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I found a String formatting bug in Pokemon Go.
The question is, can you debug a butterfree?
Q: What's a programmer's least favorite Pokemon type?
Obvious A: Bug
I bet you regret pinging me right about now
No, not at all. <3
I miss your shit, Dave.
Dave did you know I'm a full time Android dev now? Not sure how long it's been since we chatted.
congrats, I didn't know I don't think.
I've been mia for most of june and half of may
Marriage, honeymoon, overtime.
Gotta ask carl for his best dad jokes, wife wants to start trying in august
I mean why be a dad if you can't inflict cruel and unusual PUNishment on your children
I'll send you a funny exchange I just had with my siblings about a half hour ago
lol nice
very sodisfying
2 hours later…
guys where else can one "market" his android library to get more stars on the github project?
2 hours later…
Bhargav, try newsletters like Android weekly
yea just submitted it on that repo
waiting for approval
android weekly let me give that a shot
thanks ! just submitted to android weekly
sup graeme
how's less-great britain going?
It's less than great, thanks for asking
any good news atleast?
my domain backorder failed :/
ooh lol
# off to see the wizard
@Bhargav why do you want more stars on the github project?
@DanHulme to improve my credentials? so that i get better jobs that was my first intincts but now i just want to become popular :P
try buy-cheap-github-stars.com ;)
atleast my country has it's shit right in one thing.
"work until die". what a boring life.
thanks, interesting numbers
hey guys
Good Morning Everyone~~~ :D
do anybody want to help with question maintenance on so
like dups
and closing questions
@ankitagrawal Not really, no. I haven't touched the review queues on SO since they introduced the audit system.
we have a group where dups are notified you just have to close those
@cygery I actually tried opening that link, :( why am I so gullible
my bad, I should reg that domain ;)
Yup I live in Japan and I see that mindset here.
case 4: bread;
breakfast switches.
does anyone here know how to run face detection while simultaneously recording in android
i'm the john snow of camera things.
jon snow*
alright what about a good image compressing library?
hi all
God I love rx java so much that I'm writing all my callback interfaces like their Observer<> interface
2 hours later…
@TimCastelijns Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
I have read and understood the rules
@ankitagrawal Have you checked this room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/41570/so-close-vote-reviewers?
I used to do a lot of maintenance but haven't done as much lately
Thanks, Tim
o/ welcome Tim
@codeMagic me and tim are in this
Ah, ok
yes already seen
Welcome @TimCastelijns
I spent some time there previously. But, again, not so much lately
we want more andorid people
since there are very few
me tim and one or two others
We do some of our own in here when we see them
You can always drop the link with the appropriate tag in here like they do in that room
Thanks. Ill be sure to bug you for hammering dupes now and then
Are you around often?
@codeMagic THANKS
Not as often as I used to be but fairly often. If I don't appear to be around, feel free to ping me
I see you're from US. Im from EU so we might not have a lot of overlap
Should not be an issue :)
If I'm right here talking like now, there's no need to ping me though looks at ankit
as stated in the rules
sorry in our groups we do ping people like that
so i am used to that
and if we want to make clear who we are talking
i think it needs pinging
I understand it's like that in a lot of rooms. Just different here. It doesn't bug me as much as some other folks (such as those who listen to music on headphones with the volume up)
Right, but atm, there's just three of us talking so it's pretty clear :P
Time for a meeting. See you all later
He seems nice
o/ morning
Just stumbled on this.
Anyone know the answer?
Q: Launch the app and resume it on the state where the user has left it

SandeepI am learning Android development, and discovered I can launch any third party app (Messenger, gallery, music player, etc) using Intents like this: Intent intent=getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.android.mms"); startActivity(intent); However, this always starts as ...

is there a Gradle target that runs the unit tests and the on-device tests, or do you have to ask for both check and connectedCheck?
@McAdam331 I guess set a flag on the intent
Hmm I'll have to figure out which one. Good idea. Will comment.
Unless you plan on commenting - you deserve credit for the idea.
I dont know for sure it will work
@McAdam331 found a possible dupe
Couldn't you use bring_to_front or whatever it is?
Unless it's already been killed then I'm not sure there's a way
as the answer on the dupe says
Ah ok. I actually typed that several minutes ago but...my lovely internet connection happened :P
Oh :P
I knew I'd used a flag like that but couldn't remember the exact name because it's been awhile since I've needed to do much with that
Yeah there is just a bit too much to remember
If you agree, hammer this one as well stackoverflow.com/questions/1879700/… (the link suggested by amit)
Nice catch guys.
There is a lot. Plus I don't do as much Android lately so I have enough other shit to remember. Lol
Have you been in here before, Tim? Or spent much time on meta?
You're name looked really familiar when I first saw it
I was gonna try and give some answers today but now I got busy. Maybe during lunch.
I gave one answer so far. No idea if it was right, but no downvotes yet.
@codeMagic I rarely go on meta, the important things that happen there I see in the featured meta posts section
I am pretty active on SO though, android especially
First time in this room today
I close a shit ton of questions
maybe you saw my name on a closed question banner
That could be. I was just curious
I've been stuck on a fucking problem since about 2 yesterday. Gah!
I was gonna offer help
But then I remembered that you are probably a lot smarted than me lol
hm.. lol
You probably could help except it's something very specific happening in our quote generator
I commented out a line that calls a function that does some shit it probably shouldn't and it seemed to fix it
Now I just wait to see what that broke :D
sounds fun
It's not. This code is so fucking ridiculous. I have plans to rewrite most of it when I get time
I just opened a file with more than 10 of these that do different things. All the same name <cfquery name="somename">
^ Thanks
been slackin lately =(
omg, doing UI for iOS is so complicated
I could at least reason about Android layouts in my head
yeah iOS layouts are hard for me too
but I want it to show one and then diapers that the second value then diapers
Fighting the urge to not edit that question
@Ahmad you on?
Ahmad don't
It's a trap
I'm not lying this time, either.
LOL what?
Unfortunately, due to working at Microsoft, Ahmad had to use a Windows phone. He perished while trying to figure out how to install new apps, as his brain overheated while trying to comprehend just how simply nobody was writing apps for Windows Phone.
no actually forced to use a symbian phone
@tristan whatup
Nevermind, I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang in NYC. Then I remembered I have work Friday lol
@trevor-e lol I just had the same discussion with our iOS people
ah damn!
Although, want to actually hang out?
Maybe the weekend?
Or some weekend
We can go Pokemon Going
I have not yet tried the pokemon thing
I'm at a hackathon this weekend
so come if you wanna haha
Ah, which?
it's only for one day
less than 12 h
Oh dude nice
Do you work Mon-Friday?
Oh that sucks
I dunno, kinda like 9-5 jobs
So much free time to do stuff after
I'm doing 11-7 lol
so kinda not rn
I like jobs when I do what I want when I want
but I want to switch to 9-5
yeah that's basically what I'm doing
and I chose 11-7
I do more like 0830 to 1630
But eh, I can do it whenever
@Kekis2014 sorry you need a rep of at least 80 to enter
@Kekis2014 you don't have enough rep. room-15.github.io
nice, Ahmad
I don't get beat very often ;-)
Now if only the bot could do that
It could at least do the not enough rep/bad q:a checks easily
If only the damned thing ran -.-
Ugh, I hate complicated things
Tristan! It's okay to love yourself, though.
<3 I love you
Well of course. I'm not complicated.
@Ahmad was that Microsoft bae thing for real lol
@trevor-e yep. a friend of mine got the email.
I did not because I'm not from the bay area
but people are making a way bigger deal out of it then it is
That's un-bay-lieavable.
people are actually offended
which is crazy
yea, I cringed and moved on with my life
but why?
why would you be offend by this email?!
apparently it's sexist
how so, I'm not sure
People get offended easily
Especially out here
It's 2016, you can't invite tech people to something without people getting offended
> We're trying to encourage woman in tech, so we're providing a comfortable environment at this all women's hackathon?
this culture is toxic
@mcadam that thing is legit offending.
I'm trying to create a program that will connect to my phone and have a persistent connection so I can constantly send a file(s)
getting offended at stuff that is actually not offending turns you into the boy who cried wolf
@raghav fuck this shit
Sockets or people getting offended needlessly?
We could go 2 for 1 and plug them into sockets
Yeah I know
I'm going to try to do it in Java
your link
the "I don't see color" comment being offending is something new to me
I miss my fast US internet
Ahh yeah, college liberals are way, way, way too liberal about this shit
If I were any of those things, I'd be way more offended if you were avoiding normal sayings/conversation with me because of some shit handbook
Left has gone too far here too lol..
Note: I am some of those things
@RaghavSood IKR?!
And this is the same university that emailed me awarding a trip to Philly last week with the words, and I quote, "As a person of color" being the qualifier for why I was selected
i don't want people to be searching for excuses to be offended for me
Fuck this person of color awards. I had the chance to apply to this stipend that would get me 400 euros a month because I'm an immigrants child.
No fuck you. I don't want that shit excuse money.
I know several people with various disabilities, ranging from mobility to hearing to sight to whatever
Not one of them is offended by stuff like this
They all life it off, and live their lives pretty happily and comfortably
what you're essentially telling me is that I'm not worth getting real stipends, because I am too stupid for those
Well, because it's not meant to be offensive.
I think I've missed way too many scholarships just because I was always an immigrant
Everyone I know who gets offended is getting offended on behalf of others
Others who would be way more offended at me if I treated them differently
dunno if my scholarship was preferably given to people with immigration background but it didn't and don't care either way
How should I go about sockets and shit?
well first you'll need a socket wrench
*makes a group*
*instantly 66 members*
and a bathroom
You need to capture ET and put him in a sock
What Raghav said
Or just punch him
One of these is not like the other
So I can use this on a local server?
No idea, never used it
I actually went ahead and asked a good female dev friend if the microsoft email thing offended her
of course it didn't
I got into a shit fight on twitter because of that
and the guy I got into a fight with was of course male
Tristan, sure, you can run socket.io locally
depending on what you wanna do you might want to use engine.io (on which socket.io is build on) or just raw websockets
On AS after so long time... it feels way too faster than it used to be 1 year ago lol!
Maybe it is because I used to have a bad laptop xD
@McAdam331 don't you happen to have a brother called max right?
because this could so be your family.
lol that'd be funny if the texts weren't on the wrong side
so it didn't actually happen
but a funny joke nonetheless.
dunno, i don't ios7.
(the chat side thing)
They sender is always on the right
so it says you're talking to Max's Mom, but Max's Mom is the one sending the messages, so it doesn't make sense.
ooh right.
@Ahmad Do you plan on attending MLH Prime?
@McAdam331 YEP
check my snapchat
I just posted about it lol
@CptEric 8/8 this happened and then they exchanged 9gags accounts to check who had the dankest meme history
@ThunderRabbit Oh I remember you! it's been a long time since I saw you here
what up
posted on July 08, 2016 by Tor Norbye

We've just released Android Studio 2.2 Preview 5 the Canary channel. This build contains a large number of bug fixes. Performance: We fixed two big memory leaks -- one related to Gradle sync and the other related to layout rendering; both should help significantly with memory usage. We also improved the locking behavior of layout XML preview so it shouldn't cause the editor to lag when typing

@McAdam331 are you coming as well?
Yep! :)
I know you posted it on snapchat that's why Ia sked lol
@tristan coming as well?
FTL sucks :/
I beat FTL after like 4 games
I am pretty sure it was a mistake
2 hours later…
git log
Welp, that's not my terminal

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