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What's up
That is the question
Hi guys, what's good in the hood?
looks awesome
kinda like breaking bad
That series is good, my friend is currently addicted to it.
o/ good morning
@LawGimenez got my updated resume?
Thanks James
Narcos is really really good
yeah im loving that show
and this new show on netflix, about animals going crazy and attacking everybody
for a corny plot, it's actuall y pretty decent
What's it called?
why are netflix originals just so good?
@jyoon I now have a oneplus 2, and my old phone got reclaimed by my family as a home phone
Hey anyone use GitLab?
@anub how's the OP2?
@Ahmad faith in humanity lost
Really great
if that made you lose faith in humanity then better not visit /r/tumblrInAction
oh boy
who? where?
1 hour later…
@Ahmad lol, seriously? it is offensive?
Yo Shinobis
yo all
we WON!
72 of 135 seats
Congrats! Cpt
& for the frenchies
& for the germans
i am a happy catalan
now, 8 to 18 months away from secession.
1 hour later…
I'm back ! o/
\o OcuS
@Penguin Access denied. The minimum reputation required for access is 100 points on StackOverflow as stated by our rules.
the chat is quite quiet.
hey Eric! isnt that just short of 50% what does that mean for independence?
we can't count votes , only seats, and that means over 55% of the parlamentary seats in control of the yes parties
great news for you xD
(we can't count votes because there are two parties that can't be put on the YES or the NO , the socialist party that wants a federal state, and the CsQP (catalonia yes we can), that want an official referendum )
also, in a normal election the null votes and the blank votes are taken in account. if we remove them and those parties are set as as "don't know", then it's a 51% yes, 41% no, ~8% don't know.
so yup, great news.
I do not think that secession is going to happen, ever.
Perhaps you will get some wider autonomy. that's it.
on december it's national elections again. if the same win again ( right - wing conservaties ), there'll be a UDI (unilateral declaration of independence).
because they are a wall made of concrete, diplomatically speaking.
they have blocked every law that has come out of our parliament since 2006.
well, unfortunately, I am experienced with that. You know, I lived in ex-Yugoslavia.
Thing is, if that happens with Catalonia, it will cause the chain reaction.
What will happen with Ireland?
afaik, ireland's been independent since 1918... if you say NI, i don't know. and scotland's gonna have a new referendum soon.
yes, Northern Ireland.
And, I do not think that EU and Germany will allow creation of any "new" countries.
It is just my opinion, does not mean I am against it.
well, we're one the main economical powers (trade, manufacturing and tourism) of the EU, that would be against their interests.
they are free to shoot at their feet,ofcourse, we'll be fine in the EFTA in the meanwhile.
I do not think that any new borders will bring happiness and joy to anyone.
to us, that will be free to legislate without any impediment apart from international and EU rights.
the rest will have to deal with the fact that we're not gonna slowly die of underfunding and cultural opression.
(not saying that you are against, just pointing out our arguments for secession).
Ok, but after the secession? Catalonia is going to be a part of the EU?
What about Schengen?
we'll see what happens, if we're de facto members because we were inside as region, then we'll just sign the treaties, if they tell us to reapply, we'll negotiate schengen and ECB treaties like all the other appliants and wait for the approval. or apply on the EFTA, with switzerland, norway, iceland and liechenstein and have schengen and ECB by inheritance of the EU and the EFTA.
there isn't any precedent yet so there is neither jurisprudence or european laws that could apply to our case.
Let's take a look with the Yugoslavia example; almost all the ex-Yugoslavia republics wanted independence. War happened, a lot of people died. Now, twenty years later, all ex-Yugoslavia republics want to join the EU. That means, no borders. Slovenia and Croatia are already in the EU. I do not think that was a smart move from any side.
that's a different case , you cannot compare an ex-sovietic republic with religious and ideological turmoil with a 21st century pacific independence movement.
we don't want borders, we want sovereignity.
Yugoslavia was not under Soviets, ever.
sorry, confusion with txecoslovakia
the turmoil part is still true afaik. i wasn't born at that time so i0m sorry for the confusion.
What are you getting with sovereignty?
All the money you made stays there?
all the laws that are democratically approved stay there.
I assume the central government will fight against these plans?
all the taxes are efficiently managed.
language and culture ( not spanish, our own) will be protected.
they are already doing cygery. but they haven't moved a feet to prevent this ( independence being the majoritary political force ) in 10 years, blocking laws, udnerfund the region, and making policies that affect our language and culture, because they gain votes as long as they can press an anti-catalan feeling on the population.
Well, EU is just a farce. Migrant crisis also proves that.
to be fair there is underfundign all over the EU
the EU is a farce - the only real good is free tarde
we don't care to be a net payer country into the EU , as long as we manage our taxes.
free econmic migration just causes localized econmic power regions (Ger, Fr, Uk) at the expense of countries like Rom, Slovenia etc
currently we have a yearly -16.000 millions balance only on taxes
and a -7% (0% being the medium) of our GDP infraestructural funding.
but back to android
i'm having problems getting an image from the camera
and SO answers don't seem to provide an efficient response
how do i get the image ( and not the thumbnail) on the OnActivityResult without gettint out of memory errors?
@CptEric Can you be little-bit pressie
i made a copy-paste of google's code and the bitmap is null.
at this point : Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(mCurrentPhotoPath, bmOptions);
som i'm slowly staring at google's code thinking on what might be wrong.
CptEric: tried to play with the sample size ? developer.android.com/training/displaying-bitmaps/…
found out what happened.
"Since we are using Uri.fromFile we dont need to append "file:" in mCurrentPhotoPath. This causes BitmapFactory.decodeFile(mCurrentPhotoPath, bmOptions) to return null in setPic() method. "
documentation bug.
thanks both dhamns and OcuS, though.
Hey Eric, now I am thinking about football, in which league is Barcelona going to play after the recession? :)
their own league
catalan league, madrid and barca can win the league every year haha
i don't really care XD. not into football at all. but for sure the spanish LFP will not like to loose all the branding and merchandising. if they do though, there will always be the french league, like the monaco does.
barca said if catalonia splits from spain, they will split from the league too, or something like that
android apk uploading. free at last! XD
now only maintenance and fixing small thingies.
Good work Eric!
Which app?
i need to get a build out as well, half day at work for me, good timesss
our current business project. presentation is this week.
in resume, app for a big business that wants to track employees expenses on official travels.
eat at a McDonalds before the meeting, make a photo of the ticket, set the price, upload the expense, etc... :P
does that works for BurgerKing as well? j/k :)
cM \o/ <3
<3 Ocus! <3
@Vaibs_Cool Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
am i in or not?
Depends. Did you read the rules?
I hope so because Ahmad is watching us
I'm watching too and ready to fire!
can i ask a query ?
No because you haven't answered my query
I don't think that answers our question.
And now you've got Ocus involved so we're all in trouble
I hve read
SELECT username FROM users WHERE readRules=1;
i have more than 100 points
are you sure? do you have a receipt for them?
thats terrible, I should be ignored until I have more caffine
@codeMagic I know it's already easy enough, but maybe we could bold rule #6. That way, if people still don't see it, we can just stop being lenient because what more can we do?
I don't know, Foamy, I actually covered my mouth because I about laughed really loud and my door is open
I vote for an immediate ban.
And the votes are now closed.
I have read and understood the rules
Not a bad idea, Mac
Lol, Ocus
100% in favor of the ban
I say we give him a chance
another chance that is
at least let him get his question out
there is a chance (albeit slim) that is some profound shit
I'm not a room owner, but I'm feeling generous, so I will listen to your question Vaibs.
What's going on?
let me know if i am banned
you're not, but you should really ask your question soon if you want to be able to
I say, everytime someone complies to #6 after we pointed it to them, it always end bad... let's give them yet another chance just to prove me wrong
my question or scenario is
Page1-- ListView contains list of items
onItemClickListener event i send the arrayadapter which was used to bind the listview to Page2
In Page2 i am using viewPager and Making fragment and binding the same arrayadapter of page1 to this so that swiping between the items takes place
I don't think you're banned yet. We're happy to answer questions, but we also hope you'll like us and stick around to chat too instead of asking questions all the time. :)
it's binding to the same data? or it is literally binding with the same adapter?
@McAdam331 definately i would like to chat but for now i am stuck in this problem
Okay. I've seen that before. Page 1 is just a list of each items vertically, and page 2 shows a detailed fragment that you can swipe left and right and it's in the same order as the original list?
You can call it anyways .. Just to keep in sync the items clicked on the page1 is opened in page2 with detailed info
@Vaibs_Cool you have a deadline?
@McAdam331 Exactly ..
what is the problem you are having?
I'm guessing, and forgive me for jumping ahead, but is the question "how can I make the ViewPager start at the position of the item clicked in the list?" because I've seen that before let me see if I can find resources, if that's it.
@Vaibs_Cool Life itself is a deadline as well
@FoamyGuy my problem is how can i show detail info .. I mean which is efficient UI
i wil upload something which i have designed
You'll need to make a PagerAdapter that binds your dataset to a ViewPager
then pass an index or some other identifying info to the 2nd activity and tell the ViewPager to goto the desired page.
So is this question actually related to the Master/Detail flow, or is it just about the UI for the detail page?
this is my page1
My Page2
I'm sorry but I am missing the question. :/
Ideally it should look something like this
1) Is this the right approach?
2) I am free to change this layout
if any other layout is pretty and efficient
I am using ViewPager in Page2 alongwith Fragments .. And i am really confused what to do ?
All of those questions are subjective, and just depend on what it is you're trying to do. I've seen apps use this approach before, so it's not a crazy idea.
need to make PagerAdapter
and have it inflate pages from the same data that the ListView uses
i have done that but problem is how to get the details of that item from server
of that item
that is an entirely different problem
i am able to swipe around the items from the data which i have got from the listview of the Page1.
does the data for the listview come from a server?
or the ViewPager contains extra data that is not shown in the list view and that data comes from the server?
Yeah in Page1 It comes from server
using Async Task
same data is passed to page2 .
it's super unclear what the actualy root of your problem is
I made this video tutorial a while ago that covers ViewPager and AsyncTask and how to use them together to populate pages with data from the internet. youtube.com/watch?v=JqFkkXMwWDg maybe it can be of use to you.
ok sorry but it might be my wrong way of explaination
I gotta go do other things now though. Wish you best of luck.
@McAdam331 can you give some examples or resources to achieve this whole .. Obviously i cant get same but similar or close enough
If you have the data in page 1, can you just create an object that you pass to page 2, and populate the fields from that object?
I have partial data like showing excerpt on page 1 and on page 2 i want to show full data
for eg page 1 just shows
name , class , school
page 2 will also show name,class,school but also taking that student's primary id i will get the exam marks (detail info of that student)
Well typically the best way to do this is all in one query, to avoid bottle necking the server right? So what I would do (and someone can speak up if I'm wrong) is query for everything when you do page 1, even though you're only displaying partial data. So you'll have an Array or List of your objects (in my example we'll call them Startup). You'll display the Startup array in page 1, and when you pass that array into page 2 you'll build a fragment for each startup
This is probably done best using a NewInstance() method.
@McAdam331 will the approach of all data in one page make the app slow or laggy.
and what abt internet data? unneccessary forcing the user to download all the list
That's hard to predict, because it depends on the efficiency of your query and the amount of data you're pulling, but I'd suggest trying it first. If it becomes too slow, it can be optimized later.
You said page2 will also show name, class, school. I'm assuming those a strings? If you're just pulling a few extra strings per item, I don't expect you'll lag too far behind anything you already have.
@McAdam331 ok i will try this and let know .. but is my complex?
What do you mean?
is my approach of getting detail data in fragment is very complex or not feasible?
Being complex is, unfortunately, part of being a developer.
This is definitely feasible, though. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
@codeMagic you can also share your ideas
I gotta run for a few minutes, need to wrap something up at work.
I'll be back.

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