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Sold we're going full on Kotlin logo then
I can't do it. I can't replace the green circle.
You could create a trend though
It's the circle of life
anyone used the new android vitals to see slow performance of your app?
Make a green K
The deed is done. It's time.
McAdam331, Detroit, MI, United States
10.4k 3 27 70
the details are cool but i am not sure how to use it improve app performance
will be so weird not seeing a green circle
adam is officially non circle
I'll probably have to change it back.
Plus SO keeps it cached for quite a while.
yeah 30 mins you got
I just broke the news to Tristan. He's taking it well.
user image
lmao tradam broke
Aww, that "now kiss" meme is broken though hahaha
Time to go!!!
Bye w0mp
Cya in a bit people!!! :D
@Code-Apprentice i need maths help
You should really put the green dot beside the K so it looks like it's eating it pacman style
nice idea
maybe instead of green why not a pink circle of tristan
He's not killing Tristan :| he's killing off his old self, becoming reborn
we should just call him Kadam
well he has to kill tristan old self too
killing adam = kadam?
kotlin + adam = kadam.
You know, kinda like Rim? Realm + Tim.
Tim+ Realm = TimoRealm or RealTim
I like Trealm
lmao that is nice
Marealm = mark+ realm
i made a kotlin spp
and now i need help with fractals.
McRealm sounds like a desert from McDonalds, good thing McAdam isn't a big Realm fan
walks into class and gets on computer
@MarkO'Sullivan what about McRoom?
gets locked out of internet before I can turn on my VPN
@CptEric The frac is that?
bye tristan
@ColdFire I like it
i need to take a geometrical element and rotate it 5 times, 1 each 72º
only thing remain is adam to become a Room fan
and i also need to generate afractal cloud
Okay back
user image
I made us matching ones <3
Fuck wait how do we get a transparent background again?
Or do we have to make the background a certain color?
McAdam331, Detroit, MI, United States
10.4k 3 27 70
nah I'm keeping it
Wait, why is yours not black?
The background
the fuck
@CptEric you still here?
Where did you change it? How?
I've lost all motivation for this project and I've only been on it for a week lmfao
which project?
@CptEric want to chat here or something else? I have a little bit of time
A new loyalty program we've got. It goes live in August and I can share more details then.
starhugs, a multi national hug selling chain
do you know of any website or program where i could generate geometry based on aprameter?
@McAdam331 where you work?
And why not put the K inside your circle?
@Code-Apprentice helloworld.com
I wanted to put the K inside a circle but I'm bad at photoshop
specifically, I didn't want the K but just that blue/orange/blue Kotlin gradient instead of a solid green
@CptEric what is aprameter?
@TristanWiley Think you can pull that off for me? I'd love you forever. <3
Oooh I like it
But then we aren't matching :'(
@Code-Apprentice "rotate this shape every 72º 5 times starting form 0
We'll still be circles though!
😬 okay
@CptEric no I am not familiar with any website that does that
So like you draw the shape and give the angle?
The bromance is getting pretty thick in here.
Almost done with it Adam
You can make that, right? :p
I might need to leave the room for a bit to get some air.
not digitally
i need to make a gif out of it
my teacher went all nuts on this one
lol carl
Carl XD
tbh Adam I don't like how it looks
So you need tech support, not math help :p @CptEric
Hold on, seeing what I can do
it's math help
kind of
math people draw things all the time
When you say "math help" I think you mean like solving equations or factoring polynomials
Or derivatives or integrals
Love you Adam <3
wow that looks terrible
lmfao, that looks terrible indeed
> Me: How can I let him down easy?
I don't like it either
Just want you asked for xD
what dont you make <3 symbol in between circle with kotlin gradient
You know what
I might just reupload my green circle lmao
Keep the one you have
Keep the Kotman one I made <3
I just fixed mine lol
@MehdiB. delete it
why would i?
meeh those crappy pixels
painful to watch
that was the whole point :D
since Tristan's last pic was pixelated
> Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction.
Whyyyy Realm
a bowl of broken ys
I don't get it
I don't either, not yet at least.
What's the hint on their FB page?
adam looks so different
its gonna take a while getting used to
> Can't wait to see all the witty remarks in the comments section.
I don't think it's a clue lol
It is
witty == wise == Ys
I got it right. :D
I just gave you the answer
It's not giving it to me
what is the person in the picture doing?
And thus, what is that person?
lmao I got it
@MarkOSullivan94 do you have ideas for projects we could do?
Hey everyone!
adam i didnt got it?
where did the S come from?
@Code-Apprentice Stalking :P
what S?
@Kanth I should have made it harder on you and had you figure it out yourself
so what is the answer?
I've literally been listening/watching High School Musical for the past 60 hours
@ColdFire Gotta get it yourself ;)
It's "wisecracker"
now where did the cracker come from?
oh got it
some Y are cracked
they're cracking them on the bowl
@Code-Apprentice I could have figured out myself. I know you can't leave the Code either as a word or as a job :P
Or at least code related
A long time ago when I was on a Haskell kick, I had a completely non-Code name
That still has Code in it
yeah i know just was sharing your previous name
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!! :D
LOL womp :D
just amused by your exuberance and propensity towards leeeeeengthening words. :D
no it only works for Womper
yay~~ :D
like this^ ?
why ^
because context.getApplicationContext() is valid
we need to go deeper
ugh I am going at it with my coworkers in hipchat
PSA: Just because Android has support for Java 8 on all API levels, doesn't mean Kotlin has no benefit. There's still so much Kotlin can do that Java 8 does not.
like what?
also when did android has support for java 8 on all api levels?
@ColdFire I had another previous name for a while, too
@Kanth You still here?
@ColdFire Well maybe not built in but there's a new tool that lets you I forgot what it's called.
wow no checkedexception
that is good and bad both
i kinda liked the checked exception
> The Jack toolchain is deprecated... However, you may continue to use it to enable Java 8 language features until the replacement is available.
jack was shit good thing they trashed it
kotlin does not have non private fields :(
adam is kotnified
well this page says it doesnt
yeah idk what they mean
it links to the properties page
Oh you know what it is
Kotlin properties all go through a getter and setter
oh I see
sort of
I get it. They're not inherently public, but behave as such, is what they mean I think.
yeah, there are implicit getters and setters
you mean you dont even need to make getters and setters?
you can hook listeners up to the setters and stuff too
it's pretty cool
42 secs ago, by Cold Fire
you mean you dont even need to make getters and setters?
yeah you don't have to, but you can if you want some special behavior
oh that is awesome
those getters setters generation was boilerplate anyway
even with a plugin it is a PITA
Data Classes are beautiful
They take a class with getters, setters, overloaded constructors, equals, tostring, hash, and clone and reduces it to one single line
might switch to kotlin soon
saves a lot of time
that's some overkill right there adam
the new profile pic
@Berilo you have write access, please start by reading the rules: room-15.github.io
you mean the kotnified adam?
I was beat by carl
that has never happened
I was just gonna use the K but Tristan insisted I add a circle
should go back to just the K
you should make some sort of green gradient K
someone save the western wall
he's molesting it with his tiny fingers
> Trump gathers inspiration for the southern border.
when I was in jerusalem I went to the western wall at 2 am in the morning
surprisingly it was packed
but only with orthodox jews, and clearly I was the only one there who wasn't one
everybody was looking at me funny, and security was confused
but would recommend going there
very interesting
#suppachat https://t.co/Yg1V4kHlOt
i saw that earlier but I don't get it
What is suppachat?
26.0.0.beta released
with lots of changes and new api
something that was announced during io
but the presenter was just so enthusiastic about it haha
@Ahmad oh dear
I didn't understand that presentation at all
ugh, new icon Adam? now I need to get used to it.
more like you need to get used to Kotlin
Kotlin is like a poor man's Swift
still better than Java of course
@Code-Apprentice Yeah, couldn't check your ping as I was on another window. It's midnight here, have to sleep. cya
Kotlin may be the poor man's swift but iOS is the poor developer's Android.
@Kanth gnite. Talk to you later.
@CarlAnderson This could cause PR issues if at least 3 people change their avatar.
@trevor-e oh no you didn't
kotlin predates swift
that's irrelevant
does swift have stuf that kotlin doesn't?
the "K" letter
and isn't the swift syntax like still changing in every other revision
Kotlin has ++ and swift doesn't. /micdrop
Swift is also for iOS so that's like 10 demerits
the memory model is the biggest difference I can think of
Although, i will say, kotlin fanbois are a lot louder than swift fanbois
that includes no garbage collection + copy on write
AFAIK everything in Kotlin is allocated on the heap?
There's no automatic garbage collection on Swift?
@McAdam331 lmfao also --
smaller things include protocols and more flexible enums
swift must have ARC
or it doesnt?
yea swift has automatic reference counting
oh great
better than GC
> If you want to toggle logging at runtime, use Hugo.setEnabled(true|false)
> JakeWharton commented on Nov 4, 2015
It's not released yet. It will be in the next version when I get around to
making the final release.

JakeWharton commented on Mar 20:
No plans to make another release.
and now, I have to manually comment hundreds of annotations :)
Or you could write a script to do it for you
any Robolectric users online?
or just replace it with AS, but that will color my files (because of git)
oooooohhhhh Diner Time!!!
Cya tomorrow people!!! :D
@MehdiB. replace it anyway
@DaveS lmao
@MehdiB. or just switch to Kotlin.
Hahaha! XD
LOL dave
nailed it
this is hilarious
nswf? you be the judge
lmao dave
That's creepy XD
LOL the tiny hands
it's a dragon ball
and they're trying to call shen long
Don't they know they need 7?
that's why they fail
nobody told them they need 7

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