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Why am I up early
because you yearn for our company
Tim, imagine how little Raghav wants your company. Then imagine what it would be like to care even less than that, and now you have me.
The last part didn't make much sense Adam
We'll remember only the first part
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
too late bro I already read it
some days I wonder what I did to deserve this treatment
Did you lose a keystore? That gets you treated pretty poorly.
@AdamMc331 wait what happened
you loved your company
I did not, nor did I make fun of you for losing yours
I'm saying I don't like Tim's company. I don't mean it I'm just being funny.
@AdamMc331 wait for when you loose an airpod. that will be the next china team meme. we'll make shirts and baseball caps.
Wow, you're right. I reverse searched for "keystore" by "Tim Castelijns" and it appears he is the only one who has never made fun of me. My respect for you just tripled, Tim.
adam.getRespectForEric() => RespectNotFoundException() D,:
hold on I have a meme for this
(potential inappropriate content)
yeah that was border line my bad
I should get going to the office
I slept pretty late yesterday (5am) now it's 11:20am
i should stop doing ios
wait what is adam doing here one tristan and half before the normal time?
does anybody know box.com's services?
idk I woke up early, but I've been slacking so I am waiting for my laundry to finish before I get ready for the day, so I just sat down to say hi to you guys.
hi you too then.
We've used it for files at work, Tim. Nothing crazy though - just a different version of Google Drive although I kinda like Box's folder structure and favoriting system more.
i just added weather parsing for my app's events
thanks @MarkO'Sullivan for the api link <3
I am in need of a file thumbnailing service. Box has it, but it seems that box has 13509345809586 other features that I'd be paying for that I don't need
thumbnail yourself
I have a bunch of implemented features I have on an unpublished app which I could put in my current apps - how illogically they might fit in
@VijayParchani You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
Q: Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image

daveI'm wanting to create a thumbnail from a user uploaded image so the image doesn't look squashed. But also would like a copy of the original image.. So I would like the original image to send the original image to my server and also create a thumb version and send it to my server so I can call eac...

because you totally need chat function when browsing cute cats
wait you have a cute cats app?
image thumnailing is easy eric, but I need for pdf files and others as well
the darksky api has N-day predition, given their modelled weather model based on historical data. it's not precise until 15 days before, but hell if i care. i got a semi-sunny pic.
@CptEric I do
@TimCastelijns what kind of file as input?
for now image,video,pdf. In the future, more
assume png/jpeg/mp4/pdf
don't files usually already come with a meta thumbnail anyway?
just strip it
uh no
@CptEric here ... the simplest app I have ever made, so it's pretty retarded
For the image I'd assume it'll only require a resize (the code for this is known)
For the video will be to get a random frame
@TimCastelijns android , php? potatOS?
python with no filesystem access
i want my payment in frikadellen boxes.
saw it
> All the heavy-lifting is done by commonly-used tools such as LibreOffice/unoconv,
ffmpeg, poppler and ImageMagick
not available
sandboxed env
throw some toys at the sand
How do you run Cron jobs on your end?
with the provided cron service
the env is sandboxed because google takes care of all infrastructure related things
less control, but less work and maintenance for me
and, why python?
Wait, is there a way to create a docker with the OS of your choice on Google Cloud?
because it is the most mature language for google app engine, and I have been using it since I started using google app engine
yes mehdi
I am looking into it, but I have no experience with it
It's very easy
@Kaushal28 Strike 2/3. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
since it will run in a 'flex' env, and I always use 'standard' envs
Once you're in it it's like you're into a regular machine
100% likely that you'll find an existing container with flex
Either on their marketplace or GitHub
I am clueless right now
just looking around
I fear that this will become the 36th thing I will have to learn and do in my job
@AdamMc331 yo early today again
never used google app engine
what's it for?
it's basically google's AWS
here's what I suggest,
a simple container with Jetty and Java and whatever services required in this media processing,
with a REST api running in it that you'll be consuming from your existing backend (so it won't contain nothing related to your business logic, only thumbnail stuffs)
(I can give you a Jersey empty project to avoid you having to configure maven deps and to show you how to create services)
I am not sure what a container is and what jetty or jersey is
I would do it in python
@Adam I thought airpods were $60 and wanted to order some, but turns out they are $160 :( bit much
perhaps java after all mehdi. I have been wishing I did my server work in java instead of python
jetty is a light-weight Http server that you embed on your app (ship your app with an http server in it running it),
jersey is a very light-weight framework for REST Webservices, it's the reference implementation of Jax-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services)
container: it's like a VM (like docker containers)
@TimCastelijns 60$ each one you loose.
so I can get adam to buy 2 'lost' pods and ship them to me, saving $40?
you won't get a charger tho
best quote ever
@Mehdi I have to find a thumbnail libary for java before I decide
Luuuuunch time~~ :3
I hope I won't need 50 libs for 50 file types
so I think you'll need 2, the above and ffmpeg
Enjoy Food Womp
@Mehdi will the CE for developers be enough?
for docker
what's CE?
community edition
I guess so
do I get the version for my dev OS or for my cloud OS?
your dev is in your local machine?
just mac os
at 99% it'll be the same
you can work on your machine until getting a good result
then think about shipping it in a Docker
@TimCastelijns Yeah they're not cheap, but compared to some other reputable wireless headphones their in the same price range.
(to postpone you dealing with tools instead of the job you're required to do :D)
I am confused
I thought with docker you did your thing locally and then zip it or something and deploy the exact same thing to the cloud
a docker is like a VM
but since you have to work on new things, I think it's better to focus on the code
then think of deploying it (docker)
is docker CE the software that lets you run a docker image locally?
All docker versions will let you do that
Docker CE is just... free
You can't tie it into private enterprise docker repos and all that stuff
but I am trying to see how it works
It's essentially a lightweight VM system
So you do all your stuff, package it up, and you can deploy a docker image on any system then
And the image contains everything your app needs
So you can have a brand new server, install docker, and instantly run any docker images
Without needing to worry about set up, config files, whatnot
so Docker.exe is like vmwareplayer.exe, conceptually
Very, very similar
Except instead of creating an entire virtual computer, docker creates partitions in kernel/userspace. Don't remember the exact term
So it's a bit more performant
If you want something closer to VMWare, check out Vagrant
But docker would likely be easier to get up and running, and it's very well supported and documented, so yeah
no no, I am just comparing concepts to grasp how it works
You've got the right idea, pretty much
ain't nobody got time to read the docs
2 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
I mean learning from docs is the best way
I used to like docker. Then we got issues in production. We shouldn't have used docker in production. Now I hate docker.
The whole point of docker is to not have issues in production tho
What'd you guys do?
It has only 2578 issues on github, can't be that bad
Current main problematic issue we're getting is Docker Swarm assigning the same IP address to multiple different containers in the same network. Which is a not very smart move :)
Hello Graeme
oh we don't use Docker Swarm
I strongly advise not using it, Mehdi
swarm is in beta I see
how many running containers Ocus? :D
we're using Rancher for general container hosting on other diverse project. We're looking to move our production platform on this too
~40 services / ~120 instances total
14 swarm nodes
whichever next system will be, migration will be extremely fun ^^
maybe I will write this thing in kotlin
good luck OcuS XD
Merci Mehdi :)
de rien!
tout les baguettes
@TimCastelijns toutes*
god damn french grammar
no offense to the french
French is for superior beings, that's all.
very superior
user image
How am I supposed to brute force my way into this thing if their goddamn server takes ~90 seconds to process each request?
Meh, that's just our alternative flag...
Huh. That'll take 250 hours for a 10000 word password list
That's actually not all that bad
10 days
I can live with that
Raghav: launch a distributed "attack" ^^
I would, but it's all dependent on the previous output
Also I have a feeling that if they take 90 seconds right now, getting a botnet to do it would just kill the server completely
Can't bruteforce something if you murder it instead
Ocus talking about "french" and "being superior" and I am all like:
what is the difference between slim alpine onbuild wheezy etc?
haha Warren
Sound like distro versions
all our docker images are based on Alpine, it has almost every packages you would find on debian/ubuntu but final images are ~10x smaller
back~~ :3
I have never visited the second page of Google
and at this point I start thinking that I might have missed a great deal of good stuffs :D
Me neither
You fucking millennials!
As I was your age the second page was still worth to look at
because the indexation still sucked and the first results weren't good enough?
i've looked up to the fifth
because stackoverflow didn't exist and answers had to be found on random pages
then... change words and start again
there there
i've been up to the 15th for some stuff
the indexation was good back than already but the good sources had yet to come and create a history that make them unbeatable
yeah that
@CptEric that's the true definition of tenacity XD
Tenacious D E.
Obviously it is lost effort to wait for someone to ask since when Google has more than one page
my faith in your humor was just nuked
has anyone here ever found a googlewhack ?
I don't even know if it is still a thing
May 23 at 22:45, by Mehdi B.
> GRPC: tcp_client_posix.c:176] failed to connect to 'ipv4:': socket error: connection refused
so exactly 28 days ago, it was a new exception thrown by AS Canary
warren had faith in my humor :D
@Mehdi I am starting a public image with docker run but it is taking ages, is that normal?
On the first launch docker needs to download all the intermediate images/layers, could take some time.
it already has that part done. It is hanging on the "starting service" part
well, maybe it is started
docker run starts the container in the foreground
yes I am aware. But it is not started yet :P
welcome to docker
good first impression
oh I cannot cancel the operation
docker seems nice
never used it tho
@TimCastelijns still not finished?
no I terminated the console process
then shit was broken so I restarted docker
that's why i think it's better to work on the feature and not delay it because of tools installing and setups etc.. then once done take care of the tools :D
but the feature is meaningless if the tool required to run it does not work
the feature is plain java :D the portability is almost guaranteed
you'll only have to tweak stuffs if you're operating with linux processes
actually I found a file thumbnail docker image which I wanted to test, but it did not start
back to the tut now
also there is no official kotlin image :(
oh, I didn't know Kotlin could be used for backend dev
it sohuld be able to be used for anything that can be used for
since it runs on JVM
user image

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