"If you're not from the USA, we will pay for your travel up to $500, and can help you find sponsors to cover any difference (this has happened frequently in the past). We think that the best hackers in the world shouldn't have to pay their way here."
so I'm sure someone will get it. Plus, hackathon organizers are typically students and we don't sleep so you could get a response at any time in the day lmao
you dont have an app, you get a link for it, download it, and based onthe link you clicked your app can behave a certain way by having a reference to the referral codes upon install
CptEric let them know it's a resume bulletin and will help you long term in your career, not just "coding" and if they love you they won't try to crush your dreams.
my mother just said i could come if i come back with the paycheck before the end of january, because the car insurance will come on january's last week. else ( if it has delays), it's impossible.
I have this class that creates lots of exceptions and throws them whenever it feels like it even if they don't meant anything. I call it HeadacheFactory
In the future when I have co-workers, I'm going to have a class that checks the hash of classes I wrote and if the hash changes I'm going to throw an AssholeCoworkerException with the error "Read the fucking documentation"