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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

guys...guys...I'm back!
Yay! Finally!
Still back?
Because, now I am back.
Just coding away. I feel like my app is a treadmill right now. Going going going and never getting anywhere.
I know that feel. It can be worse, when you keep working and working and it feels like you're getting less and less done.
I'm just trying to get some more functionality in my app that I really want and then I'm going to submit it just to say I have. I don't care if five people use it, I just wanna get that experience and have something feasable to show people that I can actually make apps.
I'm kind of back
Walked over to my mums for a few minutes
I'm kind of feeling like learning Erlang.
So someone gave a decent answer on an alternative solution to my problem, but I'm wondering if anyone has any input on why this behaves like it does:
Q: How to compare String representations of doubles if it ends in .00

McAdam331I am currently writing test cases for a ContentProvider in my application (which is a checkbook recording app) and I am having a test fail when it is comparing double values. The best way to illustrate this is with code. I have this function that returns ContentValues for an account object to be ...

Red Wings start the playoffs with a win. Today is a good day.
That's too bad, Mac
Q: Square Picasso - Portrait images rotates 90 degrees upon upload - How do I fix this?

user3574506I notice many others are having this issue but I have not found a solution of resolution. Does anyone know how to correct this issue? Thanks in advanced <3

I am Angular overlord now.
Death be upon angular.
@McAdam331 please, this year has canadian team written all over it.
Side-note: everyone, please, when you write server-side code that uses time, remember that leap years exist.
Angular is the best.
@jlindenbaum No, underdog Red Wings are coming back for trophy number 12. I'm gonna permalink this message to you in June when it happens.
It probably won't happen, but one can hope. :(
@nana, so you are liking it? Glad I could recommend it from your recommendation
Well, I knew what it was and I experimented with it years ago :P
Now I will ninjafy myself with Polymer, then Haskell and there is no stopping me.
Then finish my website?
You have two whole weeks!
Ok. Do you pay?
How far did you get? Show me!
I pay with love. Which is better than money
I got some far but not much far
I can't really show you because you have to have an account to see your data :(
I could show you screenshots but it's not pretty at all yet.
Alright, I am fine with love. But not so much with how far you got.
I'm not fine with how far I've gotten either but I've only had like a month(?) so far besides all of the other shit I've had to do because people are stupid
quit making excuses! Ok, sorry
A month? I reimplemented Facebook Android App in less time!
Oh, and I was given a few shots of how the different screens should look by our "designer" so I'm making up the rest as I go :D
But you are smart
And now two years later I am still trying to untangle what I created.
So, obviously not smart enough.
Most developers handle sales, customer service, data entry, and other various random shit, right? Right?
How responsive does it have to be? Can I use Amazon Mechanical Turk? I will implement an email address to which the cutomer send what he wants and then the turks will find the info, compile it and email it back.
Yes, you forgot support, networking, design and food runs.
Also strategic business decisions and any and all heavy lifting.
I presume you used AngularJS 1 in your project?
haha...very responsive
It's sad how spot on you were with those additions
Yea, 1.4 I think it is. Or something like that
Yeah, there is this Angular 2 apparently....
Is it beta?
Apparently, you can learn it in 5 minutes angular.io
...maybe if you rewrote it in Angular 2?
this is not a complex major update; this is a whole rewrite!
Well, that's comforting :/
5 minutes to learn a new language? Are you special?
That's what there io site says
I know I saw. I learned me some of that Ungular good.
So it is being rewritten. So, I most likely will have to rewrite my app if I want to use the ang 2? That's sweet
You could just keep using the 1.
I thought that thing you were doing was supposed to be quick and dirty, week tops.
no no no
There is so much dynamic data needed.
^ this might or might not be useful at all
If I can understand it, then it probably will be ;)
Guys guys guys. Our iPhone app is coming along well.
The sooner our iPhone app is in a good state, the sooner I can work less and spend some time writing Android apps. Yay!
My brother wants me to build some arduino thing to work our dad's turn signals on his motorcycle. I'm still not completely sure what that's all about
Awesome, Adam!
Get that fucker working so you can do some real work ;)
That will be a fun project. Do you like your dad alive?
I can help.
either way
lol damn
Is there a way to add a footer to a spinner, kind of like you can with a listview?
Anybody using crashlytics here?
I have a database table that holds 'spending periods' (like allowance periods for a bank account) and I use a spinner to populate the options when you add an account. I want to add an item to the bottom of the spinner that says 'Custom', and when that's selected it'll prompt the user for that information. I'm starting to think I shouldn't use a spinner for that?
I am
How do you upload the mapping file? So it can deobfuscate during the release build.
I don't use it , but AFAIK it uploads it automagically.
Well my report does not deobfuscate it. =(
Sorry, can't help really.
Also good night.
If you figure it I'd be interested in knowing why it didn't work.
night nana
3 hours later…
Yo People
Good morning
Wake up!
heya netpork :D
Hey what about tablet issue ?
Camera permission was a culprit
Those one have only front webcam
I told you laready, I knew the problem.
Preparing a beginners intro to Android dev is harder than I thought
So much stuff I could cover!
Explain Log.wtf() to them
belt, score so far : -23
it could have been worse
it could have been -25
true ^
Thank god I din't ask on meta SE :D
I can't get Android Studio to work on this Mac
hello guys
AS works on Mac in the office, but sometimes it eats all available RAM
I can't get it to start
Did you try to turn it off and on again?
Yep :(
Seems to be Java related, but not sure what exactly
install java again
and check JAVA_HOME
I did, and I did :/
java version "1.8.0_45"
javac 1.8.0_45
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Applications/Android Studio.app
I don't know much about mac but the limited time I spent with it android studio worked very well. Besides it's own bugs (it was 0.3 or something then)
I had it running briefly, but is seems to be very fragile when it comes to Java versions
Maybe best to just remove everything and install everything all over. and check if you have a goood runtime and all
Yeah, I'll have to deal with that later. Not really too enthusiastic about it though, since all my work stuff compiles fine.
just the android studio ide that doesn't work properly? Never had that problem
It won't even start, the icon briefly appears and then disappears straight away.
The weird thing is that I have IntelliJ installed and it works fine O_o
I think Google may have broken something somewhere
Yeah that's a possibility. IntelliJ indeed ran very well when I used it on mac. Android Studio, which was still in a very early version then, had it's problems but was great when it worked.
Does anyone know the difference bewteen cordova and phonegap? I thought phonegap was the old name and it changed to cordova?
Do you peeps think I should cover ContentProviders in 1h Android dev class?
I feel like they're not worth covering in a basics presentation
Mention it as one of the android building blocks but I don't think it's necessary to go into detail
I don't think I've ever used them myself
the whole class is just 1 hour?
for experienced programmers or new programmers?
Experienced Java devs
I'm currently following a 6month coursera course for android development, almost halfway now.
they mentioned the 5 important building blocks of android but didn't go into detail until much later
I will do a separate practical 'bootcamp' that lasts several hours later on. I just want to give people context.
Maybe this can give you an idea about topics to cover
What were most interesting for me was the android structure. That explains the different layers and all (application layer, framework layer, kernel layer and whatnot). Activity and Fragment lifecycle. Intents.
But that is just what I think as someone who followed a course :)
I probably won't have time to talk about the layers. I already have the other stuff though.
What are the building blocks again? Activities, Services, Content Providers and broadcastreceivers. It's 4 apparently, not 5 like I said earlier.
I've covered all of them except Content Providers. I'll just mention them
Yeah that sounds best for a 1 hour class :)
I've never given a class yet. Must be hard to choose things to include in only one hour.
I might stretch it to two hours
It's just hard to pull people out of work for long periods of time
Does anyone know something about the phonegap day EU in Amsterdam in May? Useful for android developers? I've been toying a bit in angularjs, html, css and javascript lately.
Isn't Phonegap the terrible cross platform app framework?
I don't think it's terrible. But haven't used it that much
It can get a little slow though but I think there are ways to fix that
I think it's amazing for apps that basically behave like a menu
It's amazing how 9 out of 10 android new questions are pure crap
@Den You're around?
@Axxiss it's like this only in Android world?
I'm not sure, I said Android because is the tag I'm most of the time.
I wouldn't be surprised, because mobile development is quickly growing nowadays
so there are probably lots of wanna-be Android developers, who didn't even learn Java properly
me here
gtg actually for half an hour or so
Hey, not much, bye!
Q: Android trouble with edit text

Mr. TI would like to know what exactly save the edit text field when i execute this: namest = name.getText().toString(); Because, when i write "Ready" in my smartphone and compare with "Ready" string, the program never enter inside the "if", always go to the "else" namest = name.getText().toString...

That's closed already, Lord belt :)
I know, I closed it
@TheLittleNaruto can you cast delete vote?
delete vote as in vote for deleting the question ?
Thanks! I live in C yet... — Mr. T 11 mins ago
unfortunately one can't compare "string" in c either with ==
morning folks!
SO, why accepted answers are being shown on top, instead of answers with most votes
the edit text question looks like a valid question for me. super newbie sure. He did take the effort to write a decent question. I would've just answered it.
@Blackbelt No I can't I can only close votes.
@miva2 why waste time writing an answer that has already been answered? Just point the OP to the link
In fact the linked question, is a really good one
Well yeah, that also works.
I think the asker believes there is an issue with EditText and not with the comparison of strings.
Someone with the same problem won't search for "how to compare strings in java"
TagManager + PorGuard issues, has anyone had them?
Q: App hangs while loading TagManager's container

GuilhermeOn my Application's onCreate() I have the following lines: TagManager tagManager = TagManager.getInstance(mContext); tagManager.setVerboseLoggingEnabled(false); PendingResult<ContainerHolder> pending = tagManager.loadContainerPreferFresh("GTM-******", R.raw.gtm_container); ... My app is hangin...

Miva I see your point, for me that guy didn't even bothered to do some research.
Yes is newbie, but you should first try to solve a problem by yourself
@nana I do like him alive. I think it will be fun and shouldn't be too difficult once I get the time to figure out what I'm doing :)
It can be harsh but is the only way to learn
I would probably accept your help. My computer froze last night and was still frozen this morning so I didn't get back on
Also, good morning all o/
Thanks for getting me out of bed cM, also good morning everyone.
I was worried about you and didn't want you to sleep all day so, you're welcome
Good morning nana.
Yeah they should try to solve things themselves first. I definitely agree on that. But you can't really go telling people "learn to program before asking questions". I think that will put off many new members. and it wasn't really a "APP BROKEN. THIS IS CODE.FIX IT PLS!" question. but well yeah.. i don't even know what I'm trying to defend anymore.
Also, I'd probably be happy there is a question I CAN answer haha.
haha yes, I have been there also.
Fu Sensei, Did you check this yet ? ^^
Why are you being down-voted to the ground?
They din't show respect on my opinion, that's all sensei :)
I just upvoted you :P the question is legit
yup, basically the don't care xD
lol Thanks :D
morning Mr.
I upvoted, doesn't deserve to be down voted lol
Whoop three new app users
Thank you Tris ^^
No problem :)
how is everyone?
Tired but ok
How about you?
all good
How was basketball?
Also o/
... for some reason nobody went...
I played a bit of a 2 on 2 with a kid that didn't know how to dribble...
then I went home, maybe today people go
two days ago it was packed, I do not know what happened
maybe it was too windy
Do you just play with random people or you were meeting friends?
random people
WOW! new profile page?
Yep and badge progress
nice! building up to the SO addiction
Owl gif is still best gif.
and there she is
question: to play mp3 on Android
we use MediaPlayer
are there any alternatives?
I've never done sound on android and now developing AudioBooks app - so
gotta dive in to that media stuff
I would start here
For more advanced stuff there is ExoPlayer
posting on meta is annoying. it seems like most people reply after reading only the title and the first couple of sentences
So... no different to SO?
heh pretty much
Hasselhoff is bakk:
you prankster
I wish someone would make a video like that where it wasn't some kind of wink wink ironic thing
How old are you samgak? This is what life was like in the '80s.
For e.g. Conan is fun to watch because it wasn't trying to be LOL80s ironic. It was actually serious. "Ironic" 80s homages can't compete with the real deal
I'm 37 I'm not old
I am curious about stackoverflow.com/review. You know how they sneka in these tests, and when you pass they tell you? I wonder what happens when you don't, anyone seen that?
Oh, sorry. I can't lie to you about '80s then.
It tells you to STOP and READ CAREFULLY or some such shit. Too many failed audits and you get a timeout from reviewing
Oh, so I am actually just really good at it. Ok, I can live with that. I thought it just ended the queue for me early or something.
Most are pretty obvious but some can be tricky, misleading, or just plain wrong
Yes, you are just good
I just had a guy with 80k points asking some heavy C++ question, I almost didn't click NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED.
Q: Android trouble with edit text

Mr. TI would like to know what exactly save the edit text field when i execute this: namest = name.getText().toString(); Because, when i write "Ready" in my smartphone and compare with "Ready" string, the program never enter inside the "if", always go to the "else" namest = name.getText().toString...

Should it be deleted since it can point to the duplicate?
@nana funny. haven't seen it before :)
I'm not sure what you are saying
nana, that thing from last night...I just realized that's using polymer. I thought it was a generic CSS guide
I'm trying to use smart table atm
Yeah it was a component. Also I don'T think you have to worry about Angular 2 at least for couple years. I though I'd learn that , but in the end I will go with 1.4.
smart table isn't fucking installing for me. Well not correctly or I'm doing something wrong
when have you done something right?
It's been awhile but I'm sure there was a thing or two
nana, what editor are you using?
I will be using WebStorm.
Is that only for Windows?
Nope, it's multiplatform, based on IntelliJ like AS.
OH, I just saw "Download for Windows"
The personal license isn't too bad. Maybe I will check it out
Or the Idea Ultimate, which is $199 IIRC. And you get all the other IDEs as plugins, PyCharm, RubyMine, Android,....
I think they also have a trial on the WebStorm.
I do not understand why people do not like my answer...
A: Non-default constructors in fragments with DatePicker Callback

EmmanuelI would suggest you use a Bus (like Otto). When using an interface, you are coupling the class that implements the interface with the one that uses said interface. Using a Bus avoids this since subscribers do not know where events are coming from. The reason why you get the warning is because th...

Why don't you think people like it? It doesn't have any downvotes and it's only been 10 minutes?
Though, it would be better if you answered the question asked first then give your opinion of using Otto. That would probably make it better received
it looks like a famous answer that recommends jQuery
Sarge, we both added the same comment, lol
user image
this is not only for screen rotation. there are a lot of cases when fragment with non-default constructor will fail miserably. — Sarge Borsch 1 min ago
you mean, this?
I'm with cM, basically you didn't answer OP question.
no, on the default constructor one
That's priceless, Sarge!
I see, you added it to the question
yeah, it is the OP's mistake
this is the transformation that all Android developers must eventually go through
I just do not get why Google (on the docs) suggest to use interface's for Fragment communication
Fragments are not for the weak
Our iOS dev sent me that...now I'm worried
probably the iOS guy was the backstabber...
I used to humiliate iOS users on the Internetz… I am worried
especially because I don't like when someone enters in back door way
I was having a syncing issue. All should be good soon so everyone can now relax
@user2857802 denied. default user name, low A:Q ratio and other things here room-15.github.io
@SargeBorsch This is way deeper than I though, read the Related.
Unobtrusive wearable sensor
@nana Yeah. The last related question is probably about some unlucky C++ coder.
Sarge, changing the font, for example, will also trigger recreation, right?
Changing the font where?
Is there a jQuery plugin to make a HTML page appear in a browser
If you change the system language, AFAIK, no activities are automatically destroyed
but the new ones will respect the settings
I think if you change the font on the settings app, the foreground Activity in your app will be recreated
Some device configurations can change during runtime (such as screen orientation, keyboard availability, and language). When such a change occurs, Android restarts the running Activity (onDestroy() is called, followed by onCreate()).
I think changing the font is within that category
@nana you got cm12s ota?
Nope, have you?
Hows room 15 doing today?
Easy like a sunday morning
Anyone know an easy way to auto gen an interface from the methods in a class?
This copy pasting is getting tired...
you mean the method definition or the implementation?
I'm doing a lot of refactoring
of what I can only describe via xkcd
Anyone know some good localization tool for converting strings.xml?
and I'm trying to move a lot of concrete impls behind interfaces
You should've viewed that with my app, tsk tsk @NathanielD.Waggoner
does your app have a SO Chat integrations?
Could've gotten easy access to explainXkcd
Not yet!
There is an "extract interface" on AS
under Refactor menu
I think every app should have the Konami Code in it
noice AXxiss
you rock
and learn to use column mode edition
is awesome when you're refactoring
@MrEngineer13 Look who I found in the CV queue, neighbor :)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it has to do with the Scringo dashboard and not programming. — MrEngineer13 21 mins ago
I had to try to explain an app to someone yesterday who honestly hardly knew what a phone was, or a website.
I feel like I've done 100 close reviews but I've only done 27 (including 9 last night)! How is that possible???
earned gold badge in android yeah!
That would be rough, Tristan
Congrats, TGM! \o/
Yeah, I tried to relate it a program like a word processor, something something.
Thanks cM!
Q: Can you buy your own android app multiple times?

bluemoon12Is it against any android policy to buy your own app multiple times to increase it's "# of times downloaded"? Thanks.

so now I can use super power to close dup questions.
I've done a lot of editing while in there too so I guess that's why
Yep! But use your powers wisely ;)
heheheh sure
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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