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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

(-_-)zzZ Good day
How are you @Cjames
hats are back..
(-_-) lack of sleep
still no comment on them @LawGimenez
Really, sucks
Yeah still no comment from them, Gonna find another again
How about yo u@LawGimenez
Im on Christmas vacation mode haha
eating a lot?
Sort of yes haha
Havent code in a week, it's a good thing I get to get a time off
on the other hand, when you get back to work you won't remember a thing of what you were doing
"how do I declare a variable?"
Hopefully that won't happen.
it will
not as severe as my example, but it will
if it doesn't, you haven't fully enjoyed your days off
If I could still remember, it also means the codebase is quite good
there's a chance...
Oh i think it will take a weeks from them because of the christmas vacation
It's a good measure on how good the codebase is
Islamic terrorists are keeping people hostage in Sydney :( mobile.abc.net.au/news/2014-12-15/…
Oh god help them
I think 'god' has done enough damage already
well damn terrorist
hoping for the hostages safety
gonna call the terminator
Australian police are well trained, so hopefully everything ends up okay
My sister works about 100m away
Often goes to the cafe where the hostages are
She's safe at home though.
Still, was super worried for a while there.
Do we know who is in there?
Other than the workers, all pretty unknown at the moment.
How does this terrorist penetrate sydney
Holy crap just about gave myself a heart attack when I realized my streak on GitHub was broken
Fact: terrorists suck!
Then I realized I'd been neglecting to push changes, so yeah, fixed.
I also forgot to get a picture of my 1,337 contribution day...
FACT: not all muslims are terrorist
FACT: Cjames is actually a terrace-ist trying to convince you the terrace-ists aren't actually terrace-ists.
what is terrace-ist means?
I can confirm that CJames is really a terrace-ist
FACT: I don't know what a terrace-ist is
FACT: I agree with Cjames although, no one here said they were, afaik
FACT: a lot of facts have been brought up in here lately so the room name is now officially changed to Encyclopedia Room
FACT: the last part of that last fact is not actually a true fact
FACT: "fact" is one of those words that sound strange the more you read it
yeah FACT it
don't know what terrace-ist means guys
2 hours later…
Yo People!
yo Naruto-Kun
Yo Cjames-San ^^
You need to call Google's Account Services hotline for that...and ask to talk with Mr. Page, he is really helpful. — Emmanuel 1 min ago
This has to be one of the worst answers out there for this topic
it has the worst of both worlds
@codeMagic you will love it
A: Android HttpGet android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException

Ademyou should not do your network operations on main thread. because, your main thread can wait long times without updating ui. but if you still want to do that, you can use this code before starting network operations @SuppressLint("NewApi") private static void setupPolicy(){ if (android.os.Bu...

please downvote away. I do not typically downvote answers but this one...this one is special
Downvoted the question too
It's obviously lack of research for the part of dude asking the question
that dude still arguing...
when you do some network stuff inside doinbackground without runonuithread, it crashes because of wrong thread exception. even it should work not on ui thread — Adem 3 mins ago
at least he is not parsing html with regex…
at least he is not refreshing ListView with startActivity()
look at his last statement:
it gives wrong thread exception for network operations, no for ui. I dont do anything about ui in there. I try to say, its thread pool can be broken and doinbackground can be run on ui thread, even it is not supposed. — Adem 2 mins ago
it looks like a trolling
and that guy asking how to decrypt WhatsApp messages?
he asked how to create an account on the phone and I directed him to Google's Account Services hotline
That dude is trippin and trollin...
Maybe high..
His answer is the worst
Law, you mean, he is on weed?
Yep. Dude's on kush
never heard this meaning before…
not only he suggests changing the ThreadPolicy but also he recommends using runOnUiThread() inside doInBackground()
Hahaha! Common Serge
So got rejected because I dont know PhoneGap! My 3 years of Android experience is just bullshit to them.
The hell is PhoneGap
PhoneGap developer = Web developer
PhoneGap is a tool for web developers so they can say they are Android devs
using WebView and javascript on Android for everything is sick…
are always the answers/questions at this time this bad?
Haha he didnt answer back at you Emmanuel
2 hours later…
o/ Morning!
hey Pedro how are you ?
Fine thanks :) you?
fine too :)
I just discovered that there are .agency domain name
Collect all the hats ^.^
So much for "81779: emulator log on Studio doesn't work on Windows" fix.....
these pedega people are so full of bullshit
led by a man that has been 3 years behind bars, and convicted for dealing with cocaine, and claiming to preserve the christian values of germany
it's just disgusting
What is this S**t
you've changed the file outside the IDE
and now you need to refresh to see the changes
nope I did a copy/past
Better click show difference and see what's the difference between the system file and the IDE
Probably some line feeds or something
yeap I did the same
basecally AS has become genius ...
and when you did copy/past
Ahmad, have you seen the "Die Anstalt" about the leader of the Pegida?
you need to ctrl+s first after you can did changes
Lol I was just watching that!
the complete show is AWESOME
btw "heute show" was awesome as well!
That was amazing.
Haven't seen the new heute show yet, have to do that as well
.. worspace.xml has changed reload project :S
It's so ironic that this guy flew to south africa because he was convicted. SO IRONIC.
I told that AS has become ..
always the same: the guy at the leading position is the worse
Yeah you have to be a massive douche to lead a mob of angry closet-racists
the problem is the obvious: most people are just "mitläufer"
they don't think, they just follow
plus, like claus wagner said, who are they fucking protesting against?
have you ever been to dresden?
that town has no immigrants
oh man the rest of the episode is just awesome.
@Glitch is from sydney?
makes me sad though, but that's how it is.
"... sie haben nur arrogant mit dem Kopf geschüttelt, soweit man einen Kopf halt schütteln kann, der bis zum Hals im Arsch der Amerikaner steckt."
I think Glitch is not from Sydney
I think he is
any news on the situation there? Last I heard was that there was 4 possible bombs placed....
yeah, a cafe is under siege
hm... obvious I am wrong
save change .. restart AS .. save change gone :S
@netpork Yes I am
@WarrenFaith That's bullshit. There's absolutely no information on any bombs
Seems like overseas news outlets are making shit up
Probably, just what I read
The police are not revealing anything at all
> Australian television's "Ten News" has managed to speak to two hostages. They seemed completely dissolved. They said the kidnappers wanted to speak with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. He also wished that you deliver him a flag of the terrorist militia "Islamic State". The armed kidnappers claimed to have placed two bombs in the café.
thats translated what a news site reported in Germany
how I hate these radical idiots
too bad it's summer...
pff people from other side ;_;
it's freezing yo
YOU are on the other side
I am frozen at this moment
I am enjoying a very cold beverage, with my feet in the sand and looking at the sea
@WarrenFaith All we know is that there are at least 1 armed personnel, and less than 30 hostages. 5 escaped or were freed. The media have all spoken to the hostages to get demands from within the cafe, but they have not been allowed to publish the demands. Aussie media isn't like US media where they are okay allowing everyone to die for the ad revenue.
There's no talk of bombs, no idea if he's associated with any terror groups, and no other incident outside the cafe.
gui :0
I'm not...
I see
well most of our media works the same, they, in general, keep the mouth shut if the police tell them they would risk a person
Just watched that. SCIENCE!
I was about to say that, too
I knew that video already and it is amazing to see what science can do for a human
Why don't they have Summer Bash?
because they expect people to go outside on summer
people don't go outside
it's an ancient myth
And people wear caps in summer :P
nice, IBM knows how Java works:
> if(intent.getAction() == "com.xtify.sdk.EVENT_NCK"){
everyone is wearing crown
not me because I give a damn about hats
bitbucket is down?
not here
the site is up, but AndroidStudio and Xcode can't push
no error ?
could not read from remote repository
I just did a push
I pushed to one of these 2 repos earlier today
there are something miss in your permissions
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
Q: Cannot push to git repository on bitbucket

Jason DahlI made a new repository and I'm running into a strange error. I've used git before on bitbucket but I just reformatted and now I can't seem to get git to work. After doing a commit, I had to add my email and name to the globals, but then it commited just fine. When I try to use the command: gi...

I didn't change anything
and as I said, I pushed a few minutes earlier
ssh key is set up correctly
pushing from CLI says
> ssh: connect to host bitbucket.org port 22: Operation timed out
but also suggests checking the access rights
can you please try this command? ssh -v [email protected]
the .. can't be established
it was the network
I connected to another and it's ok now
So, I'm trying to change the background color of a button... now, I have a <shape> (drawable) and a <color> (under res/values). But if I try to put my defined color as the <solid android:color="@color/mine"/>, Android tells me that it "failed to convert into a ColorStateList"...
If I try to build a colorStateList with my own color, it won't let me use the color, saying that "<item> tag requires a 'drawable' attribute or child tag defining a drawable"
this can't be that hard, can it
Gui why you put me over your head ?
guys, how can I make my wifi tablet simulate a lower quality connection like 3G?
\o cM
nevermind, I used my phone's hotspot
How's $500 for making a pretty simple app that won't take more than a couple of days?
Android version of an existing iOS game
@RaghavSood sounds cheap to me. Are you taking the contract?
Also, any ideas on my question up there?
couple of days?
ask for a slice of the revenue too
Considering it. The guy asking me to is another kid like me.
500 is not enough
@LukasKnuth Not sure about the colour. Try defining it as a drawable?
Are the specs frozen and understood?
@RaghavSood the color?
As in, define the colour as a drawable, and then use that for the colour value in the state list
Yep. Specs are frozen. Copying of the iOS game, no more. Game itself is pretty simple
No animations, no AIs, nothing. Just a state machine
Ahh yeah. Color. My British English is getting up here :D
how do you make a color "into" a drawable?
Ahh. I got confused
You should directly be able to use @color where it asks for an @drawable
Does this help?
$500 for a couple of days is too less
as a freelancer in Germany you can and should charge not less than 90€/h
nope. it won't let me...
Well, I say couple of days because that's when I'd be able to deliver it finally taking into account my other stuff. The project itself won't take more than 3-4 hours
@WarrenFaith "is too less" sounds odd... "is not enough" ??
Both "is too less" and "is not enough" should be fine grammatically :)
Latter is slightly more formal though, in tone of voice
> Enough with grammar and syntax!
How about "insufficient" then :P
Why not just "insufficient" then? :P
"too damn little"
ugh... I'm gonna shoot myself...
cM :D
I don't care. It is not even enough to be too little of too less
@RaghavSood the name of the color was login.activity.button-background, the - is not allowed and nobody told me...
Yeah. the errors for that don't really show up
no.... no, they don't
I spend half a day trying to figure out the same thing in asset names once
Error only showed up when I tried to compile from command line
wait, – is not allowed in assets? - or –?
I don't think so
em dash might be allowed, haven't tried
Hyphens aren't
- – — ...
There's three sizes? o.O
hyphen, en dash, em dash
anybody know the name of the "swipe-something-to-left/right-to-perform-an-action"-List that google uses in the inbox app?
swipelistview I think
A: android listview swipe to delete like in gmail app

daniel_c05Roman Nurik from the Android Developer Team created a SwipeToDismiss Listener you can implement, it is open sourced here.

Nurik made one
Open source, too
I use that one ^
Just make sure to return true where needed so you don't want to stab yourself in the eye with a fork when it doesn't work ah, precious memories
yo, tgm
OK... I should change this damn recyclerview shit to listview
I didn't know this did not extend ListView
Why not just do your recyclerview shit correctly?
TGM, what happened to your head ?
it's on fire
I don't have any hats :(
I don't need any hats :)
I come back from vacation and there are boxes on the front desk labeled, "Take one and enjoy its contents". I'm told there are cookies in them. I guess our Christmas bonus came early this year
Looks... jewish
when you find it ?
Guys do you know what size the text should be in Navigation Drawer.?
it should be the right size...
Yeah :)
and in SP
but some official numbers ,,,
the rest is up to you
Roboto Medium, 14sp, #FFFFFF
Roboto Regular, 14sp, #FFFFFF
List item: Roboto Medium, 14sp, 87% #000000
Subheader: Roboto Medium, 14sp, 54% #000000. Aligns to the 16dp keyline.
Thanks. I was looking at the old page.
posted on December 15, 2014 by Dan Lew

A common pattern in Android is to use View.setVisibility() to swap widgets in your hierarchy. Unfortunately, in Lollipop, there is a risk of running afoul of the new RippleDrawable when doing so. Let's look at a sample project. It swaps the visibility of two Buttons when they are clicked. Here it is in action: That's odd... why is the ripple effect displaying when a Button appears, rath

nothing more tedious than implementing a ListAdapter... for the 100th time
you still don't have your generic base class?
hm... I don't use a more generic one than the BaseAdapter
90% of the stuff is done in getView which is barely possible to generify
> "Shit." - Lukas Knuth
I have confirmed they are cookies
some cases can benefit from a more specialized generic base class
and it's possible to somewhat generify what happens in getView…
that's a lot of cookies
if you use a ViewHolder, you will need to make it generic, too, and make Adapter aware of it
@SargeBorsch yeah, pretty hard to do that though...
and of course you use a holder, like every good boy should
then basically you can have 1 generic adapter and pass an implementation of viewholder, which will have only the parts that really differ
go away ratchet
probably I can show some code, but it's in C# and I need to make sure I'm allowed to share these bits
You're allowed. I grant you permission
Is that a nexus 9? 2448x3264
We have a generic base adapter for our RecyclerView. I'm considering tossing it out, it causes more headaches than help when we need to implement a sectioned adapter, which as it turns out is most of our lists =\
Q: Designing new BaseAdapter Pattern in Android

Christopher RucinskiUPDATED: No more error present! Please comment on the pattern itself now. The pros and cons. What you like, what you don't. What can be fixed. Still don't understand why I did this...the let me know (but read my post below) I have been working on creating a new design pattern for BaseAdapters i...

it can be used either with a viewholder, or without (if there's nothing to hold, for example)
this is for Xamarin.Android, though
but I'm pretty sure something similar is possible in Java
it's only for "simple" lists, though
in our case they are just prevalent
I love how google just removes drawables from their appcompat lib
in Analytics do I have to notify the server that I've "closed/minimized" the app ?
BREAKING Seven more have escaped, shots fired
seems it escalated in Sydney
been coding for 3 hours now, never once compiled or tested it... cross your fingers people!
which one? the normal greyish one?
normal progressbar with style infinite
@WarrenFaith Yeah it's looking pretty serious now :(
infinite... let me try it
Actually, seems there was no gunfire, it was police storming the building. The media aren't close enough to actually know what's going on - they're unreliable
Probably smoke grenades
Just hope for the best
Most reliable news: abc.net.au/news/abcnews24
was looking for that stream but just found the written articles
is it known how many people are there?
At least, not to the public
The police are keeping all info secret
these flashes.... damn if that was gunfire there were quite some clips emptied...
People are saying concussion grenades.
didn't know that these flash nades have multiple rapid charges
More than one?
It's speculation
But it makes more sense than gunfire
I am just crossing fingers and hope no hostage or policeman was injured
the flashes were quite rapid...
this "answer" is worth linking again...
A: Android HttpGet android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException

Ademyou should not do your network operations on main thread. because, your main thread can wait long times without updating ui. but if you still want to do that, you can use this code before starting network operations @SuppressLint("NewApi") private static void setupPolicy(){ if (android.os.Bu...

@WarrenFaith Hmm, probably a flashbang actually
it is THE worst I have seen for NetworkOnMainThread related stuff in a long time
@Emmanuel seriously? it's 2014 and people have still not jumped off that shit?
that guy even has a 1k+ rep
look at the comments...it gets even better...
@WarrenFaith No need to worry, NSW Police just declared the seige over
Warren, I needed to set this in the progress bar: android:indeterminate="true"
can we please nuke this answer into oblivion?!
voted to delete
you should too warren
Well, it ain't pretty but finally got a hat
Ah I missed that we can do that for answers as well
> deleted by Ahmad, Raghav Sood, WarrenFaith 21 secs ago
Rezoom is greeting the "room 15 army" :D
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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