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black box security measures are stupid and prone to cause headaches
@RaghavSood will probably be in the americas :(
depends what date tho
the issue was that the main project had permissions to write, read and execute
I'm in either Hamburg, Montreal, LA or SF between 9. and 25.
better a headache every now and then than an intern logging in on your system and whooopsie deleted /dev because there were no restrictions
but not a submodule lib of a submodule
@Ahmad Sometime between 10th and 17th
ah damn yeah will probably not be there :/
yeah I think you have to give permission with -R to make it apply to sub stuff
@TimCastelijns wouldn't that make a nice checkbox on the installation process?
already did, no work
had to surf inside
or atleast give a more insightful error than EACESS
without a path
error access
where? by whom? for what reason?
which platform, -r on linux/unix, run as admin under windows?
Gandalf, for the safety of his friends
@ColdFire whenever we moved in they said they can't let out the 3rd room until it's got HMO status, said it'd most likely be in Sept but for now it's a spare room
people. I'm bad at math. pls help. I can't remember how to do this: I have a 3x3 matrix and want it to transform it to another 3x3 matrix. How do I do that?
Turn it sideways
damn genius ;_;
Also diagonally
transform it?
do you mean multiply?
how do I transform it
So somewhat of a flip from one corner to another
rows of the 1rst by columns of the 2nd
no i don't want to simply multiply
That, but with 3x3
I have
and want
I want B2
B2 is just the same as A but the last row is multiplied with 2
I shouldn't have skipped the last 4 classes
iit's just a multiplication
and then another
we are discussing college maths now?
^write it there
wolfram alpha
there is also an app
@RaghavSood im subscribing to Redis in an Android app
how am I supposed to use Kafka in android?
anyway I have found Jedis let me give that a try
nah wolfram alpha didn't work with this
new skype feature
@MarkO'Sullivan what HMO status?
featuring Node & Electron
oh september
HMO status means the landlord can let it out to 3 tenants, currently the property doesn't have one so there's only 2 of us in the 3 bedroom flat
i am going to bali in august
Lucky for some :D
bali is awesome
yup chew
i have to see when can i get a visa and arrange for the europe given the difficulties
i am also going to :- google.co.in/…: on 17th
nope this one :)
Nice Place BALI
too many tourists in Bali. Want a nice place near that ? Go to the Gili Islands
@ColdFire Lol, was just about to ask if some people have creative holiday destinations, thinking about booking holiday @ Turkye but I'm open for more.
turkey is about as uncreative as it gets :P
@TimCastelijns Not if you created the websites of a Hotel chain and you can stay 3 weeks for free every year ;)
Gili Island meeh
^ an affordable destination
if you want affordable india indonesia both are good
Was already thinking about something like India/Indonesia myself. Seems like a pretty nice experience.
there is a US lady i remember she used to write lot about her experience in india
@KumarPG You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
you can read her answers on quora
@FagbemiAyodele You need at least 80 rep, and a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
Gili Island looks awesome!
that's where I got my first level of scuba diving, that was amazing
i did scuba diving in andaman island
that was amazing too
damn that's gorgeous
My uncle went to Bali and didn't like it, he said the amount of tourists killed the landscape
andaman and nicobar island is worth a visit
@MehdiB. oh :(
its cheap so many indian tourist go there
@W0MP3R see what your panda lord is doing^
@KumarPG Strike 2/3. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
@KumarPG Banned. I'm a bot, arguing won't help.
@Scott welcome back!
been a while! we clean the access list from time to time so that's why you must have lost access
I have read and understood the rules

Not sure if I needed to say that again or not :)
naaah it's good
you still have the cirlce
that's verification enough
Hahaha yeah, even after all this time
lol the circle
user image
Mehdi, thanks for the response
That's what I thought based on what I was reading online but nice to have it confirmed
Damn I had to scroll a lot to find that :P
haha :D
for web devs^
ie works fine with polyfills
IE :nope i dont
actually safari is the new enemy
browser compatibility may be worse than BLE
may be is
I am eating a banana :D
@TimCastelijns I knew that cause we share the same Realm
The POWAH of Realm
Didn't realm get replaced by something recently?
saving everything into shared prefs
that's the new deal
back to the basics
what's faster than file io
writing to static variables of course
you can have the shared pref file in memory
same thing
we have phones with 16gig memory now so why not
xD Tim
@Graeme you mean Room?
Room and LiveData?
they are different and not replacement of Realm
Room is just a case of the "there are 14 standards, we should define a new standard to replace them. there are now 15 standards"
I dunno, I'm just trying to mess with Tim
I don't even know what Realm is
user image
From what I've observed, it's like Islam. Or Christianity.
lol Ahmad :)
jesus saves lives
@Graeme lmao
western lives
@Ahmad I would vote for Jesus
2 days ago, by eski
kotlin is what jesus would program in
well yeah
he uses kotlin
So jesus is the way to go
what about when kotlin wasnt around?
@ColdFire that's not one of my pandas
eric owns that one
aaaaand time to go home xD
Later!!! :D
that's not fair Womper
you should keep working a few more hours
I have a div in my page that is vertically scrollable but should not be, there isn't even alot of content on it. How can I find out why it is scrollable?
lol mehdi
later womp ~~~~
I like to think Jesus is infact Buddah
@TimCastelijns link pls
Using inference Christians believe Jesus is God, therefore Buddah is God, therefore Christians are Buddhists. Time for some mindfulness pope style.
do they believe jesus is god?
can't link
Part of the trinity
Well just use your inspect tools and look for margins/paddings.
Father/Son/Holy Spirit
I've been in this Microsoft hell hole for 7 hours mehdi
And I like to think of Holy Spirit as the mana from FF7
Jordy bro
its fine whatever they believe in until it causes trouble for other
I want to go home and do nothing
@W0MP3R yeah you were not online today we can see that
Not seen the Pope cast Firaga yet. Or even Curaga.
it is fine when I add a p to the content, but when I add this it messes up: <input id="name" type="text" class="validate" value="{{ cluster.name}}"><label for="name">Naam</label>
And you have no styling on the input element?
Wait, why do you have your label after the input
And why haven't you closed the input element
Oh explains a lot, materialize looks great but is 10/10 shitty when it comes to customization
doesn't matter
However, this still doesn't explain the weird behaviour
Let me think
it works everywhere but on this page it is funky
Also used the row and col-* classes around it?
I have <div class="row"><div class="input-field col s12">
Hmm, really hard to say where this problem comes from without a webview :p upload it somewhere please.
It doesn't scroll if I add an icon to the input
Also if I wrap it in another row/col
@Code-Apprentice These are some interesting hidden gotchas.
"1".toInt() // 1 - parsed to number
'1'.toInt() // 49 - its ASCII code
^ Doesn't Java do that too?
why is that a gotcha?
Characters and Strings are not the same
They're claiming it's unintuitive
1.inc() // 2
1.dec() // 0
-1.inc() // -2
-1.dec() // 0
I think this is dev misunderstanding.
that url screams "subjective post"
You're incrementing 1, and applying a negative sign. Read the damn code??
It is haha
The first header, hell even the first example of the second header I was like "oh, okay, these are minor inconveniences but true"
@Ahmad are you learning about row operations?
Then he lost me. I also don't get why he complained about extension methods being resolved to static methods. ????? That's the only way to do it. That's how they work in every other language.
I did not read it yet
I started, but the grammar was so bad. I think English is the author's second language
I am almost done. I agree with Tim's first thing - it's very subjective. I understand his complaints, but to me they are not reasons to shy away from the language. They are just little nuances you will need to be aware of as a developer. No big deal.
well anything against is not gonna go down with adam not
because he is kadam now
He starts by saying how much he loves Kotlin.
I am not afraid to admit downfalls of Kotlin, though I feel like there are few. Even then, they are not with the language itself, other than the fact that it compiles slower.
Other complaints are were about it not being officially supported. You also have to learn a new language, convince your company to switch, spend additional time with developer onboarding, understand optionals and the Unit return type, etc.
@Ahmad if you need any more help, ping me with the exact problem you are solving. Might need to move to chat in Mathematics in order to get some formatting tools.
adam i was jk
yeah kotlin seems awesome
with minor inconvienence
Everyone knows that real devs use Clojure
adam are there noob level tutorials yet?
I know you were but I'm still being constructive by calling out the (minimal) risks lol
@McAdam331 any new language has a learning curve, both individually and as a team.
I mean, I wrote a blog post on it that's probably noob level.
Did you like it? Was it not noob enough?
I was going to do it today because my boss said I could spend today learning new stuff
@Code-Apprentice OOOU Sweet! :)
thanks man!
but 20 min later he called again
and the party was over
I still need to watch the Kotlin videos from IO
yeah need to start kotlin
The best /why/ Kotlin video is the Jake Wharton talk on the Realm website. I don't remember what conference it was from.
once i get rid of this mess i have brought upon myself
There are some good intro to Kotlin vids from I/O tho
JW talks at droidcon
Yes he does. I saw him at Droidcon NYC last year haha
Sat front row. 8)
wow nice
did you touch him?
Can't wait to go back to NYC in September.
@TimCastelijns hahahaha
No but my coworker did and he fangirled just as much as you'd think. "He gave me a fist bump!" smfh
shake my fucking head?
shaking my fucking head lol
usually it's smdh but I wanted to go the extra mile
I think I remember you talking about that when I just joined this room
lol even fuck in head jeez
shake my d____ head?
@Ahmad Depending on the question, the answer might be just as easy as "multiply the bottom row of A by 2". If you need matrix that does the same thing, it is the identity with a 2 in the bottom right corner.
Identity matrix == 1s on the diagonal, 0s everywhere else
@TimCastelijns just don't grab him
@MehdiB. chat.stackoverflow.com/… 14 for me, not too bad
haha! 6 for me. I'm a noob :(
@Code-Apprentice Oh yeah I figured that out already haha :)
PFFT, rookies. I've said fuck 250+ times. chat.stackoverflow.com/…
And my friend says I cuss too much
6 times, i'm the nicest
I laugh when people apologize for cussing. I am often tempted to say "I don't give a fuck."
326 for shit
@RED_ looking time no see
51 fucks for me
"fuck this" "fuck that" :D
I've said "Tristan" 681 times though, while Tristan has said my name 1102 times holy shit stalker much?
14 for me :D
I'm almost as nice as RED_!
i've been around, but always forget to look at this tab
October was an angry month for me
I guess that's an even 340 now \o/
@Ahmad If I ever work for FB someday, I'm going to announce it by saying "this guy zucks!"
Congrats on your fuck milestone, cM!
All in 2011 and 2012 :) I haven't dropped the f bomb in 5 years :)
You all here clearly cannot get enough of me, Mark has been said 1381 times: chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=Mark&user=&room=15
teach me graeme
how to be calm 101
It's easy.
Upgrade the F word to the C word
And 56 starred fucks
He fucked it out of his system, he spent his youth using the f word and now that he's old, he's a changed man
Mac, thanks! I've worked hard on those fucks
I did do a lot of f'ing in my youth
However, we've only been tired of a certain someone's shit 109 times.
nice you guys are celebrating each other now
get that ios screenshot out of here
Your button widths are all different - this offends me.
wut in the hell is that?
gmail for android also has that iOS behavior
Nothing wrong with a nice bit of BottomNavigation

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