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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

A Snackbar
I haven't noticed anything broken yet, Ahmad.
Just my soul.
So say I have a layout and want to create multiple objects with this layout. How?
I make my own toast with rounded corners and custom colors. What's am I gaining?
Stop being stubborn.
What do you mean?
I'm not. I'm just being a realist
Tristan I have no idea wtf you're asking. What do you mean create multiple objects with a layout?
I'm not going to use something Google made that I've already made just because they decided to make it a couple years later
add a bunch of setContentView(R.layout.my_layout);s
But I was being serious. If snackbar gives me something I don't already have available, I'd like to know.
But, looking at the docs, I just don't see what that is
Snackbar can include buttons. Not sure if Toasts could accept actions like that?
Probably but not sure. It has a setView() method
But, if I was going to include buttons then I probably wouldn't want something that was going to go away soon. I'd probably use a dialog
Or maybe I completely misunderstand the concept
I'm old. You have to talk slow
Not Carl old...but I'm old
Well one example is like when you delete messages or swipe away cards. Google usually shows a snackbar with an 'undo' button.
You can keep the Snackbar there for a while
Well you can change a Toast's duration too.
Honestly, I don't think they're much different, the SnackBar was just something introduced with Material Design.
I understand your example with the "undo" option but yeah there's tons of ways to do that
And it still doesn't solve my current issue. Which isn't a big deal but will be easier to just build a quick custom Toast or something similar
So there is new beach ball icon in el capitan.
And cursor might get horny if you do not use it
Cursor changin its size
I haven't noticed
Shake it
ohhhh. I have to have a pre made View for SnackBar...that's convenient cough
@TDOTL write access to this room requires a min 100 rep
speaking of...
Q: Android: I want to shake it

SaraI need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android application. All I find of documentation involves implementing the SensorListener, but Eclipse tells me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this shake controller?

So, I have to do a mandatory internship some time during my bachelors degree
and it says in the info material that internships that I might have done prior to starting university are valid
so I can basically skip this
> unless it was with Microsoft
MS <3
But really, congratulations! That's nice!
thanks :D
Did I already mention I'll be starting part time at MS on the 12th? So excited to go back :D
woa, my internship was 11 weeks
I thought it was 9
just calculated to make sure
(because it has to be at least 9 weeks)
felt like a lot less!
So they'll let you work remotely? Still on wunderlist?
not remote :)
I'm studying in Berlin
and live like only 10 minutes from the office
and yep still on WL!
Oh, I thought you were studying in a city differently from where they are
Even better!
Good morning, Law!
sublime is pretty cool.
congrats ahmad, thats awesome
How about Github's atom?
I love Sublime aswell
thanks foamy! :)
I have an idea and I want to create a really basic custom View... Basically I have an XML with three TextViews and I just want a custom view but I have no idea how..
Can anyone point me where to start?
SO you want to use a custom view with those three TextViews inside it?
Not sure, subclass a ViewGroup?
I've been looking at the docs
I would start with what law said
so pick a ViewGroup like RelativeLayout or whatever is easiest to layout how you want them arranged
Confusing code is confusing, I'm way to tired for this shit
didn't even notice that
Ahmad is evil
tha most evil
Man Swift is getting weirder
is there a way I can restore files that git pull deleted?
If everyone had a gun, we wouldn't have to worry about gun violence. This is why war zones are noted for their safety.
@foamy were they commited?
added but not commited =(
oh :/ I don't think so then
Q: In Git, how can I recover a staged file that was reverted prior to committing.

DavidI was attempting to pull a change into my git repo using Git Tower. When I did so, there was a conflict and I mistakenly hit stage all (as I wanted to commit after resolving the conflict). When i did so, the conflict marked itself as resolved. I wanted to manually resolve the change so I hit "Abo...

here ya go
(pinging just to make sure @foamy)
I'm off, night!
trying it out now
pretty sure I found them
only thing lost is filenames
2 hours later…
Yo Shinobis
3 hours later…
@jyoon how did you do the blur thing
Morning, I just woke up
morning cat
netport, are you living in the sunny place?
No, I live in a flat. But I can go to a balcony too which is sunny sometimes.
@cygery wow :)
@Reno image editing software (pixelmator in my case)
do you use ui/application monkey exerciser?
sup androideers!
Does anyone know how I determine what minimum width I need for my layout?
you can't change the account owner of a google play publisher account
have to transfer the entire thing
I don't need to go like margin+padding+element width+padding+margin+margin2+padding2+element2+ ...
I don't know how those work but can't you just transfer the project to another account instead of transferring the owner of that account?
@miva2 use styles to your advantage
with them, attribute repetition usually can be (almost) eliminated
minimum width?
@miva2 yeah you have to transfer everything in one account to another, just to change the email
which is super annoying ecause you have ot change all your API keys and GCm stuff to match
so it's quite a big task
@FoamyGuy is this you
When you need to adb across 92 different android devices all at the same time.
oh iq that how it works? =p
Thanks Sarge, but I just got an email it's not necessary and need to change back to my old layouts =p
@McAdam331 Cool review of Een's app and thanks for the tip of Keyline Pushing!
finally installed windows 10 successfully
why would you
Did you know that Windows 10 Solitaire requires a subscription to remove ads?
windows 10 spies on user more than previous versions
also, there are no improvements for the main windows use case: games
for anything other than games, a normal OS is still better :P
@SargeBorsch I thought that was the only thing w10 was better at
fuck windows 10 just got in an infinite boot loop
hahaha, w10 got rekt
Actually that's not funny, i'm sorry (
yes it's for gaming and visual studio
Shame on you miva
I looked forward to windows 10, it looked good from the previews I saw. But now I only hear crap about it :(
miva knows no shame
btw does anyone know if I need to do something to make our app compatible on android 6?
dunno, sorry
You should know, shame on you!
Mauker knows all shame
rage quit
no don't quit, I'm sorry :(
You're forgiven <3
I must have canadian blood or something, I apologize a lot
So do I
Thank you! <3
And damn, things are bad around here this year: nature.com/news/…
No problem miva <3
oh wow, I didn't know that. I thought brazil was still booming like china
Not this year...
Maybe I should come there and boost the economy with my presence
I'd be honored
@miva2 is it too cold in Canada?
I think I'll do fine in Canada. Never been there though.
I think it's too hot in belgium
Yeah, and that's why they apologize a lot. It's already too cold for cold people.
My cold resistance did get a lot lower since the past 2 years or so. Maybe I'm getting old :(
How old are you miva?
My ID says I'm born in 1991
Don't trust the government
I didn't put it on there
I think i'm closer to 2000 or something
in age I mean, not birthdate
we're about the same age
True age or government age?
Government age
My true age is still unknown
Are you also blessed by the gods?
I am
I must be blessed by the god of sleep
That should explain why am I so sleepy all the time
I can also make people sleepy
Like that guy from that cool chinese kung fu film I watched some time? (you obviously know what I'm talking about right?)
That is a very interesting abiity
Of course I do know
hmm shit, I just noticed I don't do very much until someone says "hey we have a problem!"
why people hate java so much?
because java is smelly
Hmm, I should be able to generate some stress so that I actually realize these things need to be done ;__;
I guess that's also happening to me these days at work.
@Teo access to this room requires a min 100 rep
@Teo and for you to pay us a pizza
cM, can we keep him if he brings pizza, please?
Only if he keeps bringing us pizza until he reaches 100 rep
I'm OK with that
Problem is, cM only talks if he's summoned
That's why he is magic
Like the dungeon master?
my iPhone is alive <3
Weird... people here are comlaining about the bad smell and I don't smell anything...
cm is actually a dm?
and why do you even have an iphone?
I have an iPhone and two androids
I'm crazy
real crazy
sell all of them and buy a windows phone
@Teo access request denied. This room requires a minimum of 100 reputation on Stack Overflow for write access as stated in our room rules right over there --> room-15.github.io
cm, why do not you give people just read only access ?
I do if they request too many times without fixing what is keeping them from getting write access
I'm not going to put someone on the read only list just for 2 requests
Don't they automatically have read access?
does android studio 1.4 not have gradle 1.4?
But if they are put on the read only list then they can't request anymore
I don't think the gradle versions work like that
it doesn't but the new features in 1.4 require gradle 1.4
but AS is throwing errors when i try and change to that
ah it's 1.4.0-beta3
I haven't updated it yet to know.
vector assets babyy
Also, the theme editor might be nice
oh yeah
my styles.xml is a mess, should help clear things up
I think I'll wait to update and play around at home this weekend first
Mine too, Red!
I just updated
I updated at home the other day but hadn't really looked what it added
yeah our styles is also a mess
So a star for red
Full of things from the old version that should be thrown out haha
Our servers have been down for almost 5 hours :/
Apparently, SO chat is located on our servers
Haha, tech people at my school updated Android Studio
Anybody have any experience with java mongo-db?
Tristan, I thought you were complaining before that you didn't have AS there?
Not me hugs
I got them to install it a bit ago :)
I just want them to give me admin access haha
Ah, cool
It's a pain to get them to do anything
That's most IT departments :/
Yeah, sadly
you would think they would give developers admin access
hate companies like that
It's not a company, it's a school lol
The compile time error: "The method notifyDataSetChanged() is undefined for the type ListAdapter" ... means that you don't know java(nor any object oriented programming language) ... — Selvin 2 mins ago
Damn, that was a bit harsh
Damn son
I have a problem, my TextView in my CardView isn't scrolling
a bit?
damn O.o
do you need AS for school?
@Hughzi I worked on a java application that used a little bit of mongoDB
NSFW audio :P
do you know how to get error messages back from mongoOps.save by any chance?
Been playing with React recently. Pretty cool stuff
Hey Ahmad!
Anyone able to help me?
that fb stuff, glitch?
yep, the js library
My TextView doesn't scroll inside a CardView
Sorry Hughzi, I don't even know what a mongoOps.save is .__.
I should try mongo again
np:) ty for replying
I don't know much about material design but having cardviews with scrollable content kind of seems to defeat it's purpose, doesn't it?
I have text that will range in size and if it get's too big I want to be able to scroll it...
Unless I could...
make the card bigger?
Is it in a RecyclerView or ListView?
I might just make it overflow like "Blah blah bloooo..."
I'm still with miva on the design but I don't know what you're doing so maybe
Can you not specify multiLine?
do you want the user to scroll it or it scrolls automatically?
That's probably your problem. It probably doesn't have focus to scroll
Alright, I'll just do what I said
Not the scrolling xD
I have a genius idea...
Throw an error to the user saying it's screen is too small
Quit IT and go sell your art on the streets
have a "more" button or something to show the full text in a dialog, popupwindow, or something like that
isn't there some fancy library that automatically scrolls the text?
yeah, like jquery
I'm just going to use android:ellipsize="end" after two lines
That's also an option I guess
@FaisalAshraf denied for low A:Q ratio and using chat for support only
Miva2 if your interested from your mongo shell assuming your using the collection the error can occur. db.getLastError() if == null all ok so you know.
My "boss" gets pissy any time I want to do that. He'd rather me do a bunch of bullshit work to accommodate all the text in the world
@FoamyGuy you slacker!
@Selvin while it may or may not be true, comments like that are why people go to meta bitching about how rude SO is to new users. If you aren't going to add at least something constructive, move on — codeMagic 17 secs ago
Longest book title
Because I needed to know this for my app
got a speeding warning this morning :(
just a warning?
At least it wasn't a ticket. Those things aren't cheap anymore
How much over were you?
40 in a 25
yea just a warning thankfully
Damn, I'm surprised you didn't get a ticket
what is the offset limit for the ticket?
java.io.FileNotFoundException: f u...go find the damn thing because it's there
offset limit?
well, it's a "25"
I was pulled over just after the sign where the speed drops down
here we get negative points
and tickets of course
so really I was going 40 in a 35
Oh, that's probably why then. Because typically they are less lenient in lower zones like that because they're usually school or residential
and then hit a speed trap
what kind of weird police is that trevor. Here they'd let you speed up so they can give you a bigger fine or something
if you accumulate MAX_NUMBER of negative points, you lose your driving license
cool, where's that netpork?
leaving now
see ya guys
Did you just come back to tell us you are leaving?
Bye Mauker! We'll miss you!
See ya, Mauker
netpork, same here. It's a state thing so it differs depending on where you live
That neg point system is pretty cool though :)
I don't think we have that but I might be wrong...
grr, looking at the Google Maps of the road is making me angry
You definitely get it retracted if you speed way too much though
since it's an obvious speed trap
How's it a speed trap?
@netpork are you Slovenian?
@FaisalAshraf still no. Show more helpfulness in the community before requesting again
it's a 4 lane road with an additional lane for parking on the side, which makes it hard to see the sign since it's so far to the right, especially with traffic
and he pulled me over right after the sign
and there's a stop light just up the road, so anyone speeding has to slow down regardless
just seems like an easy money grab for them that doesn't actually make the area any more safe
4 lane road with a 25mph limit? That seems odd.
@FaisalAshraf Welcome!!! (To the ban list) Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
it's because it merges with another road after the light I suppose, but that's Boston for you
if you want to experience it like you were there :P
@jyoon no, I am actually Serbian. I live in Slovenia for 8 years already.
Makes sense, I guess
I had to stop myself. Started taking a little virtual tour through Boston :P
Trevor, I think those 2 lanes on the left are for the other direction. You're not supposed to drive there :p
btw, when you get near to MAX_NUMBER of negative points, "school for safe driving" is mandatory. And you have to pay for it.
driving school is so expensive! :(
I had to do that last year in order to get my driving license.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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