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Mimi? Me-me or Maim
Nobody knows my name... OH WAIT
What do you guys use to format json?
I pronounce it meem
the only right way to @reno
Ahmad - I think that's how most of the rest of the world pronounces it too.
in production or just to view it?
Just to view it
I'm realising that pasting it into an online formatter might perhaps be insecure :P
meme in spain
I use a sublime text plugin
Oh, you're right, you can just use the ide
I have a plugin to show the tree^
and one to format the json
got a call from a recruiter
Android Studio does it as standard apparently
oh didn't know
@CptEric what company?
Grown to be tired of them yet Eric? :)
> " do you want a job in one of spain's biggest software development ocmpanies, with fields ranging from defense to administration?"
> ~ no.
> "Kthxbye"
That's good to know, Graeme. I've also wondered about the security of the online formatters :P
@Ahmad 99% sure it was Indra, a workforce meat grinder.
Somewhat off-topic, I recently started using postman. It does more than what I thought. I guess I should review things before making assumptions. Lol
cM - I realised that as I pasted a credit card number into one and then thought "Hm. This is not smart".
postman is awesome
why don't you know for sure?
they didn't want to say the name
i wasn't interested anyway
@user3881024 You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4, and a non-default username to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
Lol, Graeme
didn't want to say the name haha
there's also just one company of those in barcelona / spain
was it an unsolicited call?
I'd be pissed if someone called me up like that
emails exist
I usually use cat some.json | python -m json.tool
Although if I can get into Sublime I roll with that
right between my coffe time and a desperate and urgent visit to Mr Roca.
Raghav proves us noobs again -.-
rsub helps with Sublime when I'm on a server
we're not so fancy raghav
rsub is great
You can use your local Sublime on remote hosts
oh this is neat
I used a similar thing but you had to pay for it
or otherwise it would pop up the usual buy this license dialog every now and then
@CptEric WTF man! I kindly remind you that people are using this chat at work. Please stop posting such images. (p0rn is OK though)
@SanjayKumar You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
I love this bot
back~~ :D
sup womp
@SanjayKumar Strike 2/3. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
still love this bot so much
hiya captain :D
just got a mail signature lol
now only ro's can see it :P
Muahaha. I have your number now
you already had it
sets up script to text Eric the Bible, one letter at a time
Good thing international texts are free on Fi
you literally emailed me all my data from some of those hacky domain things
hangout-ed me
Oh right
Forgot about that
So hard to keep track of who all I've stalked
idly flips through drone feeds
how is raghavsa going?
We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any such project
your acronym would be RSA
you could trick people on it by calling the different departments as multiples of 2
RSA32 - the noobs.
Real Skynet Application
RS - Really Skynet
Raghav's Skynet Application
That's like saying ATM machine
or RIP in peace
we do say atm machine
do we?
GG game
I'm not a fan of this new notification format
i hate it
when did they change that?
they change stuff all the time
can't remember the last time they made an improvement though
They didn't hire Warren^
who didn't hire me?
ha, they tried though :D
That's why they haven't made improvements lately :D
maybe if I would have had a facebook account and have been single but than again: it is facebook :)
They needed the crazy German guy, but didn't know it at the time
I am not crazy! My mother had me tested!
You're so off the test results overflowed and showed negative
was my first hack but sssshhh don't tell them
back to work guys
Warren - How do you assert that one object has the same values as another when testing?
Did I mention that testing is non parsable by my brain?
Override .equals and use the values you care about?
That would change the program under test
I want to do it by reflection, but, I can't seem to figure that out without using libraries other than JUnit and Mockito
Dump the ram and diff
Don't actually do that, it's a nightmare
Source: Done that, was nightmare
Yeah, I'm so not going to do that XD
Although at least it would be real programing. Rather than creating captures and answers and weird mind numbing stuff
You do strange things when the JTAG port on the experimental nvidia device decides to take a vacation
While you're porting Android to it
You are so much smarter than me o.o
ohhh don't say that
(although it's probably true)
It's totally true. Raghav is smarter than all of us added together.
I have conclusive evidence that's false
Graeme moved to Canada
Raghav moved to USA
... Legit.
:) Right, meetings till noon.
Someone tell me how to assert two objects using reflection for when I'm back please :)
Dharmendra going to move Home :D
sudo -u Dharmendra; rm -rf $HOME;
Home has been shifted to another process
Good bye guys :)
bye~~ :D
i hate being pushed on schedule by friends
we're planning a reenactment on france and they know i leave work at 2. they're trying to push me to get some hours off or leave my stuff to a neighbour so they can pack it up and meet me later. i dont wanna :I
That's when you leave work early, dress up as Napolean, and take over their reenactment
"Mr. President, what if the unthinkable happens? What if the launch goes wrong, and Napoleon is not stranded on the Moon?" "Have Safire write up a speech."
too much of a problem, and i do want to work that day
nice, raggie
Raghav - XD
i'm fighting with rxJs
for now it's winning me
it's winning you?
I don't understand, it's winning or you are?
what ?
rxJS is winning me
23:54 up 195 days, 5:38, 6 users, load averages: 1.99 1.84 1.74
16:55:11 up 867 days, 4:06, 4 users, load average: 4.43, 4.39, 4.41
`root@ACI-NA:~# uptime
10:56:01 up 545 days, 43 min, 1 user, load average: 0.45, 0.24, 0.12`
You aren't living life until you're root on a production server
At least, that's the philosophy my predecessor followed
Shit breaks if you aren't running as root
You aren't living life until you're root on a all the production servers
NASA to hold press conference at 1:00 EST on an exoplanet related discovery.
Temporarily pinning since we're nerds
will delete later
a real nerd would have given the time in UTC
@McAdam331 in GMT please?
in NPT ?
Nepal Time is fun.... UTC+8:45.
like WAT?
NASA to hold press conference at 18:00 UTC on an exoplanet related discovery.
Tanks, I can star now
I'll leave the other one just to screw with everyone who shows up later.
thanks adam
now we have a timezone we all can relate
I gave you a timezone! You could all just go to Google and get the time zone conversion. But nooooo. We all have to make fun of Mac.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
i always make fun of macs
more since i own one
you gave me a non standard timezone murica made up
the one and only imperial measurement you've could kept, Greenwich as timezone, is the one you ditched away.
"what should we call this timezone ?" "EST because we're the most east." You're not east, you're WEST of greenwitch, bitch!
exactly. east of what?
Clearly places outside of America don't exist
They don't.
That's why we have our own temperature system.
Freedomheit for Americans, and Everyonelcius for you guys.
time to go home
It is so frustrating being this close to release and not yet having the app released
If I don't get it out tomorrow it'll be Monday for sure
cause I'm not releasing on a Friday, especially with me away to Leeds for the weekend
So you know how cash caretaker has a shitty retention rate? Well, just for fun I checked the monthly active users against current installs. 90% of the users who have it installed were active this month. So while not everyone likes it, everyone who does have it, uses it. Which is pretty neat IMHO.
Even though like 18% of total installs still have it currently. :'(
I have lots of ideas for a 2.0 version I just haven't found the time or inspiration to make them happen.
2.0 should remove the 'care' part of it, so it's just "Cash Taker", and then just have it be a single screen with in app purchases to take people's cash.
LOL genius
glad science doesn't believe. It just knows or does not know
Does science not technically believe in the big bang? Just because there's no solid conclusion of what happened and whenever there is solid proof it'd defeat one of the laws of physics "energy cannot be created or destroyed, simply changed from one form to another"
howdy is it possible to create an android app without any views?
@MarkO'Sullivan - that would be a question for Eski :D
@MarkO'Sullivan no like a command line android app. No viewers
Technically, science should constantly question itself and its own beliefs with experiments and other sciency thingie I think?
I've been gone for like, 2 hours, where's my answers?
You guys are like, rubbish at being a paid for answer service.
Time to go~~
cya people!!! :D
William - Did you read the tutorial?
o/ bye WOMP
hiya Carl!!
@Graeme some of them. My question is still valid.
Bye Womper!
By Womps!
William - The answer is you can't. What you're looking for is a web app.
Please look into Phonegap / Cordova/Ionic
So no command line equivalent to java that is a shame
Or if you want something basic, I think in Android Studio you can create a "WebView Activity"
Why do you want an Android app and not a Java app @William?
@MarkO'Sullivan to run on android of course
@William but why? What is it that you're looking to achieve that you can't with an Android app with views?
@William Not an app. You can create regular binaries and load them if you're rooted, but not an app
minimal code possible that is all
It'll be less work to make an app though
I don't get why
Surely you just want the easier way possible to load an app onto an Android phone?
Mark - He doesn't have the knowledge base to do what he needs to do and is looking for a way to shortcut it because he's not interested in learning what he has to.
I'm dyslexic. I can only learn so much before it all gets rather confusing
@William - https://github.com/bluenimble/bluenimble-apps-android-sdk
(Disclaimer: I'm self promoting my sdk)
So take your time, then. Android's not going anywhere
What Raghav said
@MehdiB. cool is it like jasonette?
Hmm, I'm not familiar with Jasonette, but the concept is getting 80% of your app only with Json
jasonette appears slightly different because it is live across the internet
and the 20% remaining only in Java (in case you want to visit your backend responses or requests)
aah - no, this one has the conf and json pages on the assets
downloading the Json conf is planned, since we're already supporting "DiskBasedApplication"
Is it not in an hour?
Juliette - I think it's in 1h indeed :D
It's because I live in the FUCK timezone :'(
Yeah :) you're an hour off
Use UTC, they said. Everyone will understand what you mean, they said.
Next time use millis since epoch
are there any other libraries like droidquery? I know this question wouldn't fly on the main site which is why I ask it here.
TIL droidquery lol
why does this exist? lol
because Tristans exist
"I created this Chrome extension to emulate jQuery on Android!!1!"
omg our work chat has just turned into sharing obscure libs
Not sure how I feel about this one yet github.com/square/flow
@eski epoch can be anything, ios default epoch is iphone release day
I guess, but there's a commonly accepted "epoch time" where it's 1970.
@CptEric please tell me that's not real
not really lol
just 1 jan 2001
but would be funny
because people complained time existed before 2001
lmfao what?!
also you have to multiply that by 1000 before sending it on a server
and divide it by 1000 before parsing it
bc apple works without millis
and that's not fake.
it's really missing the last three digits
Same with some other systems
I think mongo
"who needs millis? it's not like timestamps were a thing anyways"
Databases of all things should
I can't say the millis thing is unheard of
also I hate how Joda date months are 1-index but Java Calendar is 0 index
so when I dealt with a date time picker, I always had to add/subtract one when showing/reading the picker
yeah :I
poor design decisions
chapter 5667
appendix 12
> whoever did this, may he burn in hell
so who thinks they're gonna announce that we found aliens?
o/ I hope so lmao
gosh, I hope not
we're not ready for that
@CarlAnderson Either we are alone in this universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.
if we're alone,k we can fuck as many planets as we want without nobody complaining
that's the spirit
if we're not, we might get grounded anytime soon
You mean manifest destiny on a galactic scale? :O
Yes, I'm implying that the US would be the country to take out other planets because what else would we do.
india is far nearer to it tho
it's rockets are 1/10th of nasa's programs costs
Let's face it, it won't be a country.
space X doesn't count
It'll be fucking Elon Musk lol
beat me to it haha
glad to know nasa won't be using soyuzs anymore
"I appreciate we haven't spoken before" I just received an email with this sentence, what is it to appreciate on not having spoke before?
It means that english probably isn't their first language.
that or they really despice you
haha! :D
despise* eric, unless you meant they wanted to take the spices out of mehdi.
> take the spices out of mehdi
posted on February 22, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Kobi Glick, Product Manager, Google Play Publishing a new app, or app update, is an important and exciting milestone for every developer. In order to make the process smoother and more trackable, we're announcing the launch of a new way to publish apps on Google Play with some new features. The changes will give you the ability to manage your app releases with more confidence via

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