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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

TIL OcuS is Word
Thanks, I don't use it much and I see they changed some stuff
I got a request from a sales manager in China who is connected to my niece. I'm guessing she doesn't really know him
Plot Twist: cM's niece is recruiting people for China
But I don't wanna move to China
What does PWOA stand for in the context of plagiarism?
In this case, someone copying an existing answer
Could you create an android app without any viewers and populate the viewers manually using java code. Similar to javascript creating a blank html page?
William - I'm not sure you're question makes sense. But yes.
what would be the equivalent api call to innerHTML in android then? i'm a web develeoper trying to figure out android if you can't tell
I can tell :)
If you think of Views as HTML tags
You can do view.addView(new View())
And all "pages" have a root view in the same way HTML have a root window
You probably don't want to be doing this though
i'm listening. why not?
Probably in the same way you don't want to be using innerHTML?
@Graeme well I escape everything when using innerHTML
Depending what you're doing, you would probably benefit from readings some basic Android Tutorials
I meant more in the manner that it's rare to be in a situation where a pure Java UI on Android is easier/better than an XML + Java one
It's a pain in the ass if you are doing with many views. You only do this in certain circumstances where it is needed
A full app in pure Java would be a nightmare to maintain
If you don't want to do Android things, you can simply create an App which is just a glorified browser and use web language.
@Graeme you mean like phonegap
the more you fight android, the worse time you're gonna have. just do it The Google Way and conform. don't try and be smart with the view system. it'll rip your heart out and leave you empty and alone.
You can use phonegap or any number of other solutions.
If you're actually interested in developing on android, start here:
The tutorials are incredibly well thought through and give you huge amounts of information at high speed.
i'm partly trying to figure out why the android counteparts to iphone aren't complete occassionally
Same reason why some iOS counterparts to Android are incomplete
Different platforms
You can usually fill in the gaps with libraries and some of your own code
@William go for ionic 2 if you wanna keep doing web stuff
thank you
it's a nice text editing software
lots of good reviews in this chat
which one?
micrsoft word is
> 2559 messages found with the keyword word
meh, wordpad for me
@RaghavSood LOL
is there something that will convert from Views to Java code or vica versa?
I would guess not
William, seriously, go read that page I sent you
You're not using advanced enough language and concepts for us to give you any meaningful help
android studio is dowloading my ssd is relatively full
I'd probably wait a few days, study and get used to concepts, and then come ask us questions.
good idea
Or, switch to using phonecap/ionic etc etc, in which case we wouldn't actually be the right people to help you anyway.
Good luck
welp, time to go
Cya people!!! :D
have a good one!
See ya, Womp
hahaha :D
Sanity check - If you want to create a block of text that includes return characters, you create <br/> or <p> tags in your string resource and use Html.fromHtml() to set a Spannable on a TextView right?
aren't \n tags supported on xml strings?
i thought they were
been to long since i did this kind of stuff
yeah they do
> Use \n for a line break and \t if you want to insert a tab.
Yes, \n for line break
\o to send a polite smiley face message
Apparently <br> should work...
But it isn't
it worked!
thanks cm
EU has told UK it owes 68 billion pounds after brexit. Yowch.
Can we tell Canada they owe us 65,844,954 immigration spots to escape with?
Pfff - I've been waiting over 3 years for two slots to open up.
This was before England started sinking under it's own stupidity
I say build a wall and don't let anyone off the island
we need to start isolating isolationists
but not America until I get out
I can't parse 31415926535897932384626433832795 as a long. :/
welcome o/
because that's too long for a long
you need to define an extra long long then
do you know some kind of Set that can sort 31415926535897932384626433832795, 31415926535897932384626433832797, 31415926535897932384626433832796 (only last digit is changed for example). I tried TreeSet. But, It sorts as 1, 10, 3, 30, 4
this isn't C
I am sure I need some kind of tree
byte array?
its Java. I am in between a competition,
Ok, so first I will look into byte-arrays sorting and then others.
no, look into String
There is no theoretical limit. The BigInteger class allocates as much memory as it needs to hold all the bits of data it is asked to hold. There are, however, some practical limits, dictated by the memory available. And there are further technical limits, although you're very unlikely to be affected: some methods assume that the bits are addressable by int indexes, so things will start to break when you go above Integer.MAX_VALUE bits.
Really, String? How.
yeah alphabetical sort on Strings of integers should also be numerical
I am trying, thanks for help.
I would have imagined that comparisons on byte array would be quicker than String comparisons?
sounds reasonable though
Never really used BigInterger
yeah byte array might be the better choice for someone used to working with bytes BigInteger makes it pretty easy
BigInterger does have a compareTo() function so...
is there any built-in comparison method for byte arrays?
you might need a for loop that compares each byte
I would imagine that if you're using huge data sets, byte array sorting is your best bet as you have better control of what's going on. BigInteger if you need something easy.
I haven't used AS in like five days. :'(
you could also build a tree of the bytes with each leaf of n depth being a node. remove some of the redundancy
be careful with premature optimization
I'm just thinking about fun data structures given a set outside normal considerations
if you want to join in on this competition, I can drop a link.
and, I think I will need a byteArray in the end.
sounds interesting
Q: BigInteger to byte[]

KamiI need to convert a Java BigInteger instance to its value in bytes. From the API, I get this method toByteArray(), that returns a byte[] containing the two's-complement representation of this BigInteger. Since all my numbers are positive 128 bits (16 bytes) integer, I don't need the 2's-compleme...

@DaveS I immediately thought of BytetoByte()
#NeverForget #ChinaTeam2020
Aug 31 '15 at 22:34, by Dave S
> static public byte[] ByteToByte(int v)
byte[] s = new byte[1];
s[0] = (byte)(v & 0xff);
return s;
one of the best
Be me, get given firmware, servers, iOS, Android app that rely heavily on terrible code like this. Now get tasked to make it work well as quickly as possible while still having to work with the team that provided code of that "quality"
@Siliproksi You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
You merely adopted bad code, I was born into it, molded by it.
alphabetical sorts strings as --> 1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30 which is Ok maybe, beacuse its a string and so --> a, ab, ac, b, ba, bb is considered sorted. right?
ah yeah the strings need to be the same length
you can pad them with 0s to get the sort to work
@user2114764 You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4, and a non-default username to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
padding 0s might not be right choice if String array is 1< n < 2 * 10^5
.length of biggest string.
and then, every other string's length to match its length. and add remaining zeroes
Well personally I would use BigInteger
it does everything you need it to
Oh, lets see my attempt at BigInteger. I will learn something about it first. Never used it before.
^ There's a thing on string sorting
I use that for a dictionary app
I don't get those memes
I love you Dave, it was so easy.
spent 4 hours doing this.
I used an ArrayList of BigIntegers, and Collections.sort(), and BAMM!
@eski thanks. But, I haven't used Comparators yet, and that algorithm's logic is out of my intelligence. I should learn it some day.
@DaveS so thing on the left is not as good as thing on the right?
you are the guy on left, and she told you not to worry about the guy on right. But, you are worried, because he is better.
nothing has ever been more true
posted on February 21, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Takeshi Hagikura, Developer Programs Engineer At Google I/O last year we announced ConstraintLayout, which enables you to build complex layouts while maintaining a flat view hierarchy. It is also fully supported in Android Studio's Visual Layout Editor. At the same time, we open sourced FlexboxLayout to bring the same functionalities of the CSS Flexible Layout module to A

@eski what rupin said
ok, that's what I thought
Any of you particularly [material]designery?
I'm trying to get the right hand icon to fit the page keyline. Never noticed before that it doesn't indent in the same way the home icon does...
So, for instance, check out the material design example's right keyline
which icon?
On that image, the search icon
On my app, that icon right aligns but doesn't fit the keyline
does the image itself have padding ?
I'm using one from material design download site just in case :P
there's space in between the keyline and both the search icon and drawer icon in that image
That's right - but they're about right
There is a definite visual continuity
Let me get you a screenshot of mine right now (with developer options layers turn on)
Honestly whatever you think of Evan Spiegel, it’s impressive that he’s taking Snap public while serving as Facebook’s chief product officer
I would inspect the image just to be sure the icon is cropped to the border and doesn't have a few pixels of padding
lol ahmad
I've removed the titles, but you can see the keylines at the bottom. The home icon is spaced totally differently than the icon...?
I'm not doing anything weird that I know of
it could be that you have scaling on
and the home icon is taking available space while the ? fits in the space left by the bar
It's in a toolbar. I'm not doing any of the layout.
wrap_content on button might do different things if not in the same layout
using inflate(menu) and setHomeIcon
ah hmm
If I was doing it manually I would have fixed it a couple of hours ago when i first started investigating :D
double check the image sizes of the icon are the same
They are
you could try changing the action bar style
Q: I want to change actionbar icon size

Mohammed Subhi Sheikh QuroushI tried to use this code <item android:id="@+id/male_button" android:layout_width="46dp" android:layout_height="56dp" android:layout_gravity="right" android:icon="@drawable/icon_male" android:showAsAction="always" android:title="i"/> <...

Styles is not somewhere I have checked! Thanks Dave
the actionbar apis are some of the worst in android
which is saying a lot
Actionbar style has been set to ... Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar
So... that's a thing. Let's see why that is there
I have the top score on one of our pinball machines now. I am so excited.
I believe we use NoActionBar because we don't have one and it cleaned up some issue
Adam - now your boss will know you spend a good amount of time playing :D
Yeah, nothing weird in ActionBar styles which is screwing things up
well I'd try setting the min,max and normal width in the style
and see if it fixes it
Yeah, but I don't want to be using non standard actionbar icon widths do i?
@MehdiB. I won't spend anymore time now lol
use an alias
Hah, for right now I can't get my toolbar text back to being white XD
Good thinking Eski XD
@eski @McAdam331 use your bosses name to make it look like HE spends too much time playing
or a coworker you don't like
That's even better haha!
@McAdam331 until someone beats your score, anyway :P
I don't know if that will happen. There's only one person who could haha.
The same guy has had the high score on all five machines.
You have five of them?? Lol...that's awesome
Dave - I can fake the keyline by setting the actionbar item width to 64dp o.o
48 is the default width by the way, so no idea how everyone else is doing it effortlessly...
Oh tits. They're just putting padding on the right of the toolbar element aren't they?
yeah probably =p
layout margin likely
Why have I been doing this for 2 hours >.<
because you didn't layout the actionbar yourself =p
Yeah, padding right works. Damnit.
yeah padding for the toolbar if setting the icon it would be a layout margin
@codeMagic Yeah. There are some that break down often though. Only three are working right now.
We have one that has not broken down once since we got it, and it's the oldest one, too lol
You should have to put up with broken pinball machines at work, Mac. That's just terrible management
I know.
This is outrageous.
(sarcasm) today I found out I'll be helping out on another project and their daily standup is at 10:00, when my current one was at 10:30, so now I have to actually be here BEFORE 10. This is awful.
It sounds awful
Or ask them to open a bridge and join the call
PSA: If you have to say it's sarcasm, you're doing it wrong
codeMagic is really bad at sarcasm
The new menu bar doesn't seem to have a link for chat...
PSA: The Internet regularly drops sarcasm packets.
True, it's hard to ACK sarcasm or it only gets worse
How would you even perform a sarcastic handshake?
after so many sarcastic handshakes the packets being dropped happens kind of like this
user image
@Code-Apprentice yep, or meta, or the help center
it's the beginning of the end
the chat rooms will slowly fade away like the elves watching humanity crumbling to dust. Quality of posts will decline as users stop using the help center and participating in meta
The darkness has truly won.
The next thing is to move the chat link to the footer
Oh, I was always scared to click that because I thought it was going to take me to the main home page
And I guess I've been too busy to take the chance of needing to click the back button if it did
@DaveS How'd you get that?
click the button that's highlighted
Q: How to create a file already with content in android using commands?

PowerAppHello everyone My problem is that I have to be able to create a file with the contents of an Inputstream using only commands, because the file will be created in the / data / data directory, but not from my other applications application, and perform. This should be with SuperUser permissions an...

@DaveS What button?
ooo....I see now. The grey is only slightly different than the rest of the bar.
@Ramy You need a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
@DaveS looks fake, is this for real?
Yes it's a real bill, been around for over a decade, once 270 electoral votes are in play the law will go into effect
Hello, my name is David. I would fail to write bubble sort on a whiteboard. I look code up on the internet all the time. I don't do riddles.
is this true?
someone is not happy that I'm trying to get work done today.
Do you guys all ship your SSL certs with your apps and pin certificates?
Thanks. Do you handroll your pinning, or there's that fancy lib that just got throw into google's namespace... is it the one from stripe? I forget who wrote it
tja, scheisse, ne?
Tja, da kann man nichts machen, ne
Old Android missing our CA cert.. tja, dumm gelaufen.
Hey you also say "ne"!
Rheinländer, we say "ne" at the end of anything haha
If you use okhttp you can pin certs with the factory they provide
It's pretty easy
that's the one i'm thinking about - okhttp became defacto http lib in nougat, right? google threw it in asop and isn't recommending httplib anymore?
Same here, but after moving to Berlin I noticed we're a minority. I'm now surrounded by "gel"s and "wa"s
Is that the German equivalent of the Canadian eh?
Yep defacto default lib!
Hahah yep
hah, close enough.
so you can tell the nationality of your coding members by the following method names? isTrue() trueEh() trueNe()
canadian java has whatAreYaEh instead of instanceof
null checks are == youMyBuddyGuy? instead of != null
Home time, laters.
Are you guys familiar with Ruby auf Schienen?
I heard it's a lot more efficient
LOL jlin
Cya mate
later jlin
Also rofl Ruby auf Schienen
Woo, poetry books delivering tomorrow.
Barring anything resembling world ending weather.
they've started rolling out my hackday project to test stores
congrats Carl!
It's going to fail miserably #CrushTheDreamCrusher
How will Starbucks know when they've achieved full market penetration in Scandinavia? When they cross the Finnish line.
you sure make a latte puns Dave
I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction.
Hello fellas
Can anybody point me to some tools I can use to make a bot for an android app? Possibly emulating the android app on my Mac (as opposed to making a bot and installing it on my android device)?
what do you mean "make a bot for an android app" ?
Writing a program where I can specify which actions to take within this app. For example "swipe left" or "touch x, y position on the screen", etc...
within your own app, or within a different app?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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