GPS problem: Well, I live in Surabaya, Indonesia and my Droid believes that I'm in Jojakarta, Indonesia. When I use applications like CellFinder or even Google Maps, it shows that I'm in California. <<sigh>>
I'm doing one application like raising email intent by time using AlarmManager. In this app, the Email intent raising by time perfectly. If we set one time for raising Email intent, it'll work.
If we restart the device, before the time of event is reached. Then, the app should be work. But, its...
I hate when you follow a peice of string from functionality to functionality until it hit's a solid brick wall with no features or opening's so you can't see where the hell it went. Probably coded up in a class somewhere.
What are your experiences selling in the Android market? Can you actually make money from a niece app, or do you need to make one of the mainstream top apps in order to earn "decent" money?
I think the bug-fixing process is probably just a once a week, [Python] import random import AndroidErrors # :P print,AndroidErrors.number)) then it's probably "hhhmmm, can I fix this in <10 minutes?"
does anyone know if there's like an onFocusReceived for an activity? (eg. a tab in a TabView) so that I can check if a thing's changed and reload if necessary
ProfSmiles: and "iterating sounds expensive" fullwall: yeah... that's because his code is shitty fullwall: ok fullwall: make a set from the String[] fullwall: iterate the package info fullwall: wait no fullwall: ugh fullwall: just tell him to fix his shit code fullwall: it's going to be slow no matter what
I have two collections of the same object, Collection<Foo> oldSet and Collection<Foo> newSet. The required logic is as follow:
if foo is in(*) oldSet but not newSet, call doRemove(foo)
else if foo is not in oldSet but in newSet, call doAdd(foo)
else if foo is in both collections bu...
@JasonVinson well it's adding favourites to a DB from one activity, but going to the activity in the TabView that lists the favourites doesn't show the new favourite if it's already loaded
@ProfSmiles this doesn't seem like a difficult problem
when you add favorites to the DB, set a global flag 'dataChanged' to true. Next time you access the list, check the flag and if true, call notifyDataSetChanged();