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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

Damnit! I checked before :(
Must've missed it
In car with my laptop on 20%ish. Speed code time
My laptop is so slow, had to open a task manager to close the task manager that wasn't responding which was trying to close another program.

Then windows crashed.
Try Ubuntu
Yeah, I love Ubuntu but I need Windows for things.
Wow, when Googling stackoverflow this is the second result michael.richter.name/blogs/…
Love it
Battery at 6% and nothing done, thanks laptop
I am here for the free tuna, where is it at?
I'm here to say farewell
So... this is it
time for me to go
I will be back in a month. (I hope so...)
2 hours later…
Mmm tuna
Now, for the first time I've released an application to Google Play that's of reasonable size and all the code (excluding the server) is done by me (only me) ;D
Yo People
netpork, morning music please ^^
@TristanWiley got it.
just wait 'till I get home.
morning people
netpork, Thanks :)
Bonjour! OcuS :)
folks, check my question please, maybe someone has experience with matrix. thanks in advance
Q: PhotoViewAttacher clears imageView bounds and zoom level

Veaceslav GaidarjiI'm using PhotoView library for implementation of a zooming Android ImageView. Zooming works fine. I'm setting an image with low-quality in ImageView and then starting downloading of the new image with hight-quality which will replace low-quality image. If user zooms in the low-quality image -...

Hey Vea.
Going for lunch break. Will check after.
thanks, berserk
Is there any shortcut key to go to any tabs opened on Studio ? I mean suppose I have opened 2-3 classes and 2-3 XML files and I want to switch to any opened file from a shortcut key instead of mouse clicking ?
alt + cmd + left/right arrow, I think
Windows user ^^
double Shift and write class name
If I use Ctrl instead of cmd, that'll rotate the windows screen lol
Vea, that's a work around.
Actually, it's not a workaround. 2x Shift - will show you recent files also, and you can find there opened files ;)
and there you'll find separate shortcut for "Recent files" (Cmd + E for me on Mac). "Recent files" dialog contains more recent opened files
You're right. :-)
For me its Ctrl + E
Wow that has categories menu window as well. :-)
Cool +1
What about closing a opened file ? ^^
Jesus! Awesome!
Thanks Rahul :)
@VeaceslavGaidarji Is there any getZoom?
I guess you need to check the source of PhotoView.
Heya dragon-san!
yes, sensei. I've checked source code. there is a lot of methods. but getting image matrix before loading and setting it to image after loading new one - didn't work for me
I don't know what to say. It should have worked. :(
@VeaceslavGaidarji lol dat sensei
Try making a manual zoom function.
thanks :) digging further in source code
Little bit modification will be needed I guess.
It must be using onTouch while zooming, you can save a number corresponding to that which will tell you the zoom level.
And you can create a manual function to zoom to that level.
yes. the problem is, that images have different size, I guess. and if zoom level is ok for both images, visible rectangle is different.
and image Matrix has all the required information (about bounds, visible rect, scale).
I guess when you set the new Image, it may be calling the onMatrixChanged listener.
So maybe it is resetting the matrix after jumping into callback of image.
What do you think?
yes. mAttacher.update() method resets the image Matrix to default for new image. I want to avoid it and use other "update" way
What if we move the 2nd line to top?
update() method clears previous matrix and sets image bounds and scale to default (scale = 1.0)
Sorry Vea, I have no more ideas.
yeah, working on that (currently without success). also, I've opened bounty for my question. Who knows, maybe someone faced the same problem :)
Hope you get solution soon :)
thanks anyway
low berserk
olo dragon-san
Have you seen One Piece?
yeah . but Im no longer updated
How many episodes?
You know Monkey D. Dragon?
cool :D
the "Java room" owner give me minecraft account! lol
Im not sure how to play it :D
Well, I never played too :P
But it is a popular game.
It's not that hard, I had that stage in my life... @deadlydragon00
hi @TristanWiley :3 , Im currently looking for youtube tutorial for minecraft :D
why this shit is not working intent.putExtra(CalendarContract.Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, "America/New_York")
you really need to tell some more
use .putStringExtra
I want to set timezone of an event while adding that event to the calendar. I have used above line for setting timezone but it is not working. Am i doing something wrong?
@deadlydragon00 I don't think this will do anything since i am using putExtra for other values for example title and description and is working fine
I am feeling feverish
a) should i go swimming
b) I should sleep
a it is
c) drink (more) alcool
@deadlydragon00 lol
I'm thinking about buying an arduino. I want to get into a hardware project next.
hey, is there a good word for someone that can't be fired?
I see "irredeemable" but that sounds wrong
I need a good word for a game type where you can't be fired in your job
Yeah, that wouldn't work. I've got one on the tip of my tongue but can't quite get it. Give me a second and it will come...
The VPN didn't work at school @jyoon :(
I'm not sure if that fits in your case or not but that would be someone who can't be replaced
great, thanks!
essential, imperative, or vital all work, as well
No problem
I am looking for a name for a game mode where you select the team you wanna train and you will never have to worry in case of being unsuccessful that you might get fired
indispensable sounds good for me for that case
I also like it for this case :)
I didn't know you were working on a game. How far along?
pretty far, I guess I am at alpha already
Cool! Let me know if you need anyone to test :)
na I played the last months with some self made architecture stuff and created nothing worth mentioning. Now I am about to make it real :)
Warren, what about boss mode or similar?
boss mode?
sounds too close to god mode
IDDQD and IDKFA 4ever!
if you have to google that, please leave this room NOW!
I was hoping to play a couple games of circles before starting to clean but agario isn't working. I feel I've reached an impasse
Q: NullPointerException when setting a prepared statement

CsiEdition and more clearer explanation : I have a class public class DBManager { private Connection connection; private PreparedStatement LookForDepartureStation; public DBManager(String url, String user, String password) { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,use...

See the first comment LOL
I saw got
Did you like 5th and 6th ?
Arya's was ok
Yeah it was.
Is it same as written in the book ?
I didn't like the rape
me too, But I like the acting of Reek.
less details... and Arya's master is supposed to be really old
But guess, he is not in episodes.
belt! Who are you? ;)
!/accept NullData
@NullData welcome. Please read the room rules and confirm doing so. room-15.github.io
I was skeptical so please don't use chatspeak and don't be a help vampire
@codeMagic I'm not dead! Honest!
Good. I've missed you, bot
bot you really suck
Maybe you shouldn't be doing network access on the main thread? — Eric 8 mins ago
orb, quit being a bully!
I have so many responses for that but I would just look like a bully if I made them
bor, where please
Where what?
where was I a bully
You weren't. I linked to a meta post
or who did I bully ?
can I use it as a verb ?
You can if you remove the "off"
"Who did I bully?"
thanks orb, I appreciate
It's what I do
fml i guess i'm an adult now? conditionally bought an apartment.
i need a drink.
lol one must buy a specific apartment?
But, Gratulieren anyways! (assuming that means 'congratulations')
it does orb, it does
you could have used geil
appreciate it
Could I have used bauchnabel?
5 mins ago, by codeMagic
It's what I do
lol you could have yelled bauchnabel and i would've understood your sentiment
verkate geil
lol close enough
Q: Can use specific button to vibrate another one? How?

hani kamalI've created alarm for each event in calendar . Now I'm thinking about new method to stop the alarm by the user in a new way :) and that way is : the user has to put two fingers (thumb and index) for a 5 seconds until the button that the thumb on vibrate !! i know I'm thinking on silly thing but...

Ahhhh! Please don't make me touch two fingers on a specific place for 5 seconds to complete an action. thank you
he isn't talking about masturbation, is he ?
That was one of my first thoughts. Not sure though, maybe you should ask
Valar Morghulis
I am NO-ONE.
you are tln
we all know that
@Blackbelt : No , they can — hani kamal 32 secs ago
Jesus! x'D
Now back to business!
This database schema sucks, I am unable to figure out the way of relating two tables as both does not have any relation.
Guess, I'll have to add two columns in both the tables.
I mean one to each.
Does anyone know, after what time it's possible to see the number of installs of an app in Google™ Play™?
haha never knew that
who has ipv6 here?
2 days or so
why? just wait 2 days :)
I have some new psychic disorder — I'm seriously scared that no one installs my application
yes, I have to wait 2 days to end it
Sarge, link?
It's currently not really useful in countries other than Russia…
deinstallation fear is horror, sarge?
but if you still want to check it out, here it is: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=magicgoose.exchangerates2
nice logo
I'd make the symbol a bit bigger, though
@cygery it's the only thing that was done by a real designer :D
the main feature is search for banks where the user can exchange money the most optimally
I have a collegue from russia, i will tell him to check out your app
cool! thank you
out of curiosity, why's the oil price there, too?
it was not my idea to put it there actually
a clever guy thinks it would be useful
and our server has it in the API anyway
did he tell you why? :D
I don't think I can understand it — I don't know economics that good
ok, question is how well your users know it
I won't expect any disadvantage from it, just surprise
anyway, since you already have some ratings you should see a download count within the next day approximately
I'm off now, laters :)
Sarge, I just checked your screenshots, why is the status bar black on the screens with the map but not on the other screens?
I would make them one color
The screenshots are from Android 4.4
on 5.0 and up, they should not be black anywhere…
and I was too lazy to do that trick with ScrimInsetsFrameLayout (IIRC) in other activities
on the root activity, it's done automagically by the library — github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer
FYI, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is 20% off until the end of the month.
doh so unfuckingbelievable dumb people out there. We requested some pictures from an event. We got 49 emails with 5 images attached to each email because "I can only add 5 attachments per email". Have you EVER heard of ZIPPING?!
^ I feel your pain
but, some email clients must have the feature to download them all at once easily
maybe even Thunderbird
is there any way to share a WSJ article without getting hit with the paywall?
ah never mind
found it
anyone played with this? buckbuild.com
Looks like a limited tup.
And probably not as smart as tup.
gittup.org/tup ← tup, for reference.
what is this?
it will do something very fast, that's what I understand :P
it's for building C projects?
It's a build system that uses filesystem monitoring to determine dependencies.
can it be used for Java™ and/or Android™ stuff? :P
i.e., if your compiler reads a bunch of .java and .class files and produces a .class file, tup knows that if those files change, the resulting .class file needs to be rebuilt.
Assuming javac and co. read stuff from the filesystem: yes.
hmmmm… sounds like a big hack…
what if OS uses some caching for disk I/O?
The OS has to report filesystem activity.
If it doesn't report it, then the OS is wrong.
Whether it maintains a cache is an implementation detail and has no effect on filesystem monitoring.
and how can it be detected that A.class depends on A.java and B.java, for example, if the compilation is split to several processes/threads?
because the order of reading/writing may be not deterministic
or it can also identify which process/thread did read/write a file?
anyway, this sounds very interesting
I fail to see how the number of processes/threads makes a difference.
tup monitors filesystem activity.
More specifically, tup creates a virtual filesystem and everything runs inside of that.
I mean, if there are 2 javac processes or threads and they work in parallel to compile 2 .class files. How can it detect which .class has which inputs?
So it basically knows everything.
The virtual filesystem part.
It'd probably be a good idea to read the paper on it and its source code if you care about how it does what it does.
Safari has this amazing link preview
Hello, what languages does android tts engine support? I tried Turkish language It didn't work..
@NullData I've removed your access because you left without saying anything after being granted access. Feel free to request again later
texttospeech setLanguage(); doesn't work for me what am I doing wrong ? :(
tts.isLanguageAvailable(new Locale("tr", "TR")) is returning -2
looking at the source code It says -2 is LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED code
@WarrenFaith In that article you've sent me It says tr_TR is supported. My code proves otherwise? Do I need some kind of tts data to install?
Maybe the locale is not installed in the device you are running your code
Do you have Turkish in where you are trying to run your code?
Apparently the href does not work >.<
Anyone ever experience an issue with the datepicker, that the last date (the maxdate) is available but can't be selected via touch?
I see the day is enabled, tomorrow is inactive but I can't select today... no chance
oh you must be kidding...
if I add an hour to the day, it works
you are using system datepicker, or a library?
I'd go with library, because systems' look really different on various versions of Android…
if I just add a second, it stops working again
and also it will probably have less bugs
hm... my app is api 21+ so I work on material only
wow, you are a lucky guy then!
some are still supporting 2.3+
my own app, my decision :D
You know what sucks about living in India?
The scale of everything
I'm scraping high school final exam results
I just crossed 400,000
And I'm less than 40% through
but 21+ Android is not really ubiquitous yet
I don't care, my app will take some time and until release we already will be having M
only 9.7%
anyway, time for me to hit the bed, hard. So, cya tomorrow!
are you sure? some devices will never get an official update, because their manufacturers suck ass.
good night!
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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