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i don't like react native tho
i'm in love with angular / ionic
not react native
just react
@CptEric Can't use every hw component with ionic right?
what do you mean?
Hardware component
made my first app in kotlin
so far neat
opening 3.0
starting my first app
took about ~4-5h to learn to do complex stuff
and do it
eric, how complex is that app you done?
realm + async queries + async http calls + geocoding API (google) + google maps
time includes whole setup and "how the fuck do i do this" moments.
I'm currently digging my way out of a series of similar moments.
eric, what did you use for async http calls
That is, lots of async on async...
loopj's android async http
running a new project in kotlin \o/
probably the best in callback management
So is everyone here switching to using Kotlin in their projects now?
i'm testing it for science
CptEric, is that better than Retrofit?
anything > square libs > most google libs ( some exceptions)
and see how it works
@MarkO'Sullivan testing it
..right... science ... =)
not migrating my old code
if it works all new code in kotlin that is all
@CptEric is there no object mapping with that library?
I've got about 20k lines of code in my project, think it'd take me a while to replace all of that :D
well, it has nice gson support
no need of replacing old code
and it has callbacks for jsonObjects and jsonArrays and strings and byte[]
That's actually a good plan, though I'm reluctant to start using Kotlin without doing some practice outside of work
so i'm happy
what i like more is the 3-6 different callbacks you have on that lib
different error casuistics, or different success casuistics
good plan regarding what?
meeh this gradle download is talking too long
oh yeah first project gradle load time is horrible
i probably cancelled it once or twice
also room
and dagger 2 or rxjava shit
might as well try realm with this kotlin
realm and kotlin pair nicely
awesome then
i might make a small app and publish to playstore with all this shit things
and see how the new things work
yup what i'm doing exactly
there's vars and vals. vars are mutable, vals are not.
i like it more than swift's var and let.
vals are constants right?
or not?
eric, how much time would you need to do the same thing in java
probably the same, plus all the extra gibberish syntax that strongly typed languages carry over
maybe 25% less time with training
i can't really compare based on my first project
the fuck how long does it take to refresh project
That's long :D OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<BikeParkLocation>>
i downloaded studio faster than that
it's longer on java
it's one () longer in java. lol
I am at the point of flipping some tables around (because of a bug) -
I hope someone can help me get some hints where to look (I can't share the code, bc of company policies :/)

So, I have an app that communicates with a device. The device has multiple channels.
I added a new feature that adds received reports for a specific channel to a list.
This all works - except when I'm on the activity where the channels are listed with their reports.
I get the popup, code fires up, report gets added to the specific channel
wall of text breaks screen
Sorry for the wall of text ^^'
where is the bot when you need him
rules, did you read them?
is your issue around bluetooth?
sorry can't read all of that
@CptEric retrofit has that
refreshing .......
Amylinn - what's a channel anyway?
This could be an interview question - find the bug and good luck
channel is a class I wrote. Something on the device that sends me some data.
ERIC how long it took to refresh in your case?
cancel and retry?
i did
I wouldn't disturb you if I had options left to look for. :/
5 minutes already after retry
@Amylinn ok, what's the problem you're encountering? (go straight to the point)
I add a new entry to a list of an item where the item is stored in a list and every other item in the list magically also has that entry even when no breakpoint are hit for them...
I have a question!
or more like... i don't know where to start...
Sounds like the list is shared with your channels, thats why
Yeah that List, sounds like you are referencing it from everywhere
@W0MP3R ask
what murat said^^^
points flashlight to w0mp
i want to do this app for me (so no playstore involved)
points womp to flashlight
that basically is a "walktrough/how to" of a game
straight to the point
past me would do and mysql db and then json things to the app
should i do that or there is a better way??
your past you is wise backend-speaking, but does that data really require a backend?
like, are you gonna change that walkthrough info enough to not just roll a new update?
BaseChannel {List<Entry>}
AChannel extends BaseChannel


And the whole list gets this Entry?
i guess it will not change
then no need of backend
walkthrough are mostly offline apps
with no backend
have the contents saved on the strings.xml
even if in the future i want to add a new game?
republish app
new update
i'll lend you my dev account so you can publish
she want no playstore
will have to think how to do that
she already said it
meh i still offer it.
it's been ages since i touched AS
@Amylinn so you have 2 Lists one on the base class and the other on the AChannel, what does list.getChannelX() returns (what list)
good thing AS is a thing to be touched unless you run out of options
An instance of a channel @MehdiB.
well w0mp i can make you a 2017 dev bootcamp
i will have to start planning the xml
the shit 20 mins and still refreshing
cancel CF
fuck you AS 3.0
and remake project
ok, and what's the addEntry methods code? (in what list does it store objects, where is it decalred)
probably soemthing got bugged
remember you0're on an alpha
well, a canary
making a new project
@MehdiB. BaseChannel {ArrayList<Report> reports; void addReport(Entry e){reports.Add(e);}}
@ColdFire Wait what, Eric promised it's blazingly fast compared to 2.4x
build times? yes. first run generation? sometimes
for me it sucks more than eclipse
first project ever lasted a hell lot for me
2nd took 15s to generate
and then 1rst project at work took 20s
@MehdiB. I have other lists in BaseChannel which work fine and don't have this bug :/
is this buggy list static?
it's only private
nothing more
do you access it on different threads?
all on the main thread
and what did you mean by
> every other item in the list magically also has that entry
all channels in the list of channels do have that new entry when I call addReport on the (right) channel
can you show a gist or something
Sorry, can you create a code snippet
eric, later i will show you exactly what i want to do ok??
something more complete
Tim :D
@W0MP3R yay
I'll try. :) But thank you for your time, really.
remove all your company's references in the code
and keep only what matters to the issue
but keep the passwords and bank account numbers
created new project
still loading for 3 mins
its an alpha alright
blame your pc
goddamit cf
it works for everybody but not for you :P
that's weird
file a bug report
i already have a SSD jordy
eric hmm yeah looks like some bug
buy more SSD
you're still using AS 1.5? :D
2.2.2 on windows
1.5 on my mac
oh, welcome to the present :D
Why does Android Studio has a dictionary in it... seems so useless
ugh trying to make node stuff work on windows 10
^ not so hard right? Or having issues with system environments var's?
dictionary is as useful as its owner
useful on Auto-correct (when it finds a typo on a comment or a methodName)
Just discovered the "Handpan"
fuck it , done for the day with AS 3.0
back to 2.2.2
rage quit
wow i tried to kill it with task manager and task manager was kill instead :/
He was hit by
He was shot by
yay killed now
A smooth criminal
She was surgically altered to be robotic by
Damn, too late
today Reviews on AS 3.0 : shit piece of bloatware that is with every new google alpha launch
@Carpetsmoker Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
@rosualin Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
and please don't light up our room carpet
And don't join Tim and Jordy
how to you do the bold thingy??
cf, I have problems with regulars AS versions; every new one is more buggy
with stars
speaking of AS bugs
this what I get trying to click on an XML layout
@netpork yeah crap
I' m actually amazed
womp : two stars front and back
Would asking a "would such-and-such a question be a good question?" considered desirable in this room? Asking for an answer to this meta question. Normally, I'd give out that advice, but the Android room seems 'special' as it's mod-protected? (The actual rules aren't all that different from other rooms I've seen).
Bold is good
<blink> is even better @MehdiB.
how do you know the rules are different? You haven't even read them
^ star
Ehm, yes, I have?
don't you lie to us
Might want to read them a little bit more carefully
More than happy to answer your question, just need you to go through the rules first
Could we skip the passive-aggressiveness please?
Trying to do ya'll a favour
just read the rules, ok?
Unless I've missed something, this isn't answered in the rules?
And if so, you can just point that out.
I tried my very best
but I'm out of this, lecture's gonna start soon
Well, this has been fun
a new day everyday
Unless you're being annoyingly pedantic about rule six, which I suspect you are?
He sees the light!
and if i want bold and italic i put 3??
yep womp
Why didn't you just try it with 3 the first time?
i needed confirmation
bold everywhere
will not abuse of it, but i needed to know
Ya know, there are better ways to convey that than insulting me as a lair @RaghavSood . Again, I'm trying to do ya'll a favour by first checking the etiquette.
Carpet - it's ok, it wasn't an insult :) read the rules and let's close the topic and carry on :)
Yes; I've read them. Before I even asked for access.
So, to make it "official", if ye want:

“I have read and understood the rules”.
Glad we got that out of the way
Isn't that passive aggressiv? :D
(and I really do think you could have conveyed that much better way)
Moving on
let's change the subject now :D
Duly noted
@Carpetsmoker I think you can ask this question but depends on the user
Mostly, we wouldn't even have that type of question in here. The people who wind up with access usually have enough experience to know what to ask where
That said, we often have general discussions (such as the scope of the example in the meta Q) in the room, and if someone has a really specific problem, we'll usually ask them to post on SO first, then link the question here
Of course, none of this is set in stone, and occasionally people ask for specific inputs here too

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