoahCristino be careful with that. Gender equality etc
@TimCastelijns Yea, tons of people will get triggered
@NoahCristino well can it detect a cat
If I train it to
I just need a bunch of cat pics
Oh .. hmm where can Noah get that
it's a classifier tho so it detects which image it is
How do I update my gradel?
it says: Minimum supported Gradle version is 3.3. Current version is 2.14.1
@Graeme I hate that too.
I feel sorry for you.
On a past job I had a boss like that
That could acually work
But it takes like 2 hours to train 4,000 pictures
and you need atleast 4,000 for it to be accurate
Even if we weren't behind schedule or something like that, even if we were going really fast, he was there being a pain.
CNN needs a lot of data
It's pretty much useless otherwise.
@Reno Reno went full cat
everyone knows you never go full cat
4000 is not full cat. It's got to be over 9000
> Cat -> Kitty -> Kit -> Kot -> Kotlin
> Confirmed: we should all switch to Kotlin
Well then, we got work to do
lol adam
Is that your cat, Carl? Why is it judging me?
that's what happens when I try to work from home
not actually my cat, just one we're catsitting
silly carl, everyone knows that cats don't sit
this one sits on my lap...top
Downside to securing your servers: The guy who started working for you recently can't get in to bring anything back up
You're cold hearted, but the laptop provides heat. That's why it sits there.
@DaveS Is that Cat Hansen with Feline NBC?
I may have tipped them off that you have a large amount of kitten pictures on your computer
@eski hahahaha
this is bullshit
and have 6 eyes (or whatever looks like 6 eyes)
the 2 insects I hate the most: Spiders and Cockroaches
that's the most innocent spider picture I have ever seen
> Six-eyed spiders are spiders that, unlike most spider species miss the principal pair of eyes, leaving them with only six eyes instead of the usual eight.
so last week my wife was getting in bed, i was still up in the other room
she calls me to come in but it isnt like urgent
so a minute goes by while i finish what i was doing to see what she needed
shes like "something was crawling on me can you help me find it"
so i pull up the pillow she was lying on and a huge fucking cockroach was there, and it crawls like back behind under the matress
oh man...
there's a specie here that fucking flies!!! can you imagine a giant cockroach flying??
yea i know
story about that
my grandpa was the commander of pearl harbor during the 80s
my mom and dad are dating then and go to visit its her first time meeting the parents you know
theyre having dinner and my grandpa takes his glasses case and throws it like right past my moms head
right behind her was a flying cockroach on the wall
thats some straight batman shit
I was coding late at night with both windows opened (I live in the 3rd floor) with good music, coffee etc...
then I hear something flying around the lamp so I thought yeah it's maybe just a big moth or something
but I can feel the color like orange or something like that so I take a look
And I see a monstrosity flying around it, and I thought it was some kind of big wasp
but they don't show up at night
Then I understood... a giant cockroach flying for 5 straight minutes
I left the room head down
I started thinking about going to sleep and stoping to work... The only reason I went to hunt it, is because I left my phone there and there was nothing I could wake up with
im kind of a pussy when it comes to bugs and shit
same ^
like i handle it but like my dad will just grab a giant grasshopper and throw it outside
whereas i smash the fucking bastard and uses 6 layers of paper towels to clean it up so i dont have to touch it lol
i dont scream like a 50s housewife but im not a fan all the same
I don't scream neither, but I kill them with a broom to keep my distances XD
then they're so smashed that they stick to the below of the broom and I don't have to pick them with anything, so I just throw them from a window :D
I'm famous for exploding roaches.
With my shoes, at a distance
It's always a mess.
I should acquire that skill, the skill of not fearing to miss it then have it run somewhere where I can't kill it
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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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