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oh gotcha
Glad you're keeping up with the times
can indian also invest in US stocks?
i was thinking of investing
A lot of young people seem to be buying the stock based on using the app rather than whether they think it's over/under valued
I'm wondering how much they account for compared to the regular investors though
Eski: see also, Nintendo stock buyers when Pogo came out.
cM yep for my query?
lol I wish I would have been able to short it at that time adam
I don't buy stocks in anything but I wouldn't have bought Snap stock just because I don't see it going anywhere soon really. Sure, it's a great app with a wide user base but where's the growth going to come from?
Also yeah, I wish I had done that too. Pogo took off like crazy in the beginning.
CF, don't know. Try it
The parent company SNAP is more than snapchat
Though that's obviously what they're known for. Just depends on what other products they come out with what the stock will do
CF, I'm sure you can
I should learn how to invest. Or save. Or do something constructive with my money.
I travel, so there's that. But the money that doesn't go towards bills or traveling I'm so bad with.
I invest it all in food
and travelling
We have so much in common
the hacker spirit
Speaking of traveling though, why the fuck is Boston so expensive? I spent more money for three nights in a hotel than I did on my flight and conference ticket COMBINED.
by investing in food you mean daily eating expenses or real investing?
you should have gotten an airbnb
I should have asked @trevor-e to let me couch surf LOL
Mac, does your company offer a 401k?
shoulda slept on the street
investing in SNAP today is nearly the same as investing in Redhat in '98
lol eski
It does but I'm not taking advantage of it yet and I know that's terrible I know. I will try to set it up this week.
just because it's a tech IPO doesn't mean it's a good investment, and oftentimes it's a dud
could have made some extra cash from begging too
Boston is expensive AF
I bought Redhat stock at $108 / share in '98 with my internship earnings
what is the curent price carl?
I just had my first set of RSU's vest :D
@ColdFire $82.17
PCLN stock is $1735 a share right now ;)
When I saw that Droidcon Boston said "we have reservations at this hotel for a great discount. The rate is $259/night." I'm like "how the HELL is that a great discount?!"
oh lol degradation
I sold at $27/share because I wanted out
Sure enough, when I looked at other hotels, I was like "yep, this is the best I'm gonna get."
I haven't invested in a single stock since then, I put my money in index funds instead
even my AMZN stock, I sold, because diversification is important
In general, index funds will outperform most single stocks
what is index funds?
Unless you get something like Apple early on
But it's hard to know when you do
Carl, any index funds you recommend? I just opened a Vanguard account.
one that I was looking at isn't accepting any new investors :/
speaking of, the movie the big short, that I watched yesterday was pretty good :)
I wouldn't get into an index fund right now, the market is extremely high
@KriszDev Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
I tried investing in stocks a bit last year, put in $100, walked out with $120, decided to quite while I was ahead
I have read and understood the rules.
Now I stick to being broke because American college expenses
Hello everyone.
o/ dave
In any case, 0214 here, gotta suspend for a while so I can get to work at a reasonable hour
Can't wait to start my own nocturnal company
@RaghavSood I made $40 with oil, lost $40 the next day
@trevor-e again, it's important to diversify. I have half a dozen different index funds in my IRA
if I emphasized one to you, that would violate the idea of diversification
Index funds typically appreciate as long as the market does
I recommend putting all your money in snapchat and twitter stocks
bullet proof
They are good because you can diversify without having a ton of capital upfront
nah, go all in on bitcoin
bitcoin and heirloom seeds
@codeMagic yay!
One of the stranger guys at our office doesn't like banks and he had several thousand in a bitcoin account with the only key being a paper wallet
then it got stolen at a music festival that he for some reason brought it to
that guy is going places
If you're getting into stocks just to make money then you're doing it wrong. That money is better put into mutual funds of some sort
other than music festivals ofc
But it's fun to do
individual stocks are only if you want to do daytrading
and a lot of research
I spread my money across 5 different banks, diversify
Not just daytrading
Returns on mutual funds are low
But yes takes research
lowers the risk of losing all your money if a bank goes all lehman on you
index funds are for if you're in it for the long haul
okay I'm now done with trolling for today :)
@Ahmad makes sense if you're over the FDIC insurance limit
CF, depends on your view of "low". They are good to invest in for retirement.
didn't even know of such a limit
but I highly doubt you've got over a million in savings accounts :D
you don't know how much $ MS M$ paid me
@Ahmad just saw it huh? Definitely an eye opener
I think everyone should watch it
Yeah it's good
I like that they explained everything in layman terms
Is there anyone who knows libgdx?
I know a lot of people who won't, though, just because of the R rating
Lehman terms amirite
is it available on torrrent yet?
lol eski
My mom, for example, will not watch it. She is entirely against any amount of "foul language" and nudity.
you know adults that don't watch movies with R ratings?
yes, lots of them
Oh, yeah my mom is the same way but she's only one of the few I know
I live in an area that is very dominated by a very conservative religion.
are you from utah
Is there anyone who can explain why 64 > 1<<30?
The state who's name that is a literal pun for being a prostitute
and even worse...Eastern Idaho which has a huge influence from Utah.
Iadho has some nice nature
yes, very beautiful country
@KriszDev look up bit shifting
although...where I am is all desert until you go east into Wyoming and get some mountains
or west into central Idaho
@Ahmad but the code is throwing an exception that it's larger
Boise area was really nice. Right at the foothills.
I'm not sure what takes persecuted, but try 64 > (1<<30)
actually no should work without parenthesis as well
@Ahmed if (initialCapacity > 1 << 30) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity is too large: " + initialCapacity); is the code and it's in libgdx
@KriszDev IllegalArgumentException is often explicitly thrown by a method to verify valid input.
oic...you didn't format the code...or it's all in one line
@Code the stacktrace says that that's the line throwing it
you are using the method incorrectly with an invalid argument.
What method is that line in? How do you call it?
Hmm the same code runs on windows
look down the stacktrace for the first line of code that you wrote.
@Code the error is "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: initialCapacity is too large: 64"
You said that already
can you pastebin the entire stacktrace?
You should use my full name since we have two "code"s here
and you really don't need to ping me every time since I'm right here in chat.
at gkrisz.game.map.Chunk.<init>(Chunk.java:42)
What is this line?
this.drawable = new SpriteCache(Config.TILES_PER_CHUNK, false);
And TILES_PER_CHUNK is 64*64
that is odd... 64 is no where near 1 << 30
Hmm that's the one I've seen too.
it's the same line of code...just a different class than the one you linked above
ObjectIntMap vs ObjectMap
and I also linked directly to the line of code rather than just the class.
(You do that by clicking on one or more lines of code.)
Hmm interesting
I knew that but this doesn't make sense because 64 is a lot smaller
Also as I walk on the stacktrace it should have been 51...
They round to next power of two
that's the line before the exception
Oh sorry didn't see that
But that doesn't explain the exception
You said that the Desktop app runs just fine, correct?
The only way this makes any sense to me is if 1 << 30 is overflowing into a negative value
How do you get the exception? On Android?
Linux, and Android
Libgdx is multiplatform so I'm kinda only using linux because it takes ages to compile for android
But java is java
Yah, you usually test on desktop until you have most of the development done.
java is java except when it's dalvik
Also a fun fact is that it runs for a few times then crashes...
Yeah that's true.
I'm mystified.
sorry I'm not much help
strange that they both claim that they cannot reproduce
is it intermittent?
my nemesis has arrived
@KriszDev does it crash every time those particular lines of code run...and I mean starting with your Chunk constructor.
Is amazon down for anyone else?
That's the funny part. I've never had this crash on windows. Also it creates the first 12 or so chunks then crashes. The same code that made the first 12.
amazon works for me
That's weird.
must be something on my end. I can't load the main SO page, either
which is really strange since I can chat...
I need to bookmark that
but I can't load it, either
that's really strange
but I can chat!
It may be an edge location issue that only affects your region
Might be my WiFi
but other sites work right?
Only chat
have you tried restarting it?
The router?
hehe, this is funny:
then scroll down to the last line in what's new
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
that's me when I saw that error
@GabrielVasconcelos Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@petey that's awesome :D
VS wants 10GB to update some sdk. wtf
XD more than its actual size (7GB or so)
Mine was a whole lot more than that
haha! :D
It said to allow for 40. I guess I haven't really looked to see what it actually was
wow!! mine said 7G and I freaked out, if it was 40 I would have abandoned the project :D
oh hey mauker
to be fair, it was an outlook plugin project not a windows app
you are late again
Maybe that was with the windows sdk. I don't know
anyone using support library 25+ version?
in production apk
I'm using 25+ not yet on prod though
any bugs or issues
not that I encountered so far (+3 months)
i heard they have messed up lots of stuff with fragment and transition
ah, I'm not using any fragment on this app :D
oh well fuck them gonna try 25+ on beta release
haha! :D
they are at 25.2.0 now
hopefully fixed?
yeah they marked it as released but people are commenting its not fixed at all
got my yelp contract
it forbids me from working for a direct competitor while employed with them, which ofc makes sense, but I can't invest in them either
which makes sense as well, but I've never had that in any of my contracts before
it lists some company by name, Google, Foursquare and Groupon lol
not sure how they're competing with groupon (cc @raghav probably knows)
what if you aren't managing your investments yourself?
we're doing planning poker right now, and it's a complete cluster****
I hate agile so much
planning poker? o.o
that's a good q eski
that stuffs teams do to estimate tasks priority
(agile stuff)
and I do hate agile as well :)
yeah, everyone gives out an arbitrary number
you're working at Yelp now?
yeah me too hate agile
they have questionable business practices imo
but I've heard good things about their tech side of things
how many internships have you had ahmad?
are you collecting tech internships?
come back to KAYAK :(
this is exactly what I hate in Agile
*"1 of the 4 Values: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools"*

yet a lot of PMs only apply this:
*Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.*

So they stuff tons of things to develop in 2 weeks.
trevor: :( I wanted to but then I had so much work load with uni ;_;
it's for the summer
@eski yes I'm collecting companies like pokemons
jk jk
oh yea I think I'm finally visiting Berlin sometime in May
didn't you want to come in january or something?
oh and about the business practices: I actually heard of those rumours as well, but if you look into them, they're mostly that, just rumours
we were supposed to go last October
aaah right
why didn't you?
but then due to a bunch of things it got pushed back
gotcha :(
it's not really rumors, tons of small business owners have flat out confirmed it
it boils down to Yelp's fraud detection
false reviews get flagged
that fake bad reviews magically go away once they pay Yelp's fee
and those false reviews are mostly from people who only reviewed one place (aka most likely family & friends)
and that the fake reviews coincidentally appeared right before Yelp asked them for the fee
I will give them the benefit of the doubt, and will look into the tech stack when I'm there
you don't see this kind of stuffs on the tech level
frauds etc.. would have been reported as soon as they happen otherwise
Ctrl+F for a "shakedown" feature lol
don't get me wrong, I like Yelp a lot, was just disappointed when I heard about this
yeah same, but I've heard many stories where these Yelp shakedown tales were proven wrong
ah damn the screenshot on their website is down
maybe the shakedown stories were a shakedown o.O
nothing is real anymore
At least they pay their contractors
all is fake news
wtf mate?
is it disturbing?
LOL didn't see that coming
I don't find it particularly disturbing
people have all kinds of silly ideas about all kinds of things... if I were disturbed everytime I learned about one of them I'd spend the majority of my time being disturbed... and ain't nobody got time for that
I asked, as I thought the "wtf mate?" was about that, so if it was disturbing I would have deleted it :)
ah, no
confusing more than disturbing
ah XD
also it didn't help that the first time I read it (right before I said wtf mate?) I didn't actually get it yet
at first blush I thought this was just a silly person blaming vaccines for their hair (or lack thereof)
but now I see he is being facetious and it is actually pro-vaccine
yeah, I had the same reaction, I was about to downvote that post on Imgur, and when I finished reading i was like "niiiice" :D
same lol
I got it the first time because I don't judge people until their thought is complete
you're all bad people
(^ me judging you)
haha! :D
I read the whole thing... just didn't comprehend it exactly
I got the sarcasm from the beginning.

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