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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

@DaveS Lol what type of game is that?
I'm confused
Not confused anymore
I'm the only survivor lmao
Fuck, I just barely lost
@TristanWiley lol ,
@TristanWiley Are you the person named tristan?
Thats soo not me :)
Yep lmao
zombies win!
There are some selfish bastards in this
@TristanWiley hey hey.. dont get caught up. Just a game :-)
yeah Tristan and some dicks who just ruin your barricade
Or the one guy who won't let you into the huge room
what room?
they let you in more if you have pill
you guys talking about slither?
4 hours later…
@DaveS Are you trying to destroy me?
I am way too high and drunk right now for this
I had an idea to do something like slither.io but as fish swimming in 3d. Then I realized I have a full time job.
Morning guys. Look at the comments on this post stackoverflow.com/questions/33168415/…
@petey now $1,099,360 :P
Still 28 days to go
Any one opted of android beta program for android 7.1. You get updates on your phone.
Raghu , not yet
@DaveS in india too
Any app recommendations to scp photos from my device to my server? I see lots with ssh, but none with scp.
VX ConnectBot says it can scp, but I didn't see how to do that in its interface after I installed it
any open source image viewer for android?
man i already did google , nothing came up
> PicView for Android is an open source picture viewer for Android.
nope that is crap
made by google :(
ohh then its crappier
finally i found one
which did you find?
oh please, google is the best company ever, after square
well BLE tells us about google too much
in search engine sure
If google android had just 2 phone devices just like apple has, ble would work better :P
I mean, yarrr
i mean yarrr what is that
pirates say yarrrr
@Blac nice :)
@TimCastelijns i dont agree probably if they had made API correctly this issue wouldn't have occured
but you understand why that is so hard?
because 5000000 manufacturers all do different shit with the bluetooth chips
@TimCastelijns nice blog
wow nice blog
I should take that down from my profile
hehe never say it was in your profile
I don't really write stuff there anymore
well btw how is your lastname pronounced?
but thanks :) if it wasn't sarcastic
@TimCastelijns yes but had they have rules not to modify the BLE code then it wouldnt have been a issue, like they do with other things
cas as in castle, te like the, lijns like lines (almost)
@ColdFire yup
so castelines
that sounds pronouncable
maven what's nice ?
nothing your comment i guess
555 score now CF, nothing was reversed
told you it wont
I wasn't expecting it
but makes me a bit sad on the inside
Greetings traveler
i was an adventurer like you but then i took a gradle in the knee.
and now you can't adventure anymore cause you're still waiting for the build to finish huh
@petey thanks for the link! I'll check out the source code now.
haha Tim
AS 2.2.2 new version
yeah pork
Is this recommended whenever waiting for content to load in your app? github.com/florent37/FiftyShadesOf
No it isn't
I have seen e-commerce apps using this.
we instead show progress dialog.
Apparently Facebook uses it as well
I dont use FB more :P
I only use it for Messenger really
no messenger
main site is full of ads these days
My timeline having check in / out / wedding / baby / engaged / left job / new job ONLY.
Yeah I just fade everything in the background and show a progressBar, though I thought this was an interesting approach and I quite like it
yes messenger only
facebook use their own version, that's what every library is trying to copy
i've been told to add the same thing to our app but it seems a bit crap
Flipkart also uses the same
fuck flipkart
I wouldn't exactly call facebook a pretty app that sets standards that people should follow
they don't even do material
Yeah it's not a great app but since there's so many Facebook users, taking something from their app and applying it to your own might be a good idea because so many people would be used to seeing it. Least that's my thoughts.
@ColdFire whats wrong with flipkart app. I quite like their approach. Their engineering team is awesome and they face lot of challenges from Project Managers. One example is they wanted to change their say button color but without updating app. So they have the data coming from server and update ui on the go. Here's their github.com/flipkart-incubator/proteus libraries. Note : This is not intended for all use case
Holy shit, that's pretty cool
@Raghunandan well i dont hate flipkart app, just flipkart
@MarkOSullivan94 naah nothing great
i understand.
you can do it
they have the data coming from server and update ui on the go that's not really challenging anymore in 2016 :p
@Raghunandan I prefer Myntra app over Flipkart
you can do it easily
Tim , Agree
Hmm.. so what happens if their server crashes? :D
you go with default values
Null checking works :P
@TimCastelijns that was just an example. But they face other challenges like changing styles on the go.
> proteus layouts are defined in JSON, which can be used to inflate native android UI at runtime.
@MarkOSullivan94 if server crashes the app also does.
I wonder they also manages wait time (entry time) in sale
this is extremely cool, but does that not have a big impact on performance?
Raghu notices ever ?
@Raghunandan wow, why would you risk that? What if a server is down for an hour or something? They're fucked
well there is a light performance hit and they also want to support protobuf int he future
@TimCastelijns well cool you can make it also but require quite a heck of a work
no work at all it seems
Mark , Flipkart is india's biggest e-commerce provide
They must think of it.
or what do you mean CF?
Cold Fire.
i mean to make that lib
not to use it
oh for sure
@RonakMehta elipkart?
but that is the beauty of it. Someone else made it already :P no problem for us
haha i would love to make it though
@MarkOSullivan94 not sure. But they do have back up plans i guess
Of course. Everyone got a plan
They have got to have a default style in the app as fallback
@Raghunandan nope no way
they must be having default values
btw anybody was able to get url from flipkart app
If server crashes then isn'a necessary that app will crash.
they have used some crazy reflection there
they have the layout and the info delivered from server. So i am not sure about default values.
ever app crashes then thats a bad design
many times gmail crashed on my phone especially during lollipop release phase
well google apps
they crash all the time
most crashed app is ofc play store
wait hangout is also a nice contendor
next goes to gmail
oh i forgot google+
none of the google* app crashes in newer phones.
Consider case of stock firmware
play services regularly crashes on my phone
I wish I could delete all the google bloatware like google keep
well your phone is a exception then ronak
yeah Tim me too
google apps are the crapiest
CF might be
even 3rd party apps crash less than google
but I am sure I will have crashes after a year as phone is getting old.
ha ha
@Blackbelt ??
don't ping me.
oh ok
mine is lg g4 still crash ,ronak
on the opo I am having issues only with hangouts mostly
I was getting lots of crashes in Moto G1 but now new device , no crash
fuck gradle 10 mins and still gradle not able to builld new project
why google brought this atrocities on us
10 minutes is too long.
yes that is why
No ripple on button -> shit site
still wonder if that 3d object is webgl or pure canvas
inspect shows canvas :P
not sure
webgl works with the canvas element as well
1 hour later…
everybody working hard today
not me
me neither really
hence my attempt to restart the conversation
btw, I like your blog
it's getting a lot of attention today it seems
there's not much worth reading on there
sorry for asking, but what do you like about it?
Tim your menu button doesn't work :(
Do you tweet any time there's a new blog post?
@TimCastelijns content
Ok. Maybe I'll add some new stuff on it some time soon
wait wai wait
@MarkOSullivan94 it's just some template blog site that one of my friends set up a while ago, for us to dump content on
do women lose their surnames on most countries after marriage?
not sure about losing it, but it's normal to take the husband's name
john doe marries amy foe and now she's amy doe kind of thing?
amy doe-foe if you will
super weird.
it's not obligatory, but most couples do that
in southern europe we keep all our surnames :I
@MarkOSullivan94 nop I don't have twitter
and afaik, atleast in southern france, too.
Here too
@CptEric ohh
and culturally speaking, france , spain and italy citiziens keep their 8 surnames on the birth certificate afaik, or atleast did so when i was born
up to your grandparents
you've got 4 of em, that makes 8 surnames.
@CptEric it depends. I have a friend that added her surname while she added his
oficially and on your identity card, only 2 tho
@TimCastelijns btw i was right that image viewer made my google was shit indeed
@TimCastelijns how am I supposed to stay updated when you post a blog </3
and the parents pick which one of those
so it can be , 1rst surname = 1rst of mother, 2nd = 1rst of father, viceversa, etc
eric, planning some marriage? :)
just saw a weird question
on SO : academia
oh, darn ;)
"if i get married, will i have to publish in my bride name or my maiden name"
and maiden name sounded so medieval to me i had to google it
and ask here.
@MarkOSullivan94 most of the stuff I create that I find worthy of sharing, I am not allowed to share because the client owns the code bla bla bla, so not much new content
guys, quick question. Crappy simple thing doesn't work as anyone would expect to -,-
reason #202023 because i don't have a blog.
for overridePendingTransition i have entering like:
<translate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fromXDelta="100%p" android:toXDelta="0"
crappy simple things are the best crashers
which always slides from left to right
crappy simple things tend to be the most difficult to fix
yeah 100% of parent size
which is window
oh ok
you mean 100%p is valid syntax? damn
trying to copy slack login flow :>
same here, i'm like... you can do that?
yup, however it doesn't seem to worry which value is where :/ just same transition
damn i am decompiling slack :D
thing #202023 I didn't know about android
sounds weird to me to have a bride name
@TimCastelijns ahh right
hey CM
sup cm i just learnt that you steal your wive's surname on marriage.
hey raghav o/
?? I think you have that backwards
yes most probably
Or I missed a joke somewhere which is possible because I'm still not fully awake
oh yeah
got it backwards
What do catalonians do when they get married?
they get 8 surnames
what are catalonians?
@TimCastelijns lol wtf 8?
Lol, Tim
I think spanish
catalonia is a region in spain
wtf so they can use any surname they want anytime and change at anytime
8 sir name , some edittext may show invalid name :D
yes 8, eric just said it so it must be true
oficially only 2, culturally 8
You add them together, right?
lol we have validation for only one surname
you can't register on app then
usually you only use the 2 that your parents wrote on your id registration when born
for example i'm eric cugota gomez
like selena gomez
selena inherited from mother and gomez from father ?
but i'm a bad example, my mum's a single mother so she didn't wrote in the father part.
but she's nuria cugota gomez, or, fully and with all the surnames nuria cugota-paysan ( her father) gomez-rovira ( her mother)
i am not sure whether to call studio a genius or idiot after this crap
So if you married Selena Buttercup Hernandez
She would be Selena Buttercup Cugota , right?
@ColdFire that's why for the glorious united states of america government, i'm Eric cugotagomez on my ESTA and flight tickets each time i come.
she would still be selena buttercup hernandez
our childs would have legally any combination we picked from that
wow that is a like a puzzle
and culturally, would be called child_1 cugota-gomez buttercup-hernandez
I am trying to understand.
child_1 cugota-gomez buttercup-hernandez OHHH
for example many couples that are single sons, give different combinations of surnames to their kids
I think I understand but I don't like it. Maybe I'll write a letter to your government
cM :P
the first one has the father surname first, and viceversa. that way surnames persist.
So the kids might not even have the same name as their siblings? oO
@codeMagic lol CM
what's the problem?
man who do you recognize which is your child eric
so many names
on our ID there's still our parents full name, as in the birth certificate.
glad in india its nice
They should have the same name
the legal name can be changed to anything after some bucks anyway
so you can become Max Power
agreed CM
why tho?
@ColdFire I'm sure he enjoys being compared with her
lol wasn't she a disney kid long time ago?
dunno really.
ugh. touched by justin bieber. not gonna marry dat.
so you can do this on google Allo now
Selena Gomez is nice
music is really meh
@androidlab Welcome. Please read the room rules before participating room-15.github.io
getting back to my animation issues - this is freaking Andsroid studio toolchain caching anims
I have read and understood the rules
i needed to delete build dir to even change the duration of animation and make it applied
whenever I update AS
so, Jason momoa is in my city
did he bring the khalasar?
rip grass
all these photos are taken like 10km away from my city
this game is still dope
pressed a bunch of arrows, got 32, not bad huh
sup adam
2048 is kind of trivial to beat
braains.io isn't blocked at school yet
I'm still working on that custom percentage bar thingy from yesterday
I seriously underappreciated the android widgets
yeah mark
the comments on that tweet are great too adam
I went to get the dev preview for the new OS and my phone says insufficient storage
how is that possible
hm 23.69 out of 25.01 used idk how I did that
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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