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oh I have found a new level of raging
3 hours later…
Hello everyone
Yay, slightly less exhausted now
Blood loss is odd
Not sure if I should ask :P
I donated blood
My body didn't handle losing a pint very well
hey... @nil oh I was starting to wonder what you were talking about
The only time I lose blood is when my nose bleeds
Haha me too
I'm the perfect male speci... wait a sec, nose bleed... brb
never get your nose cauterised [shudders]
I used to get like 3 blood noses a day
big ones
so we went to a specialist and got my nose cauterised (chemically burnt)
cauterized? that sounds horrible.
the anesthetic tastes terrible and the taste lasts for days and for the next 1.5 weeks my nose just bleed. Constantly
I thought it was supposed to stop that?
yeah. It's better now, though there's pretty much always blood just up there
Sounds like you went to a real shitty doctor. What country are you from?
I only get it like once or twice a year
it was great because I had it done during exams, too :/
I still need to get braces
Starting to wonder if it's too late, being 21 and all :/
I've got braces, and on New Yer's Eve it will be 1 year
oldest person my orthodontist has ever given braces to was 78
It'll just be awkward graduating with braces
Its not that bad they make clear ones now
you can barely see them
But they're ultra expensive
And I'm pretty sure I need to get my jaw realigned too
they said 10 to 12 months for me, now the reckon this May (17 months)
and I'm in year 11 going to 12
year 12 ball ftw :|
meh, braces are expected in HS :P
Idk where your from but in America everything is so expensive
4th year uni, not so much
and I've got the metal ones (not the white ceramic ones)
apparently when they remove the ceramics, there is a "small chance" that the enamel of your tooth will be ripped off
Oh fun
+ metal is way smoother
But more noticable
and yeah I think it's like +$600 for cermaics
I want one of those new 28nm AMD GPUs
3W power usage when idle
did you see the HP server rack (4 servers) that uses less power than a tablet? :S
But I'm willing to bet it doesn't use Intel or AMD chips :P
AMD chips drink power like crazy, and Intel chips aren't much better
X86 is terrible
nope, ARM :P
"These new units are so efficient that a four core version, packing 4GB DRAM, consumes just five watts at full pelt -- for perspective, that's less than your average tablet."
[Source: Engadget] (engadget.com/2011/11/02/…)
The problem there is that "less than your average tablet" means their CPU draws less than a whole tablet
Screen, sensors, etc. and all
and someone comments "PUT ANDROID ON IT!"
yeah that's true
So even if it's good for a server, it's probably not suited for mobile
naa keep Linux, then I can use Python >:)
also does anyone know about adding an ad programmatically? (without any xml layouts?)
Random question but does anyone here have any experience building a "launcher" app?
@Peter tried looking at the source code for the ICS launcher?
No, but I'd like to :P
@Glitch no i havent ill have to take a look at that
I basically just want my app to be the main activity that runs when the tablet/phone is started and it launches apps from it and when you press home from anywhere it goes back to my app
I've seem some really cool/hacky launchers
Would there be a better way to do what i want than a launcher or is a launcher the way to go?
There might be a blog post about it
@Peter it depends, what exactly are you making?
Well if your app comes up when you press home, it may have to be
Its an app designed to help those with disabilities use tablets
Doesn't ICS already have accessibility?
Yeah but not the way I'm doing it. So basically it launches apps from it with a better interface and usability controls. So i would want it to be running all the time.
I guess that's considered a normal launcher then
so yeah, look at ICS source
Okay. You think it would be difficult? I took a look at the ICS accessibility controls but they seem to be aimed towards those with poor vision mainly
Difficulty depends on what you're implementing
Yeah i suppose... Ive seen a few apps with "driving" modes. Do you know how those work?
I know the car dock apps, but they just fire intents, don't they?
I think so, they lock out the home and back buttons so you cant get out of their app without going through some settings. Thats basically what i want, except i need the app to automatically launch every time the device is started... is there any way to do that?
Auto launch an app on startup that is?
Thank you!
these is one limitation
What's that?
in Android 3.1+ you can't make an app start on boot unless the user has opened the app at least once since installing
Since installing? I mean that is annoying but it could be worse. Its a start so at least until i figure out how to build a launcher app i can have my app auto launch and disable the "home" and "back" buttons so that they cant leave the app.
You can't disable the home button
You can listen for it though and change what it does right?
It's a failsafe button
well you can receive the intent, can't you?
which is how custom launchers work(?)
Launchers need to be declared as launchers
You could do something hacky like build a launcher that is really an app, and then call another launcher to execute
But it's messy
I know launchers need to be declared as launchers but how do driving apps work then? I had one on my phone and it wouldnt go away even if the home button was pressed
It probably acts as a launcher then
But it only starts when you start the app... Is it possible for a launcher to work like that?
Or it does something hacky with system overlays
actually yeah Car Panel on my Incredible S doesn't let you press Home
would Car Dock (app) be in the Android source code?
no idea
I found these two answers when search on SO...
Q: How to disable the home key

pengwangI'd like to lock the screen. I want to disable the home key and only use the back key. How do I accomplish this?

Q: Home button disable

edyimI do know that it is ill advice to take control of the HOME button for users. But I'm developing a android lockdown application for educational purposes. I was browsing the site and came upon this link on disabling the home button. @override public void onAttachedToWindow() { this.getW...

that keyguard looks good
Would either do what I'm looking for?
Huh, I had never heard of the keyguard hack before
should do it
I'd be weary of using this in case Google fix it
how much says it's not in 4? :P
That would suck, I guess by that time i would have my app built as a launcher though
but seriously, given that I don't have a single install on Android 4
I'd say you've got some time
Very true, and are there even many tablets out using Android 4 yet? I'm mainly aiming at the tablet market
Transformer Prime is the first (second, but the first is like a $99 one) and it's not out yet
oh, and it's starting on 3.2
updating "soon after release"
Yeah so i have some time... The Transformer Prime is updating after release or the $99 one?
Prime is
$99 one.... ehh :P
Oh wow, thats lame. So i really have time... when the prime updates ill just go to a store selling it... or just any verizon store with a 4.0 phone, isntall my app, see if it crashes haha
or you could just use an emulator? XD
Well that's no fun at all.
Haha but i guess that would be smart
oh god dammit. Anyone know how to SQL_ESCAPE_STRING ?
If I did I would help you, sorry
I can't believe that, being a web programmer, I didn't think of it
so now if you favourite a post with a ' in it, it crashes
Sucks when you find out the code you worked on for a week doesn't work on most phones
:( why?
I think I'll join @Pyrodante with the whole rage thing...
@ProfSmiles System-wide overlays block sideloading on some ROMs
Thanks for all the help guys @Glitch @ProfSmiles Hopefully some day ill be able to help you guys with your problems when I learn more. I'm going to head to bed because its almost midnight here. I'll catch you guys later
lol, cya
O_o Glitch bai? lol
what? You got something against.... um.... lolcat speak? :P
dodgy spelling of bye :P
ooh, does anyone know lolcode? XD
I don't know :P
haha its an language, never used or heard at all thanks for the info.
there are some seriously weird programming languages, like Brainfuck uses only punctuation and Whitespace, well, you can guess
how do names like this suit the language Brainfuck
oh yeah, Steve Ballmer's autograph :P
I love how to go from 32-bit to 64-bit Windows you need to wipe everything >:(
Wiping is the best feature of Windows
the more I write this app, the less I like MLIA
I'm not sure if I want a Galaxy Nexus
because apparently it has similar build to the SII (plastic), which I can't stand :/
anyone know if someone got Android on the N9 yet? :D
Hello everybody
@ProfSmiles greetings of the day
have you ever worked on android
worked on Android meaning, written an app?
or actually worked with the OS at a lower level?
@ProfSmiles sorry means ndk
ah, na, just normal SDK – MLIA isn't too intensive ;)
@ProfSmiles I've used a GN, it's not as plastic feeling as the GSII
@ProfSmiles not a problem mine is also average :P
really? I might go into Claremont and see if Telstra or Optus have one
of course if I do get a Galaxy Nexus I'll be obliged to update my app to Android 4... :P
I'm surprised your app doesn't already work with 4.0
it does (I think, I've only got my Transformer (3.2) to test), but it's not native
ie. a menu button has to appear and I'm still using a TabView etc
oh I love Engadget; reading their review of ICS:
*Previously, taking screenshots was a lengthy process that involved plugging your phone into a computer, making sure the right software was downloaded and Mars and Jupiter had to be aligned with Mercury in a perfectly straight line in the evening sky.*
I hate Engadget
full of retards who think they can write
really? why?
fair enough
they can make jokes, but that's the extent of their brain capacity
All their good writers left for The Verge
hhmmm, interesting
no expandable storage on the Galaxy Nexus would be annoying
I prefer large inbuilt rather than relying on SD card
last call for anyone who knows how to add an ad with no xml layouts. Otherwise I suppose I'm releasing without ads :/
@Prof Is your MLIA app for real the best one out there?
Have you made the iPhone version?
absolutely ;D
I didn't make the iPhone one
but it's sort of inspired by that
Oh, I know most of your user base :D
all the other Android apps go through the MLIA RSS feed which is like 6 posts long
I mean the commenters of MLIA, I know most of them
the commenters on my app?
no no, the kids who comment on MLIA
ah. Damn. If you knew the commentators on my app I'd tell you to tell them to EMAIL ME :P
1 year 10 months! :P
What's your username?
activatedclone I think
I can't really say mine because I've got stalkers apparently.
I want a HD7970
who's gonna buy me one for Christmas? :P
with all the money I make from these ads (<.< ... >.> ...), sure!
$5 isn't going to get you one :P
I got a laptop for my sister for Xmas... I refused one with Windows 7 because Microsoft supports SOPA.
Christmas Gift?
I thought they pulled their support for SOPA?
They did?
Ah too bad. Last night I checked, they were pro SOPA
There's an official list somewhere
I wonder, if it gets past, do you reckon sites like YouTube will get an international version for people like us @Gl
Sony still support them last I checked
@Glitch, who aren't affected?
There was a Google docs maintained by reddit.
As per that, Microsoft is still on it.
they're just jealous of YouTube [nods head]
Who do you know whether Wifi WPS is supported in android?
what is WPS?
yeah :S
oh, like push the button on your router kind of connecting?
Wi-Fi Protected Setup-->WPS
you mean WPA etc ?
my HTC Incredible S has it
and my Asus Transformer doesn
The native android source code support it or not?
so it seems to be depending on the OEM
OK, thanks. I see
does Test Mode with ads usually mean you can't click it?
or has Preferences stuffed this up? :/
Reno, WPS is more easy than WPA
you know what I find really funny?
anyone know what WEP stands for?
"Wired Equivalent Privacy"
2 hours later…
Woohoo, finally finished this update. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.euphoricsoftware.apps.mlia
Thanks to everyone who helped (off the top of my head, @Glitch, @OctavianDamiean, @Merlin, @Pyrodante)
I helped?!
needsUpdate flag
This is a milestone in my life. I shall cherish this moment for the next 30 seconds!
bahahaha, that's hilarious
‎"One million dollars gets you executive producer credit, on America. I'm not sure what that means, but it will look good on your IMDb"
So true
Word up
word up who where what?
It's totally not worth 13 Trillion just to own the United States of Graeme
Totally not worth owning America at all
god that beep scares the crap out of me – back to "when mentioned" we go methinks
yeah why would you want to own America?
Pretty big harem?
Although Canadians are hotter
You own the land not the people :P
"The Land Is The People" :: I own the people.
@Stagleton you now have voice (sorry for the delay)
Morning Mr Magic Cat
anyone know a good way to sniff POSTDATA in Chrome? :P
oh that means me ... morning @Graeme ^^
I'm trying to make my way through the access requests ... but can't remember who was new ... need to ask Octavian for the list ... how are you today?
What list?
of repeat-offenders
Gahhh, I finished one list, and now I have to make another one...
hates lists
@LBNerdBard you now have voice (sorry about delay)
Anyone know if I can use a dialog builder to make a list of items with checkboxes and icons?
I don't want to do it manually D:
I think there's a built in thing for tickboxes... dunno about the icons
@Glitch Tough.
custom XML I suppose :/
It will be far more work to do it through a dialog builder, I already gave you the code for my custom dialog didn't I?
XML I can handle, it's boring boilerplate code I hate
hmm, you can set the Adapter in AlertDialog
might not be too hard then
Can someone give me a bit of dyslexia help
			touchPadContainer.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

				public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
					return true;
Gives an error saying onTouch() doesn't override a parent
remove @Override ?
delete the method
let eclipse put it back in
you might be overloading rather than overriding
Ah, sorry, both wrong
Compiler defaults itself to 1.5 when I create a new Android Project.
No, I was right, just in an alternate universe.
Stupid ridiculous pile of **** IDE pile of *******. ****.
God damn Eclipse makes me angry with it's stupid bugs sometimes.
Not quite what I was going for
Again, alternate universe.
With infinite universes, it's difficult to determine which one I'm supposed to be in.
Wait, what the hell is wrong with "<fragment>" tags again?
grumbles and is a general scrouge
Can you tell the days when I'm doing functionality I have no interest in actually doing? :)
that's been the last 6 months for me ... as soon as they startede asking me to add things the project ground to a halt
That's why i'm desperately refactoring as I go, so I can hopefully make it as fun to come back to as possible
RAAAAAAGGGGHHH takes hammer to device
I've already broken 3 hammers this month
Finally - god, All I was doing was removing a "module" of code from my main project and creating a new one around it so I could play with it in isolation. Obviously less modular than I thought :/
@Merlin You and me aren't made for software development - it's totally going to kill us.
I think we're fine at software dev ... the problem is that we are not tolerant of poor specs and fussy clients
I dunno - I've got a well designed spec.
I just need to translate my custom keyboard into 7 different languages.
And make it dynamically fit into any space & any device
Well writing software ain't easy ... anybody that tells you that obviously isn't working on a big enough project
Which is not in any way interesting OR fun. Just frustrating. :/
True dat brudda
ooOOOOoooh, Lux has been updated!
I would like to get Lux but it costs money...
Anyone here use ge.tt?
Anyone here know how to further modularise Android code?
@Graeme in what way? like writing a library or something?
Well, the bit of code I pulled out of my app was my custom keyboard. Turn's out it's a pretty hefty portion of my project in terms of resources, drawables, layouts etc etc
And yeah, would love to put it in a library in some way since it's only ever added as a CustomView and interacted with on that level.
Is that possible?
I've put things like that in sepearte packages within a project but not created a library. It is more than likely possible but you'll need to do some research
Here ye go:
Q: Android Jar libraries

Jeremy EdwardsHow do you setup a project that can result in a jar library file that can be used for android? I want to create a custom library across all projects. Few other questions: Does it need to be compiled against a specific version of android sdk? When an android package is compiled against a jar li...

Urgh, no, definitely don't want to involve NDK more than I need to

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