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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Looks good! =)
You should also apply the "primaryDark" on the top bar
Ah okay!
Or did you apply it already? It is gray in here
I didn't!
Other than that? Anything?
It's fine, when I tap on FAB, it's blue right?
This on Play Store already?
Not yet!
How come?
How come what? Haha Just wanna share it that's all
Ah okay
Should I push the update?
@FoamyGuy Thanks...sounds good! And thanks for the relevant cartoon. May use it
Or something similar
I have a job so I'm thinking there's nothing wrong with being pretty silly and trying to get their attention. It's not like I'm completely sold on this place but sounds like it could be a good place
Should I put my Facebook page on my website?
Yeh after you do the primary Dark thing, to make it even more cool
Right code?
Just finishing up some stuff on my site.
I'm going to be a bloodsucker for a minute
2 hours ago, by codeMagic
What is stopService(Intent) supposed to call, exactly?
I call a Service from an Activity. That service creates a Handler to processes messages from a Thread which creates a Bluetooth Socket. I want to be able to stop that service and the thread
stopService(Intent) seems to do nothing
where are you calling stopService() from?
the activity?
Joke Time
A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's
and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter
and said, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife
What type of bra?" asked the clerk
"Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one
Look around," said the saleslady, as she showed a
sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material
imaginable. Actually, even with all of this variety, there
are really only four types of bras to choose from
Relieved, the man asked about the types to which the
saleslady replied: "There are the Catholic, the
@FoamyGuy yes
if you put logs in onDestroy a-la this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/5555765/stop-service-in-android does it ever print the logs after you call stopService() ?
A: Stopping a thread inside a service

user948620You can't stop a thread that has a running unstoppable loop like this while(true) { } To stop that thread, declare a boolean variable and use it in while-loop condition. public class MyService extends Service { ... private Thread mythread; private boolean running; ...

that looks like one way to handle it
Just finished my website!
@FoamyGuy a-la-nope!
But that question seems to want to stop it from within the service. I want to click a button in the activity and cancel the service ant its threads
I seriously love Firebase.
@TristanWiley link?
Link man, so I can spam you and shit
Legit just made it tonight, like within the past hour or so... Some grammar errors, but I'll fix those.
Nice =)
Generating Signed Apk for my app update :)
That moment when you realize you're Snapchat friends with @McAdam331
BOOM - Pushed - Viewer for XKCD Version 2.0
Hmm copping it
2.0 didn't yet arrived in this part of the world
I just pushed it so it will be an hour or two.
Today's as good a day to remind us as any other: Like the things you like, and give zero shits to those who tell you you're wrong about it.
cM: hmm, when you call stopService() are you using the original Intent? or creating a new one?
@Cjames whathu doin here? There's no work today right?
Cursor.getCount is not handling a 200k row database very well :(
I can solve it by splitting the data up into a bunch of tables, but I'm trying to figure out something more elegant.
I have read and understood the rules
welcome david
o/ Hi guys, @LawGimenez yes , but we have deadlines to catch
I'm working home right now
Same here, I kinda prefer working home
If you use an animation in XML, What is the duration value? I thought milliseconds, but when I do a 1000 duration it's too fast.
Hey friends has anyone dealt with forcing a NFC scan to take place as soon as the application loads? All I've ever found was, you make your NFC tag scan but than after that, the application loads and you have to than remove the NFC Tag and than replace to refire an action.
Btu 10,00 seems to do okay.
So you want your app to do something different if opened by the user, than if opened by NFC?
Well what happens is I have a AAR type NFC that opens that app. The problem is I can't seem to force the NFC Scanner to run when the application opens.
Hmm. I don't have that much NFC experience. Can't you just start the NFC scanner in main activity?
No it only listens to intents
from what I have seen it only fires and listens for an intent to take place based on what gets scanned
1 hour later…
Yo Shinobis
yo TLN
@DaveS China has no access to any Google service ... signing, maps or anything
good morning!
08:06 and counting.
Any of you guys use some prototyping softwares like InVision?
@DavidBiga if NFC is enabled it polls for detecting tags or P2p every 500ms
Eid Mubarak @Ahmad
tympanus.net is so cool
with all the respect to the backend hardworkers here
i'm gonna burn my backend.
Spring NPE's everywhere.
@Reno Thank you! Khair Mubarik! :)
send json onceto update. works.
send same json again to update. Spring Internal Server Error : Null Pointer Exception.
1 hour later…
Hello everyone; Eid Mubarak @all
if any one can help with this issue then please suggest me something : github.com/fabric/fabric/issues/1380
thanks for the warning but that scam is quite old
so old I didn't even get such mails since a couple of months ago
Seems really dumb
Who would launch that stuff, seriously
only someone who doesn't know anything about computers
still enough people
some old lady who think it's a word document
still thanks for the warning
well just for safety
so everyone knows (even if you already did)
would be nice to see the content of that .js
it's a really nice script
I often get scams which claim that I sued someone
well looking at my spam folder it's full of shit
I guess someone signed up my support mail address at some spam service
I should make [email protected]
qdated is a nice way to create addresses with a limited lifetime if you have your own server
@jyoon wtf?
but rather difficult to maintain on Google Play
Greetings peoples!
Fixing proguard errors is tough! Luckily my coworker guided me through it =D
Lucky ass!
Well it wasn't an error, just somewhere in the app an empty dialog appeared. proguard obfuscated some JSON.
@raghav can you transfer OP2 invites?
how did you end up transfering it?
Gave Anubian my account
@jyoon strings like 'nctio' are likely being concatenated into some js code
but I don't see any evals there
how does it work?
or it's just a garbage and it doesn't work?
how can i encode a string / JSONobject to UTF-8?
nobody wants dirty bytes. ( but thanks).
oh damn can't just hand over my account
still will do the trick @cygery until i find something better.
dind't work. i might give up programming and go to the mountain to live as a goat.
I'm not quite sure what exactly you have as input and expect as output and why
@Ahmad I removed all my card info and addresses and stuff and then gave it
aaah k
will do that
i use AsyncHttp to do the petitions
and then it suddenly can be restored back — oops…
why not create another account?
i have a string that contains a Json object
and a StringEntity that is built by that string
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 21 hours ago, by balpha
> anyone may try :P
and i sent that StringEntity
oh my god. this is a goddam miracle.
this code didn't work : entity = new StringEntity(jsonParams.toString(),"utf-8");
this did. entity = new StringEntity(jsonParams.toString(),"UTF-8");
should i start crying in a corner or...¿?
@raghav doesn't OP use paypal? how did you unlink your CC?
isn't that mentioned in the docs?
it is not. :(
thanks netpork. but client wants RobotoThin.
My client wanted to use Arial on all platforms
strange, according to the Charset docs the names are always case-insensitive
in the Apache Http Strng entity docs , it is not stated wether they should be or not
@ᔕᖺᘎᕊ hi
and i assumed that as in http headers it's not case sensitive, it should not be sensitive now...
yeah, I'm referring to the Charset docs
dunno about how StringEntity works with a String for the charset, however, since no exception is thrown it's really strange that lowercase is accepted but yields different results
yup. it may just ignore it. dunno.
now it works and i'm a happy worker again.
mirrored universe hello.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
JMR's kitchen is like a set of food cooking show
I want that kitchen
for my amateur cooking
the joy of cooking - with Ahmad :D
mix the gradle imports at 45ºC
you could invite special guests to the show
Lol cyg
"tonight a german delicatessen : 50 sausages with gravy".
i nkow i know terrible joke
terrible = bad.
yeah, but I don't get the joke
^ that's why it's bad.
i didn't even get it.
ok :D
god damn emulator is giving me a blank page, where as on the device it's giving me a fully populated page
not sure if I should be worried or not
race condition?
emulators are slower
or, in some regards, they can be faster
also check logs
and check your codez for silently ignored exceptions :)
someone here with a battlenet account? I can't login via website. I always get an empty response. Can someone check on your side if it is working?
based on twitter and their forum, they already know about the login issue, thanks anyway :)
what's battlenet, btw?
the multiplayer network and shop from blizzard
oh, ok.
hate @ hybrid phonegap!
anyone messing with cordova stuff ?
Q: Phonegap build html5, call phone no longer works

Anders MetnikWe used to be able to make phonecalls using the below codesnippet (angularjs html5 native android app, though also builds into WP and iOS) $scope.phoneCall = function (numberToCall) { document.location = "tel:" + numberToCall; }; But after PGB has upgraded the defa...

we made it
did you get your service stopping worked out?
Couldn't until I got to work and I just got in. Was just in thinking mode last night. But that didn't go too well either
@KuldeepMore write access for this room requires a min 100 rep on SO room-15.github.io
morning cM
Good morning, Mr. Mac
I'm trying to figure out what stopService() actually calls so I can override it because I will need to do some work there to handle the running thread
I haven't needed to do a whole lot with Services to this point. Normally I can just let them run until they are done
stopService() Will stop running service , No matter how many times that server started .
You can get Call back by overriding OnDestory of that service
do you to do some setup to run adb from terminal in android studio on macs?
can't find the adb command
gotta add the directory that has the binary to your path
or else copy the binary to wherever your terminal is in
i'm inside my project
@dhams Thanks, but I know this part, I read the docs :P But I need to override a method to handle the threading like I said. And, afaik, onDestroy() can't be counted on
onDestroy() in services can AFAIK
activities not so much
Hmmm...I will try again but it didn't seem to be calling it
That's what I originally tried. Let me give it another go
RED_ you'll have to add the directory with adb to your system path
<android-sdk>\platform-tools\ iirc
A: Why no Service.onStop method?

CommonsWare As I understand, the lifecycle is: onStart() has been deprecated for a few years. onStartCommand() is the current lifecycle method. Why isn't there a stop method? Because there is no need for one. What happens when a stopService request is made on my Service? You will be called w...

commonsware says onDestroy().... how dare you defy commonsware =p
also TIL onStart() is deprecated for services =x
Is the 8dp layout margin for CardViews standard across all screen sizes? Tablets included?
Q: How make Website for Converting URL to Android Application?

user2784198I have own Android Application Code for visit Website in Android Application using WebView. But i need to make a Website, to covert url to android application for All. My idea: The URL Variable is mentioned in Java File. When the user enter their URL, we can store that value on that variable. B...

^ gold
seems like a loaded question McAdam.. By their very nature dp is different on different screen resolutions.
Hmm not my question though let me rephrase.
even if they are all 8dp they would appear differently on different devices
It worked. I think I wasn't calling super.onDestroy() when I first called it. I had that issue with onCreate() because Services apparently don't yell at you about that like Activities do
The design specs tell you to use 8dp margins on CardViews. While the size of dps will vary on screen size, should I always use 8dp margin?
I would probably, unless you find a device or resolution size that it looks silly on
goood afternoon
more devolopment & engines class
Okay. I thought so too, just wanted to verify that.
Why can I use the overflow menu but not a button after I start the service? wtf
@CptEric working with Unity?
wait, I might be doing something stupid
currently comparing different engines
searching info, etc.. 'bout them
you already know opengl or directx?
Apparently, the onClickListener doesn't just set itself :P
@codeMagic perfect ! :P
Yeah, except I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out a problem I didn't have. Just forgot a super call and to set a listener. </facepalm>
But thanks for the help
LOL i answered a JQuery question and don't even know jquery or javascript
sup homies o/
@codeMagic That's okay, I do that all the time
Figure out problems I don't have I mean
we wont' do openGL / directx
Do you have a custom engine of your school?
no, we've got a education version of unity 5.1 with some extras
We used a custom simple 2D engine our teacher wrote, the Hoefmann Engine. It was pretty cool actually
Hm, I wanna make some game again
I think I'll join global game jam again :D
Last time we made the most terrible game ever in Unreal
Our artists were amazing but me and one other guy were the only programmers and we had never used unreal before (well I did use the old one some time but the new one was vastly different). Even spent hours trying to install it and getting our code to work.
In the end, we didn't write a single line of code. Everything in blueprints.
unreal is cool
It was a really simple game. You basically just move and things around you happen
oh my god simply setting location on an emulator is not working and ruining my entire app
It was kind of like an LSD simulator...
and everyone in the office wants to use the emulator to test with
how is it not working?
default emulator or genymotion?
Genymotion has good support for setting location
But don't have a genymotion here :(
Are you sure you put in the right coordinates?
about the openGL / directX thing, it's ( teacher word ) worthless to spend time creating your own rendering / game engine using openGL / directX unless you want to dedicate yourself completely to that, it takes years to master and it's of no use in mainstream game studios.
in the latest movie "Jurrasic World" everyone is using a Samsung phone
good start for a catastrophy or extinction
downloading genymotion now, screw the android one
anyone used tablayout with toolbar together? I have trouble with the title in the toolbar
as soon as I setup the viewpager, the title gets overwritten with the default app name
yo Tristan
My chess background
I will be in need of testers for my new app soon
you interested?
^ I am
whats the day rate
Volunteer service; you earn real life karma
How comes my Samsung Galaxy S 3 lack Speech Input support?
doesn't genymotion have android 6.0?
what's the app?
haven't been able to work on mine recently :/
up to 1.2k downloads though!
@Een sure, I just pushed an update for my xkcd viewer last night.
It is a simple utility app Trevor-e
@CptEric I think that is true.
Well, it's useful to learn just for educational purposes. It's always good to know how it works under the hood.
is it like an unwritten rule somewhere that you must ask the developer for a timeline on when they can get a given thing done and then completely ignore their answer and demand it be done sooner?
why the fuck does everyone bother asking if they already have a deadline in mind
Tell me about that stuff
@RED_ Haven't used genymotion recently but normally they take some time before the new version is there :( It should be around the time when phones appear with android 6.
And I keep getting into a situation where I want to write a string in code and get a resource id from it. WIthout putting it in the strings.xml file (I can't edit that file because of weird localization stuff with excel files or something)
I assume these resources have to be in the R file and I can't just put them somewhere else?
It is pretty disappointing that Speech-to-text in android requires an internet connection
This is unbelievably limiting
Siri does too
I thought any voice recognition by google needs internet right?
Yeah I just found that out but offline works for Google Now
Q: Offline Speech Recognition In Android (JellyBean)

rmooneyIt looks as though Google has made offline speech recognition available from Google Now for third-party apps. It is being used by the app named Utter. Has anyone seen any implementations of how to do simple voice commands with this offline speech rec? Do you just use the regular SpeechRecogniz...

Well I assume it just uses speech to text and then uses that text as command
Ah there is since 2 years already?
I must have had outdated information then :)
And I'm going home, cya'll later!
@Reno all china had to do was adb install the signed apk I provides. Instead they managed to mess up the certificate and have the thing embedded in the OS s.t. you cannot completely remove the app. They did this despite my instructions not to have the app installed as a system app and did some shady shit to make it look like it isn't. The end result being neither adb install -r nor adb uninstall works. If you're going to sell Android phones you should know how to install an app properly.
Destroy them
Speaking of Chinese
I made fantastic chowmien
and i'm having it with beer
You work for an OEM too?
i made dis
animation class
wow, nice :)
first day doing face morphing
Got waitlisted to Dubhacks.
@CptEric I don't know why, but it reminds me that mask spfxmasks.com/store/image/cache/data/hg3-500x500.jpg
trying to anchor a FAB to a layout (FAB is from a library but it ain't working)
Why not use the support library FAB?
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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