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^ @nil is that you?
is that slither you are playing?
yeah you got me hooked
I haven't even gotten to try any of those other io games
braains is fun
but annoying when people are dicks
I got a coil around another guy that had a coil on a guy
so much fun
and I did a figure 8 around two people at the same time
lol nice
Trump apparently doesn't know how to tell jokes...
dude tristan
Any RxJava/Retrofit experts available
Final length : 2038
Q: How to repeat network calls using RxJava

McAdam331I have an API that lets me retrieve an item by an id using something like this: http://myapi.com/api/v1/item/1 Where the last value is the id of the item. This is fine and dandy, I can write a Retrofit service interface and call for the item like this: MyService service = MyService.retrofit.c...

What are you working on?
@TristanWiley .... tell me more
>"I will accept election results you american people!!! ... IF I win"
1 hour later…
WHOO! 9,904!
LESS THAN 100 rep from 10k!
2 hours later…
@PardeepKumar This room requires 80 reputation for access.
congrats adam
still 4821 to go for me
good morning!
adam go to sleep
ohh yeah adam what time it is in US?
6 to 9 less than here
i think adam's 7h away.
Hello everyone! Is it possible to create a class that can act as a dialog as well as an activity?
yes it is possible
@ParthaChakraborty What is that you want exactly. full screen dialog?
@Raghunandan, I want a scenario where a class will act as a dialog in one instance & activity on the other.
raghunandan, is there a way to show data as soon as some data is loaded, loaders arent meant for this, and asynctask is not that great and other class
i mean gradual loading and displaying
loaders the way to go. if you use firebase and you have the data changed your ui is updated automatically.
@ParthaChakraborty check this developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/… if it helps
@Raghunandan, thanks
nope loader has no mechanism to update UI in middle of loading
and whatever hack i saw was MEEH
not good
in the middle of loading?
like onprogresschanged in asynctask
like 10 items loaded instead of 100
i want to show 10 as soon as it loads
Loaders monitor the underlying data source and automatically perform new loads for up-to-date results when changes are detected for example cusroloader
you are not getting my point
ok if i understand correctly. Say you have to download 100 items. You want to update your ui as soon you download 10 items and so on...
its not online
its local resource
in background data is loading
suppose they are 10k items
in background 100 are loaded
i want to show those 100 as soon as they are loaded
not wait for whole task to complete
and update the UI
you are looking for pagination then. Load 100 items at a time
sounds like exactly what asynctask can do
nope pagination is different
yeah tim i know
but i dont wanna use asynctask
how come
too messy
also handle config changes
and do that cancel and all stuff
hide it in a class
i am searching if there is a better way
if no well asynctask it has to be then
I don't think there is anything built in that will handle config changes etc for you
Loaders survive configuration changes.
but loaders has messy UI updates
for my case
messy ui updates?
i explained earlier no onprogresschanged () method to update UI
to show progress or whatever we want
ok. i am still confused about your situation
basically i want a combination of Async + loader
best of both worlds
Give him some time Rag. He has to become one with his inner self to find the answer
CF - Use recursion :D
Recursion - The cause and solution to all of lifes problems
ok ,using asynctask
but will surely look for something better
What's the problem CF?
I like multi threading
(Beware, my answers are almost always use an EventBus)
@MarkOSullivan94 watching that presentation now.. the way it's presented makes me cringe
Cf wants to use the features of an asynctask without actually using asynctask, and he does not want to have to worry about config changes
@Graeme same here lol
and eventbus + asynctask for big fat ass data processes
like writing 5-7k records to a database
Urgh, don't cross the streams Eric :P
You don't need async if you have events
case API_RESYNC_DB: new PerformLongOperation(jsonArray).execute();
and on process finish, Eventbus.getDefault().post(new LongOperationFinishedEvent(result));
case 8_AM: try { getOutOfBed(); } catch (CryExeption e) { suckItUp(); } finally { cryAnyway(); }
ASyncTask is for thread switching... which you don't need with events :P
i need it for the whole database update process
and i want it to be activity independant aniway, so events come useful at that.
wait i got a perfect example
anybody used quickpic before
no but I have used Realm
another promotion
don't mind me
Morning all o/
hey mark
lol the day has just started and Tim has already promoted Realm
tim be like
> "make me a thousand t-shirts of this. realm.io/assets/svg/general_logo.svg";
was hard to find a HD logo
and they don't seem to have hackaton merchandising .that's bad.
It's beautiful eric
Unbelievable. I thought they would have had t-shirts for sale. Obviously the demands from Tim isn't enough to justify them to make them ;)
they did have a shop with goodies and shirts, but I bought everything and now they are out of stock
Okay, I'm going to try using Realm soon
I'm sure it's better than SQLite
Everything is better than sqlite
i am gonna try realm in my very less popular apps
hell, binary txt's are sometimes better than SQLite
which remembers me that binary serializing classes was awesomely fast on java desktop app development.
1.286.017 $
Interesting random amount of money
Bears vs Babies current funding
out of 10.000$ required.
thought it was your bank account
woah i'd love to.
v25 of the Android Support Libraries is out; including a new BottomNavigationView https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/design/widget/BottomNavigationView.html https://t.co/cIR7wVUSbM
i'd buy you a realm t-shirt
and a realm pixel phone
I would actually wear that shirt if I had one
Is this the first time Google has supported BottomNav officially?
I think previously the only option was to use a library or create your own version of it
what is the difference with tab layout?
nothing just for bottom
tab was general used for top level
it keeps visual style with the ios app, in the end.
so we'll be using 'em
ios should adapt to us!
> "but it works on the iphone" - must used words ever by clients.
you're so goddamn ignorant - most thought words ever by developers discussing with clients
but you have a point eric
the official bottom navigation view is buggy, they should have just waited and released it in the next version
i don't know why they keep doing this
which official view? I thought it was new
yeah i mean not a third party library
I don't see the point in including something which is used by iPhone
most Android users are not used to BottomNav
Navigation drawer and tabs work fine for me
we're using a bottom navigation, it's very easy to navigate, nothing to learn
works well
What were you using before hand?
prefer it to the side menu where everything is hidden
side menu before
Why not tabs?
no idea, but tabs don't look great, the bottom navigation is a clear app navigation
everyone can understand it
Do you have only bottom nav now and no menu or tabs?
top tabs are harder to reach tho
Get a smaller phone :p
I would use bottom nav but it doesn't fit in to the app
just doesn't suit
yeah we only have a bottom nav
yeah, good point from eric, android phones are massive, prefer things at the bottom
want to try and add bottomsheetdialogs soon too
Got any examples you can show me?
Me and Adam did a BottomNavigation library
(And Eric)
I remember
BottomNavigation now in support lib
nice graeme
& my blog post
this app will only support api 19 and onwards
dat feel when you don't have to care for legacy
BottomNavigation is now in support lib?
yours is cooler tho
yes graeme
and i still prefer the viewpager mode
Oh well :P
what can we do if stupid users love to swipe things?
Started drinking matcha green tea... it does not taste great
i keep discovering new weird facts about the ango-saxon world everyday
Eric - Kill all stupid users? You'd be doing me and everyone else in the world a big favour.
many english and german countries don't have a national ID card
Although, you may rob us of the ability to play "Software Development" on hard mode.
UK doesn't have mandatory ID cards?
damn barbarians.
drivers license and passport
and if you don't drive or never travel?
how do you identify yourself? how do you digitally sign things? how do you travel trough schengen?
i don't drive but i have a provinsional driving license
for taking driving tests
i think it's weird to not have a passport though
you don't have to if you have a eu compliant id card
and you go through the fast lane of the airport terminals
this is our new id card
it's got a contactless RFID/nfc (dunno which) signal emitter to go trough ID machines without having to wait
pass card, camera scans your face, green light, go.
seems handy, we're just behind the times
ah we have for passports, scan face and go
it's the first time spain's ahead of anything not corruption.
it's also a digitally signer certificed by the EU
so you can use it for your keystores or digitally signing emails & shit like that
you can also download the official gov app and check how many driver points you have, or if you have any legal or judicial or medical meetings / visits
by passing the card on the nfc tags
hi all
I've one app on play store, in that some database table is there. now It's need to upgrade the database
i need to add one table in my database
but i don't want to loose my other table values
what is the best way to achieve this
can i put code like in onUpgrade only create that new table what i want?
is it right?
in onupgrade and oncreate
i want to upgrade my already launched app
3 table is already there, I want to add 4th one
guys, is there a way to permanently exclude generated files from search and - what's more important - from "Navigate -> Class" dialogue? Example can be seen here: monosnap.com/file/0ZsARCIGNLdx5ocfpCSG9skIXh7vyb.png
There are only two files that I'm interested in, but I see 4 more, which is misleading and distracting
guys why does firebase test lab have only 18 devices?
Wait, Googles test lab is out?
Are we talking the hard devices ?
I see only 18 devices
When'd that happen? Link please!
you can directly acccess it via Android studio
@sunny we require 80 rep and a slightly better A:Q ratio than you currently have for access here. See more in our room rules room-15.github.io
Good morning!
if you write an instrumentation UI test
Morning cM
you can run it on cloud
I now have nougget. So, yay(?)
Very cool
so you create a configuration, but I see only 18 devices available and that vexes me
im sorry 22 physical devices and 6 virtual
AWS device farm is much better they have 391 devices
\o ahmad
What does it cost?
Other people that do this charge a tonne
yea its like a few cents per device/minute or something
oops, its 5$ per device-hour
AWS is much cheaper
and they have first 250 minutes free
@Karacken Welcome. Please read our room rules room-15.github.io
Woo Hoo!!
Thanks, Foamy!
cM I'm only 91 rep away from joining the supreme leaders like you guys
pathetic Congrats!!
@Karacken removed access since you left without talking. Feel free to request again
orb be nice
My apologies
But, it is Mac and he's fun to mess with. Keeps me feeling young
omg who is upvote spamming me
don't do it so much that they get reversed
j/k I wouldn't do that
I got 50 rep after I posted that thing in here lol
On the plus side I got another answer with 10+ upvotes :D
@TristanWiley what is that?
How do you remove elevation from android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar pre-lollipop?
I'm not even sure the elevation will show up in the first place.
So you don't need to remove it, IIRC
If you run an app on Kitkat with a toolbar, I don't think you'll see elevation.
yup, by default no elavation
android:elavation adds it
but android:elevation only works on 21+
there are resources and libraries out there to backport it, but I never bothered.
anyone order a pixel get the free daydream promo code yet?
It seems like there's elevation for some strange reason
pics or gtfo
I am so confused
It works fine when I'm SDK 21 and above because I can change elevation
adam you here?
@TimCastelijns presentation any good?
mac and adam where are you
You do know that Mac and Adam are the same person, right?
that was a pun :|
Are you sure?
anyway i can ask you too
you are in hackathon group
You can try but I probably don't know the answer
No, I think I'm too old to qualify
there is a group i wanted to share my library there so was asking is it allowed
hackathon , mac and tristan are in that
Go for it
ohh you are also online, raghav i didnt know
and ty
I'm always online
i see
maybe i can get some contributors hehe
i better make my library docs good then
I literally have no idea what this issue is
mark which issue?
the elevation thing
ask CM
he knows all that shit
@codeMagic any ideas?
Mark I did not finish watching it because it was so bad
Must have been grim
so much for realm
Mark, I don't know, sorry. I would trust whatever Mac said on this one
wait what
Hello, Android!
Anyone read the book Reality is Broken?

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