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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

if you decide to get one, let me know. I could use your help to diagnose Germany specific issues that I may not hear about. Could probably get you some free upgrades for the trouble =p
will do haha
but I think my one bedroom apt could not accommodate one :{
if you need help with german localisation you can just hmu
I once changed the entire german strings of an entire app of a friend of mine because I was bothered by the awkward translation
they just raised 20 m so it was kinda embarrassing to see that lol
lol, if we do a localization for Germany I'll let you know.
3 hours later…
I found a workaround to get color emoji on my laptop
GTK doesn't support colored emoji
So I found an extension, essentially all emoji in Chrome are images now,
2 hours later…
morning Android
Shakespearean insults, with cats.
Good day cat nations
oh no
watching moana 🐶
No idea about what you mean by optmize but everyone swears by volley
@WarrenFaith let's settle this in the next Eurovision
I wonder if UK will get to participate
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
guten morgen everyonen
@Dhamodharan.S You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
Bot :D
Reno has added an event to this room's schedule.
we have events?
@Dhamodharan.S Woah now, hold up right there. Spamming the request access button will only get you banned. Come back in 24 hours and request again IF you have fixed the issues outlined in the last message. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
the bot is indeed a cat lover
!/tell CptEric meow
Dunno why it's gotten into the business of duplicates
I wonder if refresh works
I think I killed it
Yup, I killed it
Update: Refresh does not work
hi guys
Noob in android dev here
I have now read and understood the rules
pretty :O
What's with all these smartwatches being sporty. I just want a sleek looking smartwatch which I can wear every day.
Also BT issues with Pixel and Pixel XL: androidpolice.com/2017/02/22/…
@MehdiB. thanks. it's based on Jekyll-Uno theme, I've adjusted it for me.
@RaghavSood I awoke on Fri, 24 Feb 2017 10:00:43 GMT (that's about 8 seconds ago), teleported 20 goats
MuslimBot ?
now I am interested about your association chain
I still don't get it. I suspect that "goat" somehow triggers you in some way
There, it's Egyptian now
Not really triggered, I'm a simple man. I read goat, i get hungry for kebab
Or kapsalon as we call it in Holland
because of the goat cheese on it?
Goat kebabs are nice
btw Kebabs are an invention made in Berlin, Germany!
at least that is told in German newspapers :D
might be an alternative fact though
kebabs are greek / roman / anatolian
it is not about the "meat on a stick"
No, Kebabs are food
i'ts just wrapped mediterranean food really :I
with spices
instead of using a big animal, they cut the animal in pieces and pressurize it into a stick so it can be frozen and transported easily
that's the big deal
Kapsalon is a invention made in Rotterdam
with the cheese/fries on it
Raghav, seen the link I posted?
Saw it last night
DO might be affected
keys rotated?
though I'm vegetarian but by reading your messages my mouth getting full with water :P
Already changed the password, revoked SSH
very well
@Dharmendra Hahaha kebab always the solution <3
This is why we can't have nice things in life
I vote we have AI write all future code to avoid mortal bugs
just had a dozen sites possibly affected
still pretty bad :/
A dozen is a lot between private keys, password reuse, and session data
A: Android: How can I check if a device has Camera2 api features implemented or not?

user2924714Indeed, the camera2 api is only supported from API level 21. But only this check is not enough. There are devices with API level 21, but that support the camera 2 only partially. To check this, you should check the value of CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL. It can be FULL, LEGA...

Don't aware that few API 21+ devices not supported camera2 fully
a beauty
She is hungry and so starring for kabab
look at kitten academy now. the cats have lazer eyes ON
Lunch in 25 min
getting kebab
you guys also get your kebab from a 5/7 rated kebabshop?
yep :D
I don't want to try this: APK dependency graph I fear the outcome!
Same as me @WarrenFaith
Essentially everything in my app depends on my MainActivity which contains my navigation drawer... I don't know how to avoid being so dependent on it
Or is that normal
well, if you have a "one single activity application" it is hard to decouple that
but you should create interfaces so that those coupling is still not that tight
also in best case you show a fragment and after that your activity is never used anymore. The fragment and the presenter are doing the rest
It's not entirely one single activity, I've got an activity for the login process and one for the registration process but essentially everything else is within the MainActivity
Interfaces to communicate between fragment and activity?
> in best case you show a fragment and after that your activity is never used anymore
Do you mean show a fragment immediately once MainActivity is created and then move most of the code within MainActivity to the fragment?
hard to tell what your UI is but if you can split it up in Fragments, do that
I think the problem is that within my MainActivity I create the BLE service there and use it for communications between the fragments which need to access the BLE service. Since we've expanded from the lite app, the BLE service is only used by 2 fragments atm but will be used by more in the future whenever I incorporate a way to see the connection status in our main overview screen. This will make a lot more sense when I release the app :D
The MainActivity also handles the navigation drawer creation. NavDrawer + BLE handling + handling backPresses = big MainActivity
Can't you move BLE to service?
It's in a service class but then I have to get info back from the service class
or whenever the sync process is started, I need a callback to interact with the service and start the sync process
Essentially it can go like this: Fragment -> MainActivity -> BLE service class -> Main Activity -> Fragment I think
You can directly call fragment->BLE service class
I previously had it where the service was started in the fragment but that created problems whenever I was trying to share the same service among multiple fragments which is possible whenever you create and handle the service lifecycle in the main activity
If you have any your BLE manager class then from activity bind the service and receive that object from service, after that you can share that object among fragments
But its depend on complexity of your code
Ah, so use a getter / setter to share the service class instance?
@sanketpahuja You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
@MarkO'Sullivan Using public method of Activity
hmpf, the graph does not work with multidexed apps
kebablunch was awesome buys, 5/7 can recommend
Had anyone faced issue of openCSV while building app with proguard?
@Dharmendra would it not be better just to return the service object in a public getter method within ?
It should not if we check the activity instance from the fragment and use
Time to go~~ :D
Have a nice weekend everyone!!! x3
Bye Womp
@Dharmendra I think that's what I do atm where I have public methods in the activity which can be called by the fragment, or else it's callback methods which then trigger the method in the service class
One more feature "Export to CSV" is almost done and very soon release in alpha :D
One last thing for me to do and then my app will be released on Monday :D
Think it'll be a minor thing to fix
Busy in here...
@CptEric Rebecca Black ?
I found the flag that makes your vectors backwards compatible btw
Just add
vectorDrawables.generatedDensities = ['mdpi', 'hdpi', 'xhdpi', 'xxhdpi', 'xxxhdpi'];
In your gradle file and it'll produce png's when you build apks with minApk <= 19
In case anyone is interested :D
Regarding this message about an APK dependency graph: I made a fork with some improvements. It works now with multidexed projects and the displayed graph is now not that overflown with links. You now see only the dependencies highlighted when you select one node. Pretty good for big projects. Try it out!
Can we see your graphs
Nice work Warren
well, my changes made the "big" graph pretty useless but let me say it is a big fucking ball
Where is your forked lib?
got that
I need to update the contained jar...
that is still the old version
That's somewhat explodey :)
yeah, that escalated quickly
I've successfully superglued myself
Been a while
to what?
My other finger
Warren's Welcome gift to everyone he manages:
user image
@Graeme you still support <= 19? Ewwww
I'm a pro - by choice I support down to 14
Ok, jar is updated to version 0.0.6
feel free to test it for your project
Got the fix sorted :D
grrr the jar is corrupted
What jar you talking about Warren?
the one from my fork
21 mins ago, by WarrenFaith
Here is my fork: https://github.com/WarrenFaith/apk-dependency-graph
Gave you your first star... just room15 things
This is brilliant: motherfuckingwebsite.com
This is the even best: thebestmotherfucking.website
Time to home, cya
NaN-> North American Nationals
That would be NAN
ok, now my master branch has the updated working 0.0.6 jar
Then NaN -> Not a NAN
I forgot how pita a java compilation can be
@TristanWiley <your_number>@msg.fi.google.com
> <!-- FOR THE CURIOUS: This site was made by @thebarrytone. Don't tell my mom. -->
I miss Tim :(
ping him, he is online :D
@TimCastelijns Someone has a question about Realm.
He'll be here.
A man has answers
A Realm has a shill
Worst thing about automated testing - it throwing up all the ways your code is wrong.
I have the stack app, I get notified of pings on my phone
I mean, I know technically, that's the whole point. technically. But damn is it a pain in the ass when you don't have control of the entire app code base :/
But I am working in my apartment so I can't really talk much
Morning Foamy
That's not distracting at all
@petey This command may only be run once every 15 minutes by peasants
This is why this tab regularly crashes...
My condolences if you have a larger screen than mine
Lol, I was just trying to push space cat off the screen
Pfft, have to post your own images because the bot won't listen to you
@RaghavSood I am slightly pissed that your repost got stars while the original was completely ignorde.
It's just about who everyone loves more :D
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!! :D
one day the peasants will revolt!
I prolly wont be there cuz I'll be playing ps4, but one day they might.
and we will see who is the peasant then.
Eric says \o btw :D
> \o
hi w0mp!
hiya x3
one day I will literally kick ya ass
this joke is produly presented by adam's jokes simulation machine
first I have to meet you
any one use the v7 support preference library?
no Womp, just Raghav.... just Raghav
oh, ok :D
my AS seems fail on android.support.v7.preference.SeekBarPreference tab with android:min
and no autocomplete either
We'll meet for sure, one day :D
Though odds are you'll be too old by then
After all, how many years of ass-kicking can you ancient people have left?
I met Raghav once!
I've met like five or six people in this room.
Tristan, n00b, Ahmad, Raghav, Cygery :D
i've met tristan
and ahmad *2
My plan is to meet @codeMagic finally this summer.
Raghav got me a free book a long time ago, back when he was nicer.
but you clearly refuse to get a passport
I've met noone
oh i've also met w0mp
lol Eski we considered meeting up when I was in your area but I couldn't make it work
I think I'm the only one who's met Macarse
super long trip
she's probably...25cm from me right now
I'm still nice, Petey
To Skynet
25cm is pretty close isn't it
spinal implant glows
Idk I don't use your weird rational units
25cm is just under 12 inches
Well, just under 10 technically
(1/6)*12 roughly
Have you ever realized how fucked up the measurement of "Feet" is? Like, let's come up with a measurement named after a body part. But it's gonna be a solid 12 inches, despite not everyone having 12" feet.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
because i use cm
We're sane measurures
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Not sure how to spell that
sane measurers?
please, no flying tables D:
@W0MP3R (╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻︵ /(.□ . )
@RaghavSood rest assured I will bring the shovel for your grave myself!
@CptEric && @W0MP3R es.free2move.com
Please, allow me to help. Don't want you to throw your back out :D
No, it is ok, you could ruin your valuable fingers while digging your own grave. Let me do that for you! :D
@McAdam331 That's a goal many aspire to reach
Looks cool!!! :D
I'll be flying over your head shortly
alas, I'm not driving through. :(
Damn discovered a minor bug. Monday's problem and we could maybe release it before fixing it... maybe. That's something which I'll have to discuss on Monday though, for now, it's weekend time! :D
@PhilipB You need a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
you're here late WOMP
i'm at home x3
I don't log in to room 15 when I'm home, it's too boring. :D
I'm always online
no dinner time womp?
adam already went to lunch you are also late carl
yeah, I left my laptop at the restaurant I went to for dinner last night, and had to go back this morning to get it.
dinner in....
2-3h :D
@WarrenFaith What code coverage tool do you use?
oh i see carl
2-3 hours is long wait...
what's for dinner WOMP?
i'll see when i open the fridge xD
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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