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holy crap there's an echo in the room!
starts making popping sounds to evaluate the size of the room based on acoustics
ducks as if hearing gun-fire
pyro I didn't realize there was a separate list for read and write
yeah you can make them read only, write, or no special access (which is pretty much read only)
I'm considering writing a greasemonkey script to tame that window
yeah this room sounds like death to moderate
any hoo I found another slug cat on the internet this morning
link! :P
So do you know Vi or did you just randomly email her?
I am implementing lazy loading what will be good scenario for it?
You could implement a catalog of slugcats!
Well if you ask a silly question you get a silly answer!
ok but i do not want to ask how to implement and all that things..
I want to know what will be good way for implementing lazy loading
means if any person present here has any experience of it
what is lazy loading? :P
there are a million (slight exaggeration) examples on Stack Overflow, that is always the first place to look
Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed. It can contribute to efficiency in the program's operation if properly and appropriately used.
In Android this has become synonymous with loading lists
hee answered yourself
My problem is I implement all kinds of techniques but I don't know the name for them lol
technically it's a misnomer ... it's not lazy loading ... it's really lazy display updating
Android does some really confusing stuff with lists
merlin how can you tell that?
They say so
There are google i/o videos about lists in Android
Pyro do you still have that link? Or rember which year it was?
I can get it one sec...
Oooh one boxing it ... how fancy ...
nice link
I am the link mastah!
hmm good
I may have had too much coffee
I may have had too much Coke
I have work in 4 hours (where I might actually make some money)...
this sleep thing isn't going well
lol I am at work right now :D
I work in a bakery
and Christmas Eve = soooooo many orders!
fun fun
thank god I don't bake :S
oh god, someone wants to port pulse audio to Android
alrighty, it's almost 2am, I think I'm going to have to be off
night peoples
Off topic: I think that design patterns should not be subject to copyright...
all left hmm
I prefer all right
so you have around 1 year of experience in android hmm
That's what it looks like yes :D
a bit of time with Java before that
sod it
I'm too tired .. I really ought to be working but my boss is an arse ... no motivation
worked java with j2ee?
When all I did was Java I used Site Pad Pro so basically a text editor
ah the good ol days when all you needed was a simple text editor ... sigh
@OctavianDamiean now I want tuna... thanks
Do slugcats eat tuna?
unsalted tuna
hehehee :))))
I think I will have a slugcat as my trusty magical steed ... uniponies seem a bit too heroic
phones slugcats-r-us and is immediately put on hold
I'll need to get it wax-oiled to protect it from road salt
unless you get a flying nyan-slugcat
nyan's are banned aren't they?
I suppose a hover-slugcat would be acceptable in the realm thumbs casually through the slugcat brochure
Nyan-SlugCats are scientifically engineered to combat normal Nyan-Cats
nyan is the sound a japanese cat makes ... I'm not sure what nationality slugcat I should go for
checks available options
heh GoDaddy caved and withdrew their support of SOPA
Good news but isn't their boss a crazed rare animal hunter or something?
here's the web article
Ok friends bye good night
randomly slaps people with a large tuna
nice ... any tartare sauce to go with that?
I'm checking out couchdb ... seem to be too many libraries to choose from
LOL I just had someone apologize that my answer wasn't the checked one.
Make them beg for forgiveness mwuhahaha
Nah the issue was someone answered the question, but didn't really help him understand the nature of the problem, so I explained the problem and described why the solution the other posted was correct, Maybe it should have been a comment. Eh hindsight
Ok so I'm going for a 4 litre V8 shiny black slugcat ... I have named him pretzel (unsalted of course)
clicks place order on the website
2 hours later…
hey all, starting back into development!
What d'you do when you find someone who's posted two questions in a single question?
'Cause I'm pretty sure that needs to be split up, but I'm not sure if that's flag-worthy or not.
Hello everyone, not sure nil, you could just comment asking them to post as two separate questions
That would be what I done diddery do-ed.
Q: opengl es 2.0 on android - general + textures

L7ColWintersSo I have two questions, Is it possible to have 3D textures in opengl es 2.0? I tried to apply a 2D texture to a 3D object and it looked really bad. I've checked many sources but I can't find anywhere describing it. I have a Droid Incredible and its running 2.3.7 CM7. From Android's specificati...

That is the question.. in question.
Haha the questions in question
Hey guys, when I click the "back" button to exit my app, is there any kind of hook whereby I can close down resources? I'm getting a leak when I exit and don't close down a text-to-speech resource
Yeah, I'm going to hell for that one.
@JamesElsey onDestroy would be a good start.
Q: How should we handle it when users ask about two separate, unrelated issues in the same question?

tvanfossonUser asks about two unrelated, except in that they have both, issues in a single SO question (example). How should we handle this? Edit to remove one or the other, which might invalidate some answers? Flag for mod to separate into different questions? Is this even doable? How do you handle an...

That won't necesarilly get invoked if I'm on a different activity altogether tho :S
It'll get invoked if that activity is destroyed. If it's not destroyed, it's not a leak.
did the sdk change a lot in the past few months?
just downloaded it on my new computer and everything is different :S
like it is giving me trouble trying to use R.id
and my logger won't work either...
You may need to make sure eclipse and the rest is as up to date as possible, also check if you are importing android.R
Everything is up to date, was there a big change to logcat though?
I'll try the android.R, forgot about that...
@nil Thanks, turns out I'd inadvertantly removed the onDestroy after a whole bunch of re-jigging (technical term lol). Thanks
they made some surface changes to logcat but I had no interruption
@JamesElsey remember onDestroy is not always called
@atlos I believe there was an updated version to logcat that depreciated the old version, make sure your using the newest version.
I'm using the new version, but when I try something simple like Log.d("test","test") and then create a new filter for test, nothing shows up
they changed the filters a bit, make sure the fiter you are creating is for tags
I'll just put test for everything lol
fixed the ID issue I was having
forgot to use @+id/
Alright, submitted an edit to that dude's question to nuke the 3D textures question because it was really pointless.
@nil thats probably best.
Random quesiton but does anyone have any experience with the javamail android api? i want to send and recieve emails from my app without needed to use the email app alreayd on the phone, would using the javamail api be the best way?
Never used javamail :\
Might work, but I'd keep in mind that sending email without going through the regular app where the user can confirm, save, or cancel the message is probably questionable behavior.
Is there a better way to do this? I want to send emails but i cant be sure that the user set up their mail client. The app im building is for the elderly and disabled so they most likely will not have set up their email
be an email client o_O
I got a library that allows for the sending of emails... I could dig around and see where i got it
By "set up their mail client" i mean set up the mail app on the phone
looks like I am using javamail :D
@Pyrodante if you have a chance... oh cool. And im guessing it works well for you?
the only problem I have is when the user is in terrible connection, but yes
We are actually phasing it out because for our purposes it doesn't quite hack it
but that's because its email, we are moving to c2dm
its implementation isn't too bad though
I got my logging to work
the problem was with Mylyn
I had to move all of the plugin .jar's out of my Eclipse folder
and restart eclipse
My question is how do they have an activated android phone without having an email?
Okay... relating to javamail, all the examples ive seen allow you to send emails not receive them, Is there a way with java mail to pull the inbox of a user?... I just found that page actually haha
Well it most likely wouldn't be a phone but a tablet.... Suddenly I'm wondering can you even set up a tablet without connecting it to your email? I might have to wipe my device to check that...
also, if you are checking your email, wont the gmail client in the device do that?
From my understanding you cant access android market without a email account
yes but many devices, especially cheap Android tablets which older people are likely to buy may not have access tot he Market
for example my Adam Tablet
or all those $99 tablets you get off eBay
So it would probably be a good practice to assume they didnt set up their email? Also how do you like your adam tablet?
I do like it alot except it has no battery :/
like 2 weeks in it just decided to only work while plugged in
How do you plan on distributing the app?
and ASUS Transformer > Adam ;)
Thats a pain, I'm looking for a cheap tablet I can recommend to use with my app. It will be on the android market but I want to build it so that if the person who downloads it onto the tablet isnt the end user i dont want emails being sent from that persons account. if that makes any sense at all
And i have a ASUS Transformer now, the 1st gen. Its great but the keyboard attachment is ehh
well I am going to stop asking you why you want to do it and give you this source code for an email client code.google.com/p/k9mail
I like the keyboard, although some things (especially around the arrow keys) are yes, a bit weird
I am sure almost all your answers are contained somewhere therein
@Pyrodante would you recomend the K9 API over the Javamail API?
and sorry I'm not able to be any clearer, I'm still trying to figure everything out myself haha. I guess i havent thought it all through yet
so yeah @Peter, I would recommend the Adam (mine was a fluke and I couldn't be bothered claiming warranty :P), but probably not over things like the Transformer and it certainly has it's quirks (hardware wise), so it may not be appropriate for the elderly
well I have never tried to build an app that checks email, considering there is already an app for that on the device
I only ever used javamail to send emails
@ProfSmiles Exactly the arrow keys and when I try to do my programming homework or class notes on it (college student) its impossible. The semicolon is just so annoying to type
You also probably could just launch the email app...
@Pyrodante Well thank you I'm going to take a look at both and see which I think is best to use... I thought about that but then I wouldn't be making email any easier for the user just sending them to what they already had on their device.
well if your app does other things it could integrate functionality of the email app, just like I didn't rewrite a barcode scanner, I just use ZXing's
No reason to build the wheel when there is a perfectly good one sitting next to you, but you can still make a better car to use that wheel
oh btw, @Pyrodante I think the next time I say "I have work tomorrow", you're going to have to kick me
but yeah, I'm off – cya
Have a good one
So if I were to assume that the user had their email already set up on their device. I know how to use the email app to send emails, is there an easy way to get the emails in the inbox from the app?
unfortunately I have not looked into that.
Thats where I am running into problems. That's okay I think ill take the difficult route for the experience of it and build my own email client using JavaMail. The annoying part is going to be saving contacts and allowing the user to send to them... maybe i can just interact with the contacts already on the device...
Cool, just got my revolution badge on Area51 ... 100th follower :)
Sounds like a fun and enlightening adventure @Peter
The setting "wipe user data on launch", should that clear out saved preferences each time the emulator loads?
yes it "should"
@Pyrodante yes it should be, I just got sending emails working, I didn't think it would be so easy. I just hope pulling emails from the inbox will be just as easy... I doubt it will be though
anyone know the proper way to disable bluetooth?
I've tried using .disable() but it crashes
Q: disable android bluetooth

HimberjackI have the code that enables the blueooth on the device. how can I disable it? Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, 1);

probably dont have the permission
yea that was it, I didn't think I would need the _admin permission
thought that was only if I was going to change actual bluetooth settings
I know permissions are meant to protect the end user from harmful software but honestly how many users ever read the permissions? I think most just click next
I do
if an app looks at contacts, and also internet, i am weary
Well I do too but ive see other people, maybe my friends are just dumb haha but they dont even really understand what the permissions are... maybe im just hanging around the wrong people haha
Its not perfect, but its basically "you signed the license agreement, you agreed to this"
@Pyrodante I've managed to write a greasemonkey script that ditches the read and write lists from the access screen :) are you using firefox (or perhaps chrome)?
I use chrome
there is a plugin that is similar ... hold on I'll check what it's called
The entire purpose of the permission system is not to protect the user, but to protect Google from liability
I can pull up FF too
lol Mozilla is begging for donations...
Chrome 4.0 supports scripts natively by the looks of things
there ye go ... just add it as a user script in chrome ... or as a greasemonkey script in FF
so what do I do with this?
when you go to the access request screen it will only show access requests and owners ... all read and write access will be hidden
how do i load it as a script?
Also, how would I give write access to a person who has been given read but is reapplying?
that should explain stuff ... also this is just a test for now ... I'll try to add tabs to let you select what you want to see
greasemonkey allows me to enable/disable the scripts ... I'll try to add a search function too
I followed the instructions but it doesn't look any different... maybe I need to reopen chrome

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