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@Stella welcome, please read the room rules.
I have read and understood the rules :)
Hi guys ! :D
Confirmed bot
No one reads and confirms reading the room rules
Oh be nice to the newbie.
We always make fun of people for not reading the rules, we should politely accept the ones that do. ;P
Welcome, Stella!
Oh my god I really was surprised.
Nice to meet you XD
hi hi
You're from SK?
Yes :)
I want to go to south korea some day
Oh really
For what?
I was planning to this summer, but the event I wanted to go to got canceled :/
but two of my friend went either way
Wow nice :)
Is your country India?
I have a plan that will go India next Jan 26 :)
raghav, I think you met them, the two guys I was hanging with
nah, I'm german
Ahh yeah
I'm not indian tho :|
I'm Indian
raghav is!
Oh my god
But no longer in India
I live with German roommate
oh nice! where is he/she from?
She from Bremen :)
Oh Bremen!
Sometimes I hear that about German from she
I just went there last weekend
I think German is very wonderful country1!
have you ever been to germany?
No but I want to!
I can sing a song Nationalhymne
And I love singer Cro
lol I love German :)
not even I can sing that
cro is awesome
even though he's too mainstream
Yes :) His voice melt down me
Cash Caretaker is so close to ready.
Ughh. I just need to adjust a few small things.
Cash Caretaker??
It's my finance tracker. don't google it, the current published version is terrible haha
Oh I see :)
Do you have any published apps?
Only one :)
It's about easy pay
pattern pay
I'll be honest I don't understand a single word on that screen but the UI is nice. :)
Thanks :)
And now I am developing about 2016 Rio Olympic
with Samsung and IOC
developing apps for events is really cool
Oh cool! I love the olympics haha. I'm excited to see golf at the olympics this time around.
you can make so much money off it
Oh yes :)
excited for golf!
I remember when I did an olympics app in 2012
Golf hasn't been at the olympics in over 100 years!
But I'm just beginner so I'm trying to learning
made like $150 per day
blasphemy ;-)
Golf is cool :)
I love to golf. But I am terrible hahaha
I've never played golf for real
only on the wii right?
I play golf on my nintendo wii
nah, I always did boxing or tennis on the wii
I've played mini golf and driving range only
@Stella is it already on the play store?
looks really nice tbh
there is this driving range/restaurant/bar that opened up near me, that place is pretty cool
they have balls with sensors in them so the targets know when you hit them correctly
That sounds kinda cool. I've played on golf simulators before.
It's a great way to stay in swing throughout the winter. I used to play indoor tennis leagues when I was younger too.
this thing
this thing is the best
I could play this all day
Is that Wii LARPing?
I dunno what it's called but it's in the wii sports games pack
I am off for swimming; Gn everyone :)
@Ahmad Maybe my olympic app will launch next July :)
night @Menelaos!
It's name is WOW and Samsung always lunching about olympic app when every olympic
nice @Stella! lemme know when you release it :)
This is sochi olympic app :)
kk Okay Thanks :)
Now Korea is raining a lot XD
I love rain :)
I love rain when I'm inside
kk Oh yes :)
sooo good
Me too
Rain sounds really good
I always have to remember to take at least a hat with me when I go outside
otherwise I'll return home totally wet
happened way too many times lately :|
in other news
there is an emoji link shortener
@McAdam331 I forgot to accept your answer. Will do xD
that's the the link to room 15 lol
oh well, I'm off for real now
good night!
mc but you should edit still your answer. church should be churches and fullyBooked should be fully booked :)
pshh tomato tomato
I edited.
Good boy. You will received another upvote for me :)
o/ ola
Anyone have any OSX sample app ideas? Looking at you, @jyoon
1 hour later…
i hate proguard!!
I love it!
I hate javascript
i love javascript :D
Do OOP on Javascript
I hate trying to do OOP in statically typed languages lol
Not really a fan of dynamic
whoops that's what I meant to say
I don't like that in JS I can just create an object and arbitrarily add fields to it later. I can see why that'd be powerful for some situations, but I'm not a big fan.
Well you can do all OOP stuff in JavaScript.. Correct me if I'm wrong. :D
you can but it's bad
:D have time for it, your gonna love it soon...
How do you implement interfaces in javascript?
Is there even interfaces in Javascript
bro do you even interface
Yeh a lot
on Java, but on Javascript, maan wtf
Well the best I can advice is to use pre existing frameworks
you can
you need frameworks just to interface?
function validateSomething(parameter,callback){ return callback(data);} , function callSomething(){ validateSomething(x,function(responseData){ console.debug(responseData)}); }
Nope not at all, if JavaScript is pain in your ass, then there are some existing JavaScript framework that might help you.
So someone just posted in this hackathon group on FB making fun of someone for getting a semi colon tattoo as if semi colons were only used in programming....
I think the meaning is too deep adam, maybe simi colon is the only character that he always miss.
because way back in my college days. Semi colons bugs me when i forgot to put it. C programming T_T
Haha. It's actually been a really popular tattoo lately for suicide prevention, since a semi colon represents the opportunity to stop but the decision to continue.
Cool! what country by the way is that adam?
it's really deep man...
I will remember the meaning of that
semi colon
I'm in the US
projectsemicolon.org or something like that
Oh.. nice; a heart warming stories;
Thanks, Tristan.
@McAdam331 idk
i'm currently too busy to do programming
and think of ideas
my future 3 years may be hell
no computers allowed
How? Isn't it impossible to live without computers now.
yeah my dad insists on this school where computers phones are banned
I insist on going to this other school
adult vision: purpose of school is purely to go to a good university
Jyoon you're in SK right?
We had a new member today who was from SK but I totally forgot their name
I will try to look back on it lol
Talking about Wii, the choice of games in SK sucks (we don't even have lego star wars)
We only have mario shit
Got another accept with no upvotes. Gosh why is this so common.
Yo Shinobis
I have heard in SK, every guy has to serve Army at least for 2 years no matter what you want to choose as your career.
At what you said. That's crazy.
Well it should not be. An independent citizen of an independent country should have right to choose their career path at least.
Note: Replies may be misleading, because I am online from mobile, and messages are getting delivered late.
Is there anyone who had appeared for an interview with CEO ?
hmm… I think so
Is there anything I must take care of ?
I don't know, mine "scenario" was far away from standard
and I do not think that I did it particularly good, as well
but I guess the common principles apply, like keep calm and confident
Sure things to do always.
Not just in interview but in your daily life, you should be confident and calm.
that's true
Oh neat I just realized I surpassed 8k rep
haha, I am too lazy to aim for that :D
but… maybe mysql tag is a bit easier for question hunting
Sometimes. It's also what I'm most confident with, too.
because people tend to have problems with sql, and mysql is a popular thing
by the way, are white dots in your circle intentional? if not, I could make a polished, HD version, for free :P
because I have a (vector) template
It was not intentional, and if you want to improve my circle on your own time you are more than welcome!
You can blame Nana for my pixelated circle.
Hmm I'm not sure it's different
No it is differeny maybe the cache just hasn't changed yet
idk I'm going to sleep, I'll check in the morning.
yes, the SO will not change immediately
@TheLittleNaruto always be eager to answer the questions / things they say without a long delay. :p
For some reason the circle avatar looks like agar.io
Haha thanks for the tip cpt :D
CEO's tend to talk really fast too, don't get scared.
it's the price paid to have a big salary. almost 24/7 skype reunions and client meetings talking and talking XD
one day i'll release my managers class as libray
my biggest achievement for now is the FragmentManager XD
replaceAt(int viewId, Fragment yourDownCastedFragmentToPutThere,SupportFragmentManager ofYourChoice)
and many more :3
btw the interview went well.
But he was offering me less.
So I didn't accept the offer.
well done then.
Sure thanks :)
never code without coffee. if i ever had to repair the GameManager.createTiles(Bitmap source,int difficulty) i'd never knew where to start O_o
afaik, i'm cutting a bitmap into difficulty * sqrt(difficulty) pieces and putting them into an array that i later shuffle and return.
wich is both brilliant and scary as i didn't knew i knew how to cut bitmaps. or that bitmaps are cuttable. but the code is mine o_o
How would you decide which bitmap belongs to which part of the bitmap where it gets extracted ?
as i said, quite brilliant.
Hmm. Cool :D
i'm starting to grasp some parts of it XD
using the difficulty and the source width/height i get the corner coordinates of each possible cell
and " cut it" with a method that's already in the Bitmap class
it remembers me when i was in programming school three years ago, and had insomnia.
the sleep pills caused me some kind of drunkness, so most of the homework was done under the effects of "legal drugs" , and on the morning i couldn't remember what the hell i did.
I would never try sleeping pills.
brilliantly weird code, from my teacher's POV. i once sent a code where the variables were "intie ( an int), charman (a char), charVan (array of chars. a van for chars ¬¬') and terminator (a boolean to end the C program).
i needed them like blood
else i would not sleep
I meant, you should avoid it as much as you can. Look for other alternative like have some beer.
my record was 7 nights ( with intermitent but not continuous 30-min naps during the day) without sleep
i mean real sleep, rem phase where the brain really repairs itself and you feel relaxed afterwards ( regarding the naps).
for helping oneself to "fall" asleep, I'd recommend drinking mint and/or listening to some music with either no vocals or low-pitched vocals, no sharp punches in low frequency bands, and medium..low overall dynamic range. (probably something from ambient genre, but not only it) …while not doing anything else. it does work for me usually.
I always try this : youtube.com/watch?v=gRZ-25WNzTA when I can't sleep.
it was not natural insomnia, it was chemical, so natural or normal things didn't work. but i got cured and now i can fall asleep after some time
Within 15-20 minutes you'll fall asleep.
what i do to sleep now is read. i must tire my brain, after the first yawn i'm ready to sleep. :p
lol As I said you should always look for a better alternative except the pills.
by the way, this "song" usually provokes sleep, too (but it's strange): youtube.com/watch?v=c8qrwON1-zE
And it's good to read.
metallica. ^_^
> cliff isn't dead god just needed some bass lessons
on road travels i can only sleep with classic metal / heavy bands
also, almost any music where the bass guitar is the key role (some may say that it's the key role everywhere, but I hope it's clear what I mean :D )
You guys should try what I shared above. :)
relax music stresses me
ADHD does not go well with yoga music.
Ohh boy! It seems you think a lot.
let me finish "any way you want it" and i'll listen.
listening straight from bandcamp may be not a good idea, they usually make previews with bad compression quality
but it's possible to find elsewhere if you want
me likes finnish shamanistic music.
It was nice, Sarge. I liked it.
just got invited into a prize.
the winner gets 3 silver passes for the MWC 2016
(worth 2500€ each)
i never win in those things but it's fun to participate
o/ Lord belt
hello hello
i really like it sarge. sounds really cool.
Sarge has got good taste of music like @netpork .
creedence time, i'm translating app.
Alright time to have lunch.
enjoy it
chuck berry is a good sountrack for translating things to english.
in general I don't think that my music taste is good; it's "damaged" by some rather dreaded things (like black metal and punk rock) — used to listen that a lot
good taste.
really? what might be better than metal?
^ rick astley
…in metal
60s/70s rock?
sarge, if you like punk rock and metal, go for the "Dropkick Murphy's".
irish punk rock.
Dropkick Murphys is one of my fave bands
I had their sing loud sing proud
When I was in high school
GG Allin is my favorite if speaking about punk rock
one thing I don't like in metal, that some guys with long hairs look like girls. don't go to the gym, and so on
…but some are very muscular
GG Allin with throwin shit on the crowd, as a kid it really shocked the fuck out of me
yes, and they look ok
I was into punk rock/hardcore in high school and college
he is the king of punk rock
then don't look at hair metal veaceslav
aerosmith, kizz...
if a button tells you
"prices & times
what do you understand ?
"prices and times"
as in prices and timetable schedule? or as prices & sunny ? XD
or prices & that english news channel?
maybe a List<Tuple<Price, Time>>
when time is either just a time, or "complete" time (like, date and time)
fits for me
just wanted to shorten timetable schedules to something button-ready on a segmented control.
why not just write "timetable"
if times work, it's better to keep the control with only one row and short sentences
timetable is too long and creates a 2nd row :(
hmm api returns data.
also, sometimes an icon is worth a thousand words
damn, the musem is not expensive at all. 3'5€ the whole visit.
i don't pick the design, just try to accomodate it to the reality :(
I once made a visit to a museum for free :D
Maybe the staff thought that we looked like homeless and decided to give us a free ticket.
//"fragments are friends, not foes"-me
comment found on the framelayout container that serves as fragment holder :p
they are like a drunk friend which needs to be carried to home
wish sandwich
A kind of sandwich where you take two pieces of bread and WISH you had some meat.

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