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they are if you count 0 :D 0-1023
can't understand!!!!
a typical gag from a politics tv show
just the first 15 seconds necessary tim
it's our ex president
^ this one's recognizable internationally
jump to 1:02
lots of awesome gags.
we are very subtle
Is anybody facing problem with loading larger images using glide?
anyone ever seen a stacktrace containing <OR> in it? I mean instead of the good old "at" there is <OR> like suggesting possible causes
Its goes in onException with null exception :D
always when caused inside lambdas (at least I think it is related)
maybe it can't track the source
so it offers you alternativez
Similar issue is recorded but with SOURCE and NONE can't help me to load image
use picasso
square > google :D
Originally it was picasso and I am trying to replace with Glide
i find picasso well behaving most of the time
but anything > square
I hate picasso when we load image from file
have you tried koush's Ion?
it's a nice image loader
not yet
I've used glide before but not picasso
What if I use both :P
nobody will blame you
but jake wharton might try to kill you at night
keep a wooden stake at hand
and some illogically hard java stack trace
So I checked and both Picasso and Glide fails to load image in my screen
Is the image corrupted? :D
is the image a image?
No, in second attempt it gets download with glide but picasso fails everytime
glide win but can't reach to winning line. lol
@CptEric Yes, image is uploaded on s3 server and fetching using Cloudinary
s3 servers went nuts 4 days ago
check if they're not still nuts
specifically image hosting s3 servers
Should not have problem as few images working fine
> Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture
Picasso blames this may be I need to provide size to resize it

Just a yes or not question. I started to get crazy amounts of native crashes in my developer console. All the crashes are related to Moto Pure devices. I'm seeing a lot of reports in the web, but no solution so far. Has anyone gone through the same? Here's a pic of the crashes reports (http://pasteboard.co/G9Iucc2Mi.png)
I didn't get native crashes
Okey, thanks. I'm not trying to be a leecher, I just wanna know if someone has gone through the same thing lately. Seems that a lot of devs are reporting this kind of crashes.
CF has seen some weird shit
@ColdFire help this man
Here's the full stack trace from one of the crashes (gist.github.com/4gus71n/012869fda3bfafb3e342b8a6fd58ec96)
It's pretty wird, my colleagues and I are trying to search the root of this issue, comparing the code from the latest version of the App with the previous ones, but no change that may cause an issue like this was added.
We have developed a library that we have as a module in the project. This library provide us some annotations to speed up development. Maybe proguard is somehow messing with this new annotation. Weird thing is that only some few deploys are crashing with thsi.
Did they not upgrade to Nougat recently?
mark, send me your address?
Nope, some reports are Lollipop, some from KitKat, is pretty mixed
Want me to message you it on LinkedIn @TimCastelijns?
that's fine
How was the Realm talk anyway?
Mar 2 at 20:32, by Tim Castelijns
it was just a bunch of nerds sitting on chairs listening to a guy preaching realm. In other words: it was fantastic
wait people really use linkedin out of stalking future appliants or colleagues?
only if the profile is visible to anonymous users
otherwise it is hardly stalking
hey graems
morning, switch-holder
how is the nintendowg going?
I want to be home playing Zelda
mark, can I copy exactly that address onto an envelope?
with that format?
@Graeme i had an awesome reenactment weekend
snow, rain, rainfog, and stone rain
and combinations of those
Yikes! Sounds.... painful and damp :)
Got good pictures though?
we made it onto the news header (my group)
Looks very cold!
yup. and wet. all the grass around the fire was super soaked
you stepped on it and water would sprout
I can empathise a lot with sitting by a fire, in the rain, wrapped in a cloak.
At the same time, I miss the crap out of it :D
and being half drunk
that's fun too
when combined
Yeah, well, required when it's that cold :P
And falling asleep, everything damp, listening to the rain, everything smelling of smoke.
when this pic was taken, mark, the guy ion it, was suffering from severe headache after he drank 1/4 of cassis liquor
@TimCastelijns I missed this when I was off sick :( haahah what a brilliant post
... or something more sypmathetic
@TimCastelijns should be able to! That's the address I use for all my Amazon deliveries
... just updated to Android 2.3
are you sure?
what year is this?
am i thin and fancy again?
Android Studio :P
Also the customer who was having BLE issues with their samsung device magically was able to upload 4 rounds this afternoon after I emailed him for the first time this morning
I haven't released an update since last Wednesday
magically seems appropriate
That customer refused to try anything support suggested
when describing working features of ble
Very appropriate
very very appropiate
he's the customer who reviewed the app and gave it 1* ages ago
Not my fault he has a shitty Samsung
i've seen some pagan rituals more credible than some bluetooth specs and docs
Getting 1* reviews sucks :P
Eric - I have read, written and performed lots of pagan rituals. I have read exactly 0 bluetooth specs :)
I'm going to suggest I've taken the smarter choice of literature. :)
Upgrading to Realm 3.0.0 oooooohhhhhh
fingers crossed no issues upgrading
dem fine grained notifications
from which version are you updating?
2.2.2 - I checked
I updated from 1.2 myself yesterday
@Graeme Į̴̱̩̥̘̱͈͈̮͙̘͙̣͓͓̙̹̲̫́͢͠t̨͕͎̣͇̫͘͢ ̡҉͕̭̙̦̩̱̟̮̭̞̱̮̺͕͈̘c̶͔̼͍̤̯̦̭͙͓̟̱͘ͅo͏̛̮͍͙̯͔̣͘͜m̨̢͕͎͕̪̹͕̬̀͠e̱͈͓̠͚̺͖̻̦͙̗̥̼̼̬͝ś̸͖̪͍͞‌​̱̳͉̤̫̮͎̗̗̯͉̫͉̻!̶͏̶̛̝̺̭̱̤̻̩̟̳̙͓͙͍͇͎̙̥͔́
The changelog on github has a list of breaking changes per version
yeah well I don't really get to spend time maintaining code
new features, more new features
I've also gone completely insane and been left in a haunted house to die in a c4 explosion before... so... bluetooth specs...?
I'm spending time on bug fixes atm, then gonna write unit tests for the first time
I'm excited about that
I am so sad
being excited for doing unit tests
Yeah I only did a couple for my uni project and I have none for this project (don't shame me pls)
man, next thing we'll know is you've found some 15yo named treestan that wants to join the chat on a weird hackaton
Covering some of my code would make my life a lot easier. But writing unit tests means not implementing new features ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
push new features
test later
Test? Lol testing costs money
I'm finding testing very soothing. Mostly because it's forcing good design principles and exposing missing requirements.
i miss performing pagan rituals
yes Graeme I agree
nowadays all i do is medieval stuff and modern( > 1800) stuff
Some say if you shout loud enough, it summons the bot if you don't stop
@CptEric Legit
no larp bros yet in toronto?
Warren's face has disappeared! :o
He's gone back to the old Warren
Become old, they said. If will be fun, they said.
can you wrap multiple async method calls into a blocking method call, without making all individually blocking?
Not yet - haven't really had much chance to check. There is LARP here though.
Hurray! Original Warren is back :D
What should I call a global singleton which is just a container for sign on information?
Good suggestion
Don't like using the word container though
Same for wrapper.
It doesn't contain other objects or entities :)
you just said it is a container
Sign in information are attributes of the object
It's a container, not a Container.
Both better
SignInCredentialManager it is
Thanks guys :)
if it just holds the values, I wouldn't call it a manager
Holder maybe
if it stores and modifies 'em it manages em
I do like... alliteration?
Yes, the correct word is Alliteration
@MarshMathew You need at least 80 rep, and a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
Yes you are!  And you're sitting there!  Hi, kitty!
For some reason that image is breaking by ToggleImages bookmark >.<
Likely because it's a direct one-box of xkcd.com, not of the image
I don't know what that means...
Yup, doesn't have the user-image class
Why do you always do this to me :(
Cause long, long ago, back when smartphones were science fiction, I started with web dev
It still haunts me to this day
.onebox).hide() works
Yup, should work
Yup. Truncates the entire box so it becomes easy to see what's missing
If you ever feel like you know your shit, read through this
The moment I think I "know my shit" is the day I shoot myself because I failed as a professional.
Raghav - I know most of the words he's using. That counts for something right?
.... Right?!?
@AnmolTheDeveloper You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
i am pleased
awww cute
Time to go~~ :D
Why pleased?
cya people!!! :3
> me - " i'm gonna die". my gf - "looking at my sechedule, we can both jump to death."
@Graeme cat pic
sometimes it spams three or six gifs
but this time it was just one cute AF one
@AnmolTheDeveloper Woah now, hold up right there. Spamming the request access button will only get you banned. Come back in 24 hours and request again IF you have fixed the issues outlined in the last message. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
Time to home, cya
i have enabled https over our website but while debugging android most of logs says encrypto .... that logs are clearly not readable.is there any workaround for this?
Although, SSL should terminate on the device, so you should be able to dump plaintext
Otherwise you'd never be able to use your website's response
i dumped plaintext but it's shows like nativeCrypto info callback something like this.
What are you trying to do?
actually we have written json response and want to view that response in android logs.
You should be able to dump that without running into any SSL/crypto messages
Ya i am able to see the dump on my local machine
but when i push it to server where ssl is installed
unable to see the dumped data
SSL terminates both ways, so there should be no difference
means what i not getting you
would explain me?
I have no idea what you're trying to do, so probably not
Just see
I have written api's which return response in json to the calling client
when i am consuming that api on my local machine it works fine
@RaghavSood are you there?
but not on real server
@RaghavSood i am sorry i have given keyboard to my android developer sorry for pings.
I'm even more confused now
he is trying to explain problem but he couldn't :P
how things are going guys
whatever is done in app will be done through api and api are not website where i installed ssl today but now while debugging he get's NativeCrypto errors log..
Oooh, using the onebox servlet also hides YouTube links. That's very useful
chance is the best
Nikita Kucherov just pulled off one of the filthiest shootout moves I've ever seen https://t.co/tT6YzYYbaw
I need some advice for choosing between ToggleButton and Switch,
textOn="Start Service"
textOff="Stop Service"
which fits in best?
I use it too, but I think it is for things like "Keep Screen On", "Save in gallery", "Turbo Mode"
As for actions with preferences
and, for ToggleButton, it is ugly as compared to SwitchCompat
doesn't fit in design flow
I need something like PowerOn PowerOff maybe
@Merian You need a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
there should be a ToggleButtonCompat :/
user image
do not open with carrot.
Morning Carl
good morning Grey-me
unless you prefer Gray-me
or is it an -em ending?
Hello, Android!
That's the way I say it
graemmé (that's how my brain processes it) vs "graem" (how i'd pronounce it)
I love how everyone except Graeme has answered
she's probably busy looking for a blanket, because she's too cool for us.
I say it as "Grae-maé"
@CarlAnderson Graeme is a dude
with a ginger beard iirc
I think I'm right cause I know how the Gaelic pronounce Graeme and I live in the country Graeme was born (I think)
I've heard grey-ham though and grey-am
grey-ham is usually Graham
@MarkO'Sullivan is Graeme a gay dude?
@CarlAnderson yes
does the new android studio have a new debugger?
or is mine just screwed
well then he's probably busy looking for a blanket, because he's too cool for us.
nevermindddd it was me
Red, I like that your avatar icon isn't red.
Following that logic, should I make my avatar a big mac?
No, you're short.
Correct reply Mac, was "No, you're short</Trump>"
style="font-size: trumpHands"
so they can tap your phones, duh
I have a new desk today and it just feels so weird lol
did you flip it?
Wait wait wait
@codeMagic - Why don't you just open up Yahoo Finance in a new tab and just have that as your stock ticker?
(and look at the tab title)
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

Hilarious Comedy Pesto                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

@TristanWiley I do, as you can see, but it's not ideal for multiple stocks
All the tabs
Fuck an extension, I'll just make you a toolbar
Doesn't update in realtime
I was using it until I realized it updated whenever in the fuck it felt like it
are you a daytrader now cM?
Don't know. Didn't develop it
It updates after every 15 seconds
Just change that to like 1 or 2 seconds
Carl, no
It says updates after every 15 seconds
I did change it. Didn't make a difference
Long shot posting it here, but here goes:
Q: Can't get 2nd player working in Lego SW Force Awakens

Carl AndersonI bought this game for my Wii U a few days ago and I can't seem to figure out how to get a second player working for my kids. I was playing the game with the Wii U gamepad, and have a Wiimote with a Nun-chuck attached. The screen says in the second player area, to "Push + to join", but pushing th...

"My kids were very disappointed."
uh huh
to be clear, I was angry and frustrated. They were disappointed.
or maybe just confused why dad wasn't playing more and was looking up stuff on the internet instead
your first mistake as getting a wii u
I wonder how much money I can make day trading
You can make a ton
You can also lose your ass. It's very risky
You'd end up bankrupting yourself and then you'd be forced to sell your body
@DaveS I'll have to try the 1 + 2 thing, but the Wii U has a different menu system, so I'm not sure whether this will work or not.
Worth a shot, similar problem, same developer
it's really weird if that's the solution
before connecting the wiimote, it shows this "connect a wiimote or pro controller" message
and then I connected the wiimote and it changed to "press + to join"
so it's not like it doesn't know it's there
maybe I should try turning it off and turning it on again
you could always try buying them the switch
I knew when I was buying the Wii U last August that the switch was coming
but I am ok at this point being behind
the girls don't know any better, and the games are cheap now
Have you tried with just two Wii remotes?
I don't own two nunchucks
and another page I read said that one player had to use the Wii U gamepad

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