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It's not Monday here so he's okay
here it's been 2min since it's monday :D
I should but I am stuck at a gson issue I don't understand yet
warren is working even when he is not at work working
haha :D Good luck :D
tty tomorrow everyone - gotta ship a feature tonight...
Hello, Android!
Do we finally get some new John Oliver tonight?
@Ahmad How goes the Haskell? Have you seen qsort yet?
damn stupid me
care to expound, @warren?
I haven't seen that I used the wrong variable type in my pojo for gson
@Code-Apprentice qsort? not yet! I'll check it out
@Ahmad It's only 2 lines!
uuuh sounds awesome!
like my master thesis
import master from thesis
@WarrenFaith sounds like python
it is
anyway, time for me to go to bed
cya today! :D
import thesis
That's python
a binary tree in haskell
cya warren!
@Ahmad And you can define your own map function which allows you to easily walk the tree.
can i use bluej to develop a simply java application?
@Ahmad Then you have a Functor!
which is one step closer to a Monad.
was reading up on functors today :D
I'm going to implement a map :}
@TristanWiley LOOOL
it doesn't work in safari tho :(
What doesn't work?
the new password button
Ahmad, I finally started investing again. Went with etrade for now. Made $6 Friday so I'm living pretty high on the hog right now
2 hours later…
@codeMagic yay! How much you put in the account? What you buy?
@CoDfather Rejected for chat as tech support only
Q: Amazon Kindle fire Notification

DoeI am Making Application for Amazon Kindle fire device, I used information at given here. https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/adm.html. I also added amazon-device-messaging-1.0.1.jar as per guide line. and I tried to run in kindle device but it got crashed. Below is the logcat: 02-13 12:0...

any help would be appriciated
@Ahmad Why the sudden love for Haskell?
Anyone familiar with Kafka?
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
I've only had ~700ml of coffee today, definitely not good
Acquired ~300ml more, all is right with the world
yay~~ :D
If I have less than 1.7-2.2l a day, it's not good
I might get grouchy
Good morning for everyone who's having it
i'm gonna raze and plunder great britain
@RaghavSood who or what?
Apache Kafka
no idea
i thought you suddenly had interest in austro hungarian poesy
Franz Kafka (Praga, Imperio austrohúngaro, 3 de julio de 1883-Kierling, Austria, 3 de junio de 1924) fue un escritor de origen judío nacido en Bohemia que escribió en alemán. Su obra está considerada una de las más influyentes de la literatura universal y está llena de temas y arquetipos sobre la alienación, la brutalidad física y psicológica, los conflictos entre padres e hijos, personajes en aventuras terroríficas, laberintos de burocracia y transformaciones místicas. Fue autor de las novelas El proceso (Der Prozeß), El castillo (Das Schloß) y El desaparecido (Amerika o Der Verschollene), la...
i want to become a blanket burrito
i want to raze and plunder the royal mail company
You two have issues
because they're not tracking my packageeeessssssssss
and i set up my workplace as delivery zone
i'm sleepy
ProTip: Plundering the company delaying your packages may result in more delays
what if i loot it first?
that means a surplus of unexpected packages
raze - loot - plunder
You think you can sort through the thousands you steal faster than the mail guys?
i could force them to sort them for me
wanna enlist my postage corsair band?
i'll get an airship and pirate hats
Send me a pirate hat and I'll consider it
and we'll play the charge of the walkirias on our way to the postage hubs
I want a three point one
i have two in my house lol
100% wool felt
I want leather
leather is too cosplay-y
Halfway through the Napoleonic wars the sailors' formal hat - if he had one - was made either of leather or japanned canvas.
and rottens due to the salt water
Original, too
leather + salt water = rotten leather
felt + salt water = sturdy hat to hit people with
Not if you maintain it right
Source: I use leather boots and live on the coast
modern leather is not the same as the one 200 years ago tho. today's leather is too well treated
Modern seas aren't what they used to be either
They're higher now
i've been harassing phyisically and psycologically my pair of leather boots in salt, ice, mud, river water, uranium
and they're fine
i suppose so. went for a walk near ascó
that zone must be radioactive for sure
Eric can count on one hand all the times he's been near uranium
All seven times
atually raghav it's a joke about an horribly old, falling-in-pieces nuclear power central we have near our city
far enough for the big boom or the radioactive cloud not reach us if it goes kaboom
near enough to grow a new pair of arms if it happens
If I ever visit you, I'm dragging you there for exploring
That sounds cool
it's sister nuclear power had an incident after being built
so now there's only ASCÓ 1 AND VANDELLÓS 2
vandellos 1 is no more
it's a lovely scenery.
see all the security measures to not let people reach it? they're impressive.
what i love is also how well it is protected against river-level raisings.
look at those invisible flood dams.
Last I checked we were buying tanks
Security can go to hell
oh we're sellings submarines now
submarines that don't float.
Isn't that the point of submarines?
You know, submarine
no, what i mean is that, once it goes down, never goes up again. it's a one use submarine.
engineers are trying to figure out how to make it float again.
Perfect, that's where we'll hide the bodies of the security folks
W0MP3R approaches from the north in a tank
Distracts all the security
Eric and I slip past inconspicuously wearing bright green paint so we blend in with all the mutants
Ahmad can bring the submarine, and W0MP3R will push all the guards into it
this is our mini chernobyl
vandellos 1 concrete carcass.
We leave in a Zeppelin
awesome plan
See, Eric, life would be so much easier for you if you'd bought the tank
i had to buy them in packs of 6
didn't have ~ 7k to spend in 6 tanks
"The rent is 200 euros"
"I can't afford this!" *gets in tank, swivels turret to landlord*
"You know what, prices just dropped. Rent is 40 euros"
Take a loan
No bank is going to collect on a defaulted loan from the guy with 6 tanks
i must say i have some kind of respect for the people that live near nuclear power centrals
i wouldn't be able to relax on the beach like 'em.
"Did anyone see that fish grow legs?"
"Nope, my eyes have been replaced by ears"
"those teenagers with their weird tatoos"
"that's a branchial tract grandma"
@user965347 You need a q:a ratio of 3:4, and a non-default username to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
Yay first default username for the bot!
Good to know that part works too
Although I think my current regex will false positive on user784Name
Which I can live with, since it's close enough to default
@CptEric From blowflish to glowfish
fish* joke ruined
didn't even notice it
my autism did
US history condensed into a single photo from #StandingRock https://t.co/gUH0xbJItX
so windy D:
it is too hot here
sup tim :D
this is so nice
"China's big, beautiful, green 'vertical forests' will help clean cities' toxic air"
how to kill thousands of trees
is it real or photoshopped?
it's a 3D render
i can see the raytracing from the thumbnail
these particular ones are rendered, because they don't exist yet :P
Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) is a pair of residential towers in the Porta Nuova district of Milan, Italy, between Via Gaetano de Castillia and Via Federico Confalonieri near Milano Porta Garibaldi railway station. They have a height of 111 metres (364 ft) and 76 metres (249 ft) and will host more than 900 trees (approximately 550 and 350 trees in the first and second towers respectively) on 8,900 square metres (96,000 sq ft) of terraces. Within the complex is also an 11-story office building; its facade does not host plants. The towers were designed by Boeri Studio (Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea...
they are already done in Milan
China's green building is really nice..
Ahhh, nothing's like coming back from holidays and it's the Apocalypse and everybody's running everywhere...
The exact opposite of
since 2 months we are transitioning from the legacy system to a new system. This week-end, the old system started to triple its response time and drop requests randomly ; so they rerouted the incoming data-flow to the new system, which started itself to respond very slowly. But nobody knows why and none of the metrics/alerts/etc show anything odd...
well, I'm going down the rabbit hole, see ya !
see ya
have fun
check for non-closed streams :D
@RaghavSood homework lol
@RoHiT You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
What a great and helpful bot
I wonder who could've made such a thing
I don't know that, I only know who edited the code from another bot
@AndroidBot Hey , You back
@RonakMehta new LocalStorage who dis
wait what¿
!/giphy monday
@CptEric That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!/tell CptEric listcommands
@CptEric help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, flip, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, meow, meowgif, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, o/, o//, stopnonsense
kitty :D
                  very fail
                      so user
such pro
you can pass a &tag=string here super cool
I will not enable spamming of gifs
to pass search params
how about the bot throwing in gifs?
banhammer gif
or welcome gif
God no
i have terrible ideas i know
but what if...
Tristan's Chrome extension already handles gify
but it polls to search, not to random
so it always gives the same result
captain, I have a 10 paged word document on your "What if..." ideas
Does it go like:
Cpt: What if...
W0MP: No.
*repeat for 9.9 pages*
So, how about a service
Where you have a tool that images your phone/laptop
And encrypts it
i would need a truck for the whole of our app ideas
And you leave your devices behind when you travel to USA
Carry a dummy phone and netbook
And then there is someone waiting with a fresh, clean device on the other side
Is our bot on github?
And you download, decrypt and install your image
And return the device after wiping it when you leave
sounds cool
but costly, network-size wise
or device-wise
Sounds like something elon musk would fund tho
I can think of many companies who would happily pay a premium to avoid overzealous border agents
the MuskPhone
tweet the idea to him then when he says good idea tweet him the image of the patent registry and a society creation request with co-sharing of shares
registering a patent costs 10.000eu if I'm not mistaken
@TimCastelijns where? how?
and you have to renew it, every not sure the frequency
it was 500€ last time i checked
ohh really ?
I heard the same:
3000e for a local moroccan patent
and 10000e for an international one
289,13 € + 259,13 € for a european name & product patent on the spanish patents and marks office
By following the PCT procedure, your patent can become valid in a large number of countries for a fee of € 4.000 to € 5.000 a year.
for the whole of the world, 7555€ with 299€ renewing fees
netherlands is expensive for that man
no problem we are rich anyway
in spain the renewal cost is only 25% of the total on a whole product ( idea, name, brand, imaging, logos)
for just a idea or name it's 289€
else all the "Yes Extender®" & similar call center products wouldn't be able to exist :P
500k people reached \o/
congrats!! :D
well done!
500k people now have potential bugs in their code :D
Dutch yells at the internet, people listen ~ SO insider.
Dutchie has 20k reputation, people assume he knows what he's talking about. The harsh reality shocked millions ~ SO insider
@VijayParchani You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
me loves this Question
and their answers
A: Why is populism seen as being negative or bad?

goblinI think the fundamental observation here is that there's a difference between a party's interests, versus what they think their interests are. Ergo, since voters don't always know what's good for them, this gives rise to the category of moral wrongdoing called populism, in which politicians give...

upvote you shall give
lol Tim
i just got a new hat
and a new patch
and a crickett
so.... no need to raid the mail company??
althought they said me minimum 14 days
and it got here in ~7
Eric, Just saw that you used SKMaps
that's an unexpected well behaviour i can not tolerate.
me no eric, me no skmaps. i am only josé.
whatcha need?
lol what
Any idea on how to display the next coming intersection while navigating?
did you make navigation work?
because i didn't.
i abandoned that project on the "missing free technology that works" box.
haha! yeah I made it work
but the SDK is awful
Anyone worked with InfluxDB?
i know
had to override around 50 callback methods
from which I only needed 3
Strike two, Eric
First Kafka, now Influx
If you don't know the next thing I ask about I'm gonna put you on a remedial course
you're the one using random tech
Kafka is used by most large companies
Uber and LinkedIn, for instance
LinkedIn built it initially, before it went into Apache Commons
Kafka is known on the enterprises tech stacks, never heard of Influx though
Apache Kafka is an open-source stream processing platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Scala and Java. The project aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Its storage layer is essentially a "massively scalable pub/sub message queue architected as a distributed transaction log," making it highly valuable for enterprise infrastructures to process streaming data. Additionally, Kafka connects to external systems (for data import/export) via Kafka Connect and provides Kafka Streams, a Java stream processing library...
yeah but not everybody needs realtime data streams
not everybody = almost nobody
But... but... but... Skynet
Yup, kinda like not everybody likes Tim :D
they hate me cause they ain't me
they see you rolling they hatin'
they hate us cus they aint us
What if they are though?
What is everyone is a clone of one of a handful of people?
like CF when he changes avatars?
even clones develop differents counsciences, this being new beings
just a fraction of a MS of difference between raghav 1 and raghav 2 could mean a whole new dude.
at the right moment of the cloning process being completed, they start thinking differently
you speak like it's a "duh" fact XD
also their minds would probably be blank white
so good luck teaching your self copy how to poo.
We just pull the analogue-interface-base image from the SkyNetwork
@TanmayBaranwal You need a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
not sure from all the tasks that could be taught, how you thought about this one XD
it's the least pleasant i can think off
@TanmayBaranwal Woah now, hold up right there. Spamming the request access button will only get you banned. Come back in 24 hours and request again IF you have fixed the issues outlined in the last message. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
Lunch time :D
I'm proud of myself now, one week straight of github contributions lol
@ColdFire It's gonna be, the booomb.

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