I'm feeling like this weird shit only happens to me, it's 3:30am, I'm taking a bus from berlin to hamburg and usually these busses are like really awesome. Professional staff, wifi and all that. Now two russian drivers picked me up (they are 40 minutes late!), they don't speak any word german and apparently don't have a navigation device?
@dopatraman you have given 4 answers and 2 are on your own questions while asking nearly 200 questions. Your chat history looks like it is support only. That is why your access was denied
Did you finish it? You pinged me with the SS of a different screen
Is there any regex method or any existing method from Java library that does this:
Replace all the character placeholders in the string with the supplied variadic arguments. If the placeholder count does not match the variadic argument count, replace this with a default value
I bought a few different chunks. iirc the main one that I pluck from most the time was ~$99 but it was for several dozen different sets all vector but include a few sizes of png
hundred bucks was a good chunk, it took some deliberating but I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and didn't hit the end and was like "this is probably every icon I will ever need ever" so I bit
It’s been 7 years and 10,000,000+ Questions since Stack Overflow was launched. The amount of good that has been done for the field - all the developers helped, all the person-hours saved, all the beginners who grew into professionals - is hard to overstate. I cannot express how proud I am of what...
ah, i already gone through this rule list before i join and i am not acting like help-vempire, as i tried too much but didn't get same view, i just want some guidence
Iphone App video link
How i can design & develop view which is posted in above video.
this is basically the item expansion of recyclerview with animation. i have tried with onItemtouchlistener of recyclerview and also with some custom view with animation, but didn't get the accurate result .