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Guys, Javascript hates me
Room Owner Badge : Diplomacy +10, Dreamcrushing +15
about to hang out in my first MLH office hours ha
I can't convert HEX to RGB and it's pissing me off
Now what did I do with that giant pile of micro-usb cables..
You think President Trump is gonna build a Firewall along the cyber border to keep all the foreigners out of our Internet?
I just wanted you guys to get a glimpse of what it's like at a Trump Rally
Raghav! Hey!
Typical Raymond
I bet detention was illuminating
Maybe he'll view his behavior in a new light
not if he takes it too lightly
well that would be unphotonate
Javascript help needed
Try not using JavaScript
Hey, I'm working on the thing that made your circle.
Why is there a delay in the color changing in the sidebar?
wtf just happened?!
way to go Dave, you broke it.
Dave broke Tristan's lab
Dave is an anarchist
Don't be like Dave
I borke it too =x
This is why I don't like doing web stuff
It turns the best programmers into spaghetti machines
can we make it use websockets and live update for everyone? that way we have to fight over what color it is and then click download before anyone else changes it?
But then we can write a script to just keep editing the color every millisecond and hitting download for everyone
kinda like wallstreet
I see no problem with this, lets do it
Guys, screw you all
We love you too. <3
that's what your mom said
Hack it
But does it blend?
It blends a +1 into a ✓
> And everyone can do it simultaneously
Sorta like a google doc
Well, exactly a google doc
Okay this may already exist 😞
Goddammit google. Building everything before us
^ @Raghav
You having some formatting issues over there?
I have the most original ideas, provided you give me a time machine
Having some Keystore issues over there?
Not anymore.
BTW reading: Cracking the Coding Interview. I recommend it; it showcases core-concepts of programming and general questions on top companies (Google, MS etc.)
Best hackathon project?
randomWord + " for cats";
Yeah that's a great book Menelaos.
> Do you have a cat?
Unlock your device only if your cat meows at it
So many innovative names
We're gonna need a cat, though
Hey, I screenshotted
maybe Tristan should be a room owner then, if he can beat people like that.
Just kidding don't get your hopes up.
raises hand
He has the potential to annoy cM with that speed
Can we borrow someone's cat for the weekend?
Preferably two, for redundancy
Can we borrow someone's ideas for a lifetime?
Take an android tablet and make an app that just shows a picture of a cat and plays a meow sound
So... Facetime with Reno?
Or meeeee
@Raghav Sooth thanks — Shivputra N 18 hours ago
I am the Soothsayer, bow to me
@McAdam331 I'm open to anything
You're looking for a place to live?
Living is optional
Ah gotcha
Don't live with Tristan, it's a trap.
Your computer is a keystore trap
That would imply the keystore stays, though
Raghav come live with me and start a startup with me
Half joking
Okay like quarter joking
I'll be deported, sadly :P
Not really joking at all
Tristan don't you have a startup already
Working on two
Tristan move to India and join my startup
It doesn't matter if we break laws there
Why would you be deported? lol
Student visa
I can't start a company
Only intern
Intern at a company I start and you help make but not officially
Hmm. How much do I get paid?
college is expensive
Tristan can offer thousands of monopoly dollars
I'm serious at monopoly
If it's billions, then I can potentially sell the paper to recylclers and make a decent wage
Have you ever played double monopoly? Two boards, it's hella fun
I finally played Potteropoly with Karley. I kicked her ass.
Who's Karley?
You need someone who is decent at monopoly to date, I vote me
McAdam's boyfrand
My girlfriend lol
Don't you already have a girlfriend, Tristan?
I'm a male, Raghav.
it's ok Adam we don't judge here
Yeah, Adam
You're stunning and brave
I'm straight, just not for Adam and a couple famous people
Everyone's got that one same-sex celebrity crush.
I have two :P
You're an over achiever.
Brendon Urie and Mitch Grassi are hot, just saying
and Adam
Okay I'm done being gay for now
Is Mitch Grassi actually gay or am I just a stereotyper
once you leave the closet the door locks behind you
No he actually is
Dave, don't be silly. I can go in and out as I please
That's what she said.
@McAdam331 by she do you mean Mitch Grassi, speaking to Tristan?
He wishes.
Dave who's your celebrity man crush?
Adam hack my circle generator
Too lazy
Hey Mauker
Hey Tristan
What's up
just cut my finger
so blood's up
bed time
Never gets old.
Ugh... been thinking this for hours... what's another word for "auto resizing" in web context again?
anyone still up?
@mr5 responsive?
eg., responsive design?
@ProfSmiles ohh!!! you saved my day!
thank you :D
I'm getting really old. I always forgot those essential words
glad I could help (:
that's alright, buzzwords change every 3 months anyway, you could've just made up a word and started a new craze ;)
But I like to keep my vocabulary up to date and officially documented =P
I'm in no way good at making my own words 'cause I suck at English
2 hours later…
today will be a good day
learning python
Python!! :D
File "runcli.py", line 1, in <module>
from clint.textui import prompt, validators, os
ImportError: cannot import name os
frustation level increasing
heya warren
any python experience?
I can't say I've heard of "cannot import name os" before o_O
what did you break? D:
i just did this
from clint.textui import prompt, validators, system
were you looking to use the os module for something?
i mean
i've tried only os
none are found
yeah, os.path is a thing
try doing
from clint.textui import prompt, validators
import os
first time running python
so the from is like "take following imports from this package"
and direct import is like "fetch me the methods from this from the lib folder
yeah so import x just imports the module x, and then you can do like x.foo, x.bar, etc.
so like import clint; clint.textui.prompt(...) and so on
hey Prof!
the from just imports the one (or more) sub-part(s) from the module, so now you can just do prompt() instead of clint.textui.prompt()
hello Warren!
nice :P thanks
I'm pretty sure Java has a very similar import system...?
pretty much automatic
Morning all
i faced with a confusing problem with android studio
before i added some folders in asset folder. but i now deleted them and replaced them with some files(and in asset folder android studio show me just files). but when i want to read all files into listview, i see some other (files or folders) inside listview items.
i cleaned and rebuilded the project and also checked asset folder with windows explorer.
hi Graeme
How's it going?
fine I guess :). How are you doing ?
Fine, background stress, waiting to hear back from someone.
Looking at dismay at my app reviews.
The usual
:O hi Graeme! haha
Hi Smiley :) LTNS - What's new? Where you been?
not toooo much, working as a web developer, got 6 months left of uni, just chillin' haha
what about you? (:
AH you know, Lots of big scary things, but hard to talk about in here.
python is nice
it is
making a python script to generate apk && email it to me
why don't you do it with groovy ?
do anyone has any idea about my problem?
don't know about groovy really
cygery - Captures my experience with Apple consumers quite well
haha :D
Python is great :D it's what I use at work hahaha
is there any way to make the "email it to me" part easily, prof?
Q: How to show Toast in class which extends Activity

AstghI have a Java Class in my Android project, where I wanted to separate facebook authorization from email authorization. Because of this line LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions(this, Arrays.asList("email", "public_profile")); I was obliged to extend my FBLogin class from Activ...

@CptEric do you have your own mail server?
nein, but i expect something like, setting it up with gmail smpt's settings and having it make me input my email & pass, or defaulting like an htmp "mailto:" to my prefered email app
smtplib is good for sending emails, and yeah, it looks like you can do it with gmail fairly easily (:
you can do that
Q: How to send an email with Gmail as provider using Python?

RaviI am trying to send email (Gmail) using python, but I am getting following error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "emailSend.py", line 14, in <module> server.login(username,password) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/smtplib.py", line 554, in login raise SMTPException("SMTP AUTH extension...

own mail server is difficult nowadays
but could be sufficient when sending mails only to yourself
and... to >easily< attach a file i only know the extension? *.apk?
or understandable way, atleast
most SO answers are fairly complicate for a newbie
it's like my 2nd hour with python XD
you'll need to get the full file name
if you know the directory, you can list the files there and look for it
the official docs have this
and i'm not really fond it's what i want to do, or where files comes from
i'll try an example i found
the worst that can happen is my gmail being blocked
hey guys
so quiet :)
Watching rages on youtube
Arguing with colleagues
doing stuff
listening Akcent Feat sandra n - Amor Gitana - :)
yelling at Django
ohh, any differences between yii2 and that django ?
still fighting with that yii2 :/
yelling at python and AS
@LinX64 I can't say I've heard of Yii2 before, but from a quick look, yeah it looks similar
Yii2 you design the DB and it generates the PHP code, whereas Django you write the Python code and it generates the DB :P
In what a fucking time to we live, when a droidcon event needs a "code of conduct" like this
Seems legit? What's up with it?
Hi ocus
Graeme, the point is, do people really need to get it on "paper" ?
why people can't simply behave ?
I mean are we all back in stone age where nobody was raised to behave respectful?
it is possible. I had always the feeling that story is somehow circular
kinda like that warren.
Same as terms and conditions on software
You're always going to agree, you never read them, but they're still there.
Its so when one of the stands shows up with models with crop tops, they can get kicked out and they have no come back from it
crop tops are not the problem
the problem is that we have the need to state the obvious: don't be a dick
The problem is that you can't harrass people. They surely won't see me there.
harhar :D
roomownervoice I don't know you! You can't participate. GET OUT!
Just kidding of course.
I think it might actually be all about crop tops
you wish, Graeme :D
I think the rest is padding so they can state that it isn't one of those events
I won't be there because I'd like some people to harrass me.
Pfft, what am I going to do with crop tops :P
So, you know how some events they have like "stand girls" who are there to show off a company and get all the letchy men in to have a look - tech events have to fight against those sort of stands.
They have to make a stand against those stands :)
(If they want to - I have no problem with them really - but if they do want to get rid of them, they need the code of conduct with which to hit people)
I don't get why you focus on stands only
this CoC is also for everyone who participate
Again, only useful as something to hit those who are creeps :)
@TheLittleNaruto - so, your'e here also, sensei :p
I'm curious about why this CoC was made. Is it because they had previous issues or because they think developers can't behave ?
TypeError: expected string or buffer
Uh oh, Eric bot has some stack corruption again
don't judge my code please
but i don't know what's wrong here
What's wrong with you ?
Now I know Erics last name
even my email is at my SO profile XD
the thing is : after 2 hours, 51 minutes since i started with python without prior knowledge, i hit a concrete wall.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "runcli.py", line 47, in <module>
smtpserver.sendmail(email, email, msg)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/smtplib.py", line 743, in sendmail
(code, resp) = self.data(msg)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/smtplib.py", line 506, in data
q = quotedata(msg)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/smtplib.py", line 167, in quotedata
re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n|\r(?!\n))', CRLF, data))
@OcuS I have no clue. Didn't attend the last 2 or 3 years.
i feel like writing C programs XD
Because you were banned for harrassement ? ;p
No, there was nothing worth going for. The first few events where developer driven, the later where pure marketing shit.
Apparently it's good to "Network" at events like that. I don't understand Networking unless it's related to routers.
at least I work at a router company now :D so I have to
and I already have an early bird ticket
i miss brackets.
so at least I got code coverage with sonar finally working
what;s sonar?
SonarQube, static code analyzing software
found it 2seconds after asking
@CptEric this library is really good github.com/kootenpv/yagmail
wow, totally missed that there are finally promo codes in Google Play \o/
anyone ever created a task in gradle to execute other tasks in a specific order?
care to share how you did it?
depends on what you want to achieve. there're different cases, like "execute 1 task, and execute other tasks before this", "execute a lot of different tasks in one line, and declare their execution order"
the later
basically I want task RunAll to run clean, build, test, something somthing, sonarqube
for obvious reasons the order is important
task jacocoTestReport(type:JacocoReport, dependsOn: "testFlavorDebugDebug")
when I use dependsOn it is ordered by alhabet
tasks.getByPath(':gradleTasks:getJacocoOverallCoverage').mustRunAfter jacocoTestReport
like this?
I took everything from this docs
hm, I have seen this but I feel uncomfortable when I work with mustrunafter because I don't want to make a fix order, only when this specific task is executed
yeah, I read the complete page
probably, "Adding a 'should run after' task ordering" this is your case
the fun part is: when I try to use tasks.taskname.execute() and "chain" those calls, only the first execute() is really invoked
not that strict as mustRunAfter
hm... I guess I will have to try it, thanks!
well. I'm using something like "./gradlew clean assembleFlavorDebugDebug testFlavorDebugDebug jacocoTestReport getJacocoOverallCoverage lintFlavorDebugDebug pmd checkstyle jdepend sonarRunner"
yeah, I want something like that from within gradle merged to one task :D
and everything executed in the right order
or create a script with that line, I have such scripts for CI's :)
I will invoke that cmd line by CI, too but I want something for local instances as well
it works locally too
yeah, I am going to fire the cmd from gradle... easiest and cleanest solution I currently see
do you use Jenkins or other CI?
than it's fine, I'm also using Jenkins and everything just works
one thing is not stable there - Android Emulator plugin, not all API levels work fine, emulator simply isn't started in some cases. I've found stable one and using it only
I have no issues with jenkins :D the biggest issue so far was to make jacoco and sonar work nicely together
yeah, we have a device farm for that here
property "sonar.jacoco.reportPath", "$buildDir/jacoco/testFlavorDebugDebug.exec" FTW

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