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Carl, you should learn it now, it's pretty cool.
We can learn it together!
Look, I turned this:
`public Collection<String> doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(
Collection<String> collection
) {
Map<Integer, List<String>> groupsByLength = Maps.newHashMap();
for (String s : collection) {
List<String> strings = groupsByLength.get(s.length());
if (strings == null) {
strings = Lists.newArrayList();
groupsByLength.put(s.length(), strings);

int maximumSizeOfGroup = 0;
for (List<String> group : groupsByLength.values()) {
if (group.size() > maximumSizeOfGroup) {
into this:
`fun doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(collection: Collection<String>): Collection<String>? = collection.groupBy{ it.length }.values.maxBy { it.size }`
A. You're missing a backtick.
B. You're missing a pastebin
C. Ain't nobody got time for that
D. Unnecessary pings
E. You need to go drink some ass-bourbon
Can't, headache.
We don't come here to hear your excuses, nana
You might be surprised, but I don't think I have any bourbon at all.
now that would be a programming language I could get behind: Bourbon
Scala? Kotlin ? Who the fuck names these things.
Kotlin is named after an island in Russia
since Jetbrains is a Russian company iirc
trevor, please don't pollute the chat with facts
Scala... Martin Odersky is a demigod so I don't question his naming choices.
What's the best language name?
Rust i pretty cool.
Python isn't bad
Brainfuck is cool, but it's spelled with an asterisk I think, so it's not very ballsy
COBOL is a very neat name
^^ Pronounced Hut-Muh-Al
@RaghavSood send an email with some of your info to [email protected] the guys want to set up a skype meeting and possibly send some small jobs your way that need to get done.
What? When I asked for a job, you didn't give me one!
you weren't willing to work remote random contracting jobs you wanted a career or something
also we didn't have any work then
now we do
I don't want a carreer, I have too much carreer.
Plus you can't afford me :P
Or maybe you can now... is your company doing well now?
I want a job!
Wait...do I need to supply my own mop bucket?
(That's funny because I'm assuming we will be cleaning up Dave's shit)
risky click of the day right there ^
2 hours later…
Pinging @nana to make sure if he is still awake.
@DaveS Done!
I just made a new Chrome Extension
I should see how mine's doing
I mean, could be worse
i have a recycler view
inside a non-swiping viewpager
and for some reason all dx actions on it are exactly twice as large as they ought to be
might have found it actually ha
Just tried one of those stupid Facebook quizzes that gives you a yearly calendar of what you should do each month. January was get chased by the police with @DaveS and February was go camping with @CarlAnderson. I think Facebook wants me to get closer to my room15 friends.
Gooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
did someone ever had this problem?
Q: NullPointerException in SurfaceView.onAttachedToWindow(SurfaceView.java:207)

KyleI'm getting this exception raised from SurfaceView.onAttachedToWindow. It looks like SurfaceView is trying to reference mParent, but it's null. Does anyone know why the parent wouldn't be set but onAttachedToWindow would be called? I'm using the SurfaceView for a camera preview. I have a ViewGro...

1 hour later…
good morning
> Process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
best error description ever
ok, so literally retrolambda causes this issue
i like how well explained that error is
looks like android got square to document it's log output.
my problem: I am using retrolambda without problems in the app module but for the wearable module it fails as soon as I start using it
I have got this error many times while building the project
I forgot how to add permalink :P
Morning all
So the update I released yesterday which i hoped to solve the issue of the dialog boxes didn't solve the issue unfortunately
then blame lg
then blame sony
sup tim
happy new year everyone who i didn't greeted yet
we few, we happy few, we, band of coders.
Band Of Coders. I like that
Band Of Coders. I star that
your move, Warren
"spotify purchase of 9.99"."spottify purchase of 9.99 anulated". "spotify purchase of 9.99". "spotify purchase anulated". "spotify purchase of 9.98".
my bank account log right now
whoever has been hired as sales assistant in spotify deserves a spikey pineapple in hell.
> you know you're a responsible adult when you own photoshop legally.
Any one worked with Google drive file upload/ download? with this demo:- https://github.com/seanpjanson/GDAADemo
upload/delete/edit working but need to import file from Drive to sdCard
I think there should be simple downloading file with authorized access
Would Samsung have an issue with a BroadcastReceiver?
where you are facing issue?
Mark , Samsung can anything.
@MarkOSullivan94 samsung has issues with everything
Is there a way that I can log whether or not sendBroadcast(intent) is successful or not?
I hate Samsung
Eric : thumb
but so many people have samsung phones
high five
Mark , log inside broadcst but there is a no way to intercept that you have sent.
Mark, you can log at the time of send broadcast and then another log at received method
Receiver can acknowledge.
2 mins ago, by Dharmendra
I think there should be simple downloading file with authorized access
Yeah but I'm just thinking for logging to Crashlytics, if there was a callback for BroadcastReceiver which would be called if it's sent but never received
because then I'd know for sure what the issue is
@ChewbaccoCat Import means downloading, is it not?
nah @Dharmendra it isn't...but may be update a existing file content not download file to storage... m done with Dropbox but need to implament also in Google Drive..yeah i wants to updload and download Sqlite DB
@MarkOSullivan94 broadcast recievers are almost instant
set a timeout of 1s
if it's not recieved
then it wasnt
and blame samsung
Chewbacco, So are you looking for the sync functionality?
yes done with Dropbox but need to implament also in Google Drive..yeah i wants to updload and download Sqlite DB
Okay but how would I set a timeout if the BroadcastReceiver is in my MainActivity and the sendBroadcast() method is in a Service class?
in service you can can use Handler , CountDownTimer
for 1s it wont lag
@ChewbaccoCat You can check code from this github
sure m checking @Dharmendra sir
@CptEric does iOS have as many issues as android?
Tim , nice question
Less compare to Android
its not open source.
1 manufacture and 1 OS
a dozen manufactured devices and a dozen micro-os versions
indeed open source
Swift is open source
that means nothing
Do you consider open source = no issue ?
i consider that the code being publicly visible and revisable has no negative impact on the number of issues, it's all about how crappy it's mantainers are
and apple pays swift in-house mantainers (presumably) as good as it pays obj-c mantainers.
close software is actually more prone to critical unnoticed issues
whose bugfixes are sold as new versions
for the modic price of 99.99$
does iOS have stuff like "I am regularly getting locations that make no sense and nobody has a clue why"
because it hasn't had any nerd coder with free time look at that miss placed switch condition.
All the time.
i get random characters in phone numbers sometimes.
from contacts list
and they aren't there phiscially.
so i just.. wipe anything that's not a number
and pretend "+34$833)·9983|@9332" didn't happen
Would I set up a callback which will communicate between MainActivity and service class and then just wait say 5 seconds for the BroadcastReceiver?
not a literal thing
mark, why not bind the activity to the service?
How would I do that? I think it might already be, not sure
yep it's bound to it
if you don't know, it's probably not the case :P
Tim , I didn't thought :)
sorry it's been a while since I looked over this BLE code
trying to remember everything I've done :D
actually not sure you can do service->activity with bound services
forget what I said
bindService(bluetoothLEServiceIntent, mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
why are you using broadcast recievers anyway in bluetooth?
what are you trying to do, man
I use them to send back the response code from the HTTP request
All hail the allmighty eventbus.
I have a small request for you: can you subscribe to our company youtube channel? We need 100 subs to get a custom URL with our company name: If you want to help please visit the channel and subscribe. I will of course inform you when we reached the limit and you can unsubscribe if you want to
not saying it's wrong to use broadcasts, but i've always seen them as shotguns
I think I remember someone suggesting eventbus but then I couldn't set it up correctly and it seemed a bit similar to callbacks
you're blidnly shooting sharpnel at your activities and hoping one gets hit.
done warren
now you tell me where you got that video layout from
that template* :P
done Warren
what template?
@CptEric I thought they were supposed to be good?
it's how they look for me
not saying i'm the voice of anybody else lol
the video template
the presentation
I have no clue who made that video
oh kay
@MarkOSullivan94 they both do the same thing, eventbus just has some extra features/niceties to make your life easier
lovely app concept tho. thinking about moving to other markets?
in spain there's only blablacar
What features you talking about Tim? Might put it down in my list of things to do. Realm was once in my TODO list :p
can't disclose anything but Spain is on our roadmap afaik (though we are rebranding this month)
@MarkOSullivan94 asyncronous thread-wide non-phyisically linked callbacks through @annotations
nice :P
less code, no need to define a receiver, you just annotate a method. In the annotation you can specify e.g. ThreadMode = MainThread
Take it you guys use GreenRobot?
greenrobot's is the best for me
green what?
@WarrenFaith done
anyone used a "resource" module to share resources for app/wearable in combination with databinding? I have the issue that my colors.xml is not recognized in the generated layout files when I move the xml into the "resource" module
thanks cy!
greenrobot is not a product, is it
now I should remember to ask the guys at tamyca what they think about carjump
it's the name of the guy/org mantaining it.
so we use eventbus, not greenrobot :P
"does -- Cloud work on ios?" - "only on rainy days".
warren done i mean subscribed
this databinding is ruining my idea of a shared module...
Warren , I have been using since a 4 month. and I cried a lot.
3 points story takes 5.
next time I would say #nobinding
the problem is not databinding by default, the problem is that I can't use resources within the layout files that are provided by a shared module
that means I have to duplicate xmls like colors, drawables etc for app and wearable
and that sucks
outsource raghav to make a gradle script that does that on build time
warren that sucks
he loved gradle and lint scripts
databinding already works in the APT environment
Do you mean normal color / drawable set though xml ?
i havent started data binding yet :(
yes Ronak
we are doing a rebrand so we thought: lets move the colors to a shared module to have them at one place
works only in layouts without databinding
it should work if it doesnt it sucks
How you want module to set color / drawable
and should be on the list of features to add
We are setting color / drawable in XML
we do the same
but when I have no "colors.xml" in my app module but in my shared module, I can simply use @drawable/my_color in my app and it is taken from the shared module
works flawless and as expected when I have them in layouts without databinding
> Error:(20, 26) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/ic_wheel_outer').
not when I get this layout using databinding
sounds like a bug
Can you set a condition from VM from where you need to use drawable in case available / not
                            android:src="@{StringsUtil.isEmpty(editViewModel.medicationItem.pharmacy.phone) ? @drawable/phone_icn_gray : @drawable/phone_icn_blue}" />
Kind of.
With boolean
We have our brand colors within Confluence
so all apps are the same colors
we are not using databinding in this way. We currently only use it as a butterknife replacement, meaning we are using it to replace the findViewById() calls
and I doubt I can check on "no resource found" problems this way
set boolean from activity
dataBindingObj.setResoucerAvailable(true || false)
in xml
under variable create bool
type="Boolean" />
android:src="@{resourceAvailable ? @drawable/phone_icn_gray : @drawable/phone_icn_blue}"
test one thing for me please before I start even trying what you suggest:
what's that ?
Warren do you not like Butterknife?
Yes it works
link your sample to a not-existing drawable name like @drawable/foobar_barfoo and tell me if it even compiles
Reason : We have followed MVVM
and binding
Even Adapters (RV) are also set from xml
we are using a very small subset of databinding features, so to make what you suggest I need to do quite some things so please just test how your project compiles when you add a unknown resource id
Let I test @drawable/foobar_barfoo , It won't work as resource missing but we can set any default available resource. But let me test.
> It won't work as resource missing
my app module seems to not know the shared resource at that point so your "solution" is none for my case
I got your point.
can it ever be the case that an app is uninstalled and yet some part (any part) of that app lingers on the device until after a reboot?
some time it stuck in packages.
so it shows app can't installed
in this case CMD helped me to uninstall app
@TimCastelijns check if it's nstalled for other users
no I mean regular procedure
there is only 1 user
make sure again
99% sure
if you're installing debug builds there'll be an install not just for the 1 user
what does that mean?
then you have to uninstall through CMD
I found this strange but any time I need to fully uninstall a debug build I have to remove completely from the phone using all users even though I just have my own account and guest account
this device has only 1 configured user, no guest account
I'd a single user
still faced this issue
same here since 6.0.1
had to go to apk info
it is about a debug apk
how does it work?
uninstall from all users
application info
^ that's the one
three dots on the right
uninstall for all users
Yes Eric
I couldn't remind the exact wording
i believe guest user is still there even if it's disabled since 6.0.1
and AS doesn't care about it being disabled
but it's just a guess

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