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@PeeHaa 15 or so years ago. Any dumb shit I did back then that they might get a hold of I'm not worried about :P
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
what a disgusting hack — John Henckel May 10 at 20:32
hi linus
Hey, if it works
Hah. Hit Delta Silver yesterday, got upgraded on a flight to LA tomorrow already
That's like $70 right there
awesome :)
you fly too much raghav
but then again, I love flying, so flying too much is not really a thing for me
I'm down to maybe a flight every week and a half from a flight every week :(
It's like I'm not even the same person anymore
why even
Aha, finally! Something good in life!
(<3 you cM :) )
it was good while it lasted
for real tho why do you fly so much :0
also have you tried air help?
I don't have a car, the US is big, and I live in Singapore and India
I wanna see your flight map :D
So do I
I actually wanna make a site that eats your boarding passes and maps out your flights
Haven't gotten around to it yet
that's exactly what air help does
I'll also hit Gold status on AA over the weekend!
it scans your inbox for flight tickets
Yeah but I don't wanna give someone email access just for this
true, it's kinda risky haha
but that's mine^
I might make one over the winter break
Lol, mine's gonna be a bit more global with Singapore and my Tokyo layovers
yah I'm not there yet
just flying europe and the americas like a peasant for now ;_;
with the occasional trip to zambia
You should fly to Pakistan
I have, but that's like 8 years ago lol
It'll add to your map, and a Pakistan visa will put an end to your American travels real quick
so it's not on there
"What were you doing in Pakistan?"
"I'm really into flying, you know?"
> Deported
that made me legit lol :)
They're less suspicious of me. I only got detained for 45 minutes last time I entered the US!
even tho you study there?
that's so weird
Well, technically, I don't study here at the moment
Which is probably what ticks them off
The last two times I've entered, I've had to use a tourist visa even though I have a student one
Which confuses them
but your student visa is not valid rn right?
Cancelled, yep
Still physically in my passport though
Immigration officials are not known for their intellect
So they think I'm pulling a scam
welp that sucks
does it say cancelled on it?
Looks as legit as ever
or do they actually have to check
ahh kk
You can't tell unless you run the number
I had to go to an embassy to confirm it was cancelled
Because they apparently don't send you a notice when they cancel your visa
for real?!
lol that's so stupid
I at least have a tourist visa as a back up
so right now you're on regular tourist visa?
which is I guess not that easy to get as an indian?
Can't imagine showing up, being told your student visa is invalid, and then being kicked out
I got mine 8 years ago, so dunno about how hard it is now
and it's still valid?
my ESTA expires every 2 years
it just expired last month
They gave me a 10 year one for some reason
I think I've renewed my passport twice since then
So I now had 3 passports stapled together
Cause the visa is in the oldest one
dude you just keep cracking me up
I just picture your passport as this old dusty thing
almost falling in pieces
and just filled with stamps
The oldest one actually has some water damage
So a lot of the stamps are semi erased
I could have predicted that
And even the US visa is partially blurred :P
So this time they actually were uncertain if it works
But luckily it still swipes fine
you have to swipe it?
US visas are high tech
They have a magnetic strip at the bottom
I'm sure yours does too
You can swipe it like a passport
I don't have a visa
I only have ESTA
which apparently is not an actual visa
mine costs $12 and expires every 2 years
it's all online
TIL Ahmad owns an Ethiopan Radio Station which he buys for $12 ever two years
First Google result for ESAT: ethsat.com
The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is a United States government requirement (mandated by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007) for participating travelers from Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries. ESTA is an automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Authorization via ESTA does not determine whether a traveler is admissible to the United States. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers determine admissibility upon travelers’ arrival. The ESTA application collects...
Damn, misread that
nah I edited it
This is why the Indian passport sucks
Very few countries are visa free
Kinda want to marry an EU national or American just so I can travel more easily
It's not like my vote in India is gonna change things anyways
So wouldn't be too broken up over the citizenship change
marry a german
for real
literally the best passport on the planet
you know, I have dual citizenship with pakistan & germany
India doesn't do dual citizenship sadly
pakistan in the top 10 worst passports, with like 20 visa free entries, and germany has the most
But yeah, if I find a German girl who's game, I'm all for it
I actually couldn't care less about my pakistani citizenship actually - not entirely sure if I a actually still have it
"babe, I'm gonna be honest, only marrying you for your passport"
> Please note that German citizenship cannot be obtained through marriage with a German citizen
"Well, we're breaking up"
When I was 16 I went to get my ID card, because I didn't have one at the time, and with 16 it's mandatory to have one. The lady there told me that I have dual citizenship with pakistan. Neither me, nor my parents still knew that I still actually had that.
shit! I didn't know
well go for swiss or any scandinavian passport then
yo get yourself a scandinavian girl m8
Apparently I can get Macedonian citizenship just by living there for a few months
Or Brazilian by marriage
you can also get estonian citizenship very easily
Or Israel
Though I imagine that being a little harder to use
Spain offers citizenship after 1 year of marriage and tax paying
you won't be able to enter the middle east
like ever
and spain is a good place to live
Irish is even easier, marriage and one year of taxed living in any European country
This would be a lot easier if I just got adopted
I'm eligible for German after marriage + 3 years residence
So if I marry a German girl and do a masters program or something there I'm set
sorry can't adopt you m8, apparently that's only possible with 21+
Just find me a girl and a job for 3 years
you can do it at my university, get a good university for free, and only hate life every second day because of the stress
Hey, at least I'd be in uni then
It's surprisingly stressful to not be in uni
and not paying $70k a year
can imagine actually
what're you doing rn actually?
besides just travelling around
you should work on some side projects :)
Sitting in Chapel Hill working on an appeal so I can file it before I leave tomorrow and take two more online classes so I don't end up skipping a full semester
Yeah, I'm trying to find some Spring internships/projects to work on
seriously apply for an internship in berlin
it's not a lot of monies but the city is nice
I don't speak German tho
as if anyone in berlin speaks german
more people here in my neighbourhood are american than german
Okay then
or it feels like it
I'll look into finding some places that'll take a random Indian kid
Berlin != germany
YAY got my pixel tracker updated
it looked like this earlier today
What's it for?
12 hours ago, by Ahmad
user image
you can give it a source and it will do my analytics
for example, if you go to my website, I have a pixel on the bottom of my page
it's a 1x1 invisible pixel
@CptEric whoa thats intellij ?
it's better than google analytics because google analytics is shit
so intellij has their version of xcode too?
I don't see it
and I Only get spam on google analytics
look into the footer
Ahh found it
That's pretty cool
you can name the pixel anything you want
Lol@ the port number
to distinguish it from different sources
like I have a 1x1 pixel for my LocalHackDay website called lhd.png
This is pretty cool
thanks :)
I don't suppose it can track events and mouse patterns and stuff?
Not that I've ever used all that in a website anyways
All I need is who, what, where
just what's pictured ^
Still pretty sweet
I also have one in my SO profile
go to my profile page and I'll tell you your ip address
If there was a way to add in just a few variables, like logged in user or something via get parameters, I'd be sold
Ahmad not German , I think Dutch citizen can travel 200+ country.
More then US citizen.
wait why are you in miami now
VPNs, mate
@RonakMehta there are 195 countries on this earth
It's 2016, browsing without a VPN is like walking around in the sketchy areas wearing a shiny gold watch
thats example of poor GK.
I'm halfway through my food
And I forgot to put the chilli sauce
No wonder it tastes bland
Germany is highest :D
kk I'm off then
night all
it's like 7 am
Ahmad just gave me an excellent idea to creepily stalk people
But you sleep well :D
telllll me
It involves your pixel
and tracking what?
give me more
or pm with it haha
oh well I'm off
Lol, cya
I'll explain next time you're around
Thanks Ahmad for sharing something which I didn't know.
I am crying and trying to find rest of 5 countries :)
> thanks for rply. i know very well this type but this is different from my json array. In my json all three array name is separate so for loop not work only first array value get – Sachin M Jain 8 mins ago
Goooooood Morning Everyone!!! :D
guten morgennn!
guten morgen Eric and Womper.
@RaghavSood there's been whole memory downloaders hidden in pixels afaik
good morning womper and eric
Cf , guten morgen is a nice in german.
we have a hidden pixel too that tracks location, sex, looks for user name in cookies... it's an experiment lol
lol eric
Ronak didn't get you?
our SEO/SEM guy likes to experiment with that
good morning is called guten morgen in german.
i see but why german
i hope we never get a police call about those pixel things
@RaghavSood im changing my citizenship due to this
Citizenship change my marrying has some breaucracy paperwork thingy that drags for long
They ask for 'proof' like love letters and stuff
Back dated emails
@RaghavSood get a spanish girl, it's super easy. you just have to live with her 2 years and "prove" it's not a convenience marriage.
hiya!!! :D
hey fu bhargav
fu ?
CF , Are you missing any chars ?
somebody shared a nice format for resume i dont remember?
can anybody reshare it
looking for a change :D
sorry missed your message.
I change the tab after message and desktop notifications are disabled.
@Jordy welcome back. Please reread the rules just to be sure.
@WarrenFaith thx mate
you better read the rules again, especially the part about pings :D
so Yahoo was hacked again... 1 billion accounts
lucky me i think i've never used ot
they sent out emails
they have 1 billion accounts?
yeah Tim point indeed
they are old, don't forget that they have probably outdated and unused accounts counted in as well
and all passwords stored using top notch MD5 hashes :/
probably even unsalted
why would you even hash a password right? It's only more work for the cpu
afaik yes
image the cpu time you would save
we could stop global warming this way
not that it exists anyway
exactly :D
give everyone the same password, save a column in the db!
why a password anyway?
I mean open data!
yeah were we not all taught to share
so just overrule them, fixed, done, next
@WarrenFaith ahahah n1
14 mins ago, by WarrenFaith
you better read the rules again, especially the part about pings :D
Tim, he is one of yours, teach him :D
Lol, been so long ago I can't even find the rules anymore :')
Ctrl+f "rules"
also top right
Everything kitty-related is allowed. Point taken.

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