So if I have a range of numbers '0 - 1024' and I want to bring them into '0 - 255', the maths would dictate to divide the input by the maximum the input will be (1024 in this case) which will give me a number between 0.0 - 1.0. then multiply that by the destination range, (255).
Which is what I ...
What You Need To Do Is Create Your Variables In A Module As Private Then Generate Some Assessors for Them Example
Module modVariables
Private strUserNoSTR as String = New String(String.Empty)
Public Property getUserNoSTR() As String
Return strUserNoSTR
End Get
@CCInc Looks like the problem is with your calculation of the X coordinate. By adjusting that, I can get it into a more or less matched arc, but it still doesn't correspond completely
@RaghavSood My logic is that by dividing the width of the arc and the length of the arc by the same number, I can get the x coordinate where they both are split evenly. I'm confusing myself just talking about it..
It's a pretty sound logic, except you'd probably have more success by taking your radius, the same starting point, rotating the canvas through 12 degrees every iteration, and taking the perpendicular up from the point to the length of the radius and drawing a line +/- tuner length from there
If you keep the same radius, every rotation will get you a point on your circle
From there, draw one half of the line going up, and one half going down
guys - if I need to work on some projects that are still with gradle 0.14.x plugin (some people on team still use IDEA) - how do I setup things not to modify build.gradle and gradle wrapper ?
this is totally not-applicable looks like there's no valid solution for this so far soon IDEA should release version with 1.0.0 gradle plugin support
whan IDE/editor to use for editin C/C++ code while writing stuff for Android NDK? AS doesn't provide proper syntax highlighting and code completion (((
I didn't hear the shot, was out getting a pack of smokes when I think it happened or had my headphones on when talking to China. But when I was playing on my xbox one when I thought I heard cats fighting or a lady screaming. Muted it, didn't hear anything, started playing again, heard it again, muted it, no more screaming. so just ignored it.
@MiguelRochefort normally we only allow people with a decent number of Android answers in here, but you seem to have decent Windows phone experience. Your request for access is granted, please read the room rules