Hello guys! @CarlAnderson Sure I will sltart reading... but i believe I was already here before and due to my long absence from the chat community i was kicked out :P
I am using the SearchView from the support.v7 library. I looked at this post which suggests that you can simply animate a search view by setting the LayoutTransition
LinearLayout searchBar = (LinearLayout) searchView.findViewById(searchBarId);
//Give the Linearlayout a transition animation.
I invoked v4's support version of the setEnterSharedElementCallback method using v4's support version of the SharedElementCallback class and it threw the following exception:
Process: com.sandbox, PID: 24867
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.graph...
Non Android question for anyone who knows. My mom started a small not for profit and we were wondering if we could get a discount on Adobe products (specifically Photoshop, possibly Dreamweaver, maybe Illustrator. Or Master Collection). Anyone know of anything?