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haha true that jmr
but unfortunately a lot of non tech places are like that
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
Good morning all !
1 hour later…
anybody working at Agoda, Bangkok?
Gooood Morning People!! :D
Odd day
wait its even day today is 6th
Landed in Delhi, found out my airport Costa Coffee is closes, took a taxi that was missing most of a door and the dashboard to get home, and discovered there's no coffee at home either
I think it's a sign
yeah, Raghav is wrong
I must occupy a coffee plantation
hehe true
Just buy Starbucks and be the boss of Carl
Starbucks in India is meh
How hard can that be
As the new boss you can fix that
I'm sure if any of us actually threatened Carl's livelihood, he'd bust out the oil reserves he created by personally burying dinosaurs a million years ago and just buy us out anyways
I wouldn't mind buying out Cafe Coffee Day
true that
well since you are in india you can enjoy the cheap coffee
I intend to
And street momos
yeah momos
There's something different about momos cooked on the roadside in definitely contaminated water, vs, momos in a restaurant
might as well eat panipuri also
Probably 1-2 years of life expectancy
i doubt its available over seas
Try? You do realise I grew up here, right? :P
haha i mean eat it also
They call them dimsums, make them more fluff than actual stuffing, and remind you why you shouldn't buy them every time you take a bite
well a good opportunity to open a shop for that overseas
@Aamir You need at least a 4:3 q:a ratio to get access here
If you start serving actual South/Southeast Asian street food in most first world countries, people would die
Way too much contamination that they haven't built a tolerance to
hahaa spicyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And that
Spicy depends on the people, and probably wouldn't kill those who can't have it
yeah contamination is a issue
probably we survive somehow
ohai o/
also first world country is kinda old term
now a days developed / developing
Did you guys see MKBHD's video to Samsung? youtube.com/watch?v=xfG15i_uQvc&feature=youtu.be
also o/
need a quick sanity check
20MB in bytes = 1024*1024*20?
in US = 1000*1000*20
MB or MiB?
what MiB?
some calculate MB as 1000*1000 bytes, some as 1024*1024
yes i know
that is why i wrote in US
MiB is 1024*1024
its 1000 one
well no
google says otherwise
it shows 1000 Mib ==1048.58 Mb
well fuck Mib go with MB
the most probably the US is the culprit again
most countries use 1024 with MB
anyone ever use lightcycle?
what is that?
oh never used but looks nice
@135 Rejected for chat as tech support only
@135 I may be a bot, but I can understand pointless actions. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
going back to work in 3.5 days, I wanna cry
holidays now?
yes, the last 2.5 weeks (I took 3 weeks)
Agadir (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agadir) visiting parents
looks nice
yeah and it's quite
@MehdiB. can relate
yeah... and I did the mistake to check my mails yesterday
I know I'm screwed when I get back XD
1 week here passes like 1 month on the stressful city I live in, you actually feel that you have lived 1 week
Cool story
I will never understand why some people have so many issues with the life choices of others. The only thing that should prohibit a life choice is when it effects others in a way of their life choice. Like: Your freedom ends where it has an impact on my freedom.
I mean we could live so happily and peacefully together when we would just have this as a common baseline
yeah i agree
The fact that I completely forgot about those tells me that I'm getting old :D
Hey 0/
Hey Dh
chilling and pretty much nothing else :D
One is a genius, the other's insane.
For those who don't know it, this lib is super helpful when debugging complex flows
tells you the params values of a method / returns exec time / order of execution etc...
hey guys
hey guys
as a senior year student who is applying for jr android developer jobs, should i start learning kotlin or spend my energy and time on RxJava, unit testing, getting better at java etc?
rxjava not necessary, better spend time on the essentials
agreed with Tim
there is only 1 library everybody must learn to use
no dont name it
I recently got a skilled graduate visa from australia so I'm gonna apply for aussie companies, any Aussie developers here can tell me what's the situation there?
phew saved
aussie not me
Call yvette
she is a aussie?
i thought she was american
I use butterknife + butterknife zelezny but really is that necessary at all? I mean it makes my code clean and makes my job easier but I'm skeptic
what is there to be skeptic about?
well butterknife is awesome
inb4 graeme says that butterknife sucks :)
and dagger and retrofit and rx and realm and ....
just kidding
idk senior developers tell me that i shouldn't use 3rd party libraries at all (which i believe not applies the famous ones)
it's almost not worth it to learn libs
Quick question...
right on
reinventing the wheel is like the dumbest thing you can do in software development
Has anyone used realm?
lol cM
learn the basic and be able to build your own stack, and when you're confident enough and know how to organize a project and code stuffs yourself then find a few libraries that allow you to save time
you are early today
I am. Just stopped in for a minute
what's up with the realm hate here :D
Our CEO overlord is here so probably won't be here long
oh ok
Tim - for grads the priority is concepts and know how stuffs work underline
Got to look like I'm working yanno
xD that you do all day
@Egek92 unbelievable huh? I don't get it either
Egek - of course, you won't recreate some stuffs such as your own HTTP Client :D
I like this @Egek92 person they've clearly heard about how great Realm is
they can be used to refer to a person if their gender is unknown
@Egek92 definitely RxJava, unit testing, getting better at Java because you can still use Java code in Kotlin project (iirc)
oh..... dammit english i always forget that
I notice that I regularly throw in some english words in conversations with people because I don't know the dutch translation xD
lol same with us
hindi mixed with english
like RAM
there is no hindi word for it
I mean normal words :P not tech specific
yeah for normal words also
like computer
@TimCastelijns I don't think there is a translation for 'farthead' in dutch
this occurs to me on my second dialect, since I already don't know much of it, I tend to throw some english words in it and sounds correct to me XD
although i know now the translation of computer in hindi
@MarkO'Sullivan Thanks mark, you just taught me a new word :D
It's quite the insult
I was going to suggest something but it's taking too long for my brain to find the dutch word for fart
there it is
well use google translate
I doesn't even make sense in English, I'm not sure if I've ever heard anyone else use it before but I have called someone a farthead before
scheethoofd.. not really the best of insults
Nope Urban Dictionary has it, it's a legit insult then
lmao google translate shows farthead as farthead in dutch
wanna make it a good insult Tim?
capital letters and "!!!"
well translate realm to dutch
> In Realm relationships between objects are bidirectional, which means that if you have a reference from Person to his/her Dog, then Realm automatically establishes a relationship in the other direction as well, and will automatically maintain it.
This inverse relationship is normally hidden in your model classes, but today we are shipping a new @LinkingObjects annotation that can make that inverse relationship visible so you can navigate through it.
@Mark didn't you need that recently?
Oh is that the 3.1 release?
part of the release
I'm nearly certain I needed it and I can't quite remember why. All I remember was referring to their example of the Dog and Person :\
Feb 14 at 11:02, by Mark O'Sullivan
I was wondering if it was possible to return the dog object from the person object when querying the person object
Realm website is neat though
You sorted me out that day, I was searching for a particular round within my object which contained a list of Round objects
yeah the site is neat i have to agree
Though that new feature sounds pretty cool. Sounds like if you make a change in the Dog.class object such as updating the owner to a new Person.class object, then it'll be reflected in the Person.class object if there's an ownsDog field or something similar (least that's what their description sounds like)
yes I gave you the ugly solution, now they have a nice solution :D
that feature is kinda nice
Wait so you can return other objects when querying a certain object?
but i am not going to the dark side
I haven't read it all, what do you mean
File format upgrade

In 3.1 the internal Realm file format has been changed. Older Realm files will automatically be upgraded when opened, but doing so means that they no longer can be read by older versions of Realm.
shouldn't be a big deal
My geoCoder.getFromLocation(mLatLng.latitude, mLatLng.longitude, 1) returns Timout Exception. So I just used https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng= this api. it also takes more time and gets timedout. but the URL seems working on the browser. what could be the issue ?
Anyone following the masters? (golf tournament)
mehdi it isnt when it work but is a big deal when it doesnt work as expected
no... only this api is not working
but still it works on the browser. even checked it with & without 2 different api keys. It didnt help
@jafarbtech cat after a long time man
TimeOut means taking too long
doesnt mean it is not working
try increasing the timeout time
yaah. in URL connection i tried it. but it didnt give me response :(
yes chew cat ... got back to work ;)
still its giving immediate response in mobile browser... would it be some header issues?
ohh bad luck... any alternate to geocoders?
no idea
@jafarbtech, I use both android geocoder and google geocoder webservice and both work fine
and why do you use URL Connection? from Android 4.4 it uses OkHttp underline, so why not using OkHTTP's latest version directly instead
yaah. I also coded like the same in an AsyncTask. if android geocoder is not working then go for google geocoder. bad luck is both of them doesnt give response with bsnl WIFI.
and even geocoder stops working with mobile data once it is requested with wifi, and when I reinstall my app it starts working in mobile data
I dont think the latest versions could make difference as API's works in the same way
1 hour later…
\o \o adam
\o\o\o\o\o\\oo\\o\oo\\o\o\ adam
Has anyone ever gotten a DuplicateFilesException trying to build a project with gradle?
Q: Error :: duplicate files during packaging of APK

Robertas SetkusAndroid Studio. I'm getting this kind of error during application run. Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageDebug'. Duplicate files copied in APK META-INF/notice.txt build.gradle apply plugin: 'android' android { compileSdkVersion 19 buildToolsVersion "19.0.1" packagingOp...

I'm getting something similar to this, but nobody else on my team is getting it
clean build?
I vaguely recall seeing that
I've tried dozens of things
I had it not long ago, used the "fix" explained in the given SO answer
Adding the files to the packagingOptions fixes it,
but it doesn't explain why nobody else on the team is experiencing it
nor can I figure out why we now have duplicates in the dependency tree - it's not like we recently made any library changes or brought in new packages
@OcuS do you still have that 'fix' in place?
happened to me as well
because of Jackson
this is what fixed it for me
well happened to me when i had some duplicates files
@CarlAnderson yes sir
it has to do with licence files from imported libraries that are "deported" to your own apk/aar
and some refactored libs include them on each sub-lib
mine is an actual jar file collision
in my case jackson-core / jackson-databind / jackson-annotations
Error:Execution failed for task ':starbucks:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForEnvtestDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: com.android.builder.packaging.DuplicateFileException: Duplicate files copied in APK META-INF/maven/commons-io/commons-io/pom.properties
File1: /.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/commons-io/commons-io/1.3.2/b6dde38349ba9bb5e6ea6320531eae969985dae5/commons-io-1.3.2.jar
File2: /.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.apache.commons/commons-io/1.3.2/b6dde38349ba9bb5e6ea6320531eae969985dae5/commons-io-1.3.2.jar
using "exclude" is not the right option if you want to comply with (some) legislation, "pickFirsts" is the one you maybe need (google.github.io/android-gradle-dsl/current/…)
oh, jar collisions !!?
never had this one
you need to list the gradle dependecies tree
to see which lib causes it
transitive dependencies conflict, yeah
how do I get that? I tried doing a command line build but it doesn't tell me the package names even if I run it with --debug
./gradlew -q dependencies mobile:dependencies --configuration compile
execute this one on the root of your project
but that's weird none of your colleagues has that
did you clean your local gradle cache ?
I have deleted the entire cache
and had it re-download and rebuild the whole thing
same result
try deleting all the build folders under all modules then make rebuild
fyi, on the command "mobile" being the "module name"
still waiting for it to finish building
going on 10 minutes now
just finished, same error
it doesn't even list you the dependencies?
I didn't know the mobile part of your command, so I didn't execute that right
I did delete the build folder and cache
that's strange
+--- com.octo.android.robospice:robospice:1.4.12+ -> 1.4.12
|    \--- com.octo.android.robospice:robospice-cache:1.4.12
|         +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2
|         \--- org.apache.commons:commons-io:1.3.2
|              \--- commons-io:commons-io:1.3.2
this makes no sense
apache.commons is what's including commons
nothing else is included that ? oO
yeah, nothing else
This is absurd, I'm not sure what's happening there
try this
Q: Duplicate Files copied in APK META-INF when Gradle building

Csteele5I've been looking around at some of the answers posted here about this error but have had no luck. I'm hoping to get some clarification about what's going on. my error is as follows: Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebug'. com.android.build.api.t...

looks like it's POM related
yes, I have the fix, but my team is saying that since they're not experiencing this, that it's something local I effed up and need to fix instead
then tell them it's fixed and that it was cache related, and add you build.gradle to the git ignore file :D
for non-US citizens who want to start an "internet" business in the US Stripe released a service to allow them to create their companies through them in Delaware https://stripe.com/atlas
posted on April 06, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate for IoT Today, we are releasing the Developer Preview 3 (DP3) of Android Things, bringing new features and bug fixes to the platform. This preview is part of our commitment to provide regular updates to developers who are building Internet of Things (IoT) products with our platform. Android developers can quickly build smart devices using Andro

so my teammate ran the same command
his output is exactly the same, except his apache commons doesn't add another commons package
And what are the dev environments differences between you two? Gradle / As versions
Feels like it's morning
it's not here
it is night here
is it dark? and full of terrors?
winter is coming
Finally convinced my lead dev that we needed the fix, and then 10 minutes later the build engineer had the same issue I had
you have a build engineer :O jealous
it's himself
he has MPD
plot twist: he's also the lead dev
I found Carl ^
dave ditto was thinking the same
3 hours later…
Which reminds me of these creations

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