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oh btw
it has sound
3d level made in unity
Got some more OP2 invites
Who wants?
oneplus 2. no, thanks :p
What does the invite give you?
(I'm pretty sure I'm a no too)
acces to buy it
Ah, then definitely a no :P
My beautiful Nexus 5X wouldn't like being one of two :P
Do you think it's reasonable to have a "Main" activity "register" for errors so that, if an event fires an error, instead of from static context creating a toast, it instead fires a SnackBar?
i'm lost on the main part.
1 + 2 = 3
So, SnackBar's are basically UI elements attached to a layout
Snackbars are food
that too
i prefer alerts for event errors
But, most of the things I do, I do in a stateless thread context, queing network events etc, so that they can complete after you've navigated away or whatever.
So since my architecture is very event driven, I'm thinking of creating an "Error" event that things can subscribe to, so that pages can catch errors and consume them to create snackbars, and default out to Toasts.
But, would mean the same error from the same bit of code could show as either a Toast or as a Snackbar depending on what you're doing... and that squicks me out a bit
create an abstract activity that all activities are under of,
and put the event reciever method there
so every activity wil ldo the same
That's what I did first :)
But, when an error occurs when you're on the home screen, you never see it
do oneplus 2 invites expire?
i know a friend who wants one
I've also got a "Progress" activity, which usually closes as soon as an event finishes, which means a SnackBar appears for about 300mills before the Activity closes :)
yes RED_, they do
what was, again, that material theme color picker?
If you're creating a HashTable using arrays, how do you guys determine the size of the array? Does it depend on the possible hash values you create?
Or rather, does anyone know a good tutorial I can review for creating a hash table using arrays?
McA, If you don't provide a default value I would start with a default value of 16
Okay so I have an array of 16. When they give me a <Key, Value> pair, I have to find a way to hash key to something from 0-15?
So that I can just look it up by index, right?
googles HashTables
why don't use a hashmap?
yes... but you should also handle collisions
has no idea what Adam is doing
Right I know that
cptEric he wants to implement an Hashmap
What is different form HashMap and HashTable?
isn't there a android Map<> already?
i swear i've used it
Both are just Key Value Pairs stored aren't they?
I'm not implementing it for a project Eric haha
is as confused as graeme
My interview preparation notes said "Hashtables: Arguably the single most important data structure known to mankind. You absolutely should know how they work. Be able to implement one using only arrays in your favorite language, in about the space of one interview."
And that's a new low :D
are you using Java's HashTable implementation?
I could implement my own, I'm just trying to remember the right way for determining the hash and storing it so you can still of O(1) lookup in the array.
aah hmm ok
In case a question like that came up.
interview things
HashTables == HashMap? Meaning, your asking, "As a logic exercise, how would I implement a HashMap using Arrays" ?
Yes, assuming HashTable is in fact the same as HashMap. I've heard them used interchangeably, but I don't know if they actually are.
using Only arrays?
Googles difference between HM and HT
how many arrays are you using?
For this logic exercise, sure.
Well I'd only need one right?
The array stores the value. The index represents the key. The index is determined via a hash. At least, that's how I'd implement it.
yes 1
i'd make an object array of <object,Object>
and how would you handle collisions ?
3 weeks I hear nothing and then within hours two companies asked for an interview at the exact same date and time...
But that won't have O(1) lookup though
Use two arrays, one to store Keys and one to store Values? No
and make it autogrowable via methods on that object
dirty but worky.
Graeme, same thing, it would require sequential lookup. Which is not the end of the world, but defeats the purpose of implementing my own data structure.
@Blackbelt I'd have to check in the push method right? If the existing value is null or not. Then I'd have to ask the interviewer for clarification: would you want me to replace the value on conflict, or throw an exception?
Ah, but you could go from there and turn your Key array into an index :)
Or generate a new hash
I've seen tables that use Buckets
where you can have multiple elements at one index.
the answer would be neither. You have to keep both in case of collision
So if your hash was "HASH" you could do Values[Keys[H.index][A.index][S.index][H.index]]
MyHashtable {Object index, Object value }_add(Object index,Object val);_remove(Object index);etc...
0 iteration :)
So I can either generate a hash that is linked some way, or create a bucket to hold multiple objects at that index?
I have old notes on this, I do remember.
Why is replace not good?
If I recall correctly, the default implementation of java's HashMap class will just replace the value if you push a pair with an existing key.
And how do I generate my own hash? that's the most confusing part.
However you want :P Hash's are just one way algorithms
I could just assume whatever object they chose to be the key already overrides getHashCode() and then I don't have to
that would be the smart way, because I think if I were actually getting this question they want to see overall that I can implement a hash table.
Create your own, use a none displayable character to create a representation of an object by breaking it down to it's basic types
I suppose, then you could have two different objects with the same contents. Ignore me.
I know what I would do.
if the key is the same no if you have a collision
belt, I don't understand. What other kind of collisions might I have other than two objects having the same hash somehow?
Is it possible for two separate keys to produce the same hash?
yes it is
Well okay then. I'll go back over my notes, but what would you do to prevent collision then?
you can't prevent collision, what you have to do is handling those
Cal hitTheBrakes()
Right. From my old professors notes:
You have two fundamental choices: . .

 Use another location in the hash table . .

 Change the structure of the hash table so that each

array element can represent more than one value
you can use open hashing, where you basically stick the value on the end of the collection
aka chaining
Okay I think that's what I was trying to describe.
Okay yeah there's a segment on chaining in here
So riddle me this, until I read the answer in the slides.
I have two keys, that generate the same hash and are chained together so to speak
When I look up one of the keys, and I arrive at this hash, how do I know which chain element I want?
you have to loop and compare the key of each element
Right. So at that hash, I'll store (perhaps) a linkedlist
and I loop through the linkedlist at that hash to find the node with the given key
What are the chances of two hashes being the same Adam?
Yes? LinkedList not required, but an option.
Hopefully slim, but if I responded with that in an interview it'd never fly lol. We can't say "the probability is so slim we don't have to consider it"
So my implementation would need to handle that
Eev it depends on how good the hash function is
YES! I got a powershell open on my computer... AT SCHOOL! :)
I think I could do this now.
tristan, blow everything up
So I've gone through just about everything on my list and feel moderately comfortable.
T-Minus 6 hours.
you mean, admin powershell?
…or just powershell?
int exploitsFound = 3;
exploitsFound += 1;
System32 I think
Adam, this is for you
I hate windoze :D
please destroy it :D
I love that.
I mean, is it running with admin privileges?
Een, one of the most strangely motivational quotes I remember actually comes from a rap song.
Sarge how can I test?
"The same people asking why you're doing it, will ask you how you did it, so fuck the critics they're committed to your vision."
in Unix, there's whoami command
And I'm like, hmm, he's right even though I wouldn't have ever used that terminology haha
Night guys
Mac do you about red/black trees ?
in Windows there must be something similar
bye Graeme
Just to ANYONE AT MY SCHOOL WATCHING - If I was to be classified as a hacker I am WHITE HAT. I'm NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING BAD.
@Blackbelt Kind of. I should spend more time on balanced trees.
I hope I don't have to discuss insertion into a balanced tree because I'll be fucked. I find that so hard.
I was just joking anyway
don't do it tristan, it's not worth it
guys who is gonna bail Tristan out when he gets arrested?
Not me.
me neither
But I can't wait to see his mug shot come out and you guys realize how much he actually looks like Dave
Q: What is the Windows equivalent of Unix "whoami" command?

KipIs there a Windows equivalent of Unix "whoami" command? If so, what is it?

I just said I'm not doing anything. I didn't even know I could do this
I only did it for Git lol
too late, you hacked into the main frame
they see me hackin'
they hatin'
Yeah I don't think it's running with Admin priv
probably made a GUI interface with visual basic that shut down the power grid
Matrix <3
I've always wanted to be a Whitehat Hacker haha
btw, remember guys, every person who knows how to manually edit url editable field in a web browser… (s)he is a hacker
I don't prefer to wear hats most of the time.
mkdir c:/windows/potato
if that works, youv'e got privileges
check your privilege!
maybe you'll have to use reverse slashes
First person to say "Potato" get a @tristanwiley.com email!
real deal?
What do you want it? [email protected]?
for example 8)
Is that what you want?
sarge @?
I'm back!
@Blackbelt Are red/black trees the best type of balanced binary trees to study? What are "splay tree and AVL tree"? Also, is red/black tree just a Binary Search Tree in disguise?
password? hmmmm
do you have hangouts?
congradulations sarge, you've got a new email.... and I just signed you up for 3 newsletters.
I could send it there
avl and br are both balanced binary search tress Mac
I am tired without news actually
So why do they have a separate name?
two different algo
hmmmm what is your google email?
I cannot find it…
belt are you super busy still?
yah I am @work atm
Adam I don't work today, what time is the interview?
Now. Have fun.
grrr, google+ is so retarded slow
good luck!
cannot even load the page completely
Dude keep me updated!
cM is here
I think I did it
It's at 5:00 lmao
I have time
well 5 EST
Nice nice
I'll call after school then before?
I'm going home, clearing off my desk hopefully, rocking out to some upbeat music
calling google
Good luck Adam
then crying for 0-10 hours or so, I need to make sure I send Ahmad a snap of my tears
a jar of your tears is more like it
Send me a snap too!
Good luck. Bring back a head or a hand as proof
@McAdam331 good luck!
where am I getting a head or a hand from
Then you can finally move to the Valley and live in a Truck
I will need to find a good truck
need help
i have a txt with country names
how do i batch generate a sql insert into file from it
Step 1) Take a nap
Are the country names comma separated, or by new lines, or something?
new lines
It's really easy to split
New lines is even easier haha
Okay so write a little code that reads them into an array or something wher eyou can separate them by commas
where each item looks like
grr i remember no shit of php XD
(cityName1), (cityName2), etc
So you can do
will ask friend
anyone have any recommendations on how to test things in non-western numeric systems? Just realized if you run our app in Arabic it passes in numbers with arabic numerals and our API chokes pretty hard.
INSERT INTO myTable (cityName) VALUES *array read*;
hmm true, i'm really dense right now
no access to any ide
just sublime text
Text was larger than I thought.
Do you know python? Write a python script to generate the SQL statement
Using sublime or something.
nope :( and no python installed on the class pc
come on, you can do it in bash :p
How long is the list?
i'm on class
the whole country list XD
If you really want, and are bored, just go through manually and add your parentheses and commas :'D
i've got nothing more to do XD
was searching of a lazy way to do it
but yeah
But yeah, basically the structure will be INSERT INTO myTable (cityName) VALUES ('cityName1'), ('cityName2'), ('cityName3');
If you can do it manually there's always a way to do it programmically.
Well the easy way would be to write some sort of SQL transaction that reads from the file each city name and sends each one to the db, but I just thought if you could read the city names and do one insert statement it'll be faster on your server.
@Luke bash? its something edible?
git merge --abort
... you're not my terminal
Next thing you know
@CptEric could be, haven't tried tasting it
invalid reference returned from android.hardware.usb.UsbRequest android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection.native_request_wait() F THAT
>Tired of your shit, Dave.
bash: Tired: command not found
thx for the structure
Mac, how do I write an insert statement to make my USB transactions work?
@jlin please notice the terminal joke above, I don't want you to miss it. ^^^^
It was a joke. Apparently a bad one at that
Person person = new Person(getHumanContext);
person.isProgrammer = true;
Code code = new Code();
if(code.errorExists() = false){
person.anger += 1;
lol mca
if(code.errorExists() = false){
} will always be true
or will give an error
guys plz
too much code
I want to send usage statistics to the server for the purpose of metaheuristics, is there any way to make sure the server receives legit data, except for some kind of flood protection (i. e. how do I stop everyone else from sending the custom data skewing my stats on server)
depends on what errorExists is
is obfuscation the only way?
error it'll be.
@TristanWiley who the hell does integerVal += 1? It's integerVal++ you peasant.
"errorExists() can not be assigned a value"
See! You're a good programmer!
but.. += and ++ are different and used for different purposes :P
"What can you bring to our team?" "Well, I know how to increment an integer in one line."
in one word*
that's even more pro
does java support ++intVal?
@jlindenbaum But effectively they do the same thing, no?
Yeah, it's preincrement, it works IIRC.
yeah effectively the same
the same way as in C
i'm just being a smartass
And wait
no they're not at all lmfao
+= 1 and ++ are completely interchangeable
that was a trick question haha
... which means they have the same effect.. so they're effectively the same
i have entirely lost track of this conversation
i came here to ask about testing arabic numerals - why are we talking about incrementing integers
I love when I get to reuse old messages multiple times!
Oct 16 at 14:52, by McAdam331
Jun 18 at 20:40, by McAdam331
This conversation is turning into a clusterfuck real fast lol.
TIL we've only had three clusterfucks of conversations since I got here.
that you noticed / decided to note
91 / 204
True. Who knows how many I missed while I wasn't here
13 mins ago, by jlindenbaum
anyone have any recommendations on how to test things in non-western numeric systems? Just realized if you run our app in Arabic it passes in numbers with arabic numerals and our API chokes pretty hard.
change lcoalization of phone device?
no , that's not what you want
trnasform strings using locale
in a way i do, but i have to be able to read the damned screen aftewards :P
This is how I imagine cM while waiting for us to stop talking about random shit so we can talk about numerals.
i thought i was using the formatter without a locale so that it would always use western numbers
Q: Arabic digit to English digit android

Rahul RawatI am using this code for translate English digit into Arabic. But now i am trying to change Arabic digits into English digit. private void decimalToArabic() { String str = showOutputEdit.getText().toString(); char[] arabicChars = {'٠','١','٢','٣','٤','٥','٦','٧','٨','٩'}; // char[] ...

I'm really hoping Adam brings me to "bring your son to work day" if he gets the Google job
western numerals are also called arabic numerals :/
Thankfully everyday is bring your sun to work day in Mountain View because it won't snow!
thanks cpt
That was a lame one Adam
sandwitch time
@McAdam331 Lol! Pretty much. But I just reposted that for jlind since it didn't get any attention
Damn refugees. We already teach arabic numerals at school. Our poor kids!
DONE ( the sql)
back to the sandwitch
@codeMagic 'ppreciate it
hoep it helps you man :p
i'm going to look into forcing simpledateformatter to always use a US locale when talking to our API first... i don't want to have to write a number conversion function for every locale we operate in
@McAdam331 really? I thought, the latter is not applicable to float/double
@Addict Write access here requires a min 100 rep as listed here in our rules --> room-15.github.io
Oh you might be right sarge, but I didn't consider that.
@WarrenFaith teaching arabic numeral started recently?
no, but we have some stupid people who don't know that our numbers are arabic

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