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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Milk is the fastest liquid on Earth, it's pasteurized before you can see it.
That went over my head.
Oh, what, I had to say it out loud to get it.
then it was a good joke
I am never giving my kids tablets, omfg.
My nephews are over, all they do are watch videos super loud and obnoxiously. Parents do it all the time now because it's practically free babysitting.
Hahaha, yeah I can imagine.
I got rid of my phone for that reason. Which admittedly is weird for an app developer.
Someone should make an app which secretly sends kids to sleep.
I'll just put in that youtube video of 'go the fuck to sleep' with samuel jackson.
Go to sleep, go to sleep, go the fuck to sleep child. If you don't, I will kill, all your friends and your family.

*sung to the tune of 'Go to Sleep'"
I have problems
Yo! What's with the killing
Anyway, good morning
Does anyone have experience with cardslib?
Played with it last year
This isn't working lol
Question, anyone on?
I'm too tired to be useful.
Ah, okay
This dude messed up:
Q: Android app versionCode too large

abaraxI have accidentally published an APK that has a very large version code. i.e. the MAX of an integers value. Now I cannot publish any more versions of my app because there is no larger integer for my version. How can I resolve this problem? Is my only option to republish this as a completely ne...

Dun goof'd.
Nice fix by Tristan though.
2 hours later…
Yo People
AS waiting until last debugger command completes
its forever and did not recover. Facing many times. sometimes it works fine. Sometimes freezes.
@AlexT. it's not meant to be shown, it's just for texture effects
but I guess yeah i'll change the offset a bit
how bout like that
awesome :0
looks really nice!!
bit of rendering problem near the edges but... who notices that?
did you install the preview of m ?
Renaming it to PingOverflow
and adding an @sign on the bottom right corner
goodmorning everyone! :) Looks cool jyoon (no idea what it's for but it's nice)
jyoon what is it for ?
11 hours ago, by jyoon
basically remaking this in Swift
Ohh so it's the icon for it? pretty neat
Nice Jyoon
just got a 10GB mobile plan
a major upgrade from my current 100mb plan lol
I've been downloading the Android source for about 18 hours now
10.3 GB and counting
I reckon we're 1/3rd there
crashlytics is quite good
Lol raghav
yap, 1/3
@Ahmad It's Android source code or Android SDK?
my sdk lol
it's awful because I only have a 120GB SSD
You should get rid of older platforms.
yap I did
actually just a few days ago
omg still 27GB!!!!
ikr? :/
mine is only 16gb
fuck I have 850 mb in docs
how the hell?
woah I just deleted API 17, 18, 19
and I'm down to 15 gigs
hey serker
Hey Anders ^^
@Ahmad What really takes places are the emulators. I usually just keep the emulators I'm running, to free space
So I usually keep one or two X86 emulators, and one or two ARM
user image
@Redwarp yah exactly, just deleted a few of those
What a lazy cat
didn't need any of those because I usually use genymotion anyway
is there a reason to use ARM emulator, ever?
I'm taking over the starred list ! evil laugh hahahahaha
Thanks @WarrenFaith stackoverflow.com/a/6831790/533967 imba answer :D
@SargeBorsch If you are using NDK and want to make sure your final apk works on ARM, yes. Otherwise? I'd say no?
throws shooting star on @OcUs
OUCH ! Don't do that again, it hurts !
evil laugh
throws unchecked Exception on OcuS
did it hurt?
Sarge, master of throwing exceptions :P
I guess someone made a mistake and wrote Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(ocus); :'(
Yea, some did.
It must be OcuS :P
If there are no more heap memory, how can be OutOfMemoryError be instantiated?
That would be masochism...
because new OutOfMemoryError(…) gonna require some memory, too…
That's unbelievably right Sarge
Maybe some reserved memory?
also it must be a lot of fun to deal with a library that has throw new OutOfMemoryError(); somewhere deep inside added just for fun, instead of throwing a more meaningful kind of exception ;D
grrrr, I spotted an error in my message after it got starred, and I cannot edit it
two bes?
the least thing I wanted is a public shame :(
Let it be.
It is pinned now, your shame will last FOREVER
@OcuS haha, that typo
Maybe Sarge will transform into a full black circle coz of shame :P
No way!
Ohayou 0/
Sitting in class, bored, wishing I could code, the usual
just code then?
Sitting in office, bored, wish I could roam outside instead of just coding, the usual
Haha, I got so close last night to finishing this. Ugh
No more stars for OcuS :P
I'm not even tryin' :p
throws a highly cute kitty on @OcuS
And I threw it on him :P
WTF, throwing kitties, really ? :/
that is not nice berserk!
Reminds me of a kitty my friend had.
He used to throw her on curtains.
He once put her on a bean bag and tossed her many times.
The kitty throw your friend on the curtains ???
\o cM
@OcuS LOL, reverse
Now that's cruel.
We all used to say that to him, but he said we are playing.
I liked it more when I thought your friend had a judo-cat...
So, the reverse is not cruel, eh? ^^'
kitties throwing people away
actually, that's amazing
Haha, just imaging kitty flip (just like table flip).
@OcuS The kitties must be thinking same in their case :P
Sorry, I gotta go because I don't want to talk to any of you anymore.
Cya !
Won't say cya, coz you don't want to talk :P
Wait.. u just said cya
Thanks, Ocus, it's about damn time! See ya later
Are you not posting messages coz u don't wanna talk? :P
Guess, that's how it is :P
hey cM
how's web dev. going for ya?
yo, Anders
Not terrible but people still aren't testing (or at least not giving feedback) so I'm kind of stuck on what I'm going to do next. I guess I will have to light a fire under some asses
Worse, berserk
angularjs (which I am starting to like) and coldfusion on the back end (which is dumb)
I just did php in web. Don't want to go there again...
The first phase of the site is working fine but there has been some disagreement on how one of the pages should look
I've done some quite awhile ago. I actually didn't completely mind using it but I would rather use something else
@Ahmad I have 500GB SSD but I'm running out of space for no reason, I have a bunch of "other" files that I don't know where they came from
500 GB SSD!! $_$
I got a high-end 15" rmbp for the price of a low-end 13" rmbp so...
$ overflow! ($$).($$)
nice one
fuck your trademarks
lol jyoon
What's wrong FoamyGuy?
the concept of locking down words is silly
Mornings are for people who enjoy suffering.
$₮₳₵₭ov€r₣£o₩ ™®©℗
Good morning to you too, nil
Afternoon. I know why i get the message "The application may be doing too much work on its main thread." but how do i find what work it is doing?
reading your code ?
i know that, but i dont know which part of the code is doing too much work. Im running everything in a new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
so i cant see it when reading the code
do you have runOnUiThread inside the run method of the thread ?
at 2 points, they just do button.setText
nothing heavy
> Im running everything in a new Thread(
I doubt it
Are you using a DB?
using http to fetch the data through an ASP page
the art of guessing
pastebin.com/cNpTeusi i have surrounded everything with new thread
"i tried that bro but ...help me out plz"
I see this going well
ill just keep trying
where, orb?
help me out plz? — Gul Muhammad 6 mins ago
It's just really hard to say with all of that. You are starting new classes all over the place and we have no idea what they do. Is your network stuff on a background thread?
You never answered if you are using a db. Are there goats involved? We just don't know
@WARpoluido denied for help vampirismness
All network stuff is in aSyncTask's.
I am using a DB, but it is accessed by an ASP page, which i do HTTP requests to. So i dont directly connect to a DB
thank you for taking a look
Ill keep testing
what about the goats ?
fuck the 7
and i checked if userIsAMonkey, as well as goat
fuck the 7
the goats are good
Forget it, sorry to waste your time cM, ive found my mistake.
only his time ?
Sorry, Blackbelt, didnt realise any one else was looking
I want back my 10 minutes
thank you too Blackbelt
thank you every one
thank you world............................
What was it?
thank you all for everything
orb, I have a bro!
bro, I only see one place where you are trying to save anything to SharedPrefs — codeMagic 45 secs ago
only 1?
and one orb
in the button onClick i had not put everything in a new thread
such a newbie
Then you lied to us
I SAID SORRY.............................
i had put everything in on start, inside a new thread, but forgot that the inner of onClick would not be on a new thread
such a thread
and i am a newbie
I am going to the fight with those 2 guys next to the pile of money
"Skipped 700 frames!" thats alot ha
Can we just close this now? stackoverflow.com/questions/30734559/…
my bro has moved on to other bros so it's not as fun now that I don't have anyone to bro with
@codeMagic did he just want a way to save everything? Just like this.saveApp? Lol
I don't know. He figured out how to save one thing but not anything else.
Hey, Een
apparently this video generates a fair amount of drama in the comments https://youtu.be/ZKvG2E1kPAM
people do not realize this is just a movie samples
cM, I bought this Galaxy S5 from a dude online (caution)
and I realize now it is not unlocked;
Sprint wants me to provide them with full name of the original owner or account number so they can unlock it for me
but the dude is not picking up the phone or responding to sms;
what if you re-flash it? or change imei?
it is kinda annoying me;
How do I change IME?
I just upgraded/updated it to L
I don't know, but it's usually possible to do when flashing it the hard way
BB BB :)
@SargeBorsch I guess they never saw Shindler's list then? (Still, odd choice of music)
yes, they are like that
music is not my choice, I just wanted to replace a video that was already done, but with crappy quality, so I kept the actual contents pretty much the same
I think I've never watch this movie in its entirety: we would always start to watch it at school during a German class, and then the teacher would promise us that we would watch the end the following week. But never happened. And every couple of year, we would start again
Why would you wear 2 watches anyway?
@Try_me34 Maybe if you want to know the time in another cadrant?
what is cadrant?
Good question.
I actually just used a french word, misspelled it, and assume people would understand
bad redwarp !
*Maybe if you want to know the time in another part of the world?
I thought you were trying to say "quadrant"
yeah, think so
Does it make sense?
I would understand what you meant but not really the word to use there
I would have used...
7 mins ago, by Redwarp
*Maybe if you want to know the time in another part of the world?
@SargeBorsch chess?
Ohh God , i didn't knew that people here are so rude and useless. — AnshX 3 mins ago
@SotiriosDelimanolis . . it would have been better if you have answered the question.I find you useless here. Thanks. — AnshX 4 mins ago
Look who is rude here :P
@codeMagic <3
lol; useless;
I have an answer to explain why it would be null since it's a little deeper than just not initializing it
But I hesitate to reopen the original
Gahh I forgot to update my Bitbucket last night. Damnit
lets not help any one at all ever and just post cat gifs
I just realized I need a logo....
If anyone wants to make a logo for me ;)
i can use MS paint
You need a logo for what?
@berserk yeah, why not.
Just for me, I could make one when I get home but I probably wont have time haha. Just for me, either the company name I use (TerranovaProductions) or just my name Tristan Wiley
Something I can use on my site, which will be tristanwiley.com when I get around to buying it.
And on different things
im buying it...... would you like to buy tristanwiley.com for a very high price?
Funny one
Sorry, its nearly home time and im in a not so funny mood
more annoying
right, ill leave you alone... till tomorrow.... goodbye
if im not back tomorrow, call the police
I just paid for a kids lunch because he couldn't pay and can't charge on the last week of school
I feel so good about myself
Hope you are sarcasming
lol that cat is broken.
gotta buy the leg upgrade kit.
spent everything on the fur and the tail, got no more money for the legs
Not surprising. Dragons are fast
@SargeBorsch ok lets play
Good morning afternoon
@TristanWiley I'm the designer here
@Ahmad Xcode is soooo different
I can't get used to it
@jyoon yay! And you're a friend too/partner in crime
Q: how I can learn programming and be a best programmer in the world?

Efolehow I can learn programming and be a best programmer in the world? which programming language is best? please help

that sounds like the premise of a weird anime
is it safe to make 2 changes in a row to SharedPreferences? (I mean, make some edits, apply, then again make some edits and apply)
from one thread, of course
why shouldn't it be?
It's said to be asynchronous, and I'm not sure if the order will be well defined…
but most likely it'd be OK
> Unlike commit(), which writes its preferences out to persistent storage synchronously, apply() commits its changes to the in-memory SharedPreferences immediately but starts an asynchronous commit to disk and you won't be notified of any failures. If another editor on this SharedPreferences does a regular commit() while a apply() is still outstanding, the commit() will block until all async commits are completed as well as the commit itself.
So if you are using apply() it shouldn't be a problem
yes, I read that. but I'm going to use 2 applies, one after another, very fast (in one method)
Right, but it says the second will wait for the first
…if the second is commit()
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