Is that what they teach down there? At MSU (which I don't go to) all they do is teach you how to light couches on fire, regardless of whether your team wins or loses.
@McAdam331 [c#]( Programming language developed by Microsoft whose syntax is very similar to C++, is completely object-oriented and allows fast development.
Contrary to what many believe, C# is NOT proprietary...Java is actually proprietary. However, because Microsoft still dominates its direction, it may be considered to be "semi-de facto" proprietary at this stage.
C# traded off some runtime speed for safety and quick d(snip)
@MukeshRana yes, I let you in awhile ago because berserk said you were a friend and you never posted anything. I saw you in here earlier so I thought it was a good time for you to talk in the chat
We usually don't keep access for people who don't use it
okay.. but you know most of the people here are unknown to me and they keep on talking about their personal stuff, if they go for a genereal topic, i'll surely be a part of that
Like sometimes i need to discuss something related to android but people here are busy with them, so i just keep that discussion with me.
That's fine. Just inject yourself into their conversation. It's fine
We do get very off topic and that's fine. But we also discuss Android shit. If you ever have something to ask/discuss then don't be afraid to throw it out there
Yeah, we don't want you to be afraid to talk which is why I pinged you. Berserk asked me to give you access awhile ago and I did but I've never seen you until today
You can talk about what you had for lunch today or you can talk about an Android problem you have. Just don't ask something like why you are getting a network on main exception or why myString == someString doesn't evaluate to true ;)
I am not a room owner (yet) but I belong to the greatest SO chat room ever and, as so, the owners get a lot of pings from users wanting to join. Many whom don't realize or understand that they don't have enough rep to join even if the owners wanted to allow them.
This seems to add to the already...
seems Chuck Norris is similar to like we have Rajnikant here in India whose pulse is measured in richter scale and who can even answer a missed call and more importantly he can kiss his own ass :P
I am using Android Studio 1.2. Every SDK must have AsyncTask , but my Android Studio is not able to recognize the class.Even not showing in import and autoassist.
Similarly if I write no suggestion in Autosuggest
Suppose we have an Activity with a lot of views on which OnClickListener is to be registered.
The most common way to implement this is to let the Activity-Subclass implement the OnClickListener, something like this:
public class ActivityMain extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener
{ ...