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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

I have just learned that if I don't stop making puns it could put me into the state punitentiary.
1 hour later…
Every C++ Room seems to be negative downvoted stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/c%2b%2b
Do you mean Question instead of Room?
@Code-Apprentice Yeah sorry that
No problem. Was just clearing up my own confusion ;-)
@Code-Apprentice its annoying when you get downvotes which have NO REASON
A lot of people regard the text of a close vote as giving the reason.
of course, that presupposes enough people vote to close and not just down vote.
@Code-Apprentice no look at this . Even a user commented the downvote makes no sense.. It gets tiresome when someone does that
The earlier link was a list of bad questions which obviously need downvotes and close votes. Of course down votes on good answers or questions is definitely annoying.
@Code-Apprentice like look at the whole section
Its all full of bad votes.. none of them are positive votes.
All the down votes I see are for poor questions
What do you mean by "bad votes"?
@Code-Apprentice Negative votes
@McAdam331 that'd be an appropriate pun-ishment
2 hours later…
Q: check detailed file list to push in git

Lin MaI am working on a local branch (let us call it bugFix123), I normally use the following command sequences to push changes, 1. git add to add files 2. git commit -m 'description' (there could be multiple sequence of 1 and 2, suppose I have multiple commits for multiple changes, and using one sing...

All the back and forth with supposed clarifications and I'm still convinced my initial reading of the question is what was asked and that my answer is exactly what is needed
After each clarification my answer is still the essentially the same
i have this animator set
and the animations inside of it are still animating when onanimationend is called
Tim , CF Sup
CF , Do you follow MVO or MVVM ?
in my own app NO
in company app whatever they say
company app what ?
Got it
@RonakMehta i have my own 2 libs for most common code so pretty difficult to use MVP and all since libraries doesnt have a pattern
CF on git ?
nope personal libs
Actually what does it includes ?
@RonakMehta lots of redundant common logic
if it's common, it's not redundant ;)
i mean it put redundant logic into one place
but redundant means that you don't need it :p
No it doesnt mean that
what does it mean then
i kinda use that term for many times duplicated code but i realize that term is not used normally for that
no use code can be duplicate code also
1 hour later…
Hi All
Good Evening
Any Idea , how to send AT Commands via usb
if my device is rooted
not a clue, hi Graeme
Hello, Android!
Hi Tim
any idea about AT Commands?
how to achieve this?
I just said I have no clue
aman, what are you trying to achieve
hi everyone! i'm getting all fb login data for a particular profile, but not getting "birthday" for all other accounts. can anyone help me? thanks in advance.
some data are perhaps hidden
or not available
@netpork, do u know what permission needs to be set, if any?
Can you try user_birthday ?
@RonakMehta, getting this error. org.json.JSONException: No value for birthday
i tried using birthday also, but it didn't work either.
well, do you get birthday for any contact?
yes, i'm getting b'day for the account through which i registered my app
perhaps you have problems with permissions
your birthday can be private or public, if there is no data for it, it's probably private
angry user downvoting me left and right.....
@TristanWiley STOP POSTING KICKSTARTERS throws wallet to bears vs babies YOU'RE RUINING MY ECONOMY!!!
Tim , Give moderator attention.
serial down/up vote will be restore back.
they have a system for it
Eric , LOL
Yes still sometime attention is needed.
moderators don't handle these cases
I thought
not sure for now but few years back I think they were.
oh ok maybe Ill try
AAAAND there goes 45€ out of my visa directly into the oatmeal's purse
Cookies ?
OMG , raised $844,373
> Hey! Bet you were expecting Stretch Goals, Achievements, and a party with more than 200,000 people like we did last time weren't you? Well good. Those things are coming. Stop being so pushy.
i love this guy.
@MarkOSullivan94 new mail from realm!!! :DDD
for what?
don't pretend to care, we all know you hate realm :p
lol i dont hate
i just dont think it is stable enough
based on an experiment 1,5 years ago
like any good uni paper
hehe i will give it a try next time
but currently i have no need
tim, what kinda email?
i like my research like my whiskey, aged.
realm read is faster than writer for larger data sets
@netpork once a week or something, they send out emails with informative android talks, presentations etc
included but not limited to realm itself
this one is about dagger, asynctasks, threads, pools and executors
nice, and how do you subscribe? oh, under news, right?
realm.io/communities/java enter mail on that page
somewhere there are preferences where you can select platforms you're interested in
@RonakMehta it just went up to $850k
hmm didn't get the latest realm email
It came in just now, maybe it will take a while to process all of the mailing list
Tim that LL with weight aint solving my problem
i have a RV with 70 percent space
RV is messing up on small devices
dimens.xml with different values i hate that
@HimanshuAgarwal Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
hey CM
Nice talk realm.io/news/… MVVM +Viper
saw that
she doesn't say much
@codeMagic thank you.
yeah. initial talk is all about challenges they faced and how they overcame.
yo, CF
@HimanshuAgarwal Please thank me by taking a quick gander at our rules linked above so that's out of the way. Thanks!
btw is your name james?
yo CM
i bring a weird fact for you :P
It might be, CF. Why do you ask?
What's that, Captain?
@TimCastelijns I'm not on the mailing list, is it a new talk?
@codeMagic nope just saw a comment on fb involing you so asked nothing else
I think so?
24 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
this one is about dagger, asynctasks, threads, pools and executors
CF, it is
Is your name Ankit?
yes that is my name
dont you remember
Ok :)
Did I know at one time?
yes my SO name was that previously
Yeah he changed his name to coldfire some months ago
@codeMagic we don't have (aside from fast food) big restaurant chains on spain, while on hte other side it's super common to have them on the states.
Oh, haha, no I guess you've been ColdFire so long that I didn't remember
Or maybe I just didn't realize you changed and thought you were someone else. Lol
and on england
I have read and understood the rules.
That is an interesting fact
@codeMagic haha yeah
@codeMagic that used to be me lol
where is ankit, who is this new guy
i just went through a cuisine internationally news post
Haha, Tim
those news that are more a blog than a news post tho
wow warren became RO after i came
man didnt know that
and it stumbled me that most uk / usa restaurants are chains
Yeah, we realized we needed someone else to help watch you
He actually was a RO long ago but gave up his post for awhile
busy bee he is
also known as "too tired of this S**" syndrome.
Captain, it's nice that you don't have all these chains that we have. Though, it can be comforting at times to be out of town and just go somewhere you "know". But, for the most part, I like to try more local shops
that doesn't sound like warren. His patience knows no end
right :P
Jul 8 at 12:55, by codeMagic
If I'm right here talking like now, there's no need to ping me though looks at ankit
Cm i searched the transcript for this
@CptEric lol
i mean, in my city there's just 2 mcDonalds, 2 bking and 1 vienna. for like.... 220K citiziens. the rest is all local restaurants.
there's a local family chain where each son has opened a new restaurant with the name of the father's one ( total : 4) but that doesn't count as chain for me lol.
CF, haha, I remember now
And Tim might want to reconsider this statement...
Jul 8 at 12:59, by Tim Castelijns
He seems nice
yeah that is the day Tim joined for cv
keeps talking about local mouthmelting places
but ended up here only
they became famous for their arm-lenghty sandwitches for 6-7$ and their 14$ grilled meat menu
Captain, I'm still following ;)
CF, that's how awesome we are
average male human sized hand in comparision:
Haha, CF!
That's a $7 sandwich??
btw you didnt answered that you are james ?
actually less because it's just one ingredient
I did answer. You're just like my girlfriend and don't listen
the 7$ have a lot of things more
lol your gf
you said maybe i am
14 mins ago, by codeMagic
CF, it is
half a rabbit for... 8$ i think.
@codeMagic lol that msg didnt appear in my transcript weird
@codeMagic is that expensive, or cheap?
bug bug
ok refresh fixed it
Cheapish depending on what is on it and how good it is
blames SO for that
It looks like it's probably a foot long and you can get one at Subway for 6 or 7 dollars when it's on special
yeah but, real bread vs subway bread tho
and roasted mead , on wood firepit
Yeah, it's likely better. Though, Subway satisfies me so, meh
@TimCastelijns I just follow Realm on Twitter, usually see them posted on there or Reddit or Android Weekly
never felt the need to subscribe to a mailing list
there's also super big steaks in here
cooked as the client wants
that's a plus because my friend loves 'em raw and i love em well done. going to barcelona where the cook picks the cooking point is pain for all.
I kinda think the cook should pick
they're the expert
Why should the cook pick how you eat your food?
right CM
But the doneness of a steak is personal preference
you can eat it however you want, but they pick how to cook it
The cook is the expert so he's responsible for seasoning and getting it perfectly to the point that the customer wants it
dunno, it's something weird that's usually done on the more touristic places.
Anyone a Toolbar expert?
Q: Android - ActionBar Up button not visible when using TextView as ToolBar title

YankeeI have added a Toolbar on top of all of my activities. But I wanted the title to be in the centre, so as per some suggestions on SO, I created a TextView inside the Toolbarand I was able to put it in the centre. Now, when I am trying to add an Up Action following this guide Adding an Up Action | ...

Specifically up navigation.
it should work
never had a issue
I am way behind on this and attempt to answer was no good
Okay... weird...
Cat Pictures to Try To Cheer Me Up? - Reward, 5000 TristanCoins
nothing can be purchased with TristanCoins?
we need XPS in exchange
Awwwe :)
^ the looping on that one is great
Cats are great
all my tests for adding gifs to our app use cat gifs
what app?
what... app..
haven't I posted the app? MeetMe
wow i have used that app
@Gaurang this room requires 80 rep among other things listed in our room rules room-15.github.io
you can request again when you meet those requirements
haha that's cool cF
what did you think?
it was ok app when i used it
no idea about now
performance was ok not that great
yeah, performance is always hard for us
especially if you don't have a subscription to disable the ads
installing now to see the latest version
latest version screenshot looks good
wasnt the icon white before?
oh yeah, that was a while ago
You make meetme, eski?
yep, one of many devs
And now that we purchased them, I'll also be working on Skout
woah one of your pics in the spanish play store has the "···" reversed
it's vertical when in the other screens i'ts horizontal
you can check it out yourself
Q: Retrofit 2.0 / Jackson: UnrecognizedPropertyException

Ganesh JadhavI am trying to use Retrofit 2.0 with Jackson parser but it does not work. It does not map values to the model. It gives me this exception: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "total_count" (class models.GitResult), not marked as ignorable (3 kn...

what can be the answer to this question, as in current answer my model is same as its mentioned with JsonProperty
oh, you mean the overflow icon
I was looking for ellipses lol
Yeah I dunno, we don't even have a "..." más tab
I guess we might have started with it, but that would have been 2 years ago
We need the tabs to be configurable now because of all the experiments and stuff we are doing with them
i'm not an active user of random chat apps tho
me either lol
or any social networks for that matter
SO and github are my most used social networks
i use facebook a lot but that's it.
and twitter for when i go conventions and there's free stuff if you tweet stuff.
Is there a library for setting up something like the blue bar in this design: material.uplabs.com/posts/livestrong-com-calorie-tracker
Like if I want to have a small bar and within it have 80% of it colored and 80% text in the bar
that's pretty easy to do
not sure if there will be a library that can do it exactly how it is there
have you done any custom view drawing?
Draw two rectangles with Canvas.drawRect, with bounds based on the width of the view and the percentage of the "progress"
extend FrameLayout with your custom view, and then you can put the TextView inside it in your xml layout
Never done any custom view drawings
Do you have any examples of something similar which I can follow?
good time to learn, every android dev should know some basic drawing stuff, especially since that's how all the views you use work
I used a custom view for the Google Maps custom markers
hmm, that example might have too much other more complicated stuff in it
yours is much easier
but it threw me off when I seen Canvas.drawRect, guessing that's what I have to do whenever I've set up the view with the two rectangles?
you put that in your overridden onDraw method
Is there a way to set the width depending on the percentage of the parents?
and that will get called automatically, as long as you call setWillNotDraw(false) on the view (do that in the constructor)
@MarkOSullivan94 this could be done with a progressbar and a custom drawable
Would you use layout_weight? Weight sum = 1, layout_weight = 1 - (percentage wanting to show)
will be the width of the view
you don't use weights
eski i need a layout to look same in all size devices
^ go to the "drawing the view" part of that link
Having a look now @eski thanks for the link
@petey could it be done by having a custom view which has a progressbar within a frame layout and then a textview in the middle of the frame layout?
when i try to do an animator set with a change in y and scaleX/Y it totally fucks up
Again, that's way more complicated than you need, but you should be able to figure out what to do from it
What's your issue cF?
i have a layout that has to look same on all device
i am using LL with weight
that part is working good i guess
what's the problem?
but my layout has a RV
RV has button with 4*3 grid
that aint working good for different size devices
do you have a mockup of the screen?
or a screenshot of what you have now
nope its my personal app
ok wait
heya fellas
eski ok wait have you seen a applocker app
my layout is kinda like that
not that I know of anyway
oops wait let me take a screenshot
I have a question: have any of you know that PC game, kinda halloween themed. It's a story of a boy woken up in the middle of the night wandering with his green pyjamas. He collects candle to surive the darkness. It's not so scary game but it is fun to play.
my issue is that RV is not match_parent correctly
instead of centering it does left align
i want the RV button to occupy the remaining 70%
I have played that game maybe 10 years ago so I forgot its name
but textsize if i keep high looks bad on small devie
if low looks bad on large device
@ColdFire make a separate layout for large screens
or declare the dimen for your text size to be different values based on the screen size
is dimens the only solution
i was looking something that could work without dimens
like a w720dp folder
think i figured this out
@MarkOSullivan94 it totally can
progressbar is just another view. should you decide to write the drawing yourself, here is the link to the source of progressbar view.
its a good read for drawing code and also a damn fine example of how to save state in view. (look for the extension of BaseSavedState in there)
Not sure I'd suggest that to someone just starting out with custom views and drawing
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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