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yeah but the app was pro-bono just to get our names out there, wasnt really funded and the festival took a year off. still...
Oh, still, you got your name out right?
yeah not really thanks to the festival though, they didn't promote it much
dude who runs it is kind of a dick
Aww damn :(
That blows
and by much, i mean at all
Want to agario Dave? Teamwork?
Oh, like, it was just there?
well they said we could do it so we did
Oh nice
So, agario?
and when we tried to give them materials to print and hand out they said fuck it
so it was more word of mouth than anything
in like 30 mins
They didn't realize the importance of a mobile app?
they didn't realize the importance of a lot of things
guys, I think I'm addicted to circles
I need help
codeMagic what room?
Says the only guy with a square avatar still.
Also, where's a good place to host room15.party? I haven't hosted a site for quite awhile
just replace your addiction with heroin
should clear your circles addiction right up
I replaced cocaine with circles so I don't think that will work
Fort, an unamed cell, earth
cocaine is a very mild addiction, has nothing on crack or heroin, slightly more addictive than marijuana. step up your game cM
The other day, there was a guy named Jet Fuel, and so I made my name Steel Beams. Well, as agar.io showed, jet fuel can melt steel beams.
re-used reddit joke is re-used
I'm gonna assume @DaveS knows so much about drugs because he needs an escape from China team.
that and because I graduated from ASU
Is that what they teach down there? At MSU (which I don't go to) all they do is teach you how to light couches on fire, regardless of whether your team wins or loses.
im back
I wonder if there's a counter somewhere of couch fires in East Lansing, I'm gonna have to check that out.
lol it's better than UofA. ASU was actually a decent CS school, it's good for engineering and business
@DaveS lmao
main problem was the occasional shitty teacher to deal with the large classes
oh, i said i'm back for the wrong room, this isn't my room
nope but welcome!
lol thanks!
i'm a c#'r
Do you have a few minutes to talk about our lord and savior, Java?
I've done like 1 project in c#
@McAdam331 lol
i prefer C# over java, but java isn't as bad as C#'s make it sound
i just wish it had something like linq
!/urban c#
@McAdam331 [c#](http://c.urbanup.com/1353574) Programming language developed by Microsoft whose syntax is very similar to C++, is completely object-oriented and allows fast development.

Contrary to what many believe, C# is NOT proprietary...Java is actually proprietary. However, because Microsoft still dominates its direction, it may be considered to be "semi-de facto" proprietary at this stage.

C# traded off some runtime speed for safety and quick d(snip)
I use C# at work, it's not bad.
me too
but we have an android team
!/urban Java
and i thought it'd be fun to pick up android, read a pretty big chunk of the big nerd ranch guide
@McAdam331 Java A programming language commonly used as a solution to everything and anything.
Android is really cool, I like it a lot.
'everything and anything' I love urban dictionary haha.
Chrome crashed
@codeMagic what's the top now
Hope you had your seatbelt on.
Actually, @McAd want to play?
And no I didn't
I'm in the hospital
Nah, I'm good. Eventually I need to start packing for my vacation.
Aww okay
xProlesx, Fort, an unnamed cell
and cocaine is very addictive
but yes mild compared to the others
Oh look, he's got his sugar lined up for morning, and a razor blade to shave!
@code in West?
I've been through them all
fort aspenwood, xP{rolesx. soft fron
Oh god, I had to use XP today
and IE
I'm getting mad
AT THE SAME TIME. I need an adult :'(
My school finally upgraded to 7 like, this year? Last year?
@codeMagic finally found it
Alright, time to do some laundry and start packing
You still there?
Damn computer is so slow today
Nice! Where are you?
Forget about Windows, use Linux instead (?)
same place
On the map
top left
My computer is being really slow and I was getting pissed so I finally quit
1 hour later…
Nil same happened to me. The club was too noisy to think, so I went back to home
Making posters
just procrastinating and doing some light reading
alright, you're on now.
  |   |

!/hang y
  |   |
  |   O
!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, y
!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, y
!/hang o
every word has a vowel, so I'm bound to hit something
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, o, y
!/hang boo
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, boo, e, o, y
!/hang t
@McAdam331 Correct! The word is too.
!/hang r
  |   |
  |   O
!/hang o
  |   |
  |   O
o, r
!/hang t
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
o, r, t
!/hang u
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
o, r, t, u
!/hang a
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, o, r, t, u
!/hang e
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, o, r, t, u
!/hang i
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, i, o, r, t, u
!/hang s
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, i, o, r, s, t, u
!/hang c
!/hang n
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, c, e, i, n, o, r, s, t, u
!/hang h
@TristanWiley You people suck. The word is doziness
!/hang p
!/hang r
  |   |
good try
  |   |
  |   O
p, r
!/hang s
!/hang s
@McAdam331 s was already submitted
!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
e, p, r, s
  |   |
  |   O
p, r, s
!/hang jeeps
@McAdam331 Correct! The word is jeeps.
I'm dying.
!/hang r
  |   |
  |   O
!/hang i
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
i, r
!/hang e
This one is mine
that's fine
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, i, r
i'll wait until i know the answer and i'll steal it ;P
!/hang s
The key is a good dictionary ;) and a brain
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, i, r, s
I have at least one of those things.
I got a dictionary for my birthday.
!/hang n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, i, n, r, s
!/hang g
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
e, g, i, n, r, s
!/hang o
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
e, g, i, n, o, r, s
i know it
no i lied
!/hang woodenness
@TristanWiley Correct! The word is woodenness.
Your turn
!/hang o
Actually wait no
  |   |
so my girlfriend of six years just told me she's never watched an episode of myth busters
I have failed in my relationship
AndroidBot you dick
I love android bot
that was beautiful
This should work
!/summon 77366
@TristanWiley I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
!/summon 77366
don't tell me what to do
!/tell TristanWiley I'm the captain now.
@McAdam331 Command i'm does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@rlemon help
Our lemon? We have a lemon?
Why doesn't it work
We tried using the bot in another room to play hangman without spamming this chat, but it won't respond to any commands.
1 hour later…
Anyone here? @McAdam?
Bruh, you should be in bed.
Lol I was doing stuff
It's only midnightish
Want to review some things for me?
I can try
It's nothing big, just some posters for my mom's organization
Great movie :P
These look good.
Like, no errors? lol
The last paragraph in the woodpecker one doesn't end with a period.
Thanks :P
The swamp monster one might sound better if you change 'all together' at the very end to 'combined'
Just my opinion there, though.
Alright :)
The trash one says 'antique bottles hunters' when it should just be 'antique bottle hunters'
Everything else looks good, I didn't see anything that stood out.
Thanks man
I just love that.
Well, I guess it's a cat.
@codeMagic you pinged me :O ??
!/tell TristanWiley norris
@TristanWiley Chuck Norris doesn't need an OS.
I just printed all of those, I feel bad for that printer and those colors
!/cagegif 1500 1500
1 message moved to Trash
Thank you
@MukeshRana yes, I let you in awhile ago because berserk said you were a friend and you never posted anything. I saw you in here earlier so I thought it was a good time for you to talk in the chat
We usually don't keep access for people who don't use it
okay.. but you know most of the people here are unknown to me and they keep on talking about their personal stuff, if they go for a genereal topic, i'll surely be a part of that
Like sometimes i need to discuss something related to android but people here are busy with them, so i just keep that discussion with me.
That's fine. Just inject yourself into their conversation. It's fine
We do get very off topic and that's fine. But we also discuss Android shit. If you ever have something to ask/discuss then don't be afraid to throw it out there
Okay will try for sure :)
We are a pretty easy going crowd :)
hehe.. actually am afraid if i start asking something regarding android you people will start treating me as help vampire :P
Help vampire is like
I want to make an app that does [thing]. Write me code that does [thing].
oh i see. Thanks for the clarification :)
Yeah, we don't want you to be afraid to talk which is why I pinged you. Berserk asked me to give you access awhile ago and I did but I've never seen you until today
To sum it up
We let Tristan talk so you're good :)
I'm cool
hehe okay okay no worries, i'll be now active member for this group :)
You can talk about what you had for lunch today or you can talk about an Android problem you have. Just don't ask something like why you are getting a network on main exception or why myString == someString doesn't evaluate to true ;)
String lunch = "sammitch";
Awesome. mukesh!
yeah i generally don't need code for my problems, but sometimes i just need to discuss something which may be confusing for others as well
String myFist = insertIntoTristansFace();
Thanks codeMagic for the support. Now i'll never be afraid of what i want to ask :P
Design/set up questions? We do a lot of that in here!
Good! If I ever think you are afraid, I will come after you
hehe.. yeah for sure :)
now am feeling comfortable ;)
Why does private String accessForTristan(userId){ return null; }
codeMagic doesn't like me anymore for some reason
nah, you are just the only one for me to pick on right now
Ah alright
Reno is here. Now you are really fucked
lol lot of cat lovers here :P
And nick cage is cool too
!/cage 10 10
@TristanWiley That didn't make much sense. Use the !/help command to learn more.
!/cagegif 10 10
That's what I meant
@codeMagic Chuck Norris can speak Braille.
!reject Roryal
@Roryal Rejected
@TristanWiley That didn't make much sense. Use the !/help command to learn more.
@RoyalSbachl you don't have enough rep for chat (20) and this room requires a minimum of 100
ahh when will balpha fix this bug
I think you're going to have to
I brought it up on meta but no one cared :(
Q: Prompt <20 rep user when trying to join a gallery room

codeMagicI am not a room owner (yet) but I belong to the greatest SO chat room ever and, as so, the owners get a lot of pings from users wanting to join. Many whom don't realize or understand that they don't have enough rep to join even if the owners wanted to allow them. This seems to add to the already...

I'm #2 on the global weekly leaderboards of a facebook game. wtf am i doing with my life.
lol you are living your life :P
@McAdam331 Chuck Norris can write infinite recursion functions and have them return.
lol lucky him
seems Chuck Norris is similar to like we have Rajnikant here in India whose pulse is measured in richter scale and who can even answer a missed call and more importantly he can kiss his own ass :P
@codeMagic What's the story behind setting our limit higher than SO's limit that's already there?
Yo People
alright, 2 AM, I should go to bed. I never finished packing for my vacation (leave sunday) so I have to be up early.
night all
Hm, I think I just blocked like 40-60 accounts on Twitter
how did you do this?
o/ Oye netpork :)
He knows the word "Oye" we use, as in "Hey"
Oh okay.
@berserk i know what you were thinking may be he knows eyo as well :P
@MukeshRana :P
\o_/ \_o/
Guess what it is.
oye and eyo together :P
Well, it was actually two swordsman fighting...
but.. okay :/
Turns out, there is a way to connect to a specific room in agar.io
translation: one needs to open the console (???), find a message like "connect to ws://<IP address>"
and then other players need to connect to the same address
by using the console and typing "connect(ws://<IP address>)"
I think it's the javascript console in the browser
also, there's a seemingly good tactics idea, I can translate to English if someone is interested
yeah sure :D
yeah with connect(ws://) you just force the browser to connect to another web socket
o/ Oye TGM ;)
how everyone is doing ?
Has anyone used Google Analytics ?
I have created a "Goal" on console. Now I want to hit data specifically for that Goal at app end.
Q: AsyncTask not available in Android Studio.

Gufran KhurshidI am using Android Studio 1.2. Every SDK must have AsyncTask , but my Android Studio is not able to recognize the class.Even not showing in import and autoassist. Similarly if I write no suggestion in Autosuggest

So, what really is the best way to implement a ClickListener?
Q: Best way to implement View.OnClickListener in android

Sarthak MittalSuppose we have an Activity with a lot of views on which OnClickListener is to be registered. The most common way to implement this is to let the Activity-Subclass implement the OnClickListener, something like this: public class ActivityMain extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener { ...

use a lambda or method reference
android doesn't support lambda

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