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hey, jordy, do not be a stranger
pay the bill
@ZachP Welcome. Please read the room rules.
I need a team for KHE
what is KHE?
Kent Hack Enough
not the english kent, eh? XD
hmm bcn-miami miami - cleveland cleveland - kent 502€ + 21% tax. can't this year but with enough planning...
anyone watching?
the surface laptop!
Thank you, @Ahmad.
i'll watch now, surface stuff is always good
a laptop, weird
thanks ahmad
By the way, does anyone know if you may have direct access to the smartphone's GPU? Is it possible with both the Java API and the Native one?
surfacebook sounds terrible
macbook surfacebook
i want it
my friend wants it
my cat wants it
and a surface pen please
they just won me with the real time editing on premiere
yeah RED
that name is bad
hmm detachable is cool
it's also a tablet?!
that's really nice
that guy is so annoying tho
that guy is freaky. bad salesman
attitude of his presentation is wrong and does not work for me
See how smart is their marketing. They could've made it as a tablet with an external keyboard. They called it a laptop. Some people want a tablet, maybe add a keyboard but it is still 'mobile', which turned into some sort of a dirty word. But no, it's a laptop, that you can plug out. Everyone wants a laptop, and adding mobility to one is good.
The main problem I see is that it's Microsoft
It's math (Tablet - mobility) VS (Laptop + mobility).
Everyone love the '+' sign :D more and more
windows logo by apple :)
Raspberry pi to the hololens ? wow
satya tho
he's a great speaker
yeah. he is better
@ZachP true
smartwatch ordered, let's see what I can build for it :)
o/ Mauker
Got 2k rep <3
I'm happy
hey trevor
@codeMagic as you wish
congrats :)
anyone here already wrote apps for smartwatches?
Anyone has suggestions for house interior colors? I wanted to create a Material-themed house interior for my new house
I know, sounds like am so android-dified
I'm learning how to do that now
I can send you the tutorial I'm following
I did smart watches once
was hell
transferring data from and to the watch is just awful
you have to load everything on the phone, serialise it and send back to the watch
so tedious
and the API is just terrible
granted, it's almost exactly a year ago since I tried it
It's not that bad
I got it done pretty easily for Buzz
Took about 2 hours
Which is about 1:58 more than it took for Pebble
With pebble you just launch an intent and that's it
thanks :)
I ain't no raghav tho so that's why ;_;
I guess I'll start with some watch faces and then try to implement some ideas
@Mauker what?
ohai @codeMagic
Oh, forgot about that
i'm back again
so this makes this chat the terminator 3 movie.
hope i have not to be back or we'll be in that weird spin-off called salvation.
As far as I can tell, that lib sets the port number to 0. ugh...
I must be missing something
I want this thing
oh boy that looks so good
already shipping it, cool
meanwhilings, my city keeps being awesome
you got your independence yet?
not yet. currently forming coalition government
with other independentist forces
calendar set to 18 months.
posted on October 06, 2015 by Reto Meier

Google Translate is used by more than 500 million people every month, translating more than 100 billion words every single day. Beginning this week, Android mobile users who have the Translate app installed will be able to translate in 90 languages right within some of their favorite apps on any device running the newest version of Android’s operating system (Android 6.0, Marshmallow).

but we are really cool historically speaking. we have the physical fact that the iberian states of our region ( concretely , the ones that lived on my hometown, the ilergetae ) were different from the southern ones
celtic swords and equipment on the V century BC
fresh seafish 120km away from the sea on the IV century BC :3
that's kinda cool because the current vision of iberian people was pretty homogenic
and recent findings show a lot of variances between the ilergetae and their neighbours, and even more differences as you go further north-or south-west
(i'm a history geek)
haha nice
heyo Lazai
this is a current representation of a ilergetae warlord
2 hours later…
ha, just found a funny crash we have
that's more of an extreme edge case with timezones
we show a user prompt every so often asking the user to rate our app, so we calculate the time to prompt them by adding X to the current time
but that doesn't properly handle daylight savings time
since there's an hour that doesn't exist anymore
so if current time + X falls within the hour that doesn't exist anymore, it crashes
you shouldn't have that problem with epoch time
yea, we probably shouldn't care about timezone stuff to begin with, don't know why my coworker added that
what's the best way to visualize a tree when debugging? It can be image, ASCII art, html, anything, I just need it to appear clear for very large trees (and vertical, so I have the root on top and can scroll for deeper levels)
"No executable code found at line X" in the middle of debugging session
Come on IDEA, I thought you were the best, what the fuck?
how does it compare to Google Keep?
It's better
fair answer
Thanks Tristan
Supporting the little guy
"what are you strengths?" -- "yes"
All of the strengths
@trevor-e wow, how did you even figure that one out?
clocks aren't changing for another two weeks no?
come on
let's build an even more useless app, call it thursday
someone actually spent time building this
like at least a few weeks
we've reached peak silicon valley
you have to put something on top
like "Thursday Afternoon"
lemme create that real quick
Tell me once you're finished
And I'll create Thursday Afternoon after meal
@Ahmad was pretty easy to good the exception :P
and our logs told us it happened for america/asuncion, which changed over October 4th :)
ohh okay!
oh right, clocks don't change on the same day for all time zones
time zones are so weird
Ahmad did you get my ping this morning? I left shortly after so I might have missed your response
uh? wait
ohh, no, I didn't apply :| totally forgot to
Did you get accepted to HackingEDU?
had so much to do the last few days :(
I got in :)
congrats :)
But not sure if I can go. Waiting on them about reimbursement, and also from a scholarship my university is offering to three students but I know several who got in lol
by good I meant Google lol
Adam, which one?
No, HackingEDU in Cali
Woo vacation for me because I need to stop being a workaholic because it's making me a grumpy asshole.
I did get accepted to UMass, but I'm not going to go.
I hate motivational pictures.
@Eenvincible What if someone waters it more? Or has more fertile soil?
Weird corporate culture should never escape weird corporate environments.
Motivational pictures escaped.
Like, I don't go around adding the word "balls" to people's names even though that happens to everyone at my office
Microsoft Surface Book announced today
That is a neat hinge
wtf am I looking at here?
thats the hinge on a laptop?
looks like it doesn't close flat (screen on keyboard)?
it does
it's a laptop/tablet hybrid
I wanna get it then install Ubuntu on it
would do the same
hm, there's a small gap near the hinge when it's closed, isn't there?
starting price
meanwhile the new iPhone is exactly the same except it weighs .1 lbs less $999. Get yours today
For improved performance, fill the giant crease in ur Surface Book with rich, creamy nougat http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/6/9456137/microsoft-surface-book-laptop-hands-on http://t.co/qHfJUKkhdI
I hope you're right
I like this
@McAdam331 what!!! I'm a UMass alumni :P
You wanna reimburse my flight? ;P
I'd rather put forth efforts to going to HackingEDU, though.
trevor did you end up going to HackMIT?
nah, we sent some MIT alumni from my work there instead
man, I wish hackathons were a thing when I was in school
ah, damn
they took off my senior year
did you at least get the chance to go to any hackathon your senior year?
no, they were just gaining traction so I didn't see the benefit, especially since I already had a job lined up
now they are more accessible to everyone
ah too bad
me too, Trevor
would've been really nice
yeah, it feels like at every hackathon I go to at least 40% of the people are at a hackathon for the first time
at least got some programming contests with sometimes some related events
I'm dreading the day when I can't just go to hackathons. It's kind of why I want to just say 'fuck it' and go to HackingEDU regardless of how much I'm reimbursed
Q: The Power of Teams: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

HynesThis past spring, the product team held a multi-week brainstorming session where we thought about how we could build on Stack Overflow's current success of improving the lives of developers. What other valuable information does the programming community need, but is trapped elsewhere online and o...

last week a year ago was the first time I went to a collegiate hackathon
it was the best hackathon I went to because it was so small
only 200 people
they are going into the second round next week
this is gonna be so much fun
btw @McAdam, sparta hacks was your first hackathon right?
I cannot wait for SH2 omfg I'm so pumped.
Mar 28 at 1:05, by McAdam331
Checking in from a hackathon. Thanks to @Ahmad for convincing me to do this!
you owe it all to me! \O/
lol jk jk
<Ahmad> Now pay me.
Ever played Godhand?
what's it about?
It's a bizarre beat-em-up for the PS2
Where you can get different move sets and whatnot
godhand is the best game ever
One of the move sets has Pimp Hand, Pimp Smack, Pay Up, and Really Pay Up as attacks
cM, interesting
I see where that's going ^^
The game's really tongue-in-cheek
If the video JMR linked wasn't indication enough
@Ahmad You're right, I do!
Team Room-15 4 LYFE
If you want to join that team, just pay me $15 and you're in
This is the first time I've been glad our room number is under 20.
That's just perverted.
your response returned nil, nil
What is so fucking hard about writing a personal statement.
what's so fucking hard about writing a thesis?
I don't write personal statements.
I just write statements and they're fact and if you disagree you're wrong.
Also, reminds me, I wrote a resume generator but never updated my resume
github.com/nilium/resify <-- All the code needed to generate my resume in Go. (doc: godoc.org/github.com/nilium/resify)
Template aside.
Is Carl still on vacation? Haven't seen him recently.
maybe, trover closed shop
At least I think that's what he said
good night
the newsletter is working
got the <del>spam</del> notification from your blog
lol you and cM keep calling it spam. :(
cM, you bastard!
yup, carl is transitioning right now
Once you hit 2k rep you lose the "ability" to get rep from editing?
unless you're ahmad
that guy can get rep from anythinh
Ahmad I'll give you a free updoot if you help me write a personal statement for my SO careers page lol
say I'm adam, I do android apps, hire me.
not 200 characters :(
I've pretty much said all of that except hire me.
Think I can squeeze 'hire me' into a 100 character bs paragraph?
Hello, I'm Adam, can I haz job?
Guess he can't
where's everybody?
I'm here
sort of
Lol Microsoft just
Killed it
kiilled what?
The market
I love it when people can actually talk in real sentences with context and information and shit
what market
Regarding that new laptop
I am out of the loop then I guess. Didn't know they had a new laptop
@WarrenFaith You're not giving us any context here :p
the one with those funky hinges that someone posted earlier?
user image
it's a really nice laptop/tablet
@WarrenFaith That sentence killed it.
I just want a decent alternative to the 15" macbook pro
it looks like the surface book has a really similar trackpad, which would be good
that's probably the macbook killer right now
and also $300 cheaper
now, you just need linux drivers for it
The $1500 version isn't that great though
to get a 512gb hard drive and 16gb of ram it's $2700
"What's your biggest achievement to date?"
lol what should I answer here
being born? I mean, them odds
what would you guys write?
whatever thing you made that you are most proud of
is what I would put for myself probably
I need to make something that I can be proud of
what about your work with kiwix?
meh, my code at kiwix sucks
but I guess the impact is big?
yeah I think that's more important
I am not proud of much of my code. But I am proud of several of the end results.
well, I'll put this off until tomorrow
for me personally though I get way more value out of ugly ass code that functions correctly than spending the time to make the code beautiful
I make lots of proof of concepts that never end up going anywhere.
see u tomorrow guys
see ya
love this
that reminds me of my domain
I haven't done anything with it though
why does it not surprise me that someone used php to build this joke repo?
because you know, php, itself, is the joke.
actually I stole that from this comment
on this
1 hour later…
Made me laugh so bad xD
hahah yeah
oh man what is it with random people sending me a linked in request
why would I accept a random request from some random dude
networking brah
I deleted my linkedin a long time ago
engineers really don't need it
I seriously don't need it. I just used it to connect to this square recruiter.
lol you can be sure that if I ever say the word networking it is tongue-in-cheek
what really cool is tho, is that I got linkedin.com/<first-name>
I'm trying to take over twitter.com/<first-name>
some idiot is squatting it
he's not even using it
maybe I can convince him to hand it over to me
<first-name>.com still costs $2800, I'll maybe buy it some day if I have them monies
wouldn't .me be better?
I'm redoing my resume into a webpage
I don't think I'll ever get david.com
I already have the .me, but still
I don't even know why I'm doing it
it's not like I need to build a "personal brand"
I got <myfullname>.com
ohgod kill me for saying that ew
and it redirects to my site. But I don't give it out to people
everyone would assume its a porn site =x
@RaghavSood nil has one of those. his is really nice.
LOL foamy
I have davebren.me and .com, my full last name is too long and hard for people to spell
unless you're german

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