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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

cM, we do that kind of thing a lot in our language :) esp. the teenagers
Not only there.30 and under do it here (and even some older folks trying to be young). But I hate it
back then, I uSeD tO tyPeD lYk tH!s
don't know, but it some kind of disease that spreads all over in our place
Chess anyone?
Checkers anyone?
Hmm, I'm thinking of creating an array of class names, which are just collection of their names(but not strings though) so later on, I could instantiate each one of them. How is this possible in Java?
Type mClasses[] = { A.class, B.class, C.class, ... };
Type mA = new mClasses[0];
That is not valid though
I think this will do
A: Create new class from a Variable in Java

BrabsterYes, you can load a class on your classpath given the String name using reflection, using Class.forName(name), grabbing the constructor and invoking it. I'll do you an example. Consider I have a class: com.crossedstreams.thingy.Foo Which has a constructor with signature: Foo(String a, String...

2 hours later…
What's up, mr5?
Documenting the stuffs I have made. How about you?
Trying to find motivation
Haha. Just do the things that should be done.
that's a lot
If you don't mind answering, are you a self-employed?
Nope, I wish haha.
Wasn't there a deadline for the projects?
I think that's enough to make you motivated
Haha, I'm working on my own project. I should set myself a deadline though.
I'm close, actually.
Some UI tweaks, adding an alarm, and then going through my code and I'll be good
O I thought you're at the office
Haha, I'm 12 hours behind you don't forget
I know I'm always on when you are, though, haha.
Yeah, why did I forget it
I don't know. Should I be insulted?
Because you don't sleep
The app isn't gonna make itself
Huh, why would you?
Yeah. How could I be this dumb? Haha
Anyway, I'm also looking forward to publish a reputable app someday in the PlayStore
I have made several Android apps but not for me.
Pew. I'm done with the documents. Next is Flowchart.
I'm still wondering why is it necessary although, I think, there's no one in the company is reviewing that when they're confused with the software
I like the new Google app, very colorful.
Which app?
the Google app
The browser?
No, the app that's pretty much Google, that you search with and stuff
The search engine?
Ah. It is named Google
That's why I called it the Google app lmfao
Why would they name their app same as the company name
it's a trademark
and name of the search engine :P
Why would Facebook name their app Facebook?
Oh yeah. How could I be this dumb?
I'm thinking of associating the app name with what it do. Perhaps, Google Search App

 Cloud Cuckoo Land

No rules, no government, no babysitters, no bedtimes, no frown...
up & down :xD
1 hour later…
Yo Shinobis
15 centuries later...
Twilio calling is creating trouble.
Q: Getting incoming calls for an hour only using Twilio

Anshul TyagiI have implemented Twilio in my android app for outgoing and incoming calls. But I'm facing an issue while getting incoming call with the background service. The issue is that I get calls in first 30-40 mins only. After sometime phone stops getting incoming calls. I tried so much. Please respond ...

1 hour later…
20 millennials later...
So, two neat things out of yesterday: I bought a Cintiq and I am now using Go on iOS (and in theory Android later)
AT LAST I FIXED THE BUG took me 3 days!
1 hour later…
After the big crunch…
Well fuck it it's Saturday
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/sdcard0/recordings/[an mp3 file] }
why handling audio has to be so hard?
I have to specify MIME manually, really Android? I thought you were smart...
you know how implicit Intents work?
yup, but never had to use setDataAndType yet, only pass Uri in constructor
I guess it's all trial and error
Luke, you should understand why mime-types are important :)
I can name a mp3 file with jpg ending, and I can still open it with a player thanks to mime-type :)
only if you specify it (mime) explicitly somewhere
true, but that is the beauty of mime types
.createMyOwnEnding ftw :D
if you have a file and don't know anything besides name, you will (or the software will) have to guess the type anyway
But isn't identifying type job of magic numbers?
that's how Unix works, right?
many formats use headers, JPEG and ZIP I can say for sure
ending should be irrelevant, that's just thing Windows invented and is imho unnecessary
that statement contradicts your previous one: "I have to specify MIME manually, really Android? I thought you were smart..."
MIME type should be specified inside the file, no?
the magic number
Or I got some things wrong?
and now tell me who manages the magic numbers?
where do I define my own type?
you can do that without root on any other device?
no, but shouldn't it be populated with some popular formats by default?
who decides what is popular?
I was trying to open an mp3, not my own made up format
widely accepted, or de facto standards
haven't used mp3 in ages. So not popular enough for me :)
for mp3 it's time to die
stuff like mp3, ogg (though there is very little support for this one), jpg, png
since about ten years
I prefer jpeg
ogg(vorbis) is first class citizen in Android, presumably because it's the most widely known among free lossy audio codecs
what I try to say is: there is no one who manages any magic numbers and it wouldn't make sense to invest time there. Just to spare a developer to provide a mime type...
@SargeBorsch And yet ACTION_GET_CONTENT won't accept it when supplied audio/* :(
I am out again. cya later!
Just saying, it'd be a nice thing, considering even docs say that method "should rarely be used"
although there's actually a program which does this — the file program
it guesses file type based on content
Quote from the docs:
> * (Usually optional) Set the data for the intent along with an explicit
> * MIME data type. This method should very rarely be used -- it allows you
> * to override the MIME type that would ordinarily be inferred from the
> * data with your own type given here.
I need to learn to use markdown in chat properly
one > should be enough at the beginning
your mp3 might be corrupt so "inferred form the data" might not work
if the header is missing, all players will refuse to read it, too
(almost all)
I guess some will just try it
vlc seems to be a robust player who just tries it
when an audio file is badly corrupted, sometimes it's a lot better to not try
because it can produce loud and harsh noise
yeah, they call it "terrorcore" :D
I've also noticed that when I supply audio/* the chooser will pop up to ask me for default player (presumably because I have both 'Music' and 'ES Music Player'), but when I supply the exact type, audio/mp3 the file will just open like a dialog, with a line denoting length and current audio position + pause/play button
jokes aside, if you are playing some music through headphones, hardware failure causes a file to become corrupt and the player decides to play everything without checking checksums, the result can be physically devastating
as long as the music itself is not just as loud (I mean, no "modern mastering" with everything squished to 0dBFS with tons of clipping, etc)
wow... Audi, the car manufacturer, made probably one of the worst apps ever: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.audi.rse
> might crash a single tab in chrome
Firefox ftw
o/ from waterloo, canada
Now I might start lmfao
there's pokemon INSIDE
Japanese people are fucking geniuses
I have to admit that
So the issue I had forever ago with my dialogfragment not showing a title
was an Android M bug. because I get a title in lollipop.
I knew something was fishy
Developing is hard.
cuz I had to always call hide title when I wanted to
I have a problem. I probably need to travel to the US alone and I need a place to sleep, transportation, etc.
It would be better if I had a team
What's in US?
Never joined one before. Is it fun?
looks fun
My boss is considering organizing one in the future, uhhhh
It looks really fun
I really want to join
I don't think it's fun.
XCode is updating, 3.59GB, what the fuck is in there
Oh nothing. Don't worry about it. It's fine
@LawGimenez Hackathons are fun, trust me.
definitely not a new module to spy on everything you ever do
@Ahmad is at his third hackathon in a row today.
I'll try to join one in the future. So at the end of the day what happens? You demo your buggy app?
Basically, and you win prizes and stuff
What if it crashes?
people are relatively forgiving, at least at the ones I've been to
and I'm tired
like srsly
everyone understands that you only had 24hrs to build it
I just wanna go home and sleep
but UWaterloo is awesome
I mean if your app doesn't work chances are your team isn't going to submit it for demo
Spoke with recruiters at fb
I'm applying for this summer
let's see how that goes
I could never work for fb =x
fb is awesome
I was like that just a year ago
now I love fb
Thanks for input guys, you have convinced me 50%.
If you ever get to Facebook Ahmad, could you improve the SDK documentations. Thanks
good luck though nonetheless.
Anyone watching Mr Robot?
Im on episode 1. It's sick.
Wow I just caught myself with a really good bug.
I can't believe I let this happen, but I'm also surprised it worked this way.
Want me to test it MC Adams?
If I have MyClass extends MyBaseClass and MyBaseClass has a method called doThis() I needed to override doThis() for MyClass but I didn't so whenever I called MyClass.doThis() it was just going to the base class implementation, so it never crashed it just gave me weird preformance.
@LawGimenez support for watchOS and stuff
I hope they dont require a developer account to run it on iPhone.
you don't with the new update
you can just plug it in afaik
Nice! =)
Gotta go to bed. Night guys
@LawGimenez I don't think it's a developer account, but IIRC you just need an apple id. I could be wrong.
So the US Women's world cup winning soccer team was practicing at my university the other day O_o
I need a blog post idea
Circular ImageView for arbitrary rectangle (so can be non-square)
Well, that's what I need to implement next anyway
so e.g. you can fit that image of a cat above into a circle avatar
this looks appealing, but also inefficient: gist.github.com/melanke/7158342
too complicated right now lol
well, other stuff I'm doing atm are network-related, so can't help you, sorry
@DharmeshBaldha Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
@codeMagic any blog post ideas/
I actually had a couple ideas in mind yesterday for you but I , of course, can't remember what they were, atm
The data in xml thing would be neat but I don't know if that's too logic related to fit in with your blog theme
what do you mean?
I want to check into that myself when I get through some other things
I haven't looked into it much but I'm concerned with it binding logic through the layout files
Hm someone shared that the other day
You could do animations
I don't think you have any of those yet
Yeah, not my area of expertise either, so it'd be a good excuse for me to learn.
Very broad though. Maybe I could focus on AlphaAnimations for one
OH I remember what I was gonna do, master-detail flow
I am going to write both of those down so I don't forget ha
Yea, I would say pick one to start with
Maybe if you like them and do several then put them into some series but just start with a somewhat simple one first
My computer is going sooooo damn slow today.ugh
What's that layout called for the EditText hints?
I think I'm going to see if I can make the fab reappear after stop scrolling. Shouldn't be hard
Or you could add that to your blog and do the work for me. haha
it's in the design library, so make sure you use android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout and not just <TextInputLayout
Thanks, going to mark that down because I keep forgetting
Ok, thanks
AS has a default template for Master Detail pattern, so maybe that's a dumb thing to talk about
Actually going to stick that in there and comment it out for now
But it just reminded me again that 'when to use fragment and when to use FrameLayout' might be worth knowing.
I'm assuming android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout and not just <TextInputLayout is a ViewGroup around the EditTexts?
Okay cool. And remember, Cash Caretaker is open source, but I have all the stuff I'm working on now on a separate branch. If you ever want some specific sample code I can link you
so <TIL> <ET/> <TIL>
Ah, cool thanks
And all you have to do is set the hint on the edittext
and the TextInputLayout handles the animation and displaying the hint for you
Now that I have this fab implemented, I'm able to get rid of this stupid dashboard screen
super duper easy to use
Oh, nice
Do you know if there's a way in AS to auto indent things when you add something?
What do you mean?
So, like I just added the TIL so now all the child ETs need to be indented
Doesn't AS do that automatically when you add a new item in a viewgroup?
Like when you type the closing bracket on the TIL and hit enter, the cursor is usually indented automatically
No, I mean I already had the ETs so now I add the parent TIL (might need another abbreviation for that, ha)
Now I need to indent the already existing ETs because I wasn't thinking ahead
If you add the TIL, and cut and paste the EditText inside of them, AS will likely indent automatically
That's been my experience
Ha! Didn't even think to do that
I always manually indent them when I add something like that <facepalm>
Well I just saved your tab key, you're welcome haha
so now I can't use git with AS since I updated xcode because I get "Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.
I'm not using Xcode though!
There's Auto-indent lines, ctrl+alt+i
though you need to press it once for every line (it will automatically put cursor on the next one when it indents)
@McAdam331 you know how to hack a mac
@jyoon All I had to do was agree to the new xcode terms of service. I tried 'sudo git init' and it still was like 'nope'
there's a button to install that again
I've had a pretty busy week:
Adams-MacBook-Pro:Cash-Caretaker adammcneilly$ git diff --shortstat "@{7 days ago}"
77 files changed, 1799 insertions(+), 572 deletions(-)
also, how's it going @SteveG? Haven't seen you in a while
its okay
drinking rum
how have you been?
Same old thing. Work, school, code, sleep, repeat.
blogging whenever I find time. Not as much golf this summer though, unfortunately.
ah i'e always wanted to get into golf
theres actually a shooting range right across the street
Plenty of beautiful courses here in Michigan.
there's a template in AS for public static Fragment newInstance() for a fragment which accepts arguments
Yeah, if you use a NavigationDrawer activity template you get that
Okay, I need to fetch some stuff from the Internet and I don't need to cache them (so no database entry necessary); my first thought Volley would be nice, but should I write an Adapter using a List or using a Cursor?
All advice I found on Google suggest against using Volley by itself, but I really don't need anything advanced here
I'm not really familiar with Volley, so I don't know. :/
You're gonna get to the point, where everyone else gives up, and you keep moving forward. JUST. DO. IT.
11 days left for my thesis, need motivation
!google adderall
Replace that deer with a mountain of beer bottles and it's a lot funnier.
@trevor-e Did this interview ever happen?
nil, :D
@DharmeshBaldha I removed your access since we never heard from you. Feel free to request again later
1 hour later…
Q: How is my Android phone automatically recognized by adb on Ubuntu?

PeterI am moving from Windows over to Ubuntu 14.04 for my Android application development. By biggest worry was to figure out how to make Android devices work with adb on Ubuntu. Various articles on the Internet talk about creating /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file and adding specific informatio...

is this one on topic?
o/ Ahmad
Though, I'm not completely sure on what the question is
hey Ahmad, still in the states?
No, I think he's at waterloo this weekend
Waterloo? Visiting ABBA or Napoleon? :D
8 hours ago, by Ahmad
o/ from waterloo, canada
Canada? Damn... Didn't know Napoleon was there :)
maybe chose the wrong one when booking the flight ;)
probably :D
Warren, about the chat favicon meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/306264/…
Also, I think you may enjoy this meta answer I gave
I like the comments, too
why implement view listenner when you can set the listenner on the view objects
btw how are you, cM? Everything fine?
meda, what do you want to achieve? What specific listeners are you talking about?
good night, see you tomorrow
I mean like if I can set a listenner to an view object
or make the whole activity implement that listener
what is the difference ? why would I pick one over the other
you talk in riddles
btw listener with one, not two "n" :D
and I still don't get what you want to do
thats a typo
that is a regular typo on your side :D
here is an example:
I can do this:
Read the god damn rules
Gist is better imho
lol bother pastebin is for alot of code
> Rules #3: [..] Any code in the chatroom should be limited to one line at about 80 columns max.
Luke, gist, pastebin, rapidshare... doesn't matter. The rule is: one line here, if more, use something else
the short answer for you, meda, is: Memory leak
if you have a view which has a listener which is a complete activity, the chances are high that you leak that
also: separation of concerns, KISS, and probably 100 other "best practice" rules
a view which has a listener which is a complete activity
what do you mean
Im not following you which one is best practice
you probably call setOnItemSelectListener on a spinner, right?
if you use "class SpinnerActivity extends Activity implements OnItemSelectedListener" for that, you leak the activity
if you don't set the listener to null at some place
so only if I dont use the listener it is bad?
I have to leave, wife and daughter are awake. cye
1 message moved to Trash can
I'm alright, Warren, thanks for asking
But looking for a new job!
Sorry, had to step away. I hope all is going well with you and the new addition
poj you
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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