Views that have callbacks usually have a setOnSomethingOrOtherChangeListener(callback) method for setting the callback. If I call such method several times, do views store a list of callbacks? Or, do they have a single slot? (Typically.)
@TristanWiley I had to make a choice once I begun developing a REST backend API whether to go with PHP or any other language and since 81% of the backend is written in PHP I thought it was normal to go and develop a project at it
based on the user input (url); it estimates the potential damage ($) of a flood
for instance you select an area in the map and you set the number of the buildings, types etc and the flood water depth (e.g.: 2feet) and then based on some metrics it outputs the potential damage
This is a work study program which I am taking and the project could come in handy for many companies who might want to make Risk analysis before opening stores etc
The manager is talking with Walmart which is very interested in this project.
Hello Guys i want to disable media player from Activity class which gets open on Notification click. i tried calling it's method but getting null pointer exception