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Is it on Netflix?
ok cool. I might give it a shot. I saw an ad for and it seemed interesting
Don't know
Just Netflix DVD
Ah, damn.
not on my netflix
but it is on the american one
Just go to redbox and pay $1.25 or whatever it is
becase i see the hyperlink of "see smiliar movies to pixels"
yo, Een. How's it going?
American Redbox ftw
damn SGAE, can't have decent movies on netflix
I should finish my blog post for once
meta appears to be down
works 4 me
ah, working now.
I'm stuck. I don't know why this one piece of shit code isn't working and my "boss" isn't much help. ffs
good cM
Redbox still winning huh?
put BlockBuster out of business
I miss going to video stores. But I choose not to so I guess I don't miss it that much
You will sound old school
which is totally ok
one of these two answers copied the first sentance from the other stackoverflow.com/questions/33898470/…
I think this is my four year anniversary on SO!
I joined at 2011-11-24 at 16:11:07!!!
Q: Android studio: why are minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion specified both in AndroidManifest.xml and build.gradle?

mariosangiorgioI just discovered something weird about Android studio: it has some configuration options in the build.gradle file that override what is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file. For instance, I had the following lines in build.gradle: android { compileSdkVersion 18 buildToolsVersion "...

happy 4th anniversary
It's my 4 year anniversary on Stackoverflow!
ah you got there before me
Trist, how about navy blue ?
@JohnBoker ???
Will it look good ?
And border stroke will be black.
the first sentance is actually from that one
the entire answer is from another post
Trist ?????
just copy paste
TLN, I'm looking
oh wow yeah just noticed it was the whole answer
I am leaving now. I'll be back within an hour.
yeah, they both copied another answer
should mark as duplicate or just reference the other question in a comment if it answers it.
@TristanWiley wat
you've been on SO longer than me?
when did you join? with 12?
4 years... cute :D
but again: congrats
been lurking longer ofc
Did anyone here use Dagger2+rxjava+MVP (with nucleus - github.com/konmik/nucleus) in projects?
god please keep that away from me :D
I'd like to know how can I write test cases with this stuff
when you stay calm and relaxed, you might be able to pull some tests off :D
the main thing is that i'm communicating with hardware, it's a pain!
but i'll keep trying
I'd stay away from nucleus tbh
lol warren
can you tell me why?
MVP is simple enough where you don't need another framework for it
i'd just use a eventBus library
just adds another layer of complexity
also don't like event bus lol
yeah sure, but I need to always check the non-nullable view in presenters
why not trevor?
this was the best solution that I found until now
event bus loses traceability for me
you create a new event, send it to the bus, and it magically routes it
yeah that part kind of stinks
same with multithreading though
true, but passing a listener through multiple classes is also bad
which for a big app can make it really hard to reason about
depends on the eventbus too. i've never had problems with greenrobot's
it certainly works, but that amount of decoupling makes projects less maintainable imo
this is the last one that I use nucleus, rxjava and stuff: play.google.com/store/apps/…
maybe it's not available outside brazil, can't check now
how nice is to control a washer machine from the app? hehe
i like to keep code clean and well organized, separated in MVC.
I really like this MVP example from Google: github.com/googlecodelabs/android-testing
and eventbus helps a lot in that
sandwitch time
nice project, i'll take a look tnks for share
that is packaged by feature...
@CptEric That slider bug happened on 5.1
On another motorola device
@DeividiCavarzan this looks amazing
I can't understand what's it about tho
but UI wise it's nice
it's to control the washer and dryer machine through the app
the UI it's the design guides from electrolux, so we need to follow this, remember the physical machine
aah nice
my phone thinks I'm 200 miles away, what the hell
i informed about it live
welcome back
well.. I've been on vacation
still catching up
so what's going on in stabucks?
and, mauker, what slide rbug?
they are selling coffee, also, sometimes they write your name on the cups. :)
the big project over the new several months is going to be a bunch of code changes to handle the changes corporate wants with regards to how stars are used.
Currently they just get you a free drink/food at 12, but they're going to make them more versatile than that
but I don't know more specifics than that right now
i'm doing a funeral home app. +_+
funeral? LOL
will it be RESTful?
yeah. the place where corpses go before cementery.
where family members & friends bring flowers.
eric see my ping :(
saw your ping , didn't find where was it connected
it points to my sandwitch time
omg it's too cute
distracting terrorists with this def will work
Hey guyz anone know how to open android application when android browser hits a known links !!
openning application twitter when i hit twitter on my android browser
can this easily achieve
way to misspell it Eric
Yeah i think its something related to it deep linking
i'm in class right now can't give you guys 100% attention
still the link worked
@Shubham this is like literally the easiest thing to google for
also you're help vamping in other rooms
gotit brother i was in rush that why asked
in Java and Android era , 6 mins ago, by Shubham
Hey guyz anone know how to open android application when android browser hits a known links !!
pretty sure googling is faster than us feeding you the answer
yeah you are right
no problemo
best customer service evah
"Thank you for contacting Customer Relations.

Based on the information you have requested, we have determined that our reservation personnel can better address your concerns. They can be reached via 1-800-433-7300 and are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
@Ahmad yeah, must've been when I was 12
you cray cray tristan
I spent age 12 to 14 doing nothing other than playing fifa
oh god damn I used to be so good
Haha, damn
I want a cake
I want my own apartment
we all want something
Room 15 apartment
i want new engine for my car.
@warzone_fz rejected because you only have given one answer on SO.
current is too powerful.
@warzone_fz rejected again. see above^.
<insert ban hammer here>
</insert ban hammer here>
wow where'd you get that from
just googled banhammer deviantart
Did this get posted yet?
but the guy that made the github is a poser
lol yeah?
see how the shell scripts are all just ruby scripts?
exec fucking_coffee lol
but love the story
I want to belive
somewhere out there there is a crazy russian who would do this
@raghav do you already have internships plans for the upcoming summer?
I'm looking for an internship :/
yo adil
I'm gonna apply at imagination technologies
among other places
@TristanWiley i'm making a nyan cat flappy bird. fear me.
Anyone have any suggestions for getting a summer internship somewhere?
do you have any family members that work in the software industry?
tristan look out for this
Even if I don't live in Philly?
I don't think this is a requirement
they say they provide housing
Hmm okay
Sweet! I'll do it when applications open
Damnit I need to get a picture taken of me, that looks decent and half-way professional
And I have to get this damn PHP working
why are you still doing php
php is so 2010
Web database stuff, I don't know
It's not like I want to
What else can I use?
Node js
php is so 90's
Can anyone help me with node.js?
it depends... hehe what you're trying to do?
Write stuff to a database
Shit now I have to redo everything
I'm making a mailing list basically
So I have to verify an email, then write it to a database and send a confirmation email
well, mysql in node I never used
use python?
I'm grumpy now
and a sqlite database
lol we just did that yesterday for our class project
you could use mapper, an orm for node github.com/mgutz/mapper
huntersodyssey.esy.es keep me informed is a php script that sends mail and adds to bbdd.
I have it basically done in PHP though :/
But I don't like PHP
It makes me sad
and cry
use hack
just finish it up with php then use something else for your next project
so, AWS has lambda now, basically a function you can call in the cloud. moving toward a serverless environment
lambda can use nodejs to implement the function
Then how do I search a database for a string in PHP and figure out if it's there or not? :/
are you searching by email address?
So I can add them already
so, SELECT * FROM theTable WHERE email=?
Do you have a Hangouts John?
A: Insert into a MySQL table or update if exists


time to go home
time to smoke some crack here
ok, is not crack
it's just flour
snorting flour
A friend of mine received an email from amazon asking for change password, because they find the password in google
and he search for the password and found it! hehehe
now he change all passwords for good
I never got any email from them
he received last friday
what country hes in?
maybe it only affects some countries?
@EdsonMenegatti Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
Well my day just became aaamaaaazinggg
you got a portable battery pack so your things will never die again?
SO swag came in?
@codeMagic thanks :D
Sadly I missed that. I think I'm going to get my friend something autographed by one of her favorite bands :)
She's probably watching this chat now :P
You know you can see who's watching it, right?
She wouldn't have an account XD
I should teacher her to code
if she's watching chat isn't the surprise ruined already
Not if she doesn't know who her favorite band is
Whats the recommended to way to share auth tokens (after login with a backend server) between activities / services?
I usually use singletons
singletons +1
singletons + 1 = doubletons
in Fall 2015 Moderator Election Chat, 2 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
Congrats @EdCottrell @MadaraUchiha and @josilber
@codeMagic Mods' been declared!
Soo, if you have chrome, google "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"
oh I see im too late
Yep, and they forgot my name
I just had chocolate covered bacon. Holy hell that was terrible!
I wonder why JeremyBanks is quitting already
@codeMagic Just saw that; I'm surprised.
Yeah, weird
in Fall 2015 Moderator Election Chat, 2 mins ago, by Jeremy Banks
@Mixcels In the end, I wasn't able to commit the time necessary to do the job properly.
I guess I should have investigated more before saying anything :P
Still strange unless an insane amount of work came up in that time
^^ I'm surprised you still haven't learned that lesson cM
Tired of your shit, Dave
me too, cM. me too
Nothing is working
Daveeeeeee, what did you doooo
i didn't do anything cM just had a seg fault
He needs to be turned off and turned back on again
But not turned on too quickly. Give him some downtime first
Well, time to evaporate
See ya!
i didn't realize that was an ad, later Deividi
Ha, but good until the end
How's it going, Carl?
cool cool
I am struggling against my team's method of creating / maintaining a Realm DB
Sounds fun.
drop all the tables and then post this image in slack azquotes.com/picture-quotes/…
I have a question. If I use like an app bar that extends below ActionBarHeight, and I do the action mode on long press, it only highlights the action bar area it doesn't highlight the entire thing. Is that expected behavior or what should I do? Here is a screenshot. Notice that my new 'Total' textview still shows?
are you saying your total bar is supposed to highlight?
That's my question. WWDD?
oh noooes carl
you're back to realm?
It's behaving as expected, so I'm not saying I have a bug, I'm just wondering if I should leave it like this or what convention might be here.
They look like distinct elements so I don't know why you'd make an explicit effort to tie them together
Okay. Here is a before picture.
I like how they look as distinct elements anyway
total doesn't make much sense as part of the action bar imo
Thats for title/navigation/actions
total is a display
Well I had some other stuff that I took out for now
I was trying to put like quick stats in the title there
and on the transactions one I was gonna have 'Account Balance' listed in the toolbar also.
having at a glance quick stats at the top makes sense. Explicitly tying it to the action bar which commonly houses a title, search functionality, options and other "actions" doesn't
Well how would you display it?
I'd make them a different shade have a divider, kind of like Facebook's home screen
make it distinct elements so the separate highlighting doesn't look out of place
Would it stil be part of the AppBarLayout? I'm gonna say no because this will give me all sorts of problems with elevation and stuff
no i'd just throw it at the top of a liner layout and have the listview below it
Folks, got a question about Bluetooth Low Energy. Android 4.3 device can be a Bluetooth client. In a typical scenario a tablet is a central (master) and a client, while a heart rate monitor - or some such small gizmo - is a peripheral (slave) server. But can an Android 4.3 device be a central and a server?
I'm not sure how I feel about that but I'll have to try it out tonight I guess.
things actionbar should be used for:
Makes important actions prominent and accessible in a predictable way (such as New or Search).
Supports consistent navigation and view switching within apps.
Reduces clutter by providing an action overflow for rarely used actions.
Provides a dedicated space for giving your app an identity.
@McAdam331 are you using the sans-serif font?
easy way to make your app look nicer
I am using the default font lol
sans-serif-light also looks really nice
as titles or whatever
comic sans 4 lyfe
I might drop this quick stats idea for right now lol I'm not really sure how to design it I need to think about it.
why not a tab?
you can have an overview and detail itemized view

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