another cool thing is both spanish and catalan have indoarabic count system
unlike french that is bizarre as fuck
(spa - cat) 1-9 are distinc numbers, 11 - 19 have a special spelling, and the rest follow the same distinct pattern
but we spell hours the brittish way, unlike the spanish. so in spanish 12:30 is "doce y treinta", but in catalan it's " dos quarts d'una" . ( two quarters to 1 / half past 12)
This is probably an issue with Android Studio 2.3. There's a new inspection that checks if all dependencies of use the same version number. However, multidex doesn't have a matching version number. You can disable the inspection via the red light bulb icon next to it as a work...
Warning:Conflict with dependency ''. Resolved versions for app (25.3.1) and test app (24.2.0) differ. See for details.
How can I get this working? I read many similar strategies, alas. Using a support lib higher than 23.1.1 fails times and again.
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile files('libs/slf4j-android-1.5.8.jar')