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A developer friend pointed out a bug to me. He is using a ______ running ______. His language is _________ and what happens is when someone is typing and he gets a notification there is no space in between the name is "is typing". A screenshot is here i.imgur.com/THMdhWi.png where schreibt means typing.
I'll send them that...
Just need the info @Ahmad
ah okay so it's:
Langauge: German, Device: OnePlus One, Version: 5.0.1
Anyone ever use
I tried once
could anybody tell me if GCM should be used for IM , or if I should use my own socket (planning to use smack api ) ?
@Black and?
no luck
What do you mean?
!/summon 1
@TristanWiley I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
anybody ? :/
!/summon 1
@TristanWiley Already registered; still need 1 more
in Room for Yohan Blake and codeMagic, 29 mins ago, by codeMagic
Some people who get rejected fix the behavior that keeps them from the chat and then get access instead of complaining about it.
today is starting off good :D
I did calm the situation instead of getting a meta post about us...unlike some people
yeah I need to send more noobs your way until that happens :D
People have posted a Meta post about us?
@AndroidBot Oh shutup you silly bot
Found it
That was just another great answer by yours truly but not what we were talking about
Yeah I know, you're pretty amazing tbh
A: Being judged and blocked on chat before having right to speak a single word

codeMagicLet's see if we can do this without it getting out of hand... The denial I am the one who denied access twice within a minute. We have people request access multiple times after being denied in a short period of time and it gets frustrating. The accusation The "accusation" that I made false c...

Lol, thanks
So many chat flags today
I like flags
and colours
and flowers
They are fun to read
"I should take some blame on this one" codeMagic
See ya
how are you doing, orb?
ok. Have back to back meetings soon so that sucks
reading about css at the moment
god, that must be devastating
Kind of. The first one is me showing operations and customer service how to use the updates in my app
The second is about how the new hardware we are designing is expected to work with my app. Won't be too awful but there will still be people there
what kind of people?
how to send arraylist to fragment through bundle?
Q: Passing data of a non-primitive type between activities in android

aspartameSuppose you want to start a new activity and pass it some data from the current activity. If the data is of a primitive type you could simply use an intent and add extras, but how would you do this for more complex data structures like arraylists or objects?

does it support arraylist? i tried with string, int
it does.
belt your availability is 24x7 :D
customer service people. but just a few. then the second is technical people
orb it sounds boring
@Blackbelt ok @Eenvincible looking
pinging friend, available for what?
@YuvaRaj don't ping me, please
it is like ping pong over here
~available for replying pings ;)
you mean no @?
orb is a great available helper
Yes, no @
yeah that one right there
If someone is talking to you and obviously paying attention, there is no reason to @<username>
We should put something about that in the rules...
> Don’t ping users (@username-ing) unless it’s to clarify who you’re speaking to or you need to get a specific person’s attention. Pinging for help is bannable.
Oh, looky there
So, its putParcelableArrayList if i use Parcelable right?
primitive type are already parcelable
are you sure it is a dup?
belt I am maven :P not ..Asif
got it
so how it should be? for string, i use .putString & for Int, .putInteger...ArrayList?
sorry pinging friend
can I ask your age ;)
my age?
how it should be? for string, i use .putString & for Int, .putInteger...ArrayList?
you're repeating yourself
and spamming
I asked him..he asked what. So i posted again.
I didn't ask what. I was talking to my pinging friend
I mean '?' ..Sorry this is why i used @. But, you don't like.
You guys make me laugh
oh got it
yes orb, I know. It was one of those days
~Help Seeker, if someone is interested in helping they will get to you.
what i'm hearing from this conversation is that we need an @ all ping, so I can instantly push my question to everyone for immediate help. It would be SO helpful.
/s or something.
/s is kind of fun
Is bot alive?
!/bomb AndroidBot
> dead :-(
@maveň That didn't make much sense. Use the !/help command to learn more.
no more useless bot commands
thanks god
over the weekend was kind of nightmare
> It was a test to check he is alive or not :P
I'm kinda glad I wasn't logged in this weekend
You can test with the commands already there
'cause that's the best one
@codeMagic Chuck Norris once participated in the running of the bulls. He walked.
tanks CM
Yes, tanks are great
also the urban is kind of useful. for me at least
I <3 tanks
Carl, I wasn't really around much but it seemed every time I sat down there was someone pissed off about mass pings or some jacked up commands being given to the bot
This is why we can't have nice things
actually I used to say. :) CM
when something is really helpful.
That's wrong
Syntax error: Perhaps you meant "thanks"?
Q: comparing two strings using equals()

Tomasz OkraszewskiMy app make crush when i'm trying to compare two strings with .equals() this two Strings are in separate class. class Land{ String land1; String land2; int a; } Land l = new Land(); public void check() { if(l.a==0){ l.a=+1;} else if(l.a>0){ if(l.lan...

lol your comment :P
is it rude?
nope, not like TLN
so much crush
I wonder if that @Emmanuel guy is still alive...
that tool looks cool, but I have no idea what to have it reference count.
it works for activities automatically
whoa there was drama here
he would go bat shit insane if he saw my .. um comments
there was?
here, where?
@CarlAnderson I am still alive
i do want to post this as an answer
always late to parties .-.
oh yeah that was in December
so late to the party that people already forgot there was a party
I got the subject for my oral exam today
have to do a presentation + a colloquium on the arab spring
sounds cool
@codeMagic I can see how hard you're trying for next election: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/280444/… ;-)
Haha! Was that a good comment or bad? I thought it was good
Just got out of the meetings. Good lord
And that actually happened before this previous election
did you kill somebody ?
Well it was good comment ;-)
Not yet
Anyway I am with you. I could have voted thousand times for you if I could. :)
Thanks! :)
Hey everyone! o/
What the
it's like a g string for the feet
That's dumb
Also, they really should have picked a different foot model
@Ahmad The bug is now known "Thanks for reporting!" says developer Tina
lol why haven't they fixed it yet then?
it's probably just a string format issue
I'm sure it is, they will, no worries xD
It'll probably be released with the next update (with whatever they're working on)
Ahmad are you in the beta?
@Emmanuel this guy needs your help stackoverflow.com/questions/30175935/…
no comments
Actually there are two comments
this is where i tell Emm that i worked on an app that displayed a big sponsorship screen everytime you launched.... for a solid 5 seconds
(we did start caching data in the background, buuuuut yeah)
slightly confused
emm hates splash screens. a lot.
so he loves it when you share stories about apps that have big ol' splash screens
Ahh alright
Gtg, ttyl everyone
Just kidding, back, I realized Room 15 is more important than showering
Room 15 is gonna start to smell with that attitude lol
@nil they are all nanas minions:)
Someone find the East game with FINLAND and krackattack
you only just noticed nil? It's been like that for a month or more.
Now determinator is 1
nil it's an art piece
Then eat me
Off topic: GOT S05 E05 has been released.
Someone take my place?
555 is leader
r u know emulators? if your answer is NO..google it.. — ranjith 5 hours ago
Nevermind, ttyl
r u know google. if your answer is NO..bing it..
wut..my engrish,.iz perfectly fine
That's not nice but I'm bored
you are always kind
no matter what
I did learn some cool css tricks today css-tricks.com/child-and-sibling-selectors
thanks, bor
how fitting
@Benz denied for low A:Q ratio. Give some more stellar answer then you can request again
he only has to give one more stellar answer?
I would say 1 stellar answer is enough to warrant access
but bar for "stellar" is pretty high though
and naturally everyone else must share the same criteria for "stellar" as I do...
so that means answering a NetwoekOnMainThread question right?
with the answer being modifying the Thread policy?
I do love SplashScreens
they make beautiful iOS apps
Also Everybody hail the android:style/Theme.Black theme
only way to go
forget holo
what the hell is even material
is best school
Still looking for co-hosts for my rival show "Android Design Inaction", where we talk about Holo.
amoled folks everywhere agree.
holo is also retro
Forget about Theme.Black and go your very own way ^^
let's just copy over the whole samsung framework
and use that in our apps
because samsung obviously does everything right
I really need some sort of nearby programmer meetup community thing. Too little of that happens anywhere within five hours of driving.
what's the hate with the Samsung lately Ahmad?
heh, just realised you all hate samsung -_-
I am actually not surprised that the leak is on a Samsung version of Android
@nil ouh, do you live in the middle of nowhere? :0
5 hours drive is enough for me to cross 3 country boarders
but then again: Europe.
!accept Jonny07
is the bot down again?
@Jonny07 Welcome! Please read, confirm reading and follow the room rules
ah there we go.
There we go. Thanks.
For anyone who's used the android facebook SDK: When you fetch a users unique facebook ID, is that the same ID that the iOS SDK would fetch? Or do I need to keep two separate fields in my DB for each and handle it completely separately?
a user only has one user id
I'm pretty sure it's the same
so if they login on iOS, then get an android device and relogin on android, the ID wont change?
you can look up your own id with graph search
or you could, before they shut graph search down
so yeah, id should be the same
ok :)
Ahmad I remember you from last year. Have you been active in here all this time?
I think last time I asked a question in here a while ago you also responded :P
@eski Samsung is dead to me from now on
holding a static reference of Context? WTF?!
@Jonny07 yup been here for a while :)
you've been in the room before?
we clean up the access list from time to time, so you might have gotten removed
I've always wondered why samsung developers are so bad
at everything
and samsung designers so blind
the world is full of mysteries
gaaahh... 905% of my out of memory crashes are on Samsung devices
on my most recent release, 3 out of 22 out of memory errors occurred on devices that were NOT samsung. So 19 out of 22 were Samsung. I guess that's only 86.36%
you were not kidding
if I intentionally keep drilling down in my app (opening more and more fragments/activities) on my Nexus 4, it will slow to a crawl, but never actually crash from OOM. I've never gotten it to happen using my app on my own personal phone. How devices developed 2 years later than mine continue to have these issues is mind blowing.
Yay custom ROMs?
custom ROMs are probably more stable than what Samsung has
my precious
kayne west got an honorary degree
Project Spartan screws up websites
Its microsoft dude
The curse of IE will never go away
why does the window look like it's mac os x?
Prolly running it in VM?
it's running on parallels
oo how is windows 10
thats the dev preview right?
aah I see
anyone know when the final (official) release is?
it's retina enabled so it looks really good
1st April 2016
I figured it would be sooner.. Does the technical preview have many bugs from your experience?
I heard it's quite buggy
in other words, is it worth switching over or will i drive myself crazy ? :P
ah gotcha
And this is the official release trailer: youtu.be/MK6TXMsvgQg
it lags like shit
maybe because of retina resolution but...
@SargeBorsch LOL
ok I'll steer clear for now
... that's what I was about to do... so o/

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